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Eternity of Love: Los Angeles Armstrongs - A Billionaire Romance (The Armstrongs Book 9)

Page 7

by Jessica Gray

  “Okay, let me see. Oh yes, I have a venue about half a mile from the hotel, 300 capacity, shall I book it?”

  “Yes, please,” Ornella answered, “And let the reporters know that anyone found lingering within 200 yards of the hotel premises won’t get access to the press conference. Neither will their publication receive any of our press releases.”

  Monica giggled into the phone and Preston once again admired the way his hotel manager handled every situation thrown at her with countenance and ease.

  “Monica,” he added, “prepare a statement that states the engagement between myself and Sandrine Johnson has been broken and there will not be a reconciliation. Make it sound as if this happened a while ago and the press just missed it.”

  “I’m on it. Talk to you in about an hour,” Monica said and hung up.

  A huge rock fell from Preston’s shoulders. This affair was taken care off, now he just had to remove Gina from the eye of the hurricane for a while.

  Ornella was about to leave, when he called her back. “One more thing…we need to bring Gina here to protect her from the press.”

  “Here?” Ornella’s eyes glared, but she didn’t dare to contradict her boss. “Do you think this is a wise idea?”

  Maybe it wasn’t. She’d probably be furious like hell. He well remembered her temper after the accidents, when she’d slammed her bag at him. But despite the possible dangers for his physical integrity – a smile tugged at his lips – he needed to protect her. He couldn’t leave her out there in the lion’s den to fight for herself.

  “It’s the right thing to do.” He answered, and with a glance at his naked feet peeking out from under the bathrobe he added, “Call her and make her come here. Use an excuse if needed. I’ll meet you in your office.”

  “Yes, sir.” Ornella nodded and left his suite.

  How on earth had his life gotten from blissful to wrecking disaster in less than twenty-four hours?

  His only hope was to have Gina with him in the safety of the hotel, before the press found her.

  Chapter 16

  Gina arrived at Roberto’s workshop with a pounding heart. Like an outlaw she hadn’t dared to look at anyone throughout the trip, always afraid someone might recognize her and point a finger at her. Look that’s her. The billionaire playmate.

  She closed her eyes for a moment to find some calm and then slipped inside the empty workshop.

  “Roberto?” she called and scanned the garage for any evidence of the disaster.

  “Down here,” he answered and then crawled out from under an old Fiat Multipla. He wiped his hands on a rag and walked across the shop to greet her, “Hey Gina! You’re early.”

  “Class was cancelled,” she lied and gave him a tight smile. Apparently he hadn’t seen the pictures on the Internet yet.

  “You okay? You look stressed out,” he asked.

  Gina gave him what she hoped was a convincing smile, “I’m fine, just worried about the finals. I slept later than I wanted to and barely managed to catch the bus. It’s no fun to take the public transport and every trip takes ages.”

  Roberto grinned and led her over to a corner of the workshop, where her Vespa stood. Polished. Looking like new.

  “Wow!” she said.

  “I gave your baby a complete makeover.” He beamed with pride and started to shower her with technical gobbledygook.

  Gina patiently listened to all the wonderful things he’d done with her Vespa to make it better as new, and wondered whether he actually expected her to understand any of it. But she put on an excited face and made the proper sounds of admiration whenever he paused and looked at her for reassurance.

  Roberto was a good guy, even a good friend, but she just didn’t feel anything for him. Unlike Preston. Her insides tightened into a knot, just from thinking about his hungry stare and the way his hands had roved her body the night before.

  She almost forgot to be furious at him. Almost.

  “Thanks so much for fixing my Vespa. How much…?” she said to Roberto.

  “Don’t worry about it. It was an easy fix. But I insist on the date we agreed on,” he answered.

  Shit. I totally forgot about the date. “Roberto, can we wait until I finish up my exams? I’m so busy…” More lies.

  “Sure, Gina. Drop by whenever you’re free. You know where I live,” he said with a mischievous grin.

  “I better get back to class.” She didn’t have the slightest intention to get back to University and cringed at how proficient she’d become at lying.

  Then she walked her bike outside and slipped onto the seat, smiling when it started right up. For the first time in her life, she was grateful for the stupid traffic laws that required her to wear a helmet. With a sigh she closed the visor, waved at Roberto and drove off, with no idea of where she was heading.

  She’d driven a few minutes when her shoulder bag buzzed against back. Damn phone. The buzzing continued and she relented. She pulled over to the curb and pulled her phone out. Double shit. Signora Magnani. She better answered that call.


  “Signorina Giordano? This is Ornella Magnani.”

  “How can I help you, ma’am?”

  “I need you to come to my office right away.” Signora Magnani made the statement with a tone that didn’t tolerate dispute.

  Fear prickled through Gina’s veins. She’d never been summoned by the manager herself. Fear was replaced with anger – and shame. No doubt, Signora Magnani had seen the scandalous pictures as well and now blamed Gina for the turmoil.

  She was tempted to tell the woman to go to hell, but then she’d never work for the Palazzo Borghese again or any other hotel in Rome, heck in all of Italy. Then she might as well drive on and drown herself in the ocean.

  “Sure Ma’am, is there a problem?” she asked, honey in her voice.

  “I would prefer to discuss the matter with you in person. I’ll be awaiting you in my office.” Signora Magnani disconnected the call.

  Gina looked at her phone and then sighed in resignation. She pulled back out into traffic and did a U-turn, taking the fastest route to the hotel.

  Several groups of people unloaded their luggage in the front of the hotel when she arrived. No more publicity for me, she thought and drove her Vespa around to the service entrance in the back, where she parked the bike against the building. She slipped in the back door, negotiating the hallways and trying to stay out of the other hotel staff’s way. She was just about to push through the last door keeping her separated from the main lobby when a young man who’d assisted her before intercepted her.

  “Miss Giordano, I’m here to take you upstairs.”

  “Thanks,” Gina nodded.

  The uniformed bellboy led her to a service elevator she had never noticed before and pushed a button, then he stepped out of the car and watched as the doors closed. Gina used the short ride to check her appearance. Her hair was in need of a good brushing, and her eyes looked haunted with faint bruises beneath them.

  She took a breath as the elevator stopped moving, gathering her composure to confront Signora Magnani. But the doors didn’t open to the admin floor and the person standing in front of her wasn’t the hotel manager.

  Gina stared straight into the blue eyes of Preston. All composure flew out the window.

  “You!” She screamed and raised her hand in an attempt to slap him. But he was prepared for her temper outburst and caught her wrist before her hand made contact with his face. Then he tugged her wrist and she flew into the hard wall of his muscles.

  Her fury kindled the flame of passion and her being pressed up against his body did the rest. She looked up and the lust in his dark blue eyes reflected her own desire raging through her body.

  “Don’t!” she hissed at him, trying to hold on to her anger.

  But Preston ignored her and captured her lips in a searing kiss that brought the banked sexual tension she’d been fighting all day right to the forefront. She could have swo
rn her mouth had a direct line to her girly parts, because within seconds her panties were drenched.

  She wrapped her free arm around his shoulders, giving herself over to the kiss. His smell, taste and the feel of his tongue exploring her mouth turned her brain cells to mush and her body melted against his. All tension fell of her. It felt so good to be in his arms. So right. If only she could stay there forever…

  Forever! He’s promised another woman forever.

  Gina broke from the kiss, shoving him back and putting several feet of distance between them. She lifted a hand to her lips and looked at him with tears in her eyes, shooting accusation at him. “How could you?”

  “How could I what? Kiss you?” Preston rubbed a finger across his lips and then advanced on her. She backed off and almost stumbled over the coffee table. Shoot!

  “You’re engaged. How could you cheat on your fiancé? You used me, turned me into the other woman!” Gina’s ire grew with her voice. She needed to break something. Or slap someone.

  “You can call me many things, but I’m not a cheater. Never was. Never will be.” His voice softened and his blue eyes shone with emotion, “I didn’t cheat and I didn’t use you.”

  “Liar! I saw the picture of you two. The planned wedding… ” she screamed.

  “That was a mistake.” He raised his palms and took a step toward her.

  Gina backed away from him, giving way to the anger that wanted to spew forth. “A fanabla! Tu piezza di merda! Vaffanculo!”

  “Are you quite through?” Preston asked after he watched her curse at him like a sailor, making no attempt to hide the grin from his face.

  “Bacha ma Culo!” Kiss my ass. Gina glared at him.

  Preston’s grin broadened, “I’d be happy to do that little spitfire, however, I think before we retire to the bedroom, I should explain.”

  “Explain.” Gina glared daggers at him, hoping he’d feel the deadly poison in them.

  “Coffee?” Preston nodded and left her fuming as he walked to the kitchen.

  Gina exhaled. That man was…exasperating…he hadn’t raised as much as an eyebrow at her antics. When she heard him moving about the kitchen, rattling with dishes, she sighed again and called after him, “Coffee would be good. I’m awfully tired.”

  “I wonder why?” Preston peeked his head out of the kitchen door and flashed her a devastating grin.

  “You should…never mind,” she murmured and sat on the couch in the living room, memories of why exactly she was so tired assailing her. They way he’d ravished her, licked, teased, fingered and thrust her higher and higher, squeezing orgasm after orgasm out of her elated body.

  She grabbed hold of the back of a chair, fighting the urge to throw herself into his arms and rip off his clothes. Her knuckles turned white as she strove for control.

  Preston returned a few minutes later holding a tray with two cups of steaming hot espresso, milk and sugar in his hands like a barrier. He placed it on the coffee table, carefully avoiding touching her. He eyed the place on the couch besides her, then subtly shook his had, chose the chair on the opposite side and clenched his jaw.

  So he felt it too. The unbearable sexual tension between them. Like hungry wolves, ready to jump at their prey and devour it.

  Gina wrapped her hands around the cup of coffee, waiting for him to begin his explanation. She watched him clench and unclench his jaw several times, before he finally began talking.

  “You’re right I was engaged to Sandrine. The wedding was planned…,” his voice trailed off, his beautiful blue eyes clouding with pain, “…but all this changed yesterday.”

  “Yesterday? Why?” Gina hissed, a strange fear holding a fierce grip around her heart.

  “I cancelled a business meeting to surprise her and then I was the one to be surprised.” A bitter laugh escaped his mouth. Gina longed to touch his arm, to comfort him, take the pain away.

  “I found her…wiggling her naked ass…some asshole screwing her brains out.”

  “She cheated on you?” Gina asked in disbelief, her eyes going wide as the picture his words painted formed in her mind.

  “Yes. In my own hotel, no less.” Another sarcastic scoff.

  “What a skank,” Gina said, immediately covering her mouth.

  “Not the word I would have used, but fitting nonetheless. I told her to get the hell out of my life and rushed off. I couldn’t stomach to see her for even one more second.”

  “I’m sorry,” Gina said and walked around the table to kneel besides his chair. Then she took his hand into hers, “That’s so awful.” She noticed a faint smile tug at his lips.

  “I went for a walk to clear my head. That plan seemed fine, until a girl on a red Vespa raced around the corner and tried to run me over.”

  “Hey, what do you expect, standing in the middle of the road!” She jumped up.

  “I do love your temper, though. It makes me want to hear you screaming my name.” Preston chuckled.

  Gina felt the blood rushing to her face. This man had her all tied up in knots and she had no idea how to react to him or his teasing. Her center ached to be filled by his hard shaft and then she’d gladly do as much screaming for him as he wanted.

  “The accident was so worth it. Because I met you.” His blue eyes locked with hers and he took her hands to pull her onto his lap.

  “But what about the papers? The Internet?” Gina asked.

  “I have no idea where those pictures came from. Probably another patron on the dance floor. They saw their chance to get their fifteen minutes of fame.”

  Gina nodded.

  “It would be best if you disappeared from the public eye for a while.” Preston said.

  “What? I can’t do that. I have finals in two weeks. You can’t expect me to throw away four years of tourism studies and go hiding in a cave.”

  “No, but if the press finds out who you are, things will get sticky for you. Please stay here in the hotel where I can protect you.”

  “I’m not skipping my finals,” she said, crossing her arms over his chest.

  Preston pushed his hands through his hair and then he offered her a compromise. “Fine, at least stay here, in my suite, for the weekend. Don’t venture outside the hotel. Security has orders not to let reporters inside. You’ll be safe with me while things die down.”

  “With you? That’s your plan?”

  “Can’t hold it against me for trying,” Preston shrugged and grinned.

  “Okay. I’ll stay here, but only on one condition.” He might think he had the upper hand, but Gina wouldn’t go down without a fight.

  “Name it.”

  Gina returned his smile with a calculating one of her own, “Separate rooms.”

  Chapter 17

  Preston hated the idea of separate room. But she might be on to something. Being near her always resulted in him having trouble to think straight, and with this chaotic situation at hand, he needed a clear mind for damage control.

  He bowed his head in silent agreement to her demand and led her down the hallway to the second bedroom. “You can have this room.”

  “Does it lock?” she asked with a mischievous grin.

  “From the inside. Are you expecting me to wait until you’re asleep and then attack you?”

  “I might like that…” she cocked her head and once again he was rock hard.

  It definitely was better to have separate bedrooms. Hell no, it wasn’t! How would he be able to sleep knowing she was on the other side of the thin wall?

  “I’ll send someone over to your apartment to get a few of your things if you’ll make a list of what you need.”

  “You’re going to send someone over to my apartment?” Gina asked him in confusion.

  “Yes. There are reporters all over the place and once they figure out who you are, they’ll be waiting for you at your place.” Preston moved back to the living room, slipped on a suit jacket and reached for his briefcase.

  “You’re leaving?” she asked
with wide eyes.

  He’d rather not. But if he stayed one second longer with her in the same room, he’d rip her clothes off of that perfect, alluring body of hers…and he had a press conference to prepare.

  “Yes, Ornella Magnani and our publicist are waiting for me. You’re free to move about the hotel, but please don’t go outside, or you’ll be free game to the reporters.”

  “It’s not like it will be any hardship to stick around this place.” She looked around and then smiled, “Besides, I need to study, or maybe I’ll go visit the gym downstairs. I hear it’s pretty fabulous.”

  “It is.” He wanted to kiss her, but opted for the safety and waved his hand as he walked to the elevator with, “See you later.”

  Monica, the publicist arrived at the same time with him at Ornella’s office. They sat around the meeting table and Monica showed them her draft for the press release.

  “This looks good. Well done.” Preston complimented her.

  But Monica didn’t pay attention to him, instead she stared with growing horror at her phone.

  Preston’s stomach churned. That look on her face meant trouble with a capital T.

  “Is there a problem?” Ornella asked.

  “Well, yes. We should watch this before we release our statement.” She quickly wrote something into her laptop and put it in the middle of the table for everyone to watch. The news channel started to play.

  “That goddamn bitch.” Preston fisted his hands, ready to knock out someone.

  Ornella raised one of her perfectly plucked eyebrows, but he had better things to do than to apologize for his improper language.

  The video showed Sandrine crying prettily for the camera, making a show as she sobbed and sniffed, speaking in a broken voice.

  “This morning I was organizing out a wedding surprise for my fiancé. Sniff. The love of my life. Sniff. Sniff. When I found the pictures of him…” She dabbed her eyes and bawled some more. The seconds ticked away before she found her voice again, “…kissing that woman.”

  Her performance was Oscar-worthy as she played up the sweet little blonde angel who hadn’t hurt a fly in her life. And after doing her best to make Preston look like a cheating douchebag, she had the audacity to forgive him.


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