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Page 21

by Amy DeMeritt

  “You are welcome to come over whenever you want. But I have to warn you. I start to turn into a grouch after a few days of medical leave. It’s hard for me to accept that I’m broken and unable to be there for my crew while they’re going into life threatening situations. I worry about them. And the more the days drag on, the worse the stress gets and the more useless I feel.”

  “I accept the challenge of keeping you out of that dark place while you’re healing.” She hops up with a grin and twirls on her heels to face Ashton, causing an eruption of flutters in Ashton’s stomach. “What would you like for lunch? Gloria said she stocked your fridge and freezer, so I can cook something or I can order something.”

  “I bet half of my fridge is coconut water.”

  They walk to the kitchen together, and as Ashton opens the fridge, she laughs hard, which causes her to bend over in pain from contracting her incision. Skylar grabs her shoulders and eases her back up to an upright position.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Stupid broken body.” She points into the fridge. “Coconut water. It’s Gloria’s favorite drink and she’s always complaining that I’m running out before I restock. Well, at least she stocked a couple of cases of beer too.”

  “Can you drink with your medicine?”

  “I’m not on any opioids, so I should be okay, but I guess I need to look at the warnings. Gloria wouldn’t have bought me beer if I can’t have it. She’s always good about checking that stuff for me because I sometimes forget.”

  Skylar walk a few paces and picks up the prescription detail sheets off of the counter and laughs. She holds them up for Ashton to see the sticky note Gloria affixed to the top of the first pamphlet. It reads, “Yes, you can drink, baby. Just don’t have more than a couple at a time.”

  “See, she’s great. How does stir fry over rice sound?”

  “Sounds delicious. You,” she grabs Ashton’s hips and guides her away from the fridge to lean against the counter, “stand here and I’m going to do everything.”

  “Oh, you think that’s how this is going to work, do you?” She grabs Skylar’s hips and turns them, pushing Skylar’s back against the counter. “I’m cooking for you.”

  With a small laugh, she tries to trade places again. “But that was not the arrangement.” Ashton’s grip is firm. Skylar laughs again and looks up into Ashton’s eyes. “Gloria will not be happy if you don’t let me do this for you.”

  “Pulling the Gloria-card on me. That’s playing dirty. Alright, let’s compromise. We’ll work together.”

  “Deal.” She perks up and gives Ashton a kiss on the lips. “Do you have a rice cooker?”

  “I do. It’s in the cabinet behind your bottom.”

  “My bottom? Most people just say ass.”

  “Alright, the rice cooker is behind your ass.”

  Skylar laughs as she turns in Ashton’s hands. As she grabs the cabinet door and starts to bend over, Ashton quickly backs up. Heat rises in her chest and the nerves between her thighs burst to life, causing her insides to contract. Her eyes are glued to Skylar’s small round ass and the beautiful sliver of her lightly tanned lower back. As she stands upright, Skylar looks side to side, then sets the rice cooker down on the counter near the power outlet.

  “Where is your rice?”

  Ashton doesn’t answer, and as Skylar turns to look at her, she licks her lips and smiles really big. Ashton quickly looks up from admiring Skylar’s ass and legs and blinks hard as she clears her throat.

  “What? Did you say something?”

  “Rice – where is it?”

  “Oh, in, uh,” she points above Skylar, “in that cabinet. It’s a kind of up high, so,” she walks forward, “I should get it.”


  Skylar moves only a couple of inches, just enough to allow Ashton to stand right up next to her and open the cabinet. Ashton groans in pain from stretching her ribs as she extends her arm to the top shelf, and Skylar places a hand on her lower back for support.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, stupid broken body.”

  “Okay, really,” she takes the bag of rice and grabs Ashton’s hips, turning her to rest against the counter, “you’re going to let me do this today. You can muscle me into sharing kitchen duty another day, but not today.”

  Ashton hums with a grin, teasing, “Playing the boss-card now. I approve. I’ll back down.”

  With affection and a bit of pride glimmering in her eyes and curling her beautiful lips, Skylar says, “Good,” and gently glides a hand over Ashton’s abs as she steps away.

  As she opens the fridge and bends over to look through the produce drawers, Ashton inhales deeply as her eyes scan her beautifully feminine side profile.

  From the first day Skylar came to see her at the firehouse, she has been very attracted to the young woman. But she had pushed the thoughts and feelings aside because she was with Erin. But since Erin dumped her and Gloria has given her blessing, Ashton has been allowing herself to feel that attraction completely.

  The past few days have been a bit painful and frustrating because of her injuries, but they have also been pretty nice. Having Skylar visit her every day has been like cool salve on a burn, helping to heal her ego and broken heart. She can sense a genuine interest from Skylar and that feels pretty damn good.

  But she is also very cautious. Skylar is half her age, and just because her parents are okay with them being friends doesn’t mean they would be okay with them dating. She also doesn’t want to get involved with Skylar if she’s just looking for a fling. They’ve talked quite a bit the last couple of days about why things didn’t work with Erin and what Ashton is looking for. She hopes that Skylar understands and respects all of that and doesn’t make a move on her unless she’s ready to try a committed relationship.

  “Okay, I need a cutting board, knife, and a frying pan.”

  “Do I have permission to get those items for you, or do you just want me to tell you where they are?”

  “You may get them, but only if you’re not going to hurt yourself.”

  Ashton nods as she steps away from the counter and retrieves the requested items.

  “Can I get you a drink while you work? Would you care for a beer?”

  “Sure, beer sounds good.”

  Ashton grabs two beers from the fridge and uses a firetruck bottle opener magnet to open them. She looks at the firetruck with a bit of longing, but before she can get too deep in thought, Skylar takes it and tosses it in the drawer next to the fridge.

  “No dark place today.” She takes one of the beers and clinks rims with Ashton before they take a sip together. “Now, back to your spot over there against the counter.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  As she’s walking across the kitchen, her cellphone chimes in her pocket with a new message. She pulls her phone out and while she takes a sip of beer, she unlocks it with her other hand.

  Erin: Hey, I just wanted to make sure you got home okay. Do you need anything? I can bring you lunch or come over tonight and make you dinner. I’m happy to do both, if you want.

  She exhales hard through her nose and rubs the back of her neck. Skylar looks over, looking between the phone and Ashton’s face, which looks stressed and uncertain.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, no, it’s just Erin asking if I got home okay and if I need anything.”

  “Well, do you?”


  “Do you need anything from her?”

  Ashton sets the phone down on the counter without answering and runs a hand over her face. Skylar walks over and places a hand on her cheek and one on her hip.

  “Hey, talk to me.”

  “Breakups suck, but they’re the worst when it’s with someone you consider one of your best friends. There’s this layer of betrayal and pain that just blankets both sides of the coin. You can’t just flip the coin over and only see the one side, not right away anyway. It takes time for the filth to was
h away so the friendship side can shine through again.”

  “So, what do you need? Do you need her to give you space so you can get over the breakup and learn how to just be friends again?”

  “I do and I don’t. The double-sided coin thing is really tricky. On one side, I need to get over the breakup, but on the other side, I know I need my friends close to get through this stupid medical leave.”

  “If I can pull the extra weight, do you still need her during your medical leave?”

  Ashton grins as she wraps her arms around Skylar’s waist. “I have no doubt you can provide me with a bounty of distractions from my medical leave. Are you asking me to distance myself from Erin?”

  “I would never ask you to give up something or someone you think you need. Well, except drugs, alcohol, or gambling if those became a problem for you.” She quirks an eyebrow, and teases, “Do you have a gambling problem, Lieutenant?”

  “I can honestly say I’ve never had a vice like that. Well, actually…” She clears her throat and runs a hand over her face. Skylar pulls her hand away and gives her a quizzical look. “There have been a couple of times during our relationship over the past three-years that Gloria would argue Erin was my vice. I nearly lost my job a few times because of it.”

  “A little too hot for the firehouse?” Ashton bursts with a hard laugh, which causes her to bend forward in pain. Skylar holds her head on her shoulder, saying, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t make you laugh so hard.” She runs a hand over her head and the back of her neck while her other hand holds her lower back. “Is Erin still a vice for you? Do you still want to sleep with her?”

  “No. I know sleeping with her again is unhealthy for me and doesn’t align with what I know I need.”

  “Then what are you worried about? Why was it so hard to answer her text?”

  Ashton lifts her head off of her shoulder, but Skylar keeps her hand on the back of her head, keeping them close together. “I don’t know how to answer her. I don’t actually need anything at the moment. She asked if she could bring me lunch or cook dinner tonight. But you’re here now and Gloria will be here tonight.”

  “Then that’s what you tell her. Unless… are you afraid to tell her I’m here?”

  Ashton’s brow pinches, as she asks, “Why would you think that?”

  “I just think it’s a weird coincidence that she dumped you the night they found us asleep on the couch.”

  “Ah, you picked up on that?” Skylar smiles sympathetically and starts massaging the back of Ashton’s neck and through her hair. “It didn’t actually have anything to do with that, but it was the catalyst for her decision. I’m not a cheater, and she knows that.”

  Ashton explains the events of the night Erin dumped her while Skylar holds her close and runs her fingers through her hair, over her neck, and rubs her shoulders under her tee shirt. Skylar’s touch and the caring look in her light brown eyes are incredibly relaxing and comforting and exactly what Ashton needs right now.

  “So, what are you going to tell her, Ash? Are you going to hide that I’m here?”

  “No, I’ll tell her.”

  “Good, because I’m not ashamed to be here and I don’t want you to be ashamed that I’m here.”

  She leans in and softly presses her lips against Ashton’s for several heart throbbing moments. As she pulls away, she slides her hands from the back of her head over her cheek and down her neck to the top of her chest.

  “I’m going to finish lunch.”

  Skylar holds her eyes affectionately as she steps away then turns back to the cutting board to cut vegetables. Ashton just wants to pull Skylar back into her arms, but after watching her cut a bell pepper, she picks up her phone to answer Erin.

  Ashton: Yes, I’m home and doing pretty good. Gloria helped me shower and dress and stocked my fridge and freezer. Skylar is here and we’re making lunch together. Gloria will be back tonight to make dinner and help me change. She’ll probably be spending the night. Anyway, I’m good, but thanks for asking.

  Erin: I’m glad you’re home safe and doing well. I know you have Gloria and Skylar, but if you need anything – if you just need another friend, I’m here. I know I hurt you, Ash, but I really hope we can still be friends like we always have been – minus the sex, of course. I accept that condition of our friendship.

  Ashton: Yeah, I’d really like us to be friends.

  Erin: Thank you. I’ll check in with you later.

  She sets her phone down on the counter and picks up her beer. As she takes a swig, Skylar looks over with a serene smile that makes her smile around the mouth of the bottle. Her chest swells with warmth and happiness, causing giddiness to erupt in her stomach.

  Gloria was right, as always. Skylar has feelings for her, but she’s patient – she’s giving Ashton the time she needs to allow this to develop while she gets over Erin. She’s not swooping in like a vulture to just take what she wants.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “Alright, you ready for this?”

  Skylar hops on the balls of her feet smiling with her bottom lip between her teeth. “Yes, I’m ready.”

  Ashton releases a small laugh as she punches in the code for the lock then opens the door to the large, temperature and humidity-controlled storage unit. Skylar gasps as she walks inside and paces in front of the rows of stacked plastic storage bins full of vinyl records.

  “Holy shit. Ash, this is unbelievable. I have never a private collection this massive before.” She runs her fingers over the labels on the long plastic totes. “You organized them by year of production. Ash, this box is labeled 1950’s. This entire box is from the fifties? There has to be at least a hundred records in here.”

  “There’s around a hundred and fifty in each and I believe there are twenty-eight bins.”

  “Holy shit. Can I look inside?”

  “Why do you think I told you to bring a record player over? I can’t actually help you lift or move the boxes around, but you’re welcome to look through them. If you find something that sparks your interest, we can take them home and listen to them.”

  “I wish I had brought gloves with me. I can’t believe I’m about to open a box of records from the fifties. Ash, please tell me you have insurance for this collection.”

  “I pay for the insurance the storage facility offers. I think it covers like three-grand or something.”

  Skylar looks up with wide eyes and a slack jaw as she releases a guttural choking sound. She quickly stands up and shakes her head vigorously. “Are you kidding me? Please, tell me you’re joking. Ash, this box alone is worth tens of thousands of dollars, if not hundreds of thousands, or more.” She quickly walks to the doorway to see if anyone is nearby, then walks back in and lowers her voice. “Ash, depending on what’s in this collection, you could be sitting on records that go for hundreds of thousands for just one record. I am not even exaggerating. I’ve read about records going for millions.”

  “What do you think I should do about it?”

  “I don’t know. This is kind of scary.” She looks around the storage unit with her hands on her head. “You would need an appraiser to look at the collection and catalogue it to come up with a value for a proper insurance policy. But if you bring an appraiser in here and they let the word out about what you have, I would be seriously concerned about someone stealing the collection. The appraiser would also be highly motivated to encourage you to sell off anything that is of substantial worth.”

  “Why would they want me to sell?”

  “Most personal property appraisers run auction sales or are in business with auction houses. The commission they could make off of these is potentially astronomical.” She lowers her voice. “The kind of money people kill for. Ash, this is… When you told me the collection is huge, I never even imagined something so… Shit, this is crazy.” She takes a few steps around looking at the years on the boxes. “Did your mom like the Beatles?”

  “Oh, yeah, of course. She bought two of each
of their albums just in case she wore one out.” Ashton laughs a little. “She never did though.”

  “You have brand new, never played Beatles records in this collection?” She puts her hands on her head again. “My head is going to explode. Those sell for like…” She thinks for a moment. “Twenty maybe thirty-thousand, if not more. And if they’ve never been played… Shit.”

  Ashton just laughs a little as she watches Skylar walk around with her mind blown. She actually already knew the collection was valuable, but she didn’t keep the collection because it’s worth money. She kept the collection because it brought her mother great joy.

  “So, as a collector, what would you do?”

  “Oh, my god, I have no idea. The most valuable record in my collection cost me two-hundred-dollars. That’s nothing compared to this. I definitely don’t think you should allow an appraiser to see this entire collection. No one should know you have this unless you are ready to part with all or most of it.”

  “Do you think I should part with all of it?”

  Skylar spins on her heels with a look of pure horror, and blurts, “No! Are you kidding me? Ashton, this was your mother’s collection. You can’t just give all of it away. Even if you don’t listen to them, you should at least keep some of them just for her. I’m not even recommending selling any of them. But you do need a better insurance policy for them. Okay, I should think on this more, but to get an insurance policy, you don’t actually have to provide them with a full catalogue. If you want to just estimate what you think the value is, you can get a policy for that amount and then keep the catalogue for yourself. You would need pictures of everything and a list of each record with as much details as possible. An adjustor would then be able to confirm with an appraiser if your claim is worthy for them to pay out. If we do some research, we might actually be able to find an appraiser who’s able to keep their mouth shut about the collection. You could always have a lawyer work up some kind of confidentiality agreement. Shit, this is insane. Let me think about this.”


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