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THE PHOENIX WEDDING: The Complete 6 Books Series

Page 47

by CJ Bishop

  Releasing his arm, Dane stared at him.

  “You don’t even remember, do you?” Freddy said thickly. “You just took off and…” his throat worked. “...and left me. I wasn’t like you, I wasn’t strong or brave or have that who gives a fuck what they think attitude. I had no choice. I had to be who they wanted me to be because you were the only one who understood me—and you were gone.”

  A slow frown furrowed Dane’s brow. “Freddy…” he whispered. “I don’t remember very much about that summer. What did we tell each other?”

  Freddy shook his head slowly. “It doesn’t matter anymore,” he said quietly, his words strained. “Maybe that’s why I came here, to see if you remembered.” He walked to the door.


  Freddy opened the door. “I wish you the best, Dane,” he murmured without turning. “You and Angel both.” He stepped out.

  “Freddy, wait-”

  The door closed. Dane wanted to go after him but instead remained motionless, his body numb and mind confused.

  Chapter 17

  “Hey, hey.” The young man sauntered up to the small group as they entered the club. His dark eyes gleamed as he gazed at the twins decked out in their cowboy hats and boots. “New cowboy blood. Yee-ha.” He winked at Caleb. “New recruits?”

  Noah glanced at Noel, confused; what was he talking about?

  “Back off,” Maddy laughed. “They aren’t for you to corrupt.”

  “What?” the guy chuckled and feigned innocence. “Two handsome hombres walk into the club with our star cowboy, what am I supposed to think?”

  Savannah stepped forward and pushed him back with a fingertip to the chest. “You’re supposed to think ‘these boys are too young and I better behave myself or else.’”

  A low ‘ooh’ sifted through the group and the young man held up his hands and grinned as he took another step back. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Now, politely introduce yourself.”

  The guy nodded in submission and held out his hand to the twins. “I’m Ricky. Sorry I didn’t make it to the party this afternoon to meet you.” The boys shook his hand. “So, what do you think of the club?”

  Noel stuck close to Noah as they looked around. No one had explained what kind of club it was, but the stage and pole kind of gave it away.

  “It’s cool,” Noah murmured as he gave the guy another, closer, look; was he a stripper? This was Max’s club, so…who else were strippers? Noah glanced at Caleb. Ricky had called him their star cowboy. What did that mean?

  “Come meet the other guys,” Ricky said, interrupting Noah’s thoughts. He led them toward the stage and three other young men who he introduced as Levi, Tommy, and Gavin.

  “You know Axel’s puppy Jonah?” Maddy said. “Clint got him from Gavin.”

  “And saved my ass,” Gavin grinned. “That is one bad-ass cowboy.”

  Maddy slung his arms around the boys. “All cowboys are bad-ass.”

  “Amen, brother.” Samuel smacked Caleb lightly on the butt.

  Caleb bumped him with his elbow and laughed.

  Shooting a sly look at Chris, Maddy smiled. “Don’t you agree, Chris?”

  The guy chuckled. “Oh yeah. Cowboys are awesome.”

  Noah blushed when Maddy winked at him, but any praise from Chris caused a pleasant tickle in Noah’s stomach.

  The night passed in a haze and Noah took every opportunity to work alongside Chris, who never seemed to tire of his company. Though he knew Chris saw him as a kid, the older boy didn’t treat him that way or talk down to him the way some adults did to kids. Noah was a little embarrassed by the teasing looks from those who knew he liked Chris, but it was worth it to be able to spend time with him.

  Ricky and his friends took Noel under their wing and let him choose the music to be played while they decorated the club. Their casual movements to the beat of the music convinced Noah that they were, indeed, strippers, though they weren’t beingcrude or suggestive. Over by the bar, he caught a glimpse of Caleb subtly dancing close to Samuel, confirming his suspicions about Caleb as well. Noah didn’t care, though. It wouldn’t matter if their entire new family were strippers. They were good people and hadn’t hesitated to accept Noah and Noel as their own.

  “Do you know how to dance?” Chris asked when he caught Noah watching Caleb.

  Scorching heat rushed through Noah’s face, and he ducked his head. “No.”

  Chris laughed. “I didn’t mean that kind of dancing. Even I don’t know how to dance like that.”

  “Oh.” Noah felt even more embarrassed as he suddenly imagined Chris on stage. His cheeks nearly turned to ash and blew away from the extreme heat surging through them.

  “I meant,” Chris chuckled. “Do you know how to dance, like regular dancing?”

  Noah shook his head and was relieved when some of the burning faded from his face. “I never learned.”

  “Well, you have to dance at least once at the wedding. Everyone should dance at a wedding.”

  “I don’t know how,” Noah mumbled.

  “Do you want to learn?”

  Noah’s pulse spiked, kicking his heart into overdrive. Did Chris mean that he would-

  “I’m sure someone here could teach you,” Chris said. “If you want a few lessons.”

  Someone here. But not him. Noah’s heart sank, and he shrugged. “No, that’s okay,” he whispered. “I don’t really want to.”

  “Don’t want to what?” Miranda asked as she and Savannah approached.

  Chris smiled. “Noah said he didn’t know how to dance. I told him someone here could give him lessons, but he declined.”

  The two girls exchanged a sly look. Miranda eyed her brother. “Did you offer to give him lessons? I mean, you are one fantastic dancer.”

  “Uh…” Chris stepped closer to Miranda, his voice lowering. “I thought he might feel more comfortable taking lessons from a girl.”

  “All you had to do was ask,” Savannah smiled and looked at Noah. “Do you mind taking dance lessons from a boy?” Her eyes twinkled mischievously; she knew Noah liked Chris that way.

  Not wanting to appear over-excited, Noah shrugged and shook his head. “No.”

  “Then Chris is your man.” Miranda patted her brother on the back, her lips pursed with amusement as she glanced at Savannah.

  “What’s with you two?” Chris chuckled. “Is there some inside joke I’m not privy to?”

  “There’s no joke, big brother,” Miranda insisted. “You’re just…oblivious.”

  “Huh?” Chris arched an eyebrow.

  “Nothing.” The girls laughed and sauntered away arm in arm.

  Chris shook his head, a puzzled frown on his face. “Do you know what they’re talking about?”

  Noah swallowed hard. “No.”

  “Hm. Silly girls.” Chris smirked. “Are you sure you don’t mind having a guy teach you to dance?”

  “I don’t mind,” Noah said quietly. His stomach pinched when something else occurred to him. “Are you okay with…giving dance lessons to a guy?” Maybe Chris hadn’t suggested it to begin with because it made him uncomfortable. Noah didn’t want that to be true because then it would mean he really was straight. He probably was, but Noah didn’t want to know that just yet.

  “Yes,” Chris laughed softly. “I’m okay with it. I have no hang-ups. In fact, it was my dad who taught me to dance. Then my Uncle Lex helped me hone my skills. So, I guess you could say I’m used to dancing with guys.”

  Noah’s next words formed and tumbled out before he could stop them. “Do the girls you date know you dance with guys?”

  “The girls I date?” Chris looked amused. “You make me sound like a lady’s man.”

  Are you? Noah held back the question. “Sorry,” he murmured. “I didn’t mean to pry.”

  “You’re hardly prying,” Chris smiled and squeezed his shoulder. Noah shivered pleasantly beneath his touch. “Actually, my last real date was to my senior prom. I took Lorrie

  Noah lowered his eyes, feeling sick.

  “Of course, Lorrie and I were just good friends,” Chris explained. “So, I suppose it wasn’t technically a date date. Romantic and all.” He grinned and leaned closer, looking around toward his sister before murmuring, “I never told anyone this, not even Miranda, but I really wanted to go with Elliot Clem, the captain of the baseball team.” He sighed. “But he was dating a cheerleader, and I was pretty sure he’d punch me in the face if I asked. So, to save face—literally—I went with Lorrie. But she was cool, and we had a great time, so I guess that’s all that mattered.”

  His heart racing, Noah stared at Chris as the guy continued to lean close. “Why…” he swallowed thickly. “Why did you tell me?”

  Chris smiled and shrugged. “I don’t know.” He straightened up and winked at Noah. “You just seemed like someone who could appreciate the story.” He held out his hand and gave a small bow. “May I have this dance?”

  His knees suddenly weak and head going light, Noah tentatively grasped Chris’ hand as his heart went crazy inside his chest.


  Angel was lingering outside the apartment building when Freddy emerged at a quickened pace. The man didn’t see him at first, and Angel kept quiet, watching him as he paused on the sidewalk and glanced back at the building. His face was strained, though Angel couldn’t tell for sure if he was angry or…something else…as the shadows camouflaged his features.

  A low clearing of his throat alerted Angel that Freddy had either been in tears or close to it. Taking a chance, Angel pushed away from the wall and stepped out of the shadows. “Are you okay?”

  Freddy jumped and jerked around, eyes wide and startled—and reflecting dampness in the pale light of the street lamp.

  “Sorry,” Angel murmured. “Didn’t mean to scare you.” He stared at the man quietly then added, “Things didn’t go so well with you and Dane?”

  “You could say that.” Freddy’s voice was thick and raspy, and he swallowed a couple times but didn’t offer anything else.

  “Dane’s a good man,” Angel said. “The best. He saved my life.” He smiled softly. “In pretty much every way you can save a person’s life. I wouldn’t be alive today if it weren't for him. And my little brother…” he shook his head, his throat squeezing. “…he wouldn’t be here, either.” Angel gazed at him. “I know you don’t understand Dane’s love for me, but there is so much more to him than him being gay. If you shut him out of your life, disown him…you have no idea what you’re throwing away. People don’t have to agree on everything to care about each other…to be friends…to be family.”

  Freddy stared at him for a long moment then whispered, “I hope you have a nice wedding.” He turned around and stepped off the sidewalk.

  “You’re still invited,” Angel said. “And welcome.”

  Freddy hesitated, nodded, then crossed the street to his car.

  Angel watched him until he drove away. His phone vibrated in his pocket. He didn’t have to look to know it was Dane. Entering the building, Angel tugged the cell out and opened Dane’s text, telling him to come back to the apartment. Angel replied to the text as he walked up through the stairwell then stuffed the phone back into his pocket.

  He found Dane sitting on the sofa, an open beer on the coffee table and his cell phone next to the bottle. Angel locked the door behind him and crossed the room. “You okay, babe? I saw Freddy outside. He seemed kind of upset. What happened?”

  Dane looked up and dragged Angel down onto his lap and hugged him. “I’m not sure,” he whispered and pressed his lips to Angel’s shoulder. “I think maybe I’ve misjudged him as much as he’s misjudged me.”

  Chapter 18

  This is the day your dream comes true.

  Horatio awoke to that one single thought. He didn’t immediately open his eyes, but rather let the reality saturate his heart. Although he and Max had been together now for a few months, fully committed to one another as if they were already married…this final step would be the self-actualization of a twenty-year-old dream.

  The deep, even breaths of his husband-to-be brought a soft smile to his lips. Max’s warm body touched him as the man slept peacefully beside him. Horatio let his eyes drift open, and he gazed at the bedroom ceiling. He ached to pull Max into his arms, make love to him and start this day off in perfect passionate bliss. But they had managed to hold out through the night; they could wait until after the ceremony.

  Horatio turned onto his side and rested his head on the pillow as he watched Max sleep. Over the years, he’d shared his bed with many lovely young men, imagining they were Max. He had lost count of how many nights he’d fallen asleep pleading with God to turn back time and change the circumstances that had forged an impenetrable wall between him and Max. On nearly as many occasions, he’d slung bitter curses at God, demanding to know why He would do this to them, why He was tormenting them, why He had allowed them to fall in love at all.

  Brushing his fingertips on Max’s face, Horatio no longer wondered or cared why things had happened as they had. Life was meant to be lived in the now, moment by moment. God had given Horatio the miracle he’d been requesting for nearly two decades. The wall was broken down, and he and Max were together. And that was all that mattered now.

  Max sighed and shifted, turning his cheek into Horatio’s touch. “Is it morning?” he mumbled, eyes closed.

  “Yes,” Horatio whispered and continued to caress his face.

  Max smiled. “The second best morning of our lives.”


  His smile stretching, Max sighed again and opened his eyes, gazing lovingly at Horatio. “No morning can surpass our first morning as an engaged couple.”

  The morning after Horatio had revealed to Max the real truth of their situation.

  Horatio had to agree—nothing could surpass the feeling of waking up that morning with the promise of a future together.

  “That was a most amazing morning,” Horatio whispered and kissed him deeply. “In so many ways.”

  Max twisted onto his side and pulled Horatio into his arms, prolonging the kiss as their bodies came alive. He groaned into Horatio’s mouth then pressed his face against his throat. “I hope you don’t plan on sleeping tonight. Because I plan on making love to you all night long.”

  Laughing softly, Horatio said, “I’ve reserved the whole night just for you.” He lifted Max’s face and kissed his mouth. “Sleep can wait—the loving cannot.”


  “You’re up early.” Gabe yawned and stretched then sagged against the sheets, his heavy, tired eyes on Cole.

  Cole carried two cups of coffee into the bedroom and handed one to Gabe as he sat down on the bed. “I’ve been up all night.” He sipped from his cup as he glanced down at his crotch. His loose-fitting pajama bottoms weren’t sufficient to camouflage his erection.

  “Yeah, well, me, too.” Gabe scooted up and leaned against the wall, cradling the warm cup in his palms.

  Beneath the blankets, Cole was fully aware of Gabe’s nakedness. He’d never known the man to sleep in anything but the raw, which had always worked for Cole; until now. Knowing what was waiting for him under the covers weakened his already precarious resistance and strengthened his own arousal.

  “This could be an embarrassing display today,” Gabe chuckled.

  Cole looked at him, his hungry eyes lingering in Gabe’s muscular chest…nipples stiff and perky, just begging to be nibbled and sucked. His gaze slid lower over the man’s rippled abs and followed his happy trail until it disappeared beneath the sheet that draped across his lower stomach and tented a bit above his crotch.

  “No dirty thoughts this morning,” Gabe murmured with a heat in his voice and his baby blue eyes that betrayed the brewing of his own steamy notions.

  “Too late.” Cole set aside his coffee and turned to Gabe. He rubbed his hand slowly up his exposed body, pausing at a hard nipple. He smiled and worked the nub
between his fingers as he leaned in and kissed Gabe’s neck.

  Gabe shivered. “Quit.”

  The lack of conviction in the order fueled Cole’s determination. “You know we can’t get up there in front of everyone in this condition.” He raked his teeth along the cord of Gabe’s neck and trailed his fingertips down to the sheet. “Do you really think the others are sticking one hundred percent to the pact? As horny as they all are?”

  Gabe placed his cup on the stand and covered Cole’s hand, squeezing tensely. “If we break the pact, they’ll kill us, since it was our idea in the first place.”

  “Actually, it was Carl’s idea.” Cole nibbled his earlobe. “We just accepted the challenge. And besides…” he drew back and kissed Gabe on the mouth. “We’re not going to fuck. We just need to…release the pressure.”

  Gabe stared at him skeptically.

  “I swear,” Cole smiled.

  Gabe held his eyes as he reached down between Cole’s legs and grasped his hard cock through his loose pajamas. “No handling actual flesh.”

  “All right.” Cole stuffed his hand into his pajamas and reposition his member for better gripping, then withdrew. “There you go.” As Gabe adjusted his hold on Cole’s shaft, Cole wrapped the sheet around Gabe’s thick dick and stroked.

  “This won’t take long,” Gabe groaned and kissed him hungrily as the two men went to pumping each other vigorously.

  “Oh fuck…” Cole gasped into his mouth. “Oh my God…” He rocked his hips in time with Gabe’s hand, thrusting through his fist. “Fuck, baby…”

  Gabe panted, his body tense and strained as he lifted urgently to Cole’s stroking. “Fuck, yes…oh God…” He shoved his face against Cole’s throat and bit his skin. “I want to fuck you so bad,” he shuddered.

  “Tonight, baby,” Cole breathed, voice trembling. “We’ll start our marriage off with a bang.”

  “A hard bang?”

  “Oh fuck yes,” Cole whimpered and swallowed thickly, his thrusts intensifying as he drilled Gabe’s tight fist. “Uuhh…” He squeezed Gabe’s cock and pumped him furiously as cum juice dampened the sheet. “Oh, my God…I’m so close…I wanna come so fucking bad.”


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