Blood and Faith
Page 46
and Arabic language
and expulsion
Muslim population
and Reconquista
Castillo, Alonso del
Castro, Américo
Castro, Francisco de
Castro y Quiñones, Pedro Vaca de, archbishop of Granada
Catalans, contemporary
Catalina laws
and expulsion
Muslim population in
Catechism for the Instruction of Newly
Converted Moors
Catherine of Lancaster
Católica impugnación (Talavera)
Cellorigo Oquendo, Martín González de
Cervantes, Miguel de
Chacón, Alfonso
Charles I of Castile and Aragon. See also Charles V, Emperor
Charles II, King
Charles V, Emperor
and assimilation of Valencia Moriscos
war against Ottoman Turks
Cherokee Indians and Trail of Tears
children, Morisco
Churchill, Winston
Churruca, Juan de
CIA World Factbook
El Cid (Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar)
Cirot, Georges
Cisneros, Francisco Jiménez de
Clement VII, Pope
Cluny, Benedictine abbey of
Cock, Enrique
Columbus, Christopher
Compañero, Juan
Compostela, Santiago de
Comunero rebellion
Confraternity of the Cross
Conservación de monarquias (Conservation of Monarchies) (Navarrete)
Constantinople, fall of
Convento de la Encarnación
Conversos (“New Christians”)
Córdoba, Francisco de
Córdoba, Gaspar de
Córdoba, Gonzalo de
Córdoba, Juan de
Córdoba and Converso crisis
Córdoba Caliphate
“Córdoba martyrs,”
Corral y Rojas, Antonio
of Algiers
and Britain
and Valencia
Cortés, Hernán
Cottingham, Lord Francis
Council of State (Philip II)
Council of State (Philip III)
Council of Trent (1542–1563)
Counter-Reformation Spain
Creswell, Joseph
Criado, Marcos
Cromer, Lord
Crónica de los moros de españa (Chronicle of the Moors of Spain) (Bleda)
Dadson, Trevor
Danvila y Collado, Manuel
dar al-harb (“zone of hostility”)
dar al-Islam (“zone of Islam”)
Daunce, Edward
Davila y Toledo, Gómez
De Haereticis an sint persecuendi (Whether Heretics Should Be Persecuted) (Castellio)
Defensio Fidei (Defense of the Faith) (Bleda)
Departure of the Moriscos from the port of Valencia (Oromig painting)
deportation of Granadan Moriscos
Deza, Pedro de
Dialogue of the Dogs (Cervantes)
Díaz, Diego
Díaz de Vivar, Rodrigo (El Cid)
Die Welt (German newspaper)
Digby, John
Doblet, Damián
Dominican “dogs of God,”
Don John of Austria
Don Juan (Lord Byron)
Don Quixote (Cervantes)
Dos Aguas, Marquis of
Dragut (Turgut) (kapudan pasha)
Drake, Francis
Duarte, Josu
al-Dughali, Said Ben Faraj
Dumas, Alexandre
Dutch privateers
Edict of Nantes
Edict of Saint-Germain
Edward I of England
Efectiva (Valencian militia)
elches (foreigner)
Encinas, Sebastian de
El Encubierto (the Hidden One)
Enrique IV
Escolano, Gaspar
Espinosa, Diego de
Estaments Militar
Estéban Calderón, Serafín
Estevan, Joseph, the bishop of Orihuela
Estoria de 754 (Chronicle of 754)
Estoria de España (Chronicle of Spain)
European Union
Exile of Tunis
accounts of the exodus
aftermath and repercussions
and Morisco children
and the Papacy
and Philip
Philip’s pre-expulsion policies/
returns to Spain
and women
Expulsión Justificada de los Moriscos
(Justified Expulsion of the Moriscos)
(Aznar Cardona)
Fable of the War of Titans
Fajardo, Luis
Fallaci, Oriana
Farax Aben Farax
farda (tax payment)
Farnesse, Alexander
Ferdinand III of Castile
Ferdinand of Aragon
Boabdil’s transfer of power to
and Converso crisis
expulsion of Muslim population of Portugal
expulsion of Spanish Jews
and Muslim fashions/clothing
and Muslim Granada
union with Isabella of Castile
and War of Granada
Ferguson, Niall
Fernández, Fray Alonso
Fernández-Miranda, Enrique
Ferrer, Vincente
Figueroa, Feliciano de
La Filipiche (Tassoni)
Financial Times
Fletcher, Richard
Flores, Juan de
Fonseca, Damián
Force, Duke de la, the governor of Béarn
Ford, Richard
Fortyn, Pim
Fourquevaux (French ambassador)
Fourth Lateran Council (1215)
France, contemporary
Franco, Francisco
Franquesa e Esteve, Pedro de
Frederick, Palatine count
French Huguenots
French Wars of Religion
Fuller, J. F. C.
Galvano, Juan
Gandía, Duke of
García, Mayor
Garda, Isabella
Gattinara, Mercurino
Gayangos, Pascual
General History of Spain (Lafuente)
Gentilini, Giancarlo
Gentlemen of the Cross
Gerald of Cremona
Germaine de Foix
Germanías rebellion
Gibbon, Edward
Gilbert, Martin
“Golden Age,” Spanish
Gómez, Mari
Gómez, Ruy
Gómez de Castro, Alvar
Góngora, Luis de
Gonzaga, Vespasiano, viceroy of Valencia
Goytisolo, Juan
deportation of Moriscos
five-hundredth anniversary of conquest
Nasrid capital
rebellion and War of the Alpujarras
and Reconquista
Granada, War of
Granada and the Inquisition
Audiencia y Chancillería
Granada (Muslim)
bonfire at
and the Catholic Monarchsr />
Charles I and Spanish Hapsburgs
clothing and almalafa
population and society
and Royal Chapel Congregation
and Talavera
War of Granada
Granada Venegas, Alonso de
Great Britain
Great Mosque at Córdoba
“Green Books,”
Gregory XII, Pope
Guadalajara y Xavier, Marcos de
guadoc (Islamic ablution)
La Guerra de Granada (The War in Granada) (Mendoza)
La Guerra de los Moriscos (The War of the Moriscos) (Pérez de Hita)
Guerrero, Pedro, archbishop of Granada
Guevara, Fernando Niño de
Guevara, Fray Antonio de
Guide to Salvation (del Rincon)
Gutiérrez, Alonso
Habbaqui, Hernando el
Haedo, Archbishop Diego de
al-Hajari, Ahmad bin Qasim
Al Hakam (Umayyad caliph)
Handbook for Travellers in Spain (Ford)
Hapsburg Empire
and Charles V
and Granada revolt
and the Mendozas
and Ottoman Turks
and Philip II
and Philip III
postexpulsion rebellions
and religious conformity
Harrison, John
Henry IV, King of France
Henry VII, King of England
la hermosa hembra (the beautiful maiden)
Hernández, Catalina
Hernández, Luisa
Hernández, Pedro
Hispania (Roman province)
Historia de la rebelión y castigo de los
moriscos del reino de Granada (History
of the Rebellion and Punishment of
the Moriscos of the Kingdom of
Granada) (Mármol Carvajal)
The History of Spain (Bertrand and Petrie)
Hoefnagel, Georg
Holland, contemporary
“Holy Infant of La Guardia,”
Huntington, Samuel
Hurtado de Mendoza, Diego
Ibn al- Khatib
Ibn Arabi
Ibn Firnas, Abbas
Ibn Jubayr
Ibn Rushd (Averroes)
Ibn Schaprut, Chasdai
Idiáquez, Francisco de
Idiáquez, Juan de
immigrants, contemporary
Infantado, Duke of
and aljamiado manuscripts
and the Catholic monarchs
Morisco resentment of
Philip and the Granada pragmática,
Supreme Council
and women
Zaragoza inquisitors
Irving, Washington
Isabella, Empress (wife of Charles)
Isabella (daughter of Isabella of Castile)
Isabella of Castile
Boabdil’s transfer of power to
and Converso crisis
and expulsion of Jews
and expulsion of Portugal’s Muslims
and Muslim Granada
pragmatica (royal decree)
union with Ferdinand of Aragon
and War of Granada
Isidore of Seville
James I, king of England
James I of Aragon
James the Conqueror
James the Moorslayer, Saint (James Matamoros)
Janer, Florencio
Jenkins, Roy
Jerba expedition
in Catholic Iberia
expulsion from Spain
and segregationist Catalina laws
in tenth-century Córdoba
Jiménez, Francisco
jizra (poll tax)
Joachim of Fiore
Joanna the Mad
John of God
Joly, Barthélemy
El Joraique (“the Dog”)
Juan Carlos, King
Juan of Burgos
Julian, Count, the Great Traitor
Just Expulsion of the Moriscos of Spain (Fonseca)
kharjas (Mozarabic verses)
Kilkenny statutes
Knights of Saint John in Malta
La Guardia, Castile
Lafuente, Modesto
Lalaing, Antoine, the Count of Hoogstraten
Landa Calderón, Diego de, the bishop of Yucatán
Lander, Johannes
Lane-Toole, Stanley
Las Casas, Bartolomé de
Latrás, Lupercio
“laws of Catalina,”
Lea, Henry C.
“Lead Books” (libros plúmbeos, or plomos)
Léon of Rosmithal, the Baron of Bohemia
Lerma, Duke of (Francisco Gómez de Sandoval y Rojas, the Marquis of Denia)
and Morisquillos
Lewis, Bernard
leyes de moros (laws of the Moors)
Libro de grandezas y cosas memorables de
españa (Book on the Greatness and Memorable Things of Spain) (de Medina)
Liébana, Francisco Hernández
limpieza de sangre (purity of blood) statutes
Lindqvist, Sven
Lisbon Junta
literatura de cordel (“string literature”)
Lithgow, William
Loaces, Fernando
Loaysa, Don Jerónimo
Lope de Vega
López, Ana
López, Lady Constanca
López de Villalobos, Francisco
López Madera, Gregorio
Los Angeles, Bartolomé de
Los Vélez, Marquis of (Don Luis Fajardo)
Lucero, Diego Rodríguez (el tenebroso)
Luna, Alvaro de
Luna, Miguel de
Luna, Sancho de
Luther, Martin
Machiavelli, Niccolo
Madinat al-Zahra
Madrid, Isabel de
Madrid subway bombings (2004)
Málaga, siege of (1487)
al-Malik, Abd
Mameluke Sultan of Egypt
Manrique, Alonso de (Inquisitor General)
Manrique, Don Pedro, the Bishop of Tortosa
Manrique, Rodrigo
al-Mansur, the Victorious
Manuel I of Portugal
Manuel II Paleologus
al-Maqqari, Muhammad
Margaret of Austria
Mark of Toledo
Mármol Carvajal, Luis de
Márquez Villanueva, Francisco
Marquis of Aytona
marriages, mixed
Martel, Charles
Martel, Fray Esteban
Martínez, Ferrán
Martyr, Peter, of Anghieri
Mathew, Sir Tobie
Medici, Catherine de
Medici, Marie de
Medina, Pedro de
Medina Sidonia, Duke of
Mejía, Agustín
Mendoza, Cardinal, archbishop of Toledo
Mendoza, Diego Hurtado de. See Hurtado de Mendoza, Diego
Mendoza, Iñigo Hurtado de
Mendoza, Iñigo Lopez de. See Mondéjar, Marquis of (Iñigo Lopez de Mendoza)
Mendoza, Juan de, the Marquis of San Germán. See San Germán, Marquis of (Juan de Mendoza)
Mendoza, Luis Hurtado de
Mendoza, María de
Menéndez y Pelayo, Marcelino
Mercado, Pedro de
Mestre, Vicent
ontemporary immigrants
Mikkelsen, Brian
Miranda, Gregorio de
Mohammed XII. See Boabdil
Molina, Lucas de
Molina (Granadan licenciado)
Mondéjar, Marquis of (Iñigo Lopez de Mendoza)
Monja, María la
Monroy, Bernardo de
Montañeses (“mountain men”)
Moore, R. I.
“Moorish dancing,” zambras
Moors, name of
Mora of Ubeda
Moraga, Antonio
More, Thomas
Moriscos, name of
Los moriscos españoles y su expulsión (The Spanish Moriscos and their Expulsion) (Boronot y Barrachina)
Morisquillos (Morisco children)
Morlem, Diego Luis
Moussaoui, Zacarias
Mozarabic Church
Muel, Morisco settlement of
Muela of Cortes
Muhammad, the prophet
Muley Hassan
Muley Zidan, Sultan
Munzer, Hieronymus
Murcia and expulsion
Muslims in
Nadal, Juan
Nagid, Samuel ha-
Nasrid dynasty
Nationalists, Spanish
Navagero, Andrea
Navarrete, Pedro Fernández de
Navarro, Francisco
Nazi Germany
Nelias, François
Nelson, Diane
Netherlands. See also Holland, contemporary
New Spain, conquest of
New York Times
Nicolay, Nicolas de
Norway, contemporary
Núñez Muley, Francisco
Ochiali, the beylerbey of Algiers
Olivares, Count of
Oran, Spanish garrison-fortress at
Oromig, Pere
Orozco, Alonso de
Ottoman Turks
Charles and
and expulsion of Jews from Spain/ Portugal
and Hapsburg Empire
retreat from Malta
and Valencian Morisco rebellions
oud (musical instrument)
Padet, Hieronymo
Padilla, Ana de
Padilla, Beatriz de
Padilla, Leónor de
Palacios, Miguel Asín
Palencia, Alonso de
Paul Alvarus of Córdoba
Paul IV, Pope
Paul V, Pope
Peace of Vervins
Peace of Westphalia
Peralta, Jorge de
Pereda, Juan de
Pérez, Antonio
Pérez, Gil
Pérez, Joseph
Pérez de Chinchon, Bernardo
Pérez de Culla, Vicente
Pérez de Hita, Ginés
Peris, Vicent
Peter the Venerable
Petrie, Sir Charles
Philip II, King
and Barbary corsairs
and conversion of the Valencian Moriscos
Council of State
death/end of reign
deportation of Granadan Moriscos