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Unexpected Interruptions

Page 25

by Trice Hickman

  After Ted ended his speech, he left the podium and headed back to where Victoria was standing. He spotted Parker beside her and approached like a hunter circling in on his prey.

  “Parker, I’d like you to meet Ted Thornton. Ted, this is Parker Brightwood,” Victoria smiled. She followed the introduction with a quick and silent prayer that both men would behave.

  They shook hands like adversaries, each gripping the other’s palm with a force that was much too hard to be considered a friendly greeting.

  “So,” Parker began, “I finally get to meet the man who’s been keeping Victoria away from me with late night business meetings.”

  “Yes, some projects are complicated, and require time and patience to seal the deal,” Ted smiled. “But in the end it’s worth the long hours once you’ve accomplished your goal.” His voice was so even you could balance a drink on his words.

  Parker nodded his head. “I agree. Over the last couple of months I’ve been working on a very important project too,” he smiled back, positioning himself even closer to Victoria, wrapping his arm more securely around her waist, “and very recently my hard work finally paid off, and I was rewarded for my efforts . . . quite handsomely.”

  Denise looked at the three of them. “Looks like everybody’s workin’ hard these days.”

  Victoria simply looked straight ahead, hoping things wouldn’t escalate.

  “Nice meeting you, now if you’ll excuse us,” Parker smirked, ushering Victoria to the dance floor, leaving Ted to stew in his juices. Parker held her close as they danced to “The Christmas Song.” “I don’t like him,” he said flatly.

  “Why not? What did he do to you?”

  “I didn’t like his tone.”

  “You two barely even had a conversation. And by the way, what was that little exchange about?”

  “I had to let him know that I know what he’s up to. I’m not going to let anything come between us. Not him, not work, not distance, not anything.”

  What’s The Occasion? . . .

  Several hours later, Victoria and Parker left the ViaTech party and returned to his place. Parker was in his study, checking his email for Africa Project updates, and Victoria was in the bathroom, taking a relaxing and much needed hot shower. She hated that she and Parker had been arguing so much lately, but at the same time she knew that he was crazy about her. One side of his medicine cabinet was filled with her toiletries, two of his dresser drawers were filled with her clothes, and several of her business suits hung in his walk-in closet. Whenever his phone rang, she was free to answer it. Yes, she knew that Parker loved her, but every time she thought about the Africa Project, she felt second to that mission.

  She was reaching for a towel when she heard the soft stream of music flood her ears. She walked into Parker’s bedroom and to her surprise, it was aglow with candles atop the dresser, windowsill, and nightstands. Victoria stood in awe of the soft light radiating warmth throughout the room. The comforter was pulled back, revealing a new set of satin sheets. A bottle of Veuve Clicquot, two champagne glasses, and a box of Godiva chocolates sat on the nightstand. And the best treat of all was Parker. He was standing in the middle of the room wearing nothing but desire and a smile.

  Victoria dropped her towel where she stood and walked into his waiting arms. “Parker, I can’t believe you did all this! What’s the occasion?”

  “Just that I love you. I know the last couple of days have been stressful with the parties you had earlier this week, then the ViaTech party tonight. You’ve been working really hard, so I wanted to do something special for you, to show you how much I appreciate you, baby. I was afraid that I’d ruined things earlier this evening. . . .”

  “Shh,” Victoria whispered, bringing her finger to his lips.

  Parker guided her to the bed. He poured the bubbly, then made a romantic toast. They sipped champagne while resting on the soft satin beneath their naked skin. “Turn over,” he whispered.

  Victoria obeyed and rolled onto her stomach, burrowing her face into the luxurious sheets. Parker massaged the back of her calves, the pressure points behind her knees, the length of her hamstrings, and the sensuous small of her back. She felt her stress float away like doves.

  “Turn back over, baby,” Parker whispered again. This time he had another kind of massage in mind. He cupped her breasts together, kissing her nipples softly, sucking them with attentive care. He worked his way down as she moaned under his touch. Her hands palmed the back of his head, holding him between her legs. His gentle licks sent her body arching farther into his waiting mouth, giving her pleasure until she felt her body slipping away into a warm, familiar place.

  Breathless, and ready to return the favor, Victoria eased Parker onto his back. She tried to swallow his entire length—a difficult task even for her advanced skills—so she took him into her mouth as far as she could, using her tongue and lips to bring him to within an inch of orgasm. She pulled back instinctively, not wanting him to explode until he was deep inside her. She reached for a condom from his nightstand and took pleasure in sliding it on him. He entered her like water breaking a dam, crashing in and out with slow, deliberate thrusts. He worked diligently, sweat pouring off his body, mixing with hers. She let out a low whimper when she felt him hit the glorious spot that always made her tremble with sweet relief. Her inner walls closed in around him as she came, and he continued to make love to her until she came again.

  Any Of Your Tricks Tonight...

  From the selection of petite filet mignon and salmon steak, to the elegant floral arrangements, to the sparkling holiday decorations and tasteful giveaways in neatly decorated goody bags, Victoria had left no detail to chance. She’d even gotten a popular, local jazz trio to play throughout dinner until the guest speaker took the stage.

  The first annual YFI Christmas Fundraiser had turned into a notable affair, evidenced by the large crowd gathered at the Buckhead Westin. Many distinguished private sector and non-profit business leaders were milling around the silent auction tables, enjoying pre-dinner cocktails, networking in lively fanfare.

  A few YFI volunteers didn’t show up, so Victoria stepped in to pick up the slack. She greeted patrons, directed guests to the silent auction tables, and did anything else that needed attending to, all while overseeing the smooth operation of the evening.

  She was pleased that so many people had turned out for the event, and she knew that Ted was partially to thank. Once he found out how important the fundraiser was to her, he spread the word in the business community. He’d also seen to it that ViaTech gave a very generous corporate donation to the organization. Between helping YFI and putting in a good word with the Stanley Group, a law firm in the city that had hired Juliet and relocated her back to Atlanta, Ted had won over Tyler as one of his biggest fans. And therein lay the only snag of the evening.

  Victoria bit the inside of her jaw when she found out that Tyler had changed the seating arrangements to include Ted at the head table. She knew it would make for an awkward situation to have Ted and Parker break bread in such close proximity, but at this point there was nothing she could do, after all, this was Tyler’s function—she was just the event planner.

  Victoria made her way around the room, smiling and greeting well-dressed attendees. “Where’s Juliet? I need a big favor,” she asked, walking up to Tyler with an envelope in hand.

  “She and Gigi were over at the bar with your parents a few minutes ago,” Tyler said, looking dapper in his tuxedo. “I gotta give your father props for the Gary Hicks hook-up.”

  “Yeah, he came through on that one. But now I have to get Gary straight for his speech,” Victoria said, in exasperation. “Do you know he showed up without a prepared speech, not even notes or anything . . . ball players! I had to write this for him,” she huffed, holding up the envelope.

  Just then, Juliet and her best friend, Gigi, appeared. Juliet’s black strapless gown flowed around her petite frame, transforming her cute, girlish looks into that
of a sophisticated style maven.

  “Victoria was just looking for you, babe. She needs a favor,” Tyler said.

  “Sure, what do you need, Victoria?”

  Victoria’s eyes darted toward Gigi, momentarily stunned, but not surprised by her outrageous appearance. She quickly refocused her attention back to Juliet, handing her the envelope. “I’m short staffed on volunteers, so I need some extra help. Can you deliver these notes to Gary Hicks in room 702, and see if he needs anything, and schmooze him a bit. You know how NBA stars like to be catered to.”

  Gigi perked up, snatching the envelope from Juliet’s hand. “I can take care of that,” she grinned.

  Victoria took a deep breath. She was happy that she and Gigi had reconnected since Juliet had returned to town, but this was one task she didn’t trust to her old college friend. Gigi was a man-eater, often devouring her victims in one fell swoop. Tonight, she was decked out in an outfit so tight it looked as if it had been spray painted on. Her candy-apple red colored dress was loud! And the slit up the front was so high it nearly revealed her crotch. Victoria gasped at her plunging neckline that exposed her voluptuous 34DD’s. All she needed was a pole and a good beat, and she could’ve performed onstage at Magic City.

  “No offense, Gigi, I love you to death, but I can’t have any of your tricks tonight,” Victoria said, taking back the envelope. “Gary Hicks is off limits. I don’t want you jammin’ up the keynote speaker before he even hits the stage.”

  “Victoria, how could you say such a thing?” Gigi smiled, pretending to be wounded by the accusation. “I’ll be a good girl, scout’s honor,” she said, raising her right hand.

  Against her better judgment, and because she didn’t have time to argue, Victoria gave in. “Okay, but no funny business . . . Juliet, watch her.”

  And with that, Gigi and Juliet were off. Victoria and Tyler were going over last minute details of the evening’s agenda when Denise walked up. “Aren’t you looking sexy tonight,” she smiled, admiring Victoria’s dress. “Girlfriend, I’m scared of you.”

  Victoria was wearing a black, backless, floor-length gown. “Denise, you look fantastic yourself,” she complimented, taking in Denise’s simple yet elegant A-line number. “How’s Vernon feeling?”

  “Better, but he’s still nursing that cold. He sends his love.”

  Victoria looked at her watch; it was ten minutes to show time. She instructed Denise and Tyler to head inside the large banquet room as she glided off into the crowd. She found Parker near the silent auction table. He was striking in his tuxedo. “Where did Phil and Gayle go?” she asked.

  “Phil was called in to the hospital. They left a few minutes ago. They told me to tell you they’re sorry they had to leave,” Parker said, planting a soft kiss on Victoria’s cheek.

  “Are we going to your place tonight?”

  “Well, since your parents will be at your house, and we’re already downtown, we can be at my place in five minutes,” he smiled, then whispered, “and I can have you out of that gown in less than thirty seconds.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Victoria winked. “Why don’t you go in and take a seat at the head table. I’m going to make sure everyone gets ushered in.”

  Parker’s sexy mood was suddenly broken. “Victoria, why’re you running around like a gofer?” he scoffed. “I’ve been watching you since we got here—greeting people and showing them around. You’re not the help, you know—let them do that.”

  Victoria stared at him with penetrating silence. Parker regretted his words even before they settled into the air, like sandpaper meeting wood.

  She was furious. “There’s nothing wrong with helping people, being gracious, and more important, making sure that this evening goes smoothly because my best friend’s reputation as well as that of my business are riding on it. This event was a huge contract for me, and I’ve worked my ass off to make sure it’s a success,” Victoria hissed through clenched teeth, trying to maintain her composure. “This may not mean anything to you, but it means the world to me. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to perform a few menial tasks before the ceremony starts.”

  “Baby, I just want the best for you.”

  “I already have the best. And in case you haven’t been listening to me over the last couple of months, this is who I am.”

  “Let’s not do this. I don’t want to argue,” Parker retreated.

  “Then don’t. Now please take your seat inside. And don’t worry, I won’t be serving the food . . . I’d hate to embarrass you.”

  A few minutes later Victoria stood out front, cooling off while she surveyed the empty lobby. Nearly everyone had taken their seats inside the ballroom when Ted showed up. “Sorry I’m late,” he apologized.

  “Look at you.” She softened, admiring Ted in his custom-made tuxedo.

  He appraised her, roaming his eyes over her gown. “Thank you, and I must say, you look incredible.”

  “This old thing?” She blushed.

  When Victoria and Ted approached the head table, all eyes were on them. They claimed the last two seats, sandwiching her between him and Parker. “Good evening everyone,” Ted greeted. They all spoke except for Parker.

  Ted glimpsed the pretty woman with the perfect melon-sized breasts seated beside him. He didn’t want to stare too hard, so he looked beyond her and was nearly rendered speechless. Sitting next to the bombshell was the attractive older woman he’d seen in the photo at Victoria’s house several months ago. She was fashionably radiant in her soft-pink sequined gown. When she laughed, she revealed an explosive smile just like her daughter’s. Beside her was the man in the picture, and even sitting down he looked commanding. Ted leaned forward. “You must be Victoria’s mother?”

  “Yes, I am,” Elizabeth smiled proudly at the stranger. It took a moment before she realized who she was speaking to.

  “The resemblance is striking. Now I know where your daughter gets her exquisite beauty. It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Ted Thornton. I work with Victoria,” he said modestly, bowing his head in respect.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Ted. Let me introduce you to my husband.” Elizabeth made the introductions as Ted and John nodded in each other’s direction.

  “Mr. Small, it’s a pleasure to meet you. You’re a very lucky man to have lived in the company of two such beautiful women,” Ted said in a polite and respectful tone.

  Victoria looked across the table at Tyler and Denise. They were enjoying this, she could tell.

  “Yes, they are my Queens,” John boasted.

  “Ah, yes, like the name of your bank.”

  “I see my daughter has given you a bit of our family history.”

  “Yes, and actually I’d like to sit down and pick your brain about a few business strategies I’ve been tossing around.”

  John perked up. “That sounds very interesting. Let’s see what we can arrange while I’m in town next week.”

  Look at him, Victoria thought. He’s working Daddy! She knew that bonding through business talk was a surefire way to ingratiate oneself with her father.

  After a few pleasantries, the evening spiraled downhill when Elizabeth innocently thanked Ted for taking care of Victoria after her jogging accident. “I don’t know what Victoria would have done without your help. You were a life saver,” Elizabeth said.

  Victoria had never told Parker that Ted had been the friend she was jogging with that day. She could see the glint in Parker’s eyes at hearing the news.

  The next thunder cloud came when Tyler casually announced that Ted had been volunteering with YFI for the past month, serving as a mentor to Jermaine Johnson, an eleventh grader with promise. “I talked to Jermaine yesterday and he’s excited about the new computer you got him last week. He just set up his email account yesterday,” Tyler said, waiting for Ted’s reaction.

  Ted had asked Tyler not to mention his volunteer activities to Victoria because he wanted to give it a few months to see if the whole mentoring thing worked
out. Initially, his primary reason for volunteering was to score big points, knowing it would go a long way with Victoria. But after working with Jermaine his intentions changed, and he found himself benefiting just as much from the experience as his young mentee. So he continued to volunteer, and continued to keep it private, as he’d become accustomed to doing about many things in his life.

  Ted smiled to himself, not surprised that Tyler had managed to let Victoria know his secret without actually telling her. “Uh, yes, he emailed me this morning,” Ted nodded as he ladled the vinaigrette dressing over his salad.

  Victoria rolled her eyes in Parker’s direction. This was yet another bone of contention in their relationship. She’d asked him several times to volunteer with YFI, but he’d said that preparing for the Africa Project and spending time with her kept him far too busy.

  “I think it’s wonderful that you’re helping young people,” Gigi purred, inching closer to Ted at the edge of her seat. “It’s such honorable work.”

  “Thank you,” he nodded.

  Gigi extended her petite, perfectly manicured hand. “I’m Georgina Howard, but my friends call me Gigi.”

  “Nice to meet you, Gigi,” Ted smiled.

  Juliet and Victoria exchanged glances. They both knew that Gigi was on the hunt and had found her target. They watched as she subtly licked her bottom lip—a trademark move she’d perfected during their junior year.

  Ted could see that the woman was experienced in the art of seducing men. Her large brown eyes were boring holes through him with a look that he recognized all too well. He studied her as she twisted her reddish-brown hair between her fingers, as if beckoning him to her. Her skin reminded him of a gleaming copper penny. She leaned forward, giving him a full view of her abundant cleavage as she scanned his left hand for traces of a ring—as if that meant anything.

  “So, Ted,” Gigi smiled, placing her hand on his forearm. “What does a handsome man like yourself like to do for fun?”


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