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THE PHOENIX WEDDING: The Complete 6 Books Series

Page 12

by CJ Bishop

  Grid stared at the exit door as it slowly closed behind the man. His heart pounded in his ears. If I’m not your type…then why’d you kiss me?


  “Our suspicions are confirmed.” Cole snaked his arm around Devlin’s neck and kissed his head. “You are a fucking hustler, Doc. I mean—fuck—what you did up there…” he shook his head and grinned. “Those were no rookie moves.”

  Abel laughed. “I just told him to show me with his body what he wanted to do to me.”

  “Damn,” Gabe groaned. “If that was a glimpse of what he wants to do to you, baby, you’re going to be in trouble when you get home.”

  Abel smiled. “I know. Can’t wait.”

  The men laughed and ruffled his hair. “You are definitely one of us, you dirty little thing.”

  Dane and Angel approached, and Cole feigned fainting. “Holy fuck, you two. You trying to kill us?”

  “I think that would be Abel and the doc.” Dane chuckled and looked at Devlin. “Be honest now. Abel’s been giving you private lessons, hasn’t he?”

  “Nope,” Abel laughed. “I guess he’s just a natural.”

  Max listened in silence to their playful banter, as impressed as the others by Devlin’s performance. One would’ve never known he was a novice on stage. Still, he’d had a seasoned stripper up there guiding him. Max and Horatio were both novices.

  The small group turned to the two older men suddenly. “You two are up next, boss,” Cole grinned. “Show us what you got.”

  Max scratched his temple and smiled. “I may have to pull rank on you here.”

  “No way,” Devlin laughed. “If I had to do it, so do you two.”

  Caleb returned to the stage and called everyone to attention once more. “I’m not sure this stage can handle any more heat. Damn. Our couples are on fire tonight, what do you think?”

  A cacophony of applause shook the club.

  “All right,” Caleb grinned. “We’re down to our final couple. And, quite honestly, haven’t we been waiting ages to get the boss man on stage?” The audience agreed with resounding cheers. “All you have to do is just look at this couple to know they’ve got some serious heat between them that’s been brewing for a long, long time.” He chuckled and winked at Max and Horatio. “Not to imply you’re old or anything.”

  The guests laughed.

  “So…” Caleb looked at Max. “You boys ready to shake those sexy thangs?”

  Max glowered back. “I’m ready to ban you all from the club.”

  Caleb grinned. “As long as you dance for us first.”

  “Come on, boss.” Tommy appeared, along with the other three, as they grabbed both men by the hands and hauled them to their feet. “You’re gonna be fabulous.”

  A few minutes later, Max and Horatio were standing in one of the dressing rooms while the boys handed them matching hot pink G-strings. Max hooked his finger through the skimpy underwear and held them up. He cocked an eyebrow. “Seriously?”

  The four boys laughed and swarmed the two men, stripping them down to their briefs.

  “We can take it from here,” Max laughed low and grabbed Tommy’s hands when the young man started to tug down his briefs.

  “Ah, come on, boss,” he smiled. “Just a little glimpse?”

  Max raised the pink G-string and stared at him dryly. “You’re going to get enough of a glimpse with these.” He chuffed. “We might as well be wearing dental floss.”

  “That can be arranged,” Ricky grinned.

  “No, no,” Horatio laughed. “These will do.”

  Max motioned toward the door. “Out, so we can get dressed…or what passes for dressed…and get this horrid event over with.”

  “It isn’t going to be horrid,” Ricky insisted with a grin. “The stage is mesmerizing. Electrifying. After your first time, you’ll want to get back up there again and again.”

  Max snorted. “Don’t put your money on that one.”

  “You’ll see,” Ricky smiled as the four of them exited and closed the door.

  Sighing, Max stared at the brightly colored G-string. “I don’t know if I can make myself put this on.”

  Horatio chuckled and came closer. “Personally, I think you will look very sexy in it.” He plucked the skimpy thing from Max. “I’ll even help you get…dressed.”

  A pleasant shiver quivered through Max when Horatio sank down before him and dragged his briefs down his legs, releasing his stiff erection. As Max stepped out of the underwear, Horatio licked up his shaft. “Shit…” Max choked. The tip of his cock seeped cum juice, and Horatio sucked it clean. “You’re not helping,” Max whimpered. “If I get any harder, I won’t fit into those tiny little things.”

  Horatio smiled. “They’re made to stretch,” he murmured. “Sexy male underwear are designed to accommodate an…aroused man.” He held the G-string for Max to step into, then rose to his feet as he pulled them up Max’s legs and worked the thin string between his ass cheeks and tucked Max’s engorged member into the hot pink crotch. His hand remained in there with it a moment as he massaged his hard flesh. Horatio pressed closer and kissed his mouth. “When we get home…” he squeezed Max’s cock and kissed him again. He didn’t have to say anymore.


  “You should be a professional stripper.” Horatio loved to watch Max dance, especially at night – and in the nude. He laid on his back in the grass, his own clothes discarded somewhere off to the side, eyes following Max’s every move. A small portable radio played a slightly upbeat song that seemed to flow through Max’s body.

  “You think so?” Max grinned, his hands caressing his bare skin and following the contours of his lean frame. He danced closer to Horatio, the moonlight revealing his strong arousal.

  Horatio smiled and tucked his arms under his head just enjoying the “show” and the view from below. “Yeah.” His heart pounded as Max danced all around him, occasionally straddling his body and teasing him with a few dips of his hips, brushing down against Horatio’s hardened member. “We should open a strip club. That would be so cool. We could be partners and have our own flock of gay boys.”

  Max laughed. “Flock of gay boys? Sounds rather…fowl.”

  “I’m serious,” Horatio laughed. “It would be like…so perfect.” He propped up on his elbows. “Of course, you wouldn’t be allowed to dance for anyone but me.”

  • • •

  Horatio smiled at the distant memory as the stage music began to play on the other side of the curtain. Falling in love with Max had been the most exciting and exhilarating experience of his entire life. The two of them discovering together just who they were—to themselves and to each other. It should have been a confusing time for two young boys, but it wasn’t. With Max by his side, sharing the same feelings, it had been a beautiful transformation. Horatio had never felt afraid of anything as long as Max was there. And he’d known that there was nothing they couldn’t do if they were doing it together.

  And Horatio believed that to do this day.

  To this moment.

  He grasped Max’s hand and gazed at him with the wonder of that thirteen-year-old boy so consumed with love. “I used to love to watch you dance, Max,” he said quietly. “The way your body moved…it mesmerized me. And the way our bodies moved together when you finally convinced me to dance with you…” he smiled softly and gripped his hand tighter as Max looked at him. “We can do this.” His smile stretched. “Even if I did tell you that you weren’t allowed to dance for anyone but me. Just this one time, I’ll make an exception.”

  Max’s eyes glowed. “I remember that,” he laughed softly. “You said we should open a strip club and get us our own flock of gay boys.”

  “I guess I was pretty intuitive even back then, huh?”

  Max nodded and leaned over, kissing his lips. “You were,” he whispered with emotion. “About everything.”

  Licking Max’s kiss from his lips, Horatio smiled. “You ready to show these young studs a thing or

  Max chuckled. “Oh, they’re probably going to see a thing or two, all right.” He adjusted the crotch of his G-string and Horatio laughed.


  The club lights had been dimmed, and the stage was shadowed when the two men stepped through the curtain. When they reached center stage, they were spotlighted from above by a soft pale blue hue. The audience was remarkably quiet as Max drew Horatio to him and rested his hands on his hips. His skin was so warm and already damp with sweat. He gazed into Horatio’s soft hazel eyes and found no lingering doubts or fears reflected back; Horatio believed in Max without fault. And in this moment, in his eyes, Max saw the boy he had fallen in love with all those years ago…the boy he had delighted in dancing for…dancing with.

  As the memories flooded back in of their stolen moments out by the pond, Max made the same request as he had on the night in reference. “Dance with me?”

  A soft smile formed on Horatio’s face and the boy within emerged.

  Their bodies knew each other well, the memory of that first dance woven through to the core of their souls. The music wrapped them like tendrils, swaying their hips. Once they began to move, Max’s nervousness evaporated as Horatio’s touch, and his curving body enraptured him. Horatio had always possessed a sexy “grace”; erotically refined. His entire supple body began to revolve around Max as if Max were that one “constant” center of his universe.

  Horatio backed up to him, hips swiveling slowly, sensually, and the rest of his body submerged in the rhythm. Max touched his waist and caught the same rhythm. He trembled as Horatio’s warm ass cheeks rotated on his hard member, seducing him. He caressed his lover’s body, fingertips gliding across Horatio’s rippled stomach and traveling lower to skim over the large swell of his crotch.

  Their rhythm and pace quickened a fraction as their passion and hunger heightened. Max’s back touched the pole, and he gripped it above his head, hips pivoting with seductive lure, drawing Horatio to him.

  Hands laced behind his head, Horatio came forward with an erotic roll of his slim waist, hips pumping and swinging to the beat of the music. The stage lights brightened a little, and the guests began to grow louder and louder. The “noise” from the audience shocked Max’s senses, snapping through him like electricity—thrilling him. He swung one leg around Horatio’s thigh and pulled him in, thrusting his hips, grinding their crotches as both of them took turns sinking and rising; caressing, kissing, licking.

  Ear piercing whistles exploded from the guests when Horatio grabbed the pole and spun around, spiraling down until his body was parallel with the stage, then arched his hips as Max straddled him and began to dip and sway his ass. Horatio’s arm muscles popped and flexed as he slowly pulled himself up a fraction, pressed his feet firm against the floor and rocked his hips gracefully, seductively, as smooth waves rolled down his body. His eyes burned with love and desire as he stared up at Max, the corner of his mouth curved in a small smile.

  With the grace and ease of a serpent, he slid back up the pole and onto his feet. Max went down, pelvis undulating, taking him to his heels, fingertips raking Horatio’s hot, slick skin. He came up slowly, hands dragging along the back of Horatio’s thighs, face grazing his swollen cock as he licked his sweaty bulge then ran the tip of his tongue up through his glistening navel, rising fully to his feet. His palms cupped Horatio’s bare ass cheeks, and he pulled him against him hard, swiveling, pumping—driving the audience into a frenzy. And him and Horatio also as they embraced the dance—the eroticism—with every fiber of their body, heart, and soul; burning up the stage until they were suddenly up against the pole again, the music fading, sweat dripping down their bodies.

  Max’s lips trembled against Horatio’s mouth. “Now comes the best part,” he whispered, emotion shaking his voice. “I get to marry the boy of my dreams.”


  When the music finally died away, the two men remained against the pole, Max pinned against Horatio. Sweat drenched their bodies and chests heaved as they stared silently into one another’s eyes. A unified shudder rippled through the guests, and everyone seemed locked in a trance until the two men broke it by drawing apart.

  Caleb’s heart pounded wildly as he looked at the other couples—all of whom stared back in shock. They had been expecting some sexy moves by the men but—holy fuck! Cole and Gabe wiped shaky hands down their flushed, sweaty faces.

  “They win,” Devlin panted and the others nodded emphatically.



  The Phoenix Wedding


  Chapter 1

  Grid rolled over in bed, partially submerged in the dream, half expecting to bump against Nolan’s warm naked body lying next to him beneath the Egyptian cotton sheets. There was no resistance and when his hand reached out, his palm rubbed over empty mattress space. Grid groaned and twisted onto his stomach and shoved his face into the soft pillow.

  For an instant, he wondered if the encounter in the restroom last night had been a dream as well. It had that hazy feel about it, but he suspected that was merely a result of the amount of liquor he’d consumed. Because of that, though, it was difficult to determine how much of his memories were real.

  Had he and Nolan actually shared hand jobs? Was Nolan merely a figment of his inebriated imagination? He hoped not. If the guy was real, then he planned on meeting him again—sober.

  It was possible as well that Grid had had on his “beer goggles” and the guy wasn’t nearly as hot and sexy as he’d perceived him to be last night. Even so, Grid wasn’t entirely superficial; if the man was less hot but still interesting, he’d give him a whirl.

  The flood of thoughts caused a distant throbbing in his skull to surge to the forefront and web around his brain, squeezing until he moaned in agony.

  “Hey, Romeo, gonna sleep all day?” Seth sat down on the edge of the bed and bounced up and down.

  “Uh!” Grid crushed the pillow around his head. “Stop! My head’s going to fucking explode.”

  Seth chuckled and stopped shaking the bed. “That’s the price you pay when you party hardy.”

  Flopping onto his back, Grid exhaled hard and tucked the sheet around his waist. He drew one knee up a fraction to camouflage his semi-erection, brought on by smoking hot dreams of him and Nolan going it hot and wild. Grid slept in the nude, so there wasn’t even the underwear barrier to help conceal his lust.

  “So who was the guy you kept ogling last night?” Seth asked, a quirky smile on his cute face.

  Grid shrugged. “I don’t know. Just a guy.”

  “Did you get a chance to meet him during the party?”

  Hands pumping. Breath puffing. Cum churning…

  Grid cleared his throat and shifted beneath the sheet as his cock stretched and hardened. “No, not really.”

  “You should have just walked over and introduced yourself,” Seth said. “At least shaken his hand.”

  I “shook” more than that. Grid fidgeted again. “Yeah, well, maybe next time.”

  Seth smiled smartly. “Do you want me to leave so you can take care of that?”

  “Take care of what…” Grid paused then shook his head, grinning. “You could always do the honors?” He worked his eyebrows flirtatiously.

  “Jamie would cut off my hand,” Seth stated. “Maybe other favored parts as well.”

  “Sweet little Jaime?” Grid chuckled. “Nah. He would understand.”

  Jamie stepped into the doorway. “Understand what?”

  Turning his head, Seth smiled at him. “He wants me to chop his morning wood.”

  Jamie looked at Grid and his mouth quirked. “Sorry, buddy, get your own lumberjack.”

  I tried, Grid thought. But he said he wasn’t gay and ran away. Of course, that was after another hard and hungry kiss that contradicted his every word.


  “You look exhausted,” Savannah teased when Abel dragged himself into the kitchen wearing just pajama pants, h
is hair tousled and eyes heavy. “Should I assume you had a good time last night?”

  Abel groaned and grabbed a cup, filling it with freshly brewed coffee.

  “Is that a yes?”

  “God,” Abel mumbled and ran a hand through his hair. “Glad I’m only getting married once.”

  Savannah giggled softly. “I guess it’s a good thing you guys broke another tradition and chose not to have the wedding the day after the bachelor party, huh?”

  “Yes,” Abel nodded and sipped his coffee. “I wouldn’t have survived the ceremony if it was today.” He settled his hips against the counter and cradled the warm cup in his palms. “Just promise me one thing, okay? When you get married…please don’t have a bachelorette party like that.”

  Savannah’s smile wavered and she shrugged. “Well, you don’t have to worry about that.” She didn’t add anymore but Abel knew exactly what she meant; she wouldn’t be getting married, ever.

  “I bet Maddy would disagree,” Abel murmured with a smile. He refused to allow her to sink into the belief that her life was already over and there was nothing to look forward to.

  She quelled the rising negative emotions and replied with a playful lightness. “Maddy is a delusional silly boy.”

  “We’ll see.” Abel winked.

  His sister struggled to keep the sadness from her eyes. There was much that she tried to hide from Abel and Devlin, not wanting to cast a cloud over this joyous time. Abel wished he could make her understand that it hurt them more to watch her try and keep it all inside, fight this battle alone. She rarely spoke of her condition anymore, but it was always there in her eyes…the fear. Not just fear of death, but the fear that she would never have what Abel and Devlin have. That she can’t accept it, even when it was offered to her. The love overflowing her heart was trying to get out, yet she refused to turn it loose. It saddened Abel deeply because Maddy was right there, longing for it, wanting so much for her to just let him in, let him love her and prove to her that nothing was too much for him to handle.


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