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Eternity of Love: Los Angeles Armstrongs - A Billionaire Romance (The Armstrongs Book 9)

Page 9

by Jessica Gray

  She gave him a sultry look and stepped back, taking his hand and pulling him towards the bathroom with her, “Minutes? If memory serves, we’re talking hours here.”

  “At least.” Preston grinned.

  He followed her into the bathroom, kicking the door shut behind him. While water filled the oversized tub, his hands and lips roved her body, greedy to removing the swimsuit blocking his access to her intimate parts.

  By the time the tub was filled and she was writhing in his arms, begging him to love her. They made greedy love in the tub, then they made sweet love in the shower after he washed her hair, and finally he carried her damp body to the bed and made love to her once more before they both dozed off in a tangle of arms and legs.

  The reporters’ downstairs were forgotten. Sandrine was forgotten. Gina’s finals were forgotten. There was only the two of them. The rest of the world could wait their turn.

  Chapter 20

  Later in the afternoon Gina snuggled closer to Preston, sliding an arm over his taut stomach and closing her eyes on a small sigh of happiness. Between staying up most of the night, the rollercoaster ride of emotions she’d been through today, and their latest bout of robust sex…she didn’t have an ounce of energy left.

  She tried to conjure up annoyance at Preston for disrupting her life, but she couldn’t. One glance at him and a warmth spread from her heart to her body, making her want to crawl beneath his skin.

  “Are you awake?” he asked, rubbing his fingers up and down her naked back.

  “Yes. I was thinking…”

  Preston chuckled, jostling her where she lay against him, “That could be dangerous.”

  Gina giggled and then sobered, “So what happens with the reporters now?”

  “My publicist Monica Russo handles everything. Right now she should be wrapping up the press conference.”

  “Didn’t you have to go there?” Gina asked, instinctively wrapping her arms around him, as if trying to make him stay.

  “No,” he ran his hands down her back and cupped her as.

  Goosebumps appeared on her body. Damn. How can he hold such a power over me?

  “Monica was afraid I’d punch one of the reporters in the face, if he said anything bad about you.” He placed a kiss on the top of her hair, “You know, I’m very protective of you.”

  “Hitting one of the reporters wouldn’t have helped to deescalate the situation, now would it?” She giggled. But her stomach did strange things at his mention of being protective. He was just the kind of man she’d been waiting for all her life. Hey, whom was she kidding? Their little stint had never been meant to last. Get real, Gina!

  “Probably not.” He continued to trace his fingers across her naked skin and Gina had difficulties concentrating on his next words, ”Unfortunately the press conference won’t make everything magically disappear. The reporters will still be hanging around, looking for a story. It would be best if we hang low here at the hotel for a few more days…”

  “And miss out on life?” Gina asked him, pressing up so she could see his face.

  “Well, yes.”

  Gina shook her head and then snuggled back down into his arms, “No way. I’m not going to hide away and give up my life just because some nosy reporters have nothing better to do than pry into other people’s lives.”

  “They can be vicious,” Preston murmured.

  “Then we’ll just have to get creative,” she answered, her stomach rumbling.

  “Someone’s hungry?” The warmth in his deep blue eyes, sent little shivers of delightment to her body.

  “Yes…I kind of didn’t get the time to eat,” Gina answered, and her stomach growled louder.

  “We’ll change that. Do you want to go downstairs to the restaurant or order room service?”

  Gina eyed his naked gorgeousness and licked her lips. “Room service? As in staying naked with you and eating in bed?”

  Preston chuckled and pressed a wet kiss on her nipple. Tingles shot down to her core.

  “Then I’ll take the room service,” she answered. Maybe hanging low with Preston inside the hotel wasn’t such a bad thing after all?

  After a delightful dinner and even more delightful after-dinner activities, she snuggled against him and yawned.

  “Close your eyes my little spitfire and sleep. We’ll figure everything out in the morning.” He draped he head on his shoulder and then covered her with the plush covers.

  “You make a nice pillow,” she yawned.

  “That’s just my wicked plan to keep you in my bed.” Preston hugged her closer.

  “As long as you want,” she murmured while dozing off. Any thought of insisting on her own bedroom forgotten.


  Morning came and while Preston ordered room service, Gina scrolled through her phone apps, searching ideas for activities they could do in the city today. There were several festivals in Rome, and they could always take a trip to the beach. Then she remembered Preston telling her he’d never done the touristy stuff. It’s time for that to change.

  “Breakfast will be here shortly,” Preston said as he stepped back into the bedroom.

  “Good. Let’s play tourist today. There are so many things to see in the city…”

  Preston shook his head, “That’s not a good idea. Think of the reporters.”

  “I was thinking more about you. How many times have you been to Rome?”

  He shrugged. “Half a dozen or so. Why?”

  “And how many times have you visited the tourist attractions?”

  “None. I never have time for that.” Preston looked the tiniest bit guilty.

  “Then it’s time you took time. And you’re in luck because you happen to have your very own private tour guide with you,” she said, sparkling with joy and pride. It was time he experienced the eternal charm of Rome. The most beautiful city in the world. Her city.

  “Gina, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but this is a bad idea.” Preston shook his head.

  “No, it’s not.” She said louder than she’d intended.

  “And how do you propose we escape from the hotel without drawing the attention of the reporters?” His smirk dripped with sarcasm.

  “Don’t be such a spoil-sport! I already have the perfect solution.”

  “And that would be?” His tone had changed from rejecting to curious.

  “My—” A knock on the door interrupted her.

  “Room service,” a voice called.

  “I’ll open the door. Do you want to eat or get dressed first?” Preston asked as he threw on a pair of jeans and a shirt.

  “Dress. I’ll use the bathroom first,” Gina answered, grabbing the robe and wrapping it around her body on her way into the bathroom.

  Preston opened the door and an employee wheeled in a huge cart with several covered dishes. The waiter set the table in the dining room for them and had already disappeared when Gina emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later, dressed in blue jeans, and long embellished t-shirt, and a scarf wrapped around her neck.

  Preston’s eyes lingered on her body and once again she felt the heat rising. He closed the distance between them and pulled her into a passionate kiss. A kiss that her legs go wobbly and her body melt against his hard chest.

  Just when she thought he’d sweep her up in his arms and toss her onto the bed, he broke the kiss with a swat on her backside.

  “Breakfast is getting cold,” he said as he led her to the dining table.

  Fresh pastries, scrambled eggs, fruit, coffee, and freshly squeezed juice adorned the table and Gina hungrily dug into the delicious food.

  “Now what was your splendid solution?” Preston asked after a while.

  So he was curious and wanted to go outside, instead of staying here. Although she loved how they’d spent the last twenty-four hours, she wasn’t sure her sore muscles would endure another non-stop session between the sheets.

  “My Vespa. It’s parked at the back entrance. And no one will recogniz
e us with the helmets on. ” A triumphant smile crossed her face.

  “Your Vespa?”

  Gina made a face at him, and took a sip from the steaming coffee. The sweet aroma filled her lungs as the hot liquid ran down her throat. Preston deserved some jaunty time. Playing tourist was exactly what would take their minds off the mess in their lives.

  Chapter 21

  “That’s plain crazy,” Preston said. He couldn’t even fathom both of them on that deadly vehicle from hell. “I don’t see how this is going to work…”

  “It will.” Gina grinned.

  A shiver of fear – or thrill? – ran down his spine. He remembered all too well how she’d dashed around the curve in a lean angle before swerving to avoid him.

  “And you expect me to ride on the back of your Vespa?”

  Gina nodded, “Scared?”

  “Absolutely. I’ve seen the way you drive. You have a death wish.”

  “I’m a very good driver. You’ll see.” A very smug grin appeared on her face, “and I always take good care of my cargo. Ask Signora Magnani.”

  His breathing became ragged. Right now in this moment, he’d do anything for her if it meant she’d continue to stare at him with that look. Even mount her infernal machine and putting his life at the mercy of the most reckless driver in the world.

  “Good point, I’ll ask Ornella to organize a helmet for me, so at least my head is protected,” he teased her.

  As was to be expected, Ornella Magnani was deadbolt against the plan and tried to talk him out of it. She used the same arguments he’d told Gina minutes earlier, but it only served to make him determined to give it a shot.

  Worst case they’d be tracked down by paparazzi and would have to make a mad dash back to the hotel. The excitement and smug grin on Gina’s face grew with every moment he defended her lunatic plan. As grew his desire to make her happy.

  All I want is to spend a good time with her. I’ll deal with the consequences later.

  Ornella relented and promised to have someone wait with a helmet for at the back entrance.

  “All set,” Preston grinned as he disconnected the call. “We’re ready to go.”

  About twenty minutes later, they used the service elevator down to the back entrance. An employee handed him a helmet and they emerged into the bright morning sunlight. It was a beautiful day, and he’d spend it with the most beautiful woman on earth.

  The red Vespa shone in the sun, apparently as eager to go on excursion as her passengers. Gina slipped her leg over the seat and then scooted forward, “Hop on.”

  “Wouldn’t it be better if I drive?” Preston asked.

  “You?” Gina slipped the vizor open and shot daggers at him from the depth of her fir-green eyes.

  “I do have a motorcycle license,” he protested.

  “No way. You’d never get us safely through Rome. The traffic is messy. I drive or we stay,” she threatened.

  Preston chuckled at how her volatile temper bust to the surface. This woman had more passion in her little finger than his ex-fiancé had in her entire body. A sudden calm came over him and gratefulness spread through him. Gina was worth holding onto for eternity.

  “Now what?” Her eyes were still spitting fire, but her voice had softened. “Or are you one of those awful machos who can’t let a woman drive him?”

  “No I’m not. I was just worried about my physical integrity,” he chuckled again and, against his better judgment, slid his leg over the seat behind her. Then he pressed his chest against her back and wrapped his arms around her midriff.

  Gina started the bike and pulled it onto the street.

  It didn’t take long before he developed an appreciation for his position on the bike. The vibrations of the Vespa and his being pressed to her back had him rock hard within seconds. But the best thing was, he had free access to her body, and there was nothing she could do about it.

  While she navigated the traffic, her hands on the steering bars, he skimmed his hand up and down her thighs, feeling the muscles clench and release in response to his caress. With time he became bolder, and nuzzled her ear, licked the column of her neck and relished in the feeling to make her shivered and her pulse beat quicken.

  One hand drifted over her lower stomach, murmuring for her to pay attention to the road and other drivers, lest she topple them both to the blacktop. He thoroughly enjoyed teasing her, and her ragged breathing increased his hardness.

  Then he let the fingers of one hand dip beneath the waistband of her jeans, brushing his fingertip across her lower stomach, just a few short inches above the place where he knew she most wanted his touch. He was prepared to dip his fingers a little deeper, when she suddenly pulled over to the side of the road, put the kickstand down and grabbed both of his hands to still their movement.

  Preston chuckled and leaned close to whisper in her ear, “Is there a problem my little spitfire?”

  Gina half turned on the bike and he could see unabashed arousal in her dark eyes. Holy moly! Would he ever get enough of her? Or she of him?

  “If you don’t stop teasing me, I’m going to drive us right into the middle of that large intersection up there, turn around on this bike, and let you finish what you’ve started.”

  Preston raised a brow at her, realizing she was more than half-way serious. God, why is that such a turn-on? Preston didn’t normally consider himself an exhibitionist, preferring to keep his private life just that, private. But the idea of taking Gina in the middle of the busiest intersection in the city, with passersby knowing exactly what they were doing, had him harder than nails and almost tempted to see how far he could push her. Almost.

  Then he remembered they were supposed to be keep a low profile, and he could only imagine the headlines tomorrow if they acted on her threat.

  Preston Armstrong caught red handed with the woman who broke up his engagement.

  Not a headline or problem he wanted to deal with. He nodded and then smiled at her, “Sorry, I’ll behave. So, where to first?”

  Gina gave him a look and then whispered, “Don’t become a Boy Scout, but I do need to concentrate on my driving. And how about the Colosseum?”

  “Sounds good. I’ve never been there.”

  Gina turned back around, pulled them out onto the roadway, weaving through traffic and towards the large historic structure that was their target. The Colosseum.

  “What do you know about the Colosseum?” she asked as they parked her Vespa and then walked towards the entrance.

  “Not much. Didn’t they used to have fights here, or something?” it was embarrassing how little he knew about the history of one of the oldest cities in the world.

  “Or something. Come on and I’ll educate you.” She glanced at him when he reached for her hand, but didn’t pull it away.

  “I’m all ears and eyes for you,” he murmured. Which earned him a serious stare.

  “Haven’t you promised to behave…a little?” Gina asked with a soft voice.

  “I’m doing my best here. Now tell me,” he said and pulled her tighter against him, reaching his arm around her shoulders.

  “The Colossem is the largest amphitheatre ever built. The walls are made of concrete and sand. Construction began in 72 A.D. and wasn’t completed until eight years later when Titus was emperor. There have been several additions made over the years. When it was fully functional, it’s estimated the Colosseum could hold over fifty thousand spectators.

  “And yes, they did hold fights here. The gladiators fought here, there were animal hunts and even some theatrical reproductions of sea battles and mythology. They had living quarters within the walls and after it stopped being used as a place for entertainment, it hosted several other events.”

  “Wow.” Preston marveled at the structure and its history. “What caused all of the damage? Weather and time?”

  Gina shook her head, “No, most of the initial damage was caused by earthquakes and stone-robbers. It’s one of Rome’s most iconic histori
cal sites and for years, tourists would come here and take a piece home with them. That is illegal now, by the way.”

  “Good to know,” Preston said, and pulled her against him for a kiss, “what else do you know about this place?”

  “Every Good Friday a ceremony takes place here. The Pope leads a procession, the Way of the Cross, carrying a lit torch. It starts at Colosseum and progresses through the city.”

  Preston was impressed by the excitement she put into her words and descriptions. She really loved her job and her city. She’d make a great public relations manager for a hotel.

  “They still hold events here?” Preston asked, wondering how that would be possible in the ruins of the structure.

  “A few, mostly concerts. Because of the state of disrepair most of the structure is in, only temporary seating can be erected in the center of the arena.” She led him over to one of the still standing exits and pointed above the arch, “See the Roman numerals there?”

  “Yes. Is that the number fifty-two?”

  “Very good.” Gina smiled. “The builders foresaw a need to quickly evacuate or fill the area and included eighty entrances at the ground level. Each one was numbered; sadly only about thirty of them remain today. People would enter and sit with their class.”

  Preston grinned, “So no senators mixing with the peasants?”

  “Not in ancient Rome. The segregation of social classes was huge.”

  “I have to admit I don’t remember much from my ancient civilizations class.”

  “I’ll tell you what you need to know.” Gina squeezed his hand and they strolled around the vast area.

  Despite considering himself a rational person, Preston stood there and sensed the strong energy of this place. He vividly saw Gladiators fighting or the Emperor giving a thumbs down to have the loser be devoured by lions. A shudder ran down his spine.

  “Those were cruel times,” he said to Gina.

  “Yes.” She dragged him to one of the exists and stopped there to point to the series of tunnels and rooms visible beneath, “There is a labyrinth of chambers and tunnels beneath the Colosseum’s arena. They were used to house gladiators, animals, and to allow people to enter and exit the Colosseum without having to pass through the massive crowds.”


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