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Sam's Playboy (Phantom Bastards MC Book 4)

Page 14

by Erin Osborne

  “What’s for breakfast?” she asks, her voice sleep laden as she struggles to sit up in bed.

  “Pancakes, bacon, eggs, and apple slice. We have orange juice to drink with it,” I answer her question.

  “Fine,” she grumbles.

  I help Sam out of bed and she waddles to the bathroom. My gaze is locked on her ass as she walks away from me. When she turns to go into the bathroom, she looks back at me and catches me looking at her. I shrug my shoulders at her and give her a mock innocent look because I’m not going to be ashamed or feel guilty for looking at my woman’s body. Sam is sexy as hell to me and I’ll look as much as I can.

  As soon as she’s done in the bathroom, I grab her hand and we walk to the table together. Caleb is already in his seat as I pull Sam’s chair out and wait until she’s comfortable before moving to my own. She looks at the table and I can practically hear the lecture she wants to give me. Instead, she surprises me by digging into her food instead of uttering a word.

  “So, what did you have to talk to me about?” she asks once she’s eaten some of her food.

  “Got a call from Dad this mornin’ while you were still sleepin’. He needs me to come home. Today,” I tell her. “And you already know I’m not leavin’ you here alone. Even with Edna, Sandy, and Carson here, I want you and Caleb with me.”

  “I haven’t talked to Carson or anything yet,” she tells me. “I’m not just going to walk out on him and leave him with nothing.”

  “Sam, I’ll talk to him. I’ll explain Dad needs me back. You only work one day a week,” I tell her.

  Which is obviously the wrong thing to say based on the look she’s giving me. Well, glare, not so much as a look. Will I ever not fuck up when it comes to Sam?

  “Playboy, I can take care of my own affairs,” she begins telling me. “I don’t need you to take care of me. I’ve been doing it on my own for a long ass time now.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that and you know it, Sam,” I say, keeping my voice light and calm. “I’m just askin’ you and Caleb to come home with me today instead of a few days from now. I can finish packin’ everythin’ up while you talk to Carson and Edna. Then we can be on the road in a few hours and be in our own home tonight.”

  She sits and looks at me for the longest time. Sam doesn’t say a single word. The only thing she does is continue eating her breakfast in silence. At this point, I’m not sure if I’m in the doghouse with her right now or if we’re going to be okay. Only time will tell when it comes to Sam and what’s running through her mind.

  “Fine. I’ll come home with you today as long as Carson is okay with it. Playboy, you need to understand that you can’t make all my decisions for me. And you can’t do everything for me. I have to do things on my own,” she tells me.

  “Thank you, baby. I’ll try to remember that. But, you’re goin’ to have to help me out every now and then. Cause I’ll be the first to tell you I’m gonna fuck this up between us more times than we’ll be able to count,” I tell her.

  After breakfast, I wash up the dishes and let them air dry. When I’m done with those, I start packing up the rest of the house. The only thing I leave out is a change of clothes for Sam. Caleb’s already dressed and ready to go. He’s got a bag packed with toys and books to keep him occupied on the ride home and he told me he’s going to grab something for a snack. I’m sure we’ll be stopping for something to eat on the way because of Sam anyway, but he doesn’t need to know that.

  It doesn’t take me long to pack up the house for Sam. She’s resting on the couch with a book in her hands. Though she did tell me she talked to Carson and he had a feeling about her leaving with me. He’s happy we’re finding our way together. I can’t thank the man enough for looking after my family while they were here. He’s in my debt for the rest of my life and there’s nothing I won’t do for the man. I’ll be sure to let him know how much I appreciate him and that he’s got a marker from me. Markers aren’t something I give out lightly.

  “Baby, you ready to get changed?” I ask Sam walking back out to the living room after grabbing the last of the clean clothes from the dryer.

  “Yeah,” she answers, setting her book down and holding out her hands for me to help her up.

  She may only be five months pregnant, but if I didn’t know any better, I’d think she was due to give birth any day now. It’s very awkward for her to get up and down, much like Shy was when she got farther along in her pregnancy with Rayven. Sam’s only going to get bigger as the months go by and I can’t wait to see her fully round with our children nestled safely in her belly.

  While Sam is getting dressed, I finish loading everything up in her car. It’s going to be a tight fit, but it’s only for a few hours and then we’ll be home. We’ll have the guys in the club help us once we get back. Caleb is bouncing around the house and trying to help me load things up, but he doesn’t have the attention right now to focus on the task at hand. So, I just let him follow me to and from the house with bags.

  By the time I’ve finished loading the last of the things in the car, Sam is making her way back into the living room. Instead of sitting down, she grabs her purse, cell phone, and her book. We walk out of the house and Edna is waiting for us outside. Tears are already filling her eyes as she looks at us.

  “I’m gonna miss you two,” Edna says as we get close to her. “You be sure to stay in touch. I wanna see pictures of those babies.”

  “We will,” Sam says, tears falling down her face. “I’ll call you all the time.”

  “You better,” Edna replies.

  Sam hands over the keys to the house so Edna can get them back to Carson. Edna hands her over an envelope and I see money in it when Sam opens it up. She looks up at Edna with questions in her eyes.

  “It’s your deposit back from Carson,” Edna says.

  “That’s way more than my deposit,” Sam tells her.

  “I just know what he said. Call him and take it up with him,” she tells Sam with a small smile on her face.

  The women hug and then Edna hugs Caleb before he climbs in his booster seat in the back of the car. I fasten him in while the two women finish saying their goodbyes. Then, I help Sam in the car and close the door before heading to the driver’s side. As soon as I get in, I start the car and we head for home. I breathe a sigh of relief that my family is coming home with me. Today is the first day of the rest of our lives and I’m going to take every second I can get with Sam, Caleb, and the new additions to our family. This is my life now; my destiny.

  Chapter Twenty


  THERE WAS NO way I could say no to Playboy when he told me Slim called and needed him to come home. Honestly, I want to be with him and I can’t fight the feelings I have for him. No matter what anyone thinks, Playboy does make me happy. I was just hurt when he pushed me away because he didn’t want me to see him in jail.

  I appreciate that he wanted to take care of things for me, but I wasn’t lying when I said I need to do things on my own. I’m independent because I’ve had to take care of everything my entire life. It’s only been the last little bit when Playboy’s been around to help with Caleb or anything else I need to do. So, I tend to push him away when it comes to needing to do anything.

  Now, we’re almost to the halfway point of our trip and it’s taken a lot longer because I have to stop so much to go to the bathroom. I’ve apologized repeatedly to Playboy and he just brushes it off. I know he’s not upset or anything about constantly having to stop, but I still feel horrible about it.

  Just as I start dozing off in the front seat, I hear the loud rumble of several bikes. Looking out the window, I don’t see anything. So, I look in the side mirror and see a group of bikes coming up to us. Playboy places his hand on my thigh and a smile graces his face.

  “It’s our welcome home, baby,” he assures me without me having to say a single word.

  “Oh. Everything okay with the club?” I ask my concern level rising.

; “Yeah. Dad just wanted them to escort us home,” he answers.

  “They for us?” Caleb asks as two bikes ride in front of us.

  “Yeah, they are, buddy,” he answers.

  I turn to watch Caleb looking out the window as bikes pull up on either side of the car. When he turns to the front after waving to Killer based on the long black hair flying behind him, he sees Slim is in front of us.

  “It’s Papi! He’s here!” Caleb yells excitedly.

  I can’t help the laughter erupting from me. He’s so excited the guys are here and he has no clue they can’t hear him. Caleb is trying to wave to all the guys surrounding us. We have Slim and another guy in front, Killer on one side, another bike on the opposite side, and one more bike behind us.

  The rest of the ride back to Benton Falls seems to fly by in the blink of an eye. Caleb is chattering endlessly as he watches the bikes and tries to concentrate all of them at one time. When he finally realizes he can’t do that, he focuses on his Papi in front of us. He keeps asking who’s up there, but I have no clue and Playboy isn’t saying a word about who it is.

  When we got to Playboy’s house, our house, the guys helped bring everything in from the car. Slim made sure to hold the women off so I can relax. But, the guys were shocked as hell to see me as big as I am. I swear, Killer’s eyes were about to pop out of his head when Slim pulled me out of the car and then into an enormous hug. I love his hugs and I’ve missed them.

  Shortly after everything was brought inside, Playboy had to leave for church. All I got told was its club business. I’m more than fine with not knowing what’s going on unless it concerns Caleb or myself. I’ll do anything to protect us and that includes wanting to know exactly what’s going on if there’s a threat to either one of us. Or Playboy.

  Yes, I care about the rest of the club members and the ol’ ladies of the club. Not so much the house bunnies because they don’t care if one of the guys has an ol’ lady or is seeing someone outside of the club; they only care about getting laid and trying to become an ol’ lady themselves. But, everyone has their own problems and if it doesn’t concern all of us here, I don’t need to know about it.

  I have to admit being back here I want to see the women I call my friends. I’m just so damn tired right now and want to go to bed even though it’s way too early to do so. Caleb needs to eat and I have to figure out where we’re all sleeping. Hell, I don’t even know who’s room is who’s here. Playboy didn’t have time to show me around before he headed out with the rest of the guys.

  For a little while, Caleb and I explore the house. The outside looks like a log cabin. I remember telling Playboy once I always wanted to live in one. When you walk in the door, the entire downstairs is an open floorplan with the exception of a hallway on the left side of the house. There’s a laundry room, a bathroom, and a door that’s locked in the hallway.

  Walking back out to the main room, I take in the kitchen. It’s huge with a ton of cupboard space and stainless-steel appliances that are brand new. A sink faces the front of the house and overlooks the porch and front yard. There’s an island with four barstools separating the kitchen from the living. Just before the hallway is a kitchen table large enough to sit eight people. Then you see the living room.

  The living room is spacious and bright, with the entire back wall of the room nothing but windows. An enormous TV is mounted to the wall with shelves built-in on either side of it. There’s already movies stacked on one side with the opposite side blank. A large leather couch takes up the middle of the room with a recliner in front of one of the windows. The only other piece of furniture in the room is a coffee table.

  There’s a staircase directly opposite the door and I don’t dare go up it without Playboy here with me. I’m too tired and I don’t want to fall or have anything else happen. So, I sit down on the couch and turn the TV on to see if he has cable or not. Finding out he does, I put on a show for Caleb as I get comfortable and try not to fall asleep.

  I’m woken up when Playboy leans down and kisses me softly. I immediately wake up to see Caleb sitting on the end of the couch, still watching the show I put on for him. My heart is racing with the thought something could’ve happened to him while I was asleep. Damn, I’ve never done that before. Maybe I should’ve called Gwen over to visit.

  “What do you need to do before we head out?” Playboy asks as he sits down next to me and Slim stands at the end of the island.

  “Nothing. I just need to get my purse and we can head out,” I answer him.

  “Shy and Dad will have Caleb while we’re gone. We’ll pick him up there when we get back. And I’ll warn you now all the ol’ ladies will be there. They’re waitin’ to see you both,” he says.

  “Okay. Caleb, you be good for Papi and Shy. I’ll see you in a little bit,” I tell him, stopping to hug him to me.

  Playboy ushers me out to the car and helps me inside the passenger seat before closing my door and walking around to the driver’s side. He gets in and starts the car as I fasten my seat belt. We’re leaving the clubhouse entrance before I can blink. I already know he’s going to ask about us having sex because we both want to go there. But, he doesn’t want to hurt the babies.

  We’re at the doctor’s office before too long and I hope I can start doing more. Not just around the house, but just in general. The only thing I am these days is tired as hell. I get so tired easily and have to rest. The same happened when I was pregnant with Caleb, and it’s just worse this time around. I’m guessing it has to do with the fact I’m growing two humans inside me instead of just one.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Playboy asks as he pulls into the parking lot.

  “Just thinking about how different this pregnancy is compared to when I was pregnant with Caleb,” I respond.

  “How so?” he questions me.

  “I’m just tired more easily and I have to rest more,” I reply. “I want to get a job and do things with Caleb, but I seem to always be resting.”

  “We’ll talk to the doctor about it then,” he tells me.

  I nod my head as we exit the car and make our way inside. After giving my name to the receptionist and grabbing the paperwork from her to fill out, I let her know there should’ve been paperwork faxed over from my previous doctor and the hospital.

  “You won’t need to fill out those papers,” she says, looking at my chart. “We got them from the previous doctor.”

  “Do you mind if I do fill these out? This way, the father’s information can be added in,” I ask her.

  “Not at all. Just bring them up when you’re done,” she answers with a smile.

  Sitting down next to Playboy, I see the other women in the waiting room eyeballing him. He’s not paying them any attention as he answers a text on his phone. When I sit down, he looks up at me with a smile on his face.

  “Everythin’ okay?” he asks me.

  “Yeah. We just need to fill these out. If you want to start with your section, they can add it to my chart,” I tell him, handing over the clipboard.

  “Okay,” he tells me, putting his phone back in his pocket and getting started on filling out the papers.

  By the time he’s done with it, my name is being called by one of the nurses. He helps me up and we head back after he stops briefly to turn in the papers to the receptionist. Playboy focuses on everything the nurse does as she takes my weight, blood pressure, and everything else that’s normally done at these appointments. I’m waiting for him to bark out instructions, but he just stands back and watches her like a hawk.

  We’re then ushered into one of the exam rooms and told the doctor would be in with us shortly. This visit I don’t have to have an exam done because it’s just a check-up since I’m now living here. And they’ll be doing an ultrasound so we can see the babies. I’m excited Playboy gets to experience this with me today. And a little nervous because this will make the situation a reality and I don’t know how he’s going to react once he sees our children on the scre

  “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” I ask him as he pulls a chair next to my bed and holds my hand.

  “I’m ready, babe,” he assures me.

  “You know it’s different seeing my bulging stomach to actually seeing two little babies on the screen, right?” I ask him.

  “I know, Sam. We’ve got this. I’ll be fine seein’ the babies on the screen and whatever else happens today. I’m not gonna run scared or take off like some little bitch,” he tells me, laughing at the end of his words.

  I nod my head and relax back against the bed I’m sitting on. It’s not long before Doctor Sanchez knocks on the door and enters the room with my file in hand.

  “Sam, I’m Doctor Sanchez. It’s nice to meet you,” she says, holding out her hand to shake.

  “It’s nice to meet you too,” I answer.

  “Playboy, it’s good to see you again,” she says before diving in. “Now, it looks as though you were placed on bed rest and then mandatory light duty with mainly resting for the last month or so. Can you tell me what was going on?”

  “Yeah. Um, I left here and moved a few hours away. I got a job in a restaurant at the truck stop. One day I went to work and started bleeding shortly after starting my shift. They rushed me to the hospital and said it was from stress and placed me on bed rest until I could get in to see my doctor there,” I tell her honestly.

  “Okay. Any bleeding since you’ve been up and moving around?” she asks me.

  “No. The only thing I have right now is that I get extremely tired and want to rest more than anything else,” I reply.

  “You’ll probably feel that way carrying multiples. Anything else going on with you?” Doctor Sanchez asks.

  “No. My morning sickness went away fairly quickly and other than being tired, I feel good. Too good to be laying around the house most of the time,” I tell her.


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