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THE PHOENIX WEDDING: The Complete 6 Books Series

Page 22

by CJ Bishop

  When Abel suggested they make dinner for Devlin and Savannah, Noah was eager to help.

  “How old were you and Savannah when you were taken away from your parents?” Noah asked tentatively.

  “I was thirteen,” Abel said. “Savannah was ten.”

  Noah plucked chicken drumsticks from a package and laid them out on a platter to be seasoned. “Did…did anything bad happen to you?”

  Abel went still. “What do you mean?” His voice lowered. “At the orphanage?”

  “No,” Noah said. “When you were still at home.”

  Abel cleared his throat. “Our living situation was bad. Our parents neglected us, rarely had food in the house. They always left us alone, sometimes for days on end. I had to go beg food from our neighbors just so we could eat.”

  “Jim never hit you and Savannah or…anything else?” Noah murmured.

  Abel looked at him. “Mostly they just ignored us, like we didn’t exist.”

  Ducking his head, Noah absently arranged the drumsticks. “I wish he’d ignored us, too,” he whispered.

  Abel paused in peeling the potatoes. “Us?” he frowned. “You and your…mom?”

  Fear clutched Noah and he shook his head. “I-I mean me,” he mumbled without looking at Abel. “Just me.”

  Chapter 5

  “It’s good to be home.” Dane and Angel entered the studio apartment and carried their minor luggage up to the loft bedroom. Dane dropped his bag on the floor by the dresser then collapsed on the bed. “That was a waste of time. Shouldn’t have even given them a second thought.”

  Angel lay down beside him. “Trying to make amends is never a waste of time.” He scooted closer and rested his head on Dane’s chest. “They wasted a golden opportunity to reconnect with you. It’s their loss, baby.” He lifted his head and kissed Dane’s throat. “Are you going to call Max and let him know we’re back?”

  “Yeah,” Dane whispered then sighed. “I shouldn’t have mentioned my parents in front of everyone. I feel like an idiot now.”

  “Well, you’re not,” Angel said. “And no one is going to think you are. There’s enough of those in this family who have had to deal with shitty families of their own, they will totally understand.” He shifted up further and kissed Dane on the mouth. “Now stop talking this way or I’ll turn you over, strip your ass bare, and spank it till it’s fiery red.”

  Dane stared at him, a small smile forming. “That isn’t going to work. You’ll have to promise to spank me if I stop talking that way. Then we’ll have a deal.”

  “That works, too,” Angel grinned and kissed him again. “So, do you want your spanking now or later?”

  “Mmm…” Dane chuckled. “I better wait till later. I need to call Max then go see Caleb.”

  “All right.” Angel rolled onto his back and sighed. “But when we get to it, I’m going to oil up that rump and make that spanking sting real good.”

  Dane groaned. “Yes.”

  Exhaling hard, Angel grumbled, “Now I’m horny for your ass.”

  Soft laughter rumbled deep in Dane’s chest. “Is that supposed to be news to me? Aren’t you always?”

  “What?” Angel smirked. “You think I just sit around all day thinking about your ass?”

  Dane turned his head and grinned. “Don’t you?”

  “That’s not the point.”

  Dane laughed. “I thought it was.”

  “Are you going to take a shower before you go see Caleb?”



  “Why good?” Dane asked. “Do I stink?”

  Angel smiled. “Good because naked and wet is always a good thing.” He rolled over on top of Dane and kissed his mouth. “I might just use your sexy body as a slip-n-slide.”

  Dane grinned and squeezed his ass. “I might just let you.”


  The first couple times he woke from erotic dreams of Nolan, Grid had liked it. Now, it was fucking torture. If the man had been pure fantasy and not existed in reality, it wouldn’t be so bad. Or even if he were some distant unattainable public figure, that would have been okay. But having already had a very real and super up close erotic encounter with Nolan—and knowing he was right there in the city as well—was wreaking havoc on Grid’s lust-o-meter.

  He’d thought that maybe being away from the man a few days would kill the effect he’d initially had on him, but that wasn’t working. In fact, he seemed to be growing hornier for the guy with each passing minute. There was definitely a distinct difference in the way a man affected him as opposed to the effect of a woman. He’d gotten plenty wild and turned on while dating girls, but fuck—nothing had ever hit him like this. Grid didn’t know what it was about Nolan specifically that had him cock-hard around the clock and kept his heartrate sky high. He would have thought if anyone had this intense effect on him, it would have been Ricky and Levi; they were the ones who had worked him into a sexual frenzy and then blown him. His encounter with Nolan had been intense, but brief. And the guy didn’t even like him, not really. So what the fuck?

  Grid stood in the shower and worked out his need and frustration until it blew all over the shower wall. The relief wouldn’t last long, though. Maybe he should just pay a visit to Ricky and the boys; at least they liked him and were willing to get down and dirty with him. He let his mind drift in that direction for a moment, imagining what it would be like to spend an entire night in their apartment…just him and the four of them. He might not survive till morning, but what a way to go.

  Against his will, his thoughts jumped track and raced back to Nolan, conjuring images of a night spent with him instead…just the two of them. Why was that scenario so much more inviting?

  He jumped when Seth smacked the bathroom door and asked him if he was going to stay in there all day.

  “Be out in a minute,” he called back and finished rinsing off. By the time he stepped out of the shower, he was semi-erect again and feeling the heat in his groin.

  Man, you have to see Nolan again. His cock jumped and stretched in total agreement. As turned on as he was by mere thoughts of the man, though…what would happen if he saw him face to face again? He was certain that even the tightest briefs and loosest pants couldn’t conceal his intense hunger for the man.


  “So what hot fun are we going to have today?” Grid asked when he entered the kitchen.

  “I don’t know,” Seth said as he fixed himself a cup of coffee. “But it better be low-key since you’ll be babysitting Jamie for me.”

  Jamie looked up from his bowl of cereal. “I don’t need a babysitter.”

  “Why am I babysitting?” Grid wondered and grabbed a clean bowl from the cupboard and began filling it with frosted flakes.

  Seth stirred his coffee then set the spoon aside. “Max and Horatio are taking me and Carl out to lunch.” He sipped from his cup. “But Samuel called a little while ago and asked if we wanted to hang out with him. I told him you and Jamie might be up for it.” He smiled over the rim of his coffee cup. “Especially if there was a chance he’d be bringing Nolan along.”

  The sudden stiffness in Grid’s body amused Seth; the guy was totally digging the attorney.

  “You didn’t…say that, did you?” Grid stared at him.

  “Maybe,” Seth shrugged and grinned. “Maybe not. Besides, Samuel was the one who brought it up that he might try to talk Nolan into coming along as well. He said all the guy does is work, he needs to get out and…loosen up.”

  “Yeah, well…” Grid added milk to his bowl. “I don’t think he’s gay, so I’m out of luck.”

  Seth glanced at Jamie and they both smiled.

  “What?” Grid asked when he saw them exchange a look.

  “Nothing,” Seth chuckled. “It’s just…I ran in Caleb a couple days ago and asked him.”

  Grid frowned. “Asked him what?”

  “If Nolan was gay.”

  Grid went still. “You what?”

�You wanted to know, didn’t you?” Seth reasoned and Jamie laughed quietly.

  Shooting a look at Jamie, Grid narrowed his eyes. “Were you in on it?”

  “No,” Jamie shook his head and munched his cereal. “I’m totally innocent.”

  “Yeah,” Grid said doubtfully and looked at Seth again. “I told you to just mind your own business.”

  “Sorry,” Seth said. “I couldn’t help myself. I was curious, too.”

  Grid scowled. “So…what did he say?”

  “He doesn’t know. He said he’s never seen Nolan with anyone, or even talk about anyone.” He tapped his cup with his fingernail. “But I do think I caught him cast you a couple discreet glances at brunch that day.”

  Grid shook his head. “You can’t go on that.”

  “Did you speak to him at the bachelor party?”

  The hesitation in Grid was noticeable. “No.”

  Seth exchanged another look with Jamie and smiled at Grid. “You wouldn’t be fibbing to us, now would you?”

  Rather than defend himself, Grid just turned his attention to his breakfast.

  “He is fibbing,” Jamie concluded with a grin. “You so talked to him.”

  Grid still said nothing as he scooped spoonful’s of cereal into his mouth.

  “So, what was said?” Seth asked.

  Licking his lips, Grid mumbled, “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Did you hit on him and he shoot you down?”

  He looked at Seth and Jamie. “No, that isn’t what happened.”

  Jamie grinned and set his bowl aside, his curiosity taking over. “So, come on, tell us what did happen.”

  Clearing his throat, Grid placed his bowl on the counter and wiped his hand across his mouth. “You can’t tell anyone—either of you,” he said. “And I mean no one.”

  They nodded in unison. Seth’s own intrigue spiked. He hadn’t really thought anything had actually happened between the two men, but now he was beginning to wonder.

  “We…” Grid smiled. “We met in the bathroom. He was pretty wasted; I wasn’t far behind. We checked out each other’s junk, introduced ourselves, and when I asked him what kind of guys he liked, he said he wasn’t gay.”

  Seth raised an eyebrow and snorted. “You checked out each other’s junk?”

  Grid shrugged and grinned. “I was drunk, all right? And he had way too much not to notice.”

  “So it was after he checked you out, too, that he said he wasn’t gay?” Seth recapped.

  “Well, he didn’t check me out, so much as cast me a quick look.” He chuckled. “Guess I wasn’t as impressive as he was.”

  Jamie looked hopeful as he asked, “Did anything else happen?”

  Rubbing his eyes, Grid smiled. “You could say that.”

  “So…” Jamie pressed anxiously. “What?”

  “Well, I told him he should test if he was gay or not, because I hadn’t known for sure if I was until I came there to the club. So I acted like I was going to kiss him, not really intending to. But he didn’t try to stop to me, so I went for it.”

  Jamie sat back on the stool and laughed. “No shit?”

  “No shit, baby.”

  Seth stared at him, short laughs catching in his throat. “Did he kiss you back?”

  “Uh…yeah, you could say that,” Grid chuckled. “Slammed me against the fucking sink and about sucked my tongue out of my head.”

  “And…?” Jamie grinned.

  Seth looked at him and laughed. “I think I like the influence this place is having on you.”

  “Hush,” Jamie waved at him. “Let him finish his story. Tell me there’s more.”

  Drawing a deep breath, Grid released it slowly. “There’s more.”

  “Yay,” Jamie rubbed his hand together excitedly. “Go on. Go on.”

  “You’re a dirty little boy,” Grid grinned. “You used to be so sweet and innocent. Ricky and the boys really did a number on you, huh?”

  Seth was getting anxious to hear the rest of the story as well. “Quit keeping us in suspense,” he groaned. “What happened next?”

  “He’s all getting into it,” Grid continued. “And so am I. I shoved him against the wall and he starts tearing my pants open, then stuffs his hand down inside and started rubbing me. This was right after the first stage dance with Ricky and the others, so I’m fucking hard as a rock and about to explode in my shorts and his hand feels so fucking good.” He took another deep, shaky breath. “Then he pulls me out and starts jacking me off. He opened his pants while he’s pumping me and I take the initiative and grab him, too. So we’re right there in the restroom, stroking each other’s cocks, both of us two seconds from coming when we hear a bunch of guys headed toward the restroom.” He shuddered. “And that was that. He shoved me away in a hurry and fastened up, with this look on his face like he didn’t know what the fuck he was doing there. Then he left without a word.”

  Jamie just stared at him. “Shit,” he breathed.

  “You didn’t talk to him again for the rest of the night?” Seth asked, his heart beating a little faster and harder than when Grid had started his story, and feeling a low throb in his crotch.


  Jamie swallowed hard. “There’s more?”

  “When I saw him leaving the club,” Grid said. “I caught up to him near the entrance doors and he just wanted to pretend nothing had happened. When I asked him why…he grabs me and fucking kisses me hard then says I’m not his type. So I asked him what his type was and he said female. Then he left the club.”

  “He says you’re not his type after he grabs you and kisses you?” Seth smirked.


  “And you believed him?”

  Grid shrugged and smiled. “Not at that moment, no.”

  “And now?”

  Exhaling deeply, Grid shook his head. “I don’t know. He pretty much ignored me at the brunch. If he is gay, he’s obviously not out, and I’m not going to be the one to out him.” He looked at the two of them. “Which is why you can’t repeat this to anyone. Okay?”

  “Of course.” Seth nodded.

  “Yeah,” Jamie said. “Not a word.” He smiled. “But you got to know—he is so hot for you.”

  Grid sighed and looked hopeful. “Maybe. Maybe not. I guess we’ll see.”

  Chapter 6

  “Was that Max?” Angel came down the stairs as Dane set the cell phone on the counter.

  “Yeah.” Dane murmured, looking a little dazed.

  Angel frowned. “What’s wrong?” A twinge of anxiety pricked him; had something happened while they were gone?

  “Nothing.” Dane looked at him. “Abel…he found his parents. Or, his dad, anyway.”

  “Really? Has he spoken to him yet?”

  Dane nodded and relayed everything to Angel that he’d learned from Max.

  A bit stunned himself, Angel blinked. “We have a new member of the family?”

  “Looks that way,” Dane said. “Max says he’s a real sweet kid.”

  “When do we get to meet him?”

  “I was thinking maybe this evening, if Abel and Devlin are going to be home,” Dane said. “You could give Abel a call and find out, if you want.”

  Angel nodded. “Yeah, sure. I can do that.”

  A bowl of pancake batter sat next to an electric griddle that was heating up. “You want breakfast?”

  “Always.” Angel smiled. “Can I have bananas in mine?”

  “Already in there.”

  “I knew there was a reason I loved you.”

  “You mean besides my ass?” Dane winked.

  Angel smiled. “Yep.”

  After breakfast, Dane went to the club and Angel headed over to Max’s to see Maddy.

  “My wayward son has returned,” Max smiled and hugged Angel when he entered the kitchen. He sobered a little, sadness seeping into his eyes. “So things didn’t go so well?”

  Angel shook his head and perched on a stool at the counte
r. “No,” he murmured and recounted some of what had been exchanged between Dane, his cousin, and his parents. “They refused to see what an amazing man he grew into. All they focused on was that he was still gay—and about to marry a guy.” Angel sighed. “I seriously wanted to punch his dad for implying Dane wasn’t a good and decent man. Really pissed me off.”

  “Well, it’s their loss if they want to turn him away,” Max said. “We’re thrilled to have him in our family, huh, son?”

  “Damn right.” Angel nodded. “He thinks it was a waste of time, and feels like a fool for even thinking they might have changed.”

  “Neither is the case.”

  “That’s what I told him,” Angel said.

  “In fact,” Max proposed. “I think it was the mention of his parents that got Abel thinking about his own. And because of that, he made contact and discovered Noah living in a very bad situation and was able to get him out. But if Dane had never brought up the idea of reconnecting with his parents, maybe the thought wouldn’t have occurred to Abel either. And Noah would still be out there, abused and alone.” He squeezed Angel’s arm. “God works in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform.”

  Angel nodded slowly, a small smile forming. “I never thought of it like that. I think that will make Dane feel better. At least feel like there was a purpose for it all and it wasn’t just a waste of time.” His smile strengthened. “Makes me feel better, too.”

  “Good.” Max kissed his head. “Glad I could help.”

  Angel laughed softly. “You always help.”

  “Thanks,” Max chuckled.

  “Is Maddy here?”

  “In his room.”


  Max shook his head. “She stayed home today to help Noah settle in. I’ll drop Maddy off over there when Horatio and I leave for our lunch date.”

  “Just the two of you?”

  “With Carl and Seth,” Max told him.

  Angel smiled, fairly sure what that was all about.


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