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SEAL Cowboy

Page 5

by Ivy Jordan

  Deciding it wasn’t a date, and that it was just a way for Evelyn to understand what ranching was all about, I selected a work shirt, but a clean one I’d never worn before. I was glad she was coming along. The rumors that were spreading around town had me worried, and the fear that Jasper’s kids may show their faces at the auction to help concrete them into the town’s minds had me even more worried. Evelyn could help with that, I hoped. But, a part of me just wanted her there to be my side, to spend more time with her, to stare into her beautiful green eyes.

  Old Jack Fuller was a nosey man, always starting shit, or stirring it up. I couldn’t believe that my prices would drop simply from a rumor. I had amazing stock, one of the best within a hundred mile radius.

  I found a pair of blue jeans that weren’t brand new, but that hadn’t been stained with ground-in dirt from all the hard work on the ranch, and slid on my old boots. By the time I grabbed my hat and headed outside to help the ranch hands, Evelyn was already pulling up the lane towards the house.

  One of the ranch hands waved me over towards the trailer, but I brushed him off, instead, waiting for Evelyn to park. I walked towards her car and opened the driver’s side door as she shoed papers into the old leather briefcase in her passenger seat.

  “You brought work with you?” I smiled.

  Her cheeks turned pink as she let out a soft sigh. Maybe this was just work to her, but to me, it was a chance to show her what I do.

  “I just need my notepad,” she stammered, sliding it from the briefcase as I offered my hand to help her from the car.

  Her hand was so tiny in mine, so soft, so warm. As she made it to her feet, I got my first glimpse of her in a pair of jeans and a casual t-shirt. She looked nice, but a little out of her element. I knew her five-inch heels were more of what she was accustomed to, but the jeans and boots suited her.

  I tried not to grin as I stared at her attire. She looked like a little country girl, and I was going wild inside.

  “What’s all this?” she motioned towards the trailers, pulling her hand from mine.

  “That, my dear, is what we are bringing to the auction,” I grinned.

  “C’mon, I’ll show you,” I offered, placing my hand on the small of her back to guide her towards the trailers.

  Before I could explain to her what was going on, I was bombarded with questions from the ranch hands.

  “You sure you want to load em’ all?” one of the guys asked as he spit tobacco near his boots.

  “Yes. I’m sure,” I said sternly.

  “I’m just thinking you might outta wait and see the outcome of this auction before thinning out,” another one of the guys noted.

  “I don’t want to look weak, make those fools believe I’m scared,” I scoffed.

  The truth was, I was scared.

  “Sorry, ma’am,” one of the guys directed towards Evelyn as he scooted past her to the trailer.

  “Is this a risk?” she asked, her bright green eyes offered a concerned curiosity.

  “It is. But, if I show up with less, it doesn’t show much confidence,” I noted.

  Evelyn nodded. A faint smile spread across her face, one that I knew was meant for encouraging me, but it was only adding to the fears I already felt.

  “That’s the last of them,” one of the older ranch hands hollered, slamming the last trailer gate.

  “I guess it’s time to roll,” I smiled at Evelyn.

  She followed me to my truck, allowed me to open the passenger door for her, and didn’t squabble when I helped her into the cab. I couldn’t help but chuckle as she struggled to reach the grab handle above the seat. Her ass looked amazing in the jeans, nice and round, fuller than I expected. My hands gripped her small waist, hoisting her the rest of the way into her seat as she let out a high-pitched squeal.

  “You okay?” I asked cautiously, fearful I might have offended her in some way.

  Her cheeks were bright pink, her eyes bright green, and her smile wide, but crooked. At that moment, she was the prettiest woman I’d ever laid eyes upon.

  “I’m okay,” she sighed.

  I made my way to the driver’s side, sliding into the truck beside Evelyn, who looked so tiny in the large truck. I chuckled, causing her to glare playfully in my direction. It was obvious she knew what had tickled me by the pink on her cheeks. Her feet dangled above the floorboard.

  “You look so small over there,” I teased.

  “If everything about you wasn’t so big,” her voice trailed off as her cheeks brightened to an even deeper shade of pink than before.

  I started the truck, my cheeks aching from my widened grin. The trailers pulled out, one by one, and I followed behind the last one, avoiding eye contact with Evelyn after her comment.

  My mind was trailing to a bad place, one that left us without clothes, wrapped in one another’s arms. I thought about how easy it would be to lift her around me, wrapping her around my waist like a belt.

  “So, do you think things will go okay today?” Evelyn asked.

  I cleared my throat, pushed the thoughts of us entangled together from my mind, and turned to face her. She looked serious. She looked concerned. My ego bruised a bit by the look in her eyes, and my heart raced knowing I felt the same concern.

  “I hope so,” I smiled.

  “What if it doesn’t?” she asked.

  I thought about her question. It was one I’d asked myself over and over again after hearing Jack Fuller’s gossip about the ranch. I had money, enough to get by, but it would take every cent to get the ranch back in good repair, feed the animals, and pay the ranch hands if the price was low-balled too much. I was gambling big on the fact my reputation, that old man Jasper’s reputation was enough to keep the buyers’ confidence, and the bids high. I hoped that showing up with the regular supply of cattle would provide them that security, but it was a gamble.

  “Then it doesn’t,” I shrugged.

  Evelyn didn’t ask any more questions on the ride to the stockyard; in fact, she hadn’t said a word until we pulled into the dirt parking lot.

  “This place is huge,” she said, leaning up from her seat to peer through the window of the truck.

  I found a spot near the front so she wouldn’t have to walk far, and quickly made my way out of the truck and to her side. I opened the door, extended my hand, and helped her down to her feet.

  “We better get inside so we can get decent seats,” I smiled, wishing I could just lean in and kiss her.

  She didn’t let go of my hand right away as I closed the passenger truck door. We started to walk towards the building hand in hand, and there was no part of me that wanted to let go. I could see her peeking at me out from the corner of her eye. It drove me wild. I knew there was tension between us and that it wasn’t just me.

  I thought about her profession, figuring it was probably a rule not to sleep with clients, but I hadn’t paid her anything yet, nor had she tried to give me a bill. I could fire her if that was the case, hire a male lawyer, the ugliest one I could find in the state. Then, I wouldn’t be fantasizing about my lawyer, and she wouldn’t have to worry about client-lawyer policies.

  “I see you made it,” Jack Fuller greeted us at the door.

  Evelyn let go of my hand quickly. I wasn’t sure if it was not to be seen holding it by anyone, or if she’d simply forgotten she hadn’t let go. Either way, my hand felt cool and lonely without hers.

  “Why wouldn’t I?” I questioned with a smirk.

  “I figured you might try your luck at another stockyard this time, or possibly skip the sale this time altogether,” Jack scoffed.

  “I guess I’m just hoping that the buyers are here for the best bull stock, and not here for the bull shit,” I grinned.

  Evelyn chuckled, giving me a sense of pride that rolled down my spine with a series of chills.

  “Good luck, James. I’ve overheard chatter about you not showing,” Jack reached his arm up to slap me on the shoulder as we walked inside.
/>   Evelyn’s eyes were wide as they scanned the place. I knew she’d never seen anything like it before in her life. I remember my first time, old man Jasper bringing me along. It was a day I’d never forget as long as I lived. That feeling of pride when the cattle I helped raise were herded in, seeing buyers fight over the price, and watching old man Jasper’s face stay cool as a professional poker players when he’d been given the highest price of the night, no, I’d never forget that feeling. Today, I wasn’t having that same feeling.

  “This is nothing like I imagined,” Evelyn whispered as I took her hand to help her up the stands.

  “What did you imagine?” I asked.

  “I guess I thought it would be outside, maybe inside a barn, or just trailers,” she stammered, her head turning to take in the place.

  “There are places like that, but not around here,” I smiled, guiding her to a couple empty spots towards the top of the stands.

  “So, they actually bring the cattle inside?” she questioned.

  I nodded.

  “Yes, ma’am. They open those doors,” I pointed to the large garage-type door behind the auctioneers stand.

  “All of them?” she gasped, the excitement in her tone was driving me wild.

  “In lots. They will be numbered, and sold as a lot, brought in one lot at a time,” I explained.

  “I’m actually excited,” she smiled with so much warmth I could feel it on my skin.

  “You weren’t excited about tonight already?” I teased.

  “Not about the auction,” her eyes quickly moved towards the floor as she shuffled her feet.

  I chuckled. Fuck. This woman had me wrapped so tight I could barely breathe.

  “I’ll be back. I have to get things set up with the guys. Will you be okay?” I asked, hating to leave her, but knowing I had to.

  Evelyn nodded, looking up at me for just a second before turning back away. I could see the color in her cheeks, and the corners of her lips were curling into a crooked smile that she was obviously fighting back.

  The ranch hands had the trailers in line, numbers assigned, and everything in order. I signed the paperwork with the stockyard, grabbed my lot numbers, and headed towards the concession stand before making my way back to Evelyn.

  “You unloading the last of the herd before the sale?” I heard a voice ask from behind me.

  I turned to see William Platter, one of my closest competitors. He stood tall, nearly eye-to-eye with me. His face was worn and weathered like tanned leather, and his bushy eyebrows were as white as the hair that poked out from beneath his hat.

  “I brought the usual stock,” I responded.

  He reached into his plaid shirt pocket and pulled out a business card. His thin, wrinkled fingers pushed it towards me.

  “Well, whoever buys old man Jasper’s place, have em’ call me to unload the rest of the herd,” he scoffed.

  “The ranch isn’t for sale,” I snapped.

  “That’s not what I heard. His kids have been sniffing around, and you know they’ll sell to anyone with the highest bid, and chances are, that won’t be a rancher,” William scolded.

  I couldn’t deny what he pointed out about the kids. They would sell to make a quick buck, and chances were the ranch would end up a swanky resort, or maybe even factory that would kill the land surrounding it. I’d never let that happen. Old man Jasper would turn over in his grave.

  “The place is mine, left to me fair and square. I’ve got a lawyer handling their nonsense,” I asserted with as much confidence as I could muster.

  “That pretty little thing on your arm?” he chuckled.

  I guessed word got out about Evelyn quickly, not that I should’ve been surprised.

  “She may be small, but she’s as smart as they come,” I assured him with a grin.

  I ordered a large fountain Coke for Evelyn and a bottle of water for myself. William didn’t say anything else; he didn’t have to. He winked as I walked past him, one of those winks that say ‘you’re a fool, boy’. I shrugged it off, deciding to be the bigger man, even though I wanted to punch him in his saggy throat.

  The auction was starting as I made my way to Evelyn. I handed her the fountain Coke and took my seat beside her. The first lots were sheep, swine, and other small animals. The auction jockey pushed in lot after lot, quickly gathering the highest price from the few men that came to bid. Evelyn scooted close to me as the chatter started to fill the auction house so she could ask me questions.

  I explained the ins and the outs as they went along, how the prices were per lot on the smaller animals, per head as they were saying, and that the cattle would be based on weight. I knew she didn’t quite understand, but she continued to watch with enthusiasm, and her body continued to push closer to mine.

  It was finally time for the cattle, and the top buyers were already in the front to ensure they got the best stock. A couple of the buyers were exclusively mine, never bidding on any other cattle. I felt confident that I’d do well as the first few lots sold higher than expected.

  My first lot came up, the low-end slaughter cows I didn’t expect to go above fair market. When they went just below, it gave me a strange sensation in my chest. Evelyn leaned in, asked if the price was good. I shrugged.

  “Not horrible,” I replied, just as they brought in my next lot.

  My heifers were herded into the center of the auction through the large door. They were all preconditioned, young, well-fed, and most around six-hundred pounds each, with the exception of a few heavier ones that did more grazing than sleeping under the shade trees, trying to lure in the bulls.

  I tried to put on the poker face that I knew old man Jasper would’ve worn, but I obviously displayed my stress openly as Evelyn gripped my hand.

  My buyers were bidding, but it was low, much lower than expected. I wanted to jump out of the stands and strangle the auctioneer, the buyers, someone, anyone.

  “Is that a good price?” Evelyn asked.

  “For heifers that look like crap, sure,” I snarled.

  I watched as cattle sold as expected according to their condition, their rancher, and their breed. I was still reeling when my premium Black Angus were herded into the center ring. They were beautiful, strong, preconditioned, and neutered, all reasons to bring top dollar. The reputation of their bloodline always brought more than others of similar quality, but as the auctioneer sold them to one of my top buyers for less than a herd of Holsteins, I could barely contain my anger.

  Evelyn sucked on the straw that poked out from her cup, her bright red lips the only decent distraction in the place. I didn’t want to look her in the eye, to let her see the disappointment, broken pride, the loss of confidence that I knew I displayed.

  “I’m sorry, James,” she whispered.

  I took a deep breath, focusing on her beautiful lips and pulled myself together. It was only one auction. I’d do better next time, and at least some money was better than none. I didn’t even want to calculate in my head how little profit was just made, but numbers flew around anyways.

  “C’mon, I’ll take you to the truck,” I smiled politely, extending my hand to Evelyn to help her down the stands.

  The last lot was sold, and the auction house filled with chatter, my name on too many tongues I was certain. I helped Evelyn to the truck, giving her rear end a boost absent-mindedly as my thoughts were still on the sale. I wanted to apologize to her for not being more careful, but she didn’t appear to have noticed, or to have minded all that much.

  “I’ll be right back. I have to square things away with the auction and the ranch hands,” I explained.

  I channeled old man Jasper as best I could, held my head high, and walked through the crowd of chattering men to the auctioneer to receive my check. My buyer, the one I normally could rely on grabbed me by the arm and turned me towards him. His thick brimmed brown hat pushed down over his bushy red eyebrows and shadowed his beady black eyes.

  “I hate to see ya go,” he said.r />
  “I’m not going anywhere. Guess you bought more bull shit tonight than you expected,” I snapped.

  He pushed his hat up and away from his face, his eyes widening as he stared at me with confusion.

  “Old Will Platter told me the rumors were true, that the ranch was being sold and you were leaving town,” he explained.

  “That’s about as believable as his promise to deliver cattle free of steroids,” I scoffed.

  “But, I’ve heard the others talking about the kids taking the land, and a broker already snooping around,” the buyer stammered.

  “The kids are tryin’, but that doesn’t mean they’ll get anywhere. The land is mine, fair and square, and I have a will, plenty of documentation, and a lawyer to prove that,” I smirked, and quickly pushed my way back through the crowd towards the door.

  I climbed into the truck to find Evelyn still sucking on her straw, slurping out the last of the Coke from the paper cup.

  “That stuff’s really no good for you,” I warned playfully.

  “Most things that taste this good aren’t,” she smirked.

  I chuckled as I started the truck. The drive back to the ranch was quiet, and for that, I was grateful. I didn’t want to pretend not to be pissed, because I was fuming. And, I didn’t want to show Evelyn my weakness. Quiet was fine by me.

  I pulled into the ranch, walked to the passenger side of the truck, and opened the door for Evelyn.

  She turned towards me, almost level with my height as I stood there. She leaned in for what I thought was help down, but instead, her lips pressed against my cheek.

  Chapter Eight


  Holy shit, what did I just do?

  I pulled back quickly from the kiss I’d planted on James’s cheek. The stubble from his skin on my lips tickled, leaving me with an anxiousness that settled deep in my chest.

  “I-uh, I just thought you needed that,” I stammered, trying to downplay my excitement.

  James continued to stand there, just looking at me with those blue bedroom eyes. A wicked grin rolled onto his face, and I wasn’t prepared for whatever he was going to say, or do. My body was tingling, my breasts ached, and I knew that I was helpless against his charms.


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