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THE PHOENIX WEDDING: The Complete 6 Books Series

Page 55

by CJ Bishop

  “Baby…” Dane whispered, voice breaking as he drew Angel’s hands to his lips, tears dripping off his face.

  Angel touched his fingertips to Dane’s jaw, his skin smooth, freshly shaven that morning. “You are the light of my life, the joy in my heart. My life is beautiful, my future hopeful…because of you. We know what our love can endure, because it'salready endured. We get to enter our life together knowing that nothing can break us or tear us apart. Nothing. Because nothing we might face in the future could be worse than what we’ve already been through.” He cleared his throat as a small smile formed. “So yes, you are definitely getting spanked for what you said.”

  His throat working and tears running free, Dane released a short, soft laugh. “I promise, I’ll take it like a man.”

  Angel hugged him hard, his face pressed to Dane’s throat. “I love you so much,” he whispered.

  “I love you, too, baby.” Dane squeezed him in his arms then released him as Angel stepped back and wiped his face. When he looked at the pastor, the man had tears of his own glistening in his eyes.


  Freddy was trembling and he didn’t know why. Tears streaked his face and he wiped them away with a shaky hand.

  I stand before you today…as one of those forgiven.

  What had Dane done to Angel that was so awful? Freddy had judged Dane over the years, but he had never believed Dane was a bad person inside. And the way he looked at Angel, Freddy couldn’t imagine him ever causing the young man any kind of hurt. Yet his very tone had betrayed his deep sense of pain one can only feel when they’ve harmed someone dear to them.

  Freddy recalled Dane’s words from back at the apartment, extolling Angel’s willingness and ability to forgive—beyond the capability of most people. He understood it a little better now; Dane was speaking from personal experience.

  There was so much more to his and Angel’s relationship, to their love, than Freddy could have imagined. And once upon a time, he wouldn’t have taken the time to stop and look deeper…as those outside the club now weren’t taking the time. Why was it easier to shout and condemn, rather than just sit down with people and talk, learn their stories and maybe gain a new perspective…and some compassion?

  Freddy looked at the entrance door, his throat constricting with frustration and anger. He was suddenly compelled to rush out there and scream at them, tell them to shut up and go away, that they had no right to judge these men—men they didn’t even know. But his feet remained rooted to the floor. He feared a direct confrontation. Freddy didn’t know how to defend these new feelings and emotions rising within, ebbing his heart.

  His eyes fell on the pastor and held; would he have the answers? Would he be able to explain how all of this was okay when the Bible appeared to insist just the opposite? Fear churned in his soul. He loved God and was so afraid of being drawn away from the truth. But Christ’s message was one of love. God was a big and diverse God…surely he hadn’t created intimate love for merely a select few. It had to reach further than what Freddy had been taught all his life.

  He shifted his gaze to Dane and Angel.

  It had to.

  Or else…God’s love just wouldn’t make sense.

  Chapter 10

  “Face one another and take hands,” Pastor Thompson said.

  Dane and Angel did as he asked, gazing into one another’s eyes.

  “You may recite your personal vows.”

  They had agreed beforehand that Angel would go first. His heart pounded forcefully and caused his words to catch in his throat. He took a deep, unsteady breath and began. “I promise to be your lover, companion and friend. To champion you in your accomplishments, and be your consolation in disappointment. Your ally in conflict, your comrade in adventure, and your accomplice in mischief.” Dane smiled softly at that last bit; Angel thought he would like that part. “I promise above all else to live in truth with you and to be fearlessly open and honest, keeping no secrets. I give you my hand and my heart as a sanctuary of warmth and peace. And pledge my love, devotion, faith and honor.” He gripped Dane’s hands tighter. “This is my sacred vow to you, my equal in all things, as I join my life to yours.”

  Dane blinked and swallowed thickly as his heart crept into his eyes and he made his vows to Angel. “I promise to encourage your compassion…because that is what makes you unique and wonderful. I promise to nurture your dreams…because through them your soul shines.” His thumbs caressed the back of Angel’s hands, his voice unsteady with emotion. “I promise to help shoulder our challenges…for there is nothing we can’t face if we stand together. I promise to be your partner in all things; not possessing you, but working with you as a part of the whole.” He drew Angel a fraction closer. “Lastly, I promise to you perfect love and perfect trust, for one lifetime with you could never be enough.” Tears glistened. “This is my sacred vow to you, my beloved and my friend.”

  Angel hadn’t known he could love Dane any more than he already did, but Dane’s vows somehow opened another well that gushed up through his heart, overwhelming him.

  “The vows you have taken,” Pastor Thompson said, “are recognized by God, your family, and friends as a lifelong commitment to one another.” He spoke to Dane. “Do you, Dane Chambers, take Angel Harris, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to faithfully uphold your vows taken, for as long as you both shall live?”

  Since the day Dane had proposed to him right here on this very stage, Angel had been waiting for this moment. His pulse went crazy as Dane stared into his eyes, his love for Angel radiating off his face. “I do.”

  The pastor addressed Angel. “Do you, Angel Harris, take Dane Chambers, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to faithfully uphold your vows taken, for as long as you both shall live?”

  Angel smiled softly and his eyes filled with fresh tears. “I do.”

  Pastor Thompson turned to Jules and Reuben who were anxiously waiting to deliver the rings. He motioned them forward and they grinned, coming to him eagerly. The pastor reached down and loosened the two rings, winking at the boys. “You two are wonderful ring bearers.” The praise pleased the boys and they rushed excitedly back to Clint.

  Angel laughed quietly. “They’re having a good time.”

  “But are you?” Dane smiled and cocked an eyebrow.

  “The time of my life,” Angel murmured.


  Pastor Thompson handed Angel the first ring. “Repeat after me.” He recited the words then nodded for Angel to repeat them.

  Angel held Dane’s left hand. “Dane Chambers, I give you this ring, that you may wear it as a symbol of the vows we have made this day. Vows that I see not as just promises, but as privileges.” Angel’s voice was unsteady, his eyes glossy with fresh, unshed tears. “I pledge you my love, and respect. My laughter and my tears. With all that I am, I honor you.” Dane shivered pleasantly as the gold band slid onto his finger and Angel murmured, “With this ring, I thee wed.”

  Taking the second ring, Dane gently grasped Angel’s hand and, with his heart in his voice, repeated the pastor’s words, his heart racing faster and faster as he came to the final line. “With all that I am, I honor you.” He placed the ring on Angel’s finger. “With this ring, I thee wed.” He lifted Angel’s hand and kissed the ring, adding in a whisper, “This angel by my side.”

  Seconds later, he was engulfed in Caleb’s arms as the young man hugged him fiercely. “I hope Angel spanks you good and hard for that unworthy talk,” he whispered in his ear then kissed his neck.

  Dane smiled. “So do I.”

  “I heard that.” Angel smiled darkly. “And you can count on it.”

  When they approached the other grooms, Max pulled Dane into his arms and held him tight for a long moment, intense emotion seeping through his touch. “Don’t ever think that you don’t deserve all this,” Max whispered thickly. “Because you, babe, are your own brand of angel. Let today truly be a new beginning.”

  Dane pressed his face against
Max’s neck. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” Max kissed his head then drew back and cleared his throat. He smiled at Horatio and took his hand, pulling him close. “I guess it’s finally our turn in the hot seat.”

  Horatio wrapped his arms around him and kissed him deeply. “I’ve been waiting my whole life for this,” he choked softly and pressed his head to Max’s brow. “I’m so ready.”


  “Will Gabe and Cole still dance?” Tommy asked Ricky. “I mean, now that they’re married? Do you think they’ll quit the club?”

  Ricky chuckled. “Hell no. They’re the kings of this club. They love the stage too much to walk away from it.”

  Levi sighed. “I don’t know, Abel left. And he was the favorite of almost all the customers.”

  “True, but he didn’t marry another dancer, either,” Ricky pointed out. “And he had a lot of shit to deal with, a lot going on with him that he needed to work out. And besides,” he smiled. “He’s come back on occasions to dance for us. He isn’t gonegone.”

  Gavin asked, “What about Dane and Angel? Will they still dance sometimes? They’re awesome.”

  “Since they only dance with each other, anyway,” Ricky chuckled, “I don’t think the marriage thing will make much difference with them.”

  “They only dance with each other?” Gavin frowned, mild confusion on his face. “I overheard Cole and Gabe talking about them and Dane doing a show together.” He shrugged. “I don’t know if they changed their minds or what.”

  “When was this?” The idea caused Ricky’s crotch to swell; he’d never seen those three on stage together. Dane had always danced solo, until Angel came along.

  “I don’t know, a day or so ago.”

  “Fuck,” Levi groaned and discreetly squeezed his junk. “All that man muscle up there at once. Mph!”

  Ricky laughed. “No fuck. Those boys are ripped.”

  Mischief sparking Tommy’s eyes, he looked at Ricky and Levi. “So…have you two ever thought about getting married?”

  “And break up our sexy foursome?” Ricky snorted. “No way.” He looked thoughtful then cocked an eyebrow. “Of course, if you and Gavin got married, too…” He grinned and slid his arm around Tommy’s shoulders. “…then we could be swingers.”


  William allowed the grooms a few minutes to absorb their joy before he called the last couple forth. “So, how am I doing?” he asked Lex with a smile. “This is my first time officiating a gay wedding.”

  “Is it any different than a traditional wedding?”

  “No,” William chuckled. “Doesn’t feel any different at all.”

  Lex squeezed his shoulder. “I think you’re doing a wonderful job. You will be coming to the reception as well, won’t you?”

  “Absolutely.” William nodded. “Wouldn’t miss it. I need to run by my church office on the way over, but I’ll be there.”

  Moving closer, Carl asked, “Are you married, Pastor?”

  “No,” William smiled. “I don’t suspect that is part of God’s plan for my life.”

  “Why would you think that?” Lex asked.

  “Well.” William rubbed his chin. “I’m fairly certain that I’m asexual.”

  Seth joined them. “Asexual?”

  “I’m not sexually attracted to either gender,” William explained. “Never have been. In my youth, I found that rather odd and did some research. I didn’t even know there was a word for it, but apparently so.”

  The three men stared at him. Lex shook his head. “You never felt that attraction…ever?”

  “No.” William chuckled softly. “But on the bright side, it has allowed me to focus more clearly on God and my ministry, without the distraction…or temptation.”

  “That’s…good, I guess.” Carl smiled doubtfully. “But still…” he glanced at Lex and laughed quietly. “You don’t know what you’re missing.”

  Amused, William nodded. “I realize it’s difficult for the average person to understand. Sex is a natural part of our human design. I suppose God just decided some of us didn’t require it.” He smiled. “And since I don’t know what I’m missing, I’m perfectly fine with it.”

  “Better you than me,” Seth groaned with a low chuckle.

  “Afraid I have to agree,” Lex grinned.

  “Well, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone,” William assured.

  “Do you feel any kind of attraction?” Seth asked, then looked uncertain. “Can you feel romantic without it being sexual as well?”

  Lex laughed. “I’m sure plenty of people can. Probably not any of us, but other people surely.”

  William chuckled. “I’m not emotionless. I can feel emotionally, even romantically, attracted to another person, it just doesn’t extend to sexual attraction. I could be totally content in a relationship where we connected on a purely emotional, mental, spiritual level. But unless the other person was asexual as well, it could never work in the long run. And I would never expect someone to sacrifice the sexual gratification of marriage. That wouldn’t be fair or reasonable at all.”

  “Yeah,” Seth sighed. “I would die.”

  Lex and Carl nodded in emphatic agreement and laughed.

  “So,” Lex murmured curiously. “You have been attracted to others, though…even emotionally?”

  “Yes. Mildly so.”

  A slow grin spread across Lex’s face. “Who were you attracted to? Men or women?”

  Willian shrugged. “Both. Although it was never a romantic attraction. So, under typical circumstances, I couldn’t honestly say who I would be sexually, or even romantically, attracted to.”

  “Well…” Lex rested his arm on William’s shoulder. “Since we’ll probably never know, we’ll just claim you as one for our team.” He winked.

  William laughed. “I’m honored.” He glanced toward the bar, his gaze discreetly skimming over the shadowed entryway; the young man continued to linger, quietly observing the activities. “Will you excuse me a moment? I need a glass of water to wet my whistle before we continue.” He faced the guests who were quietly talking among themselves. “We will begin the final ceremony in a few minutes,” he smiled then left the stage and crossed the floor in the direction of the bar.

  The young man withdrew a fraction into the shadows, but William felt his eyes follow him to the bar. He found a small glass, added ice and filled it with water then sipped the cold drink as he moved out from behind the bar. William was intrigued by the young man and felt very strongly that he was meant to speak with him. When the wedding ceremonies came to an end, though, would the young man leave, disappear out into the city?

  If God wants you to talk to him, God will make it happen.

  With that comforting thought, William finished the water and set the glass on the bar. As he passed by the entryway on his way back across the floor, he cast a discreet look at the young man who was staring back at him. William nodded and smiled and returned to the stage.

  Chapter 11

  Max stood apart from the others with Horatio and held his hands. He gazed deep into Horatio’s beautiful mahogany eyes, his love for the man threatening to pull him under and drown him. “Nothing I say today, no vow I take, will be enough to convey how much I love you or how honored I am that you love me the way you do.” He drew Horatio closer and touched his head to his brow, his voice trembling. “For so long, I thought we were lost to each other.” He closed his eyes as tears formed. “I didn’t understand how dead I was inside…until God gave you back to me and you brought me back to life.” He released Horatio’s hands and cupped his face. “I love you.”

  Blinking quickly, barely pulling back a well of tears, Horatio whispered, “I love you, too.”

  Max kissed him soft and deep, his fingertips caressing lightly over Horatio’s cheeks. “So…you want to get married?”

  Laughing quietly, eyes glistening, Horatio nodded. “I do.”

  They walked forward and stood before the pastor as Carl an
d Seth joined them. The two younger men hugged them then stepped back.

  “You may now speak your prepared words,” Pastor Thompson said gently.

  Max faced Horatio and took his hands. He remained in awe that this was really happening and it wasn’t all just a dream. “Twenty years ago, I was ready to marry you,” he began with a shaky tone. “From the moment I first kissed you, you were my life, everything I wanted my life to be.” He licked his lips slowly, his throat tightening. “And when you were taken away from me…I died. At eighteen-years-old, I didn’t know anything in this life could hurt so much, until I lost you. Until I lost us.”

  The lingering tears in Horatio’s eyes glistened thicker.

  “For two decades, I lied to myself, denied the truth of what I felt in my heart. I thought that in doing so, it would make the pain and emptiness go away.” His throat worked and eyes stung. “But it didn’t. The times you were here, when I looked in your eyes…your beautiful eyes that were windows to your amazing heart…I saw your abiding love for me, and the anguish you were going through. You loved me and you…” his chin trembled. “You were never ashamed of that love.” He faltered and ducked his head briefly, his emotions swarming him. He looked up and Horatio’s face swam before him. “You believed in us even when my faith was gone, when I had given up hope. You never lost hope. Your faith in our love saved us, it brought us the miracle I’d longed for but thought was forever out of our reach.” Max’s breath shuddered around a barely contained sob. “We’ve come full circle. This moment, right from the very start…this was our destiny.” He squeezed Horatio’s hands as a tear slid down the man’s handsome face. “You and me, forever.”


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