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THE PHOENIX WEDDING: The Complete 6 Books Series

Page 50

by CJ Bishop

  “I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have for a best man,” Carl smiled. “Though it may not be an issue for quite some time yet.”

  Max chuckled softly. “The way Lex looks at you? It may be sooner than you think.”

  “You really think so?”

  “Definitely.” He gazed at Carl curiously. “What would you say if he proposed?”

  Carl moved past Max, a thoughtful look on his face. “I don’t know,” he murmured and turned around. “Probably…squeal like a school girl and jump for joy.” He shrugged and smiled. “Something like that.”

  Max laughed. “Somehow, I think Lex would love that reaction.”


  Horatio sensed the presence, felt eyes on him, before he noticed the young man in the mirror, lingering in the doorway watching him. Horatio held his eyes through his reflection. A soft smile painted Seth’s face, tender loving affection in his beautiful green eyes.

  “I’ve never seen you look more handsome than you do right now,” Seth murmured with deep emotion.

  Horatio turned around, and Seth came forward, wrapping his arms around the older man’s neck, hugging him tightly. Tears knotting his throat, Horatio embraced Seth and held him close. “I could thank you every day for the rest of my life,” Horatio whispered. “And it still wouldn’t be enough.”

  “This would have happened,” Seth said softly. “With or without me.” He drew back and cupped Horatio’s face. “Your heart knew right from the start where it belonged, and it wouldn’t have rested until it was tucked safely in Max’s hands.”

  Shaking his head slowly, his eyes glistening, Horatio smiled. “Don’t you dare try to annul what you and Carl did for us. You saved us, baby.” Horatio touched his face and brushed a light kiss across his lips. “You will always be our heroes.” He stroked his thumb down Seth’s warm cheek. “Tell me you’re happy, that Jamie is the one.”

  His eyes filling, Seth nodded. “I am,” he said thickly. “And he is. He’s my soulmate.”

  “It feels good, doesn’t it?” Horatio murmured. “To be…complete.”

  “Yeah.” Seth blinked and smiled. “It feels really good.”

  “I feel like I’m dreaming,” Horatio whispered. “And there’s this tiny part of me that’s terrified I’m going to wake up before I get to marry the love of my life.”

  Seth took his hands. “Nothing and no one is going to take this away from you. This is the moment you’ve been building up to your whole life, and you deserve it. You’ve earned your happily ever after and you’re going to have it.” Seth kissed his cheek. “So, relax and enjoy every minute of this miraculous day. It’s going to be perfect, from start to finish.”


  “What’re you smiling about?” Dane gazed at Caleb as the young man fussed with Dane’s tie.

  Caleb shrugged, his crystal blue eyes gleaming. “I’m just really happy for you and Angel.” He rubbed his palms down the front of Dane’s tux jacket. “Angel is very lucky to have you.” His smile quirked. “And very lucky that I met Samuel, or I would have grabbed you up and kept you for myself.”


  “Definitely.” Caleb’s smile softened, his eyes warming with emotion. “You were there for me from the moment I came to the club. Believe me, I knew what a catch you were. If I hadn’t fallen in love with Samuel, I would have fallen in love with you. I think a part of my heart did anyway.” He slid his arms around Dane’s neck and hugged him with strong affection. “I’ll never forget what you did for me. I love you, babe.”

  His breath unsteady, Dane held him tight and kissed his hair. “I love you, too. I don’t know if I ever told you this, but you were the first man I ever loved. Even if we’re not soulmates, that still means everything to me. You taught my heart how it felt to love, and how much it could hurt to lose out on love.”

  “That’s a good thing?” Caleb asked doubtfully.

  Dane smiled. “Yes. Some people enter relationships without truly understanding what’s at stake. But I know, and it makes me want to hold onto Angel with all my body, heart, and soul.”

  “You better,” Caleb murmured. “He is a gift straight from heaven.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Dane whispered. “And if I tried to leave him, he’d kick my ass. If he didn’t, Maddy and Axel would.”

  Caleb chuckled. “I might just jump in there, too.”

  “Well, no worries,” Dane smiled, releasing him. “There’s no way in hell I’m letting go of that sexy little firecracker.”

  “Smart man.” Caleb kissed him lightly on the mouth. “I knew you were as brainy as you were beautiful.”


  “You look more nervous than me,” Gabe chuckled when the cowboy leaned against the counter adjacent to where Gabe stood before the mirror, inspecting his image.

  Clint looked at him but didn’t reply right away. A lot could be said in a look, though, and Gabe saw both pride and unworthiness in the cowboy’s jade green eyes. The man had yet to release the guilt of past acts and didn’t feel worthy to stand at Gabe’s side on this special day. Gabe disagreed.

  “You look good,” Clint murmured.

  “I feel good.” Gabe faced him and smiled. “For the longest time, I never thought I’d get married. Didn’t even think about it. But I guess the right person can change your whole world, your priorities, even your dreams.” He raised an eyebrow. “Know what I mean?”

  The cowboy’s face twitched as he stared at Gabe with a non-intimidating scowl. “I suppose I do.”

  Gabe chuckled. “You suppose. You’re a totally new man since Axel came into the picture. And I do believe you’re contemplating things you never thought you’d contemplate, huh?”

  A hint of a smile jerked the corner of Clint’s mouth. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Yeah. Sure.” The transformation in Clint since Axel’s arrival in his life was miraculous. Love had proven to be the most powerful force on earth. It hadn’t only changed “the cowboy”, but Cochise as well. And honestly, Gabe hadn’t believed anyone would ever be able to break into the Egyptian’s heart and take possession. Hell, he hadn’t thought anyone was brave enough to try. He found it rather amusing that a skittish, broken young man and a pacifist veterinarian had been the ones to conquer the two most feared gangsters in the city. “I can’t wait for your wedding day. And especially, the bachelor party.”

  Clint tipped his hat up a bit. “I love you like a brother, Gabriel,” he drawled. “But if you try to get me on stage, I will lay you out.”

  “You can’t fight all of us,” Gabe grinned.

  “Don’t bet on it.”

  “When you see Axel up there doing his sexy strip-tease, you’ll scramble up on that stage in a hurry.”

  Clint grunted. “You ain’t getting Axel up there.”

  “Watch us,” Gabe smirked. “That boy is possessed with the spirit of a stripper just waiting to break out.” He smiled wryly. “But I bet you already know that.”

  The look the seeped into Clint’s eyes and the curve of his smile confirmed Gabe’s suspicions; Axel had shown the cowboy a wild side of himself that the rest of them had yet to witness.

  “Ah.” Gabe pointed at him. “You see? He won’t fight us.”

  Clint shook his head and chuckled low. He straightened up and stepped forward. “We’ll see, little brother.” He pulled Gabe into a strong embrace and kissed his neck. “I’m happy for you,” he murmured. “You did good. Cole is one hell of a man.”

  “Yeah, he is.” Gabe hugged him hard. “I’m a blessed man.” He drew back and smiled. “We’re all blessed men.”

  Clint nodded. “Amen.”


  Nolan paused at the entrance of the club with Reuben in his arms. He barely recognized it as the same club from the night of the bachelor party. The tables had been moved to the perimeter of the floor, and the space filled up with white slat folding chairs for the guests. White satin ribbons streamed between bouquets of whit
e, pink, and red roses. The pole on stage was laced with white and pink satin ribbon and sprinkled with baby’s breath.

  “It’s pretty.” Reuben’s eyes brightened as he looked around.

  Nolan smiled. “Yes, it is.”

  Guests mingled throughout the club. Mostly men, though Nolan spotted a few gowns starkly contrasted against the sea of black tuxes. Nolan instinctively searched for Grid among the handsome horde. The young man had gone home early that morning to get ready for the wedding and told Nolan he would meet him at the club. It was difficult to distinguish one body from another as all the “suits” blended together.

  “Nolan.” Samuel emerged from the ocean of guests. “You’re here. Good.” Samuel smiled at Reuben. “You’re looking particularly snazzy, little man.”

  Reuben smiled shyly and leaned his head against Nolan’s shoulder.

  Samuel chuckled. “You hang around this bunch for a while, and that shyness won’t last long.”


  Nolan looked around as the Jules’ squeal echoed above the din of adult voices. The little boy was hopping off the stage steps in a tiny tux, cowboy boots, and hat. He raced across the floor, weaving through legs. Nolan and Samuel laughed as he rushed up, face flushed with excitement.

  “Reuben! You can be a ring bear, too! Come on!”

  Looking at his son, Nolan smiled. “Hey, sounds like fun. You want to be a ring bear with Jules?”

  “Yeah!” Jules hopped up and down. “Come on!”

  Reuben laughed and nodded. As soon as his feet touched the floor, Jules grabbed his hand and dragged him back toward the stage.

  Shaking his head, Samuel chuckled. “That may be the last you see of him today.”

  “They’re like two peas in a pod,” Nolan murmured with a smile, watching the boys maneuver their way through the swarm of guests. It broke his heart to think of having to separate the children if worst came to worst.

  Samuel touched his arm and Nolan looked at the young man. “Jensen Taylor is here,” Samuel said. “After the reception, we can sit down with him and talk about your situation. He knows some of it, and he’s willing to help.”

  “All right,” Nolan nodded. He wished he could feel optimistic, but the tight knot in his gut remained.

  “He’ll help you figure this out,” Samuel said. “I am confident of that.”

  “Thanks. I hope you’re right.” His gaze drifted back to the two small boys. “For Reuben’s sake as much as my own.”

  Samuel squeezed his shoulder. “Keep the faith,” he said quietly. “And we’ll do the same.”

  “You made it.” Grid seemed to appear out of thin air, a beautiful image of distinguished handsomeness.

  “I’ll talk to you later,” Samuel smiled and cast a nod to Grid as he walked away.

  Grid looked Nolan over with deep appreciation. “You look amazing.”

  “And you,” Nolan murmured as his heart beat faster and faster. “The genteel look suits you.”

  “Thank you.” Grid moved closer, soft heat in his eyes. “But to be honest, I’m counting the hours and minutes until this tux is just a wadded up ball in the corner of your bedroom.”

  Nolan shivered. “I think I prefer that look even more,” he breathed. “You…naked on my bed.”

  Grid discreetly took his hand and laced their fingers, his body grazing Nolan. “If not for this wedding,” he whispered. “We’d still be in bed.”

  “Not likely,” Nolan smiled, lost in his eyes. “Reuben would have invaded the bedroom by now.”

  “Right,” Grid laughed quietly. “I forgot to compensate for the little tyke.”

  Nolan squeezed his hand. “Thank you again for last night. For looking after him.”

  “I didn’t mind.” Grid’s warm breath puffed gently on Nolan’s cheek. “I was glad to help.”

  Leaning closer, Nolan touched his head to Grid’s brow. “If things go bad with Patrice,” he whispered unsteadily. “I’m going to miss you so much.”

  Grid hesitated then pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “You’re not going to miss me.” he kissed him again. “Because I’m not going anywhere.”

  Chapter 3

  “You know,” Adrian smiled. “If Reuben isn’t careful, Jules is going to steal his heart away.”

  “Takes after his uncle.” Anthony looked at Angelo and winked.

  Axel, Cory, and Colton laughed. Cory rolled his eyes. “Yeah, Adrian really had to work at stealing your hearts. You handed them right over without a fight.” He tsked and shook his head. “Shameful.”

  “Oh really?” Axel bumped Cory and grinned. “You turned into a puddle of goo the first time Colton here walked into your apartment. I don’t recall any resistance on your part.”

  Nodding slowly, Cory grinned darkly. “Oh, there were puddles of goo, all right.”

  “Shit,” Axel laughed.

  Anthony stared at his son and shook his head. “I have no words.”

  “There are no words for that boy,” Angelo chuckled.

  Anthony sighed and looked at Colton. “How do you put up with him?”

  “He gives my mouth something better to do than talk.” Cory wriggled his eyebrows.

  Laughing softly, Colton shrugged. “He’s like a runaway train. I just hang and rattle.”

  “Is that what you call it?” Cory smirked.

  Kane and Cochise approached. The Egyptian eyed Cory. “Giving lip, boy?”

  “I give more than just lip.” He winked at Cochise.

  “You’re exhausting,” Axel told him.

  “Yes,” Anthony nodded and laughed. “That’s the word I was looking for. Exhausting.”

  Axel chuckled and turned to Kane. “Did Zoe, John, and Donald ride in with you guys?”

  “Yes,” Kane said. He glanced toward the stage. “Are they going to all take their vows at the same time?”

  “No,” Axel told him. “Savannah wanted each couple to have their own special moment. After all the ceremonies are finished, then the best men will give their toasts at the reception.”

  “Is Clint prepared?” Cory asked with a grin. “He’s always been a man of few words.”

  “Honestly?” Axel smiled. “I have no clue what he’s going to say. He hasn’t brought it up at all. I assume he has something in mind.”

  Cochise grunted, an amused twitch to his lips. “This should be good.”

  “I’m sure he’ll do fine,” Kane said.

  “Noah’s pretty nervous,” Axel said. “I talked to him a little bit ago, and he said that Abel told him he didn’t have to give a toast if he didn’t want to. I don’t think he’s made up his mind just yet.”

  “No one would blame him if he didn’t,” Cory said. “After what he and Noel have been through. It’s totally understandable if he doesn’t want to get up in the spotlight.”

  “Yeah,” Axel murmured. “It’s a wonder they’re adjusting as well as they are.” He vacated his seat at the bar. “I’m going to go talk to my little brother before he takes the plunge.”

  Axel found Angel in one of the dressing rooms. “How you doing?” he asked Angel with a smile. “Getting jittery yet? It’s almost go-time.”

  “Feeling some butterflies.”

  “I can imagine,” Axel chuckled. “I would be a bundle of nerves.”

  “Well,” Angel grinned. “Better prepare yourself. You know that cowboy isn’t going to let you remain a free man for much longer.”

  “As if I’m a free man now,” Axel laughed. “If someone tried to cut in, he’d castrate them in a hurry.” For most, that statement would be a figurative one. When speaking of Clint; it was quite literal. If another man touched Axel, they’d be lucky to get away with their life.

  “Ah, what a romantic he is.”

  Axel shook his head and chuckled. “Yeah, he’s definitely got his own version of romance. But he can be traditionally sweet and romantic now and then. Just don’t tell him I told you. He’d probably deny it.”

  Angel nodded. “Un
derstandable. That might sully his bad-ass reputation.”

  “Indeed.” Axel smiled and squeezed angel’s shoulder with affection. “You look great, little brother.” He cleared his throat as a sudden well of emotion rose up. “A few months ago, who would’ve guessed that we would be here together, about to celebrate your wedding day? That you would even want me here?” He blinked. “I want you to know how proud I am to be your brother, to be such a huge part of your life. When everything went down at the apartment, I never thought I’d see you or Maddy again. I certainly didn’t think you guys would ever want anything to do with me.” His vision swam. “When you forgave me and…and called me your brother, I can’t even describe how that made me feel. You’re the most amazing person I know. I think you’re about as close to an authentic angel as anyone could get.”

  “Thank you,” Angel whispered. He hugged Axel. “I’m proud to have you for my brother.” He stepped back, eyes damp. “I feel bad that you’re not going to be up there as well, sharing the best man spot with Maddy.”

  Axel shook his head and smiled. “No. Maddy earned this place of honor. I’m happy to just be a part of it at all.”


  Pastor William Thompson approached the entrance to the Phoenix Club and paused to look across the street where a small group of religious protestors were gathering, some of whom he recognized as members of Hank Milton’s church. He suspected that Pastor Milton would be joining them soon. William was well aware of how it might look to those outside his own congregation for him to be seen entering a gay strip club. Few people these days, it seemed, were interested in facts and thrived on “dirty” rumors—especially when it came to men of God. But William wasn’t here to indulge; he knew that and God knew it. And that was good enough for him.

  As far as what went on in this club on a typical night was none of his business. It wasn’t his place to stand in judgment. He’d met the men getting married today, as well as some of their family, and regardless their “profession”, they were wonderful, honorable men.


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