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SEAL Cowboy

Page 16

by Ivy Jordan

  “Thank you. But, if they so much as threaten her, the case is off,” I growled.

  “Wow. You really have it bad for her,” Axel chuckled.

  “I just don’t want her to get hurt on account of me,” I rebutted.

  After hanging up, I immediately called Evelyn. I knew I wouldn’t be able to get her out of my mind, so I might as well have her in my arms.

  “How about coming out here and teaching me how to make one of delicious steaks?” I suggested as Evelyn said hello.

  “Really?” she laughed.

  “I’ve got two big steaks thawed and ready to hit the grill. All I need is a master griller to show me how to do it,” I pleaded.

  “You’re too nice,” Evelyn sighed.

  “I just really miss you,” I admitted.

  There was silence on the other end of the phone. My heart raced as I waited for a response, fearing that I may have crossed a line. We never spoke about our feelings, even though it was obvious that we both had strong ones.

  “I miss you too,” she finally replied.

  My pulse stabilized from the sound of her response and then skyrocketed when I realized that she’d finally admitted having feelings for me, even if the gesture was a small one. It was a start.

  “What are you wearing?” I whispered.

  Evelyn giggled.

  “Clothes,” she teased.

  “Oh darlin’, why don’t you let me help you with that problem,” I groaned.

  “I didn’t know it was a problem,” she giggled.

  “Oh, it’s a problem,” I insisted.

  “I’m finishing up with some paperwork now,” she hesitated.

  “Okay, so that means you’ll be over after?” I pushed.

  “Just dinner?” she questioned.

  I growled into the phone, letting her know I wanted more, much more.

  “What are you proposing?” she giggled.

  “I’m proposing you go home, pack a bag of clothes, and come stay with me,” I purred.

  “I thought I didn’t need clothes,” she teased.

  “Oh darling, you better hurry,” I groaned.

  A sweet giggle sounded in my ear, and then she whispered “I’ll see you soon,” before ending the call.

  My entire body ached for Evelyn….

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I carefully folded my clothes for the night and placed them in my bag, and then paused at the thought of staying the entire weekend. My schedule was clear, and I knew once I was in James’s arms, I wouldn’t want to leave. I hastily grabbed another outfit, pushed it into of the other and zipped up the bag. That’s it, final decision. If he asks me to stay, I’ll stay.

  My mind split in decision on my ride to the ranch. A part of me wanted to turn around, coming up with a work excuse and blow him off. I was growing too close to him, too attached. It was dangerous, and I knew it was, but I couldn’t resist.

  “It’s just sex,” I told myself as I pulled into the ranch. “It’s just really good sex.”

  James wasn’t on the porch with a Coke in hand, and the barn was closed up for the night. I stepped out of my car with my bag in hand, my heels grinding into the softened earth as I took the first step towards the house. The bag was too big, too noticeable that more than just a night’s clothes were packed inside. I started to panic as I made it to the porch.

  The door opened. James greeted me with a warm smile. I stood there, unsure if I should offer a hug, a kiss, or just wait for him to invite me inside.

  My hand gripped tight around the handle of my bag as James’s eyes lowered to it. I wondered what he thought. Did he think I was being presumptuous, pushy?

  “Let me take that,” he offered, reaching for the handle that I had a death grip around.

  I didn’t want to release, to let him feel the weight of my presumptions. His hand wrapped around mine, and then pushed it to the side as he made me release my grip. There it was, my bag filled with a hair straightener, toothbrush, shampoo, conditioner, a makeup bag, night cream, lotion, a silky nightgown, a pair of sleep pants in case I decided against the gown, two pairs of jeans, three t-shirt, four pairs of panties, four pairs of socks, a pair of boots, a pair of tennis shoes, a brush, and a bottle of my favorite perfume, all for the one night he asked me to stay. Ugh! I wanted to die right there on that porch that was soaked in the sunset.

  His smile turned crooked as he looked at me, his eyes filled with amusement. He laughed. Oh God, he laughed. I was so foolish, so stupid. I wanted to run.

  “What do you have in here? One of the Jasper kids?” he teased.

  I wanted to rattle off all the things I’d packed, making an excuse for why each one was necessary, but I choked up. My throat tightened, itched, and I worked hard to clear it without making a sound.

  James reached for my hand, pulling me into him as he stood in the doorway holding my overstuffed bag. My heart was beating so hard there was no way he couldn’t feel it against him. My breathing was rough, cracking as my throat still wasn’t cleared. I wanted to cough, to release the strain on my throat, but we were so close.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” he said softly, his mouth quickly lowering to mine.

  I tiptoed, kissing him gently on the mouth, feeling the pain in my throat subside without my assisted cough.

  James tugged me gently inside, finally sitting my bag down on the floor by the couch. A fire was crackling in the fireplace, candles were lit all over the room, and the place looked spotless.

  “Wow,” I gasped.

  He grinned proudly as he pulled my hand, walking me down the hall with him backward, stepping carefully as his eyes pushed into mine. I didn’t speak. James didn’t speak. We stepped, one foot in front of the other for me, one step behind the other for him. We stopped at the bedroom doorway; more candles lit the room. I liked that it was dark, not for the romance, but for the discretion.

  “Do you mind if we have dessert first?” he asked.

  His voice dripped like honey onto me, warm, sticky, seductive. I shook my head softly. No, I don’t mind.

  “Good,” he smiled, guiding me to the edge of his queen sized bed.

  His hand cupped my face, lifting it towards his as he lowered once again for another kiss. One solitary kiss, that’s all it took for my breasts to tingle, my knees to weaken, and my panties to tack against my moist flesh.

  James took a step back, letting his eyes wander my body. I shivered in his presence, a strange gurgle filling my belly that I hoped wouldn’t sound.

  He reached behind me, his fingers playfully working up the nape of my neck to my hair that was still tightly bound atop my head from work. I let my head fall into his hand as fingers traveled through my hair, massaged my scalp, and then tugged at the clip that restrained my long locks.

  “I love your hair,” he said softly, combing it with his extended fingers as it fell well past my shoulders.

  He pushed it back, exposing the mole on my neck. I squirmed, pushing my shoulder upward to hide it. James leaned in, gently nudging my shoulder into a relaxed position with his face as his lips stretched to my skin, kissing the mole I detested, the one that he appeared to be enamored by. I giggled from the roughness of his skin against the smoothness of mine. Even though it appeared he was freshly shaven, short and soft stubbles still tickled against me. The sign of a real man I thought to myself, one that could grow a full beard in less than a week if he wanted. I liked the stubble, the sexy shadow that outlined his face by the end of the day. To me, there wasn’t anything sexier.

  I stood at the edge of James’s bed, slowly being undressed by the man that made my heart jump, skip, pound, and at times, ache. He was gentle, slow, and careful to spend time kissing each exposed part of my body before moving on to the next.

  In the candlelit room, I stood nude, vulnerable, and so very aroused.

  James tore off his t-shirt, tossing it to the floor and exposing his rippled abs, strong chest, and muscled arms. The scent of hi
s cologne took me, closed my eyes, made me breathe in hard. My hands reached for him; my fingers traced the hard muscles of his chest while my eyes opened to soak in his image against the dim flickering light.

  I liked that he was in bare feet, closing up the gap in our height by a couple inches without the heel of his boot. We were closer, his breath naturally floating down my face to my breasts.

  His hand gripped the front of his jeans, opening them with one swift tug. The denim clung to his hips. My finger rolled slowly down his chest, swirled his belly button, and then followed the trail of hair to the edge of his boxer briefs. The beautiful indented V below his abs caused my mouth to water as my finger slid into the crease of one, bone, muscle and flesh offering sensations to my digit that directly reported back to my cunt. My hands gripped his hips, squeezing against the sculpted lines of his body before sliding his jeans down. He stood there, silently, letting me explore the firmness of his buttocks, moaning when I pushed firmly into his sacrum, the bony plate above his buttocks. I pulled my hands forward, squeezing at his hips, massaging the muscles in his upper thighs. His cock outlined the tight cotton that still covered it to create a tightness that made James moan as my fingers traced slowly around it.

  Muscles twitched beneath my fingers as I rolled them to his belly, and then slowly beneath the cotton of his boxer briefs. I stretched the cotton, pulling it away from the muscle between his legs. Warmth rolled over my hands as I carefully pulled the briefs down, letting them drop to his feet once they were over his thighs.

  I wanted to drop to my knees, take him in my mouth, tug at his twins, and to work my fingers between the soft and hard places of his flesh. My mouth watered as I started to drop, to pleasure him, to relieve my own aches.

  James bent towards me, stopping me from my mission. His hands gripped under my arms, lifting me swiftly as he scooped me into a cradled position against the warmth of his chest. His cock poked at my tailbone, teasing my flesh as he walked to the side of the bed. My back pressed against the mattress, my head against the soft pillow that was already proper against the headboard, and soon his body was against mine, his weight pushing me into the comforter that spread across his bed. His arms on either side of me, I was pinned. His breath beat down hard, warming my flesh, and his eyes penetrated me with piercing passion. I wanted to speak, to say something that had only been entertained in my own thoughts, but his mouth pushed into mine, shutting me up just before that stupid thought escaped, never to be pulled back in, forgotten or able to take back.

  The taste of his tongue against mine was sweet as if he’d chewed a sweet flavored gum before I arrived. I melted into the bed, into him. My legs wrapped around him, my hands roamed the flexing muscles of his back, my nails scratching at his skin with soft strokes.

  James’s mouth left mine, immediately moving to my neck, sucking at my flesh until I let out a moan. His body lowered on mine, pulling my legs away from him as he kissed my breasts gently, and then in between. My fingers slid through his hair, curling the short strands around them as his mouth continued to explore lower onto my body. I bucked, arching my back against his weight as his tongue slid down my belly. His hands pushed at my thighs as his tongue found its way between them. Moans filled the room as he plunged into me, sucking at my arousal, teasing my clit with the small flicks that came between the laps, the sucks. I cried out, already trembling, calling his name for the first time during sex. I was startled at first, embarrassed for a moment, and as he looked up at me from his position between my open legs, mortified.

  “Evelyn,” he breathed, pulling himself back up my body.

  His cock slid against my skin, pulling at my flesh as his mouth reached mine. A slow, sensual kiss, tastes of my own arousal rich on his tongue, and then he pulled back, staring at me with a defeated, satisfied mixture in his eyes.

  “I-I, I’m so glad you’re here,” he stammered as if that wasn’t what he’d planned to say at all.

  I stroked the side of his face, feeling the soft stubbles along his cheeks. Tears were starting to fill my eyes, uncontrollable from the ecstasy that raged through my body like a pregnant woman’s hormones.

  My face pushed into his shoulder, hiding the emotion that I felt. I bit down on his shoulder playfully and then moved to his neck. I kept myself buried, hidden, until the overflow of emotion was altered by James filling me with his erection.

  Our hips rocked in synced rhythm, slow, long strokes. Nails tugged at flesh, digging in as muscles twitched beneath them. James groaned with a deep vibrating growl as I finally was able to look at him once again.

  My lips were parted, but no more sounds escaped as I watched James closely. My heart raced, even though I was drowning in a strange but wonderful calmness. A powerful orgasm roared through me, forced my eyes to close, my body to tremor, but still, no sound. James throbbed inside of me, his muscles twitching and jumping from my touch, his orgasm as silent as my own, but just as powerful.

  We didn’t speak as our breathing continued in labored bursts. As if frozen in our positions, our bodies remained firm and still, only quivers from our legs, strong pulses from our genitals, and fast beats of our hearts between us. I wanted to stay like this forever.

  I knew he had me, for whatever he wanted. I was his. My heart raced harder as I thought about what that might be, what it could be…

  I’ve got a brand-new girlfriend, we went and jumped off the deep end….

  The song playing in the background rang through my ears, causing me to stiffen from my melted state as James stared into my eyes.

  Playin’ kissy-kissy, smooch-smoochy, talking mooshy-mooshy bout nothin’

  My nerves rattled at the lyrics as I thought about how badly I wanted to call James my boyfriend, to have him call me his girlfriend.

  The chorus started again. James’s lips curled into a smile, his eyes danced with the music. I started to become unraveled, giggles roaring through my belly, to my chest, my throat, and then out my mouth. James joined in, our laughter drowning out the song, calming my nerves, and making me realize…maybe, he was feeling the same way.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  My eyes worked to focus against the sun beaming in the through the window as I woke up. Evelyn was curled into my chest, her hair spread out on the pillow like fire. I pulled her into me tighter, warming myself against her flesh as she started to stir. My hand stroked her hair gently sending her back into her peaceful slumber.

  I laid there, holding her, watching her, for a few of the best moments in my life.

  Careful not to wake her, I slid away from her, out from the bed and to my feet. She stirred again, and then snuggled into the blanket, making one of her sweet sounds of happiness.

  Using a recipe from old man Jasper, I’d prepared a breakfast casserole the night before. I pulled it from the fridge and slid it into the oven while letting Evelyn sleep.

  Coffee was made, the casserole almost finished heating, and the barn animals watered and fed as I snuck back into the house from my morning chores. Evelyn walked from the bedroom, rubbing her eyes as she made her way into the kitchen where I pulled our breakfast from the oven.

  “Good morning, darlin’,” I kissed her gently on the top of her head as she leaned into me.

  “What’s all this?” she mumbled in her tiny sleepy voice.

  “Breakfast,” I grinned.

  “You didn’t have to,” she sighed.

  “I know that,” I insisted, guiding her to the table.

  She wore a loose pair of sleep pants, blue and white stripes. Her hair flowed around her shoulders and draped over a light blue t-shirt. I could barely take my eyes from her as I made her a plate of food and a cup of coffee.

  “You’re too good to me,” she blushed.

  I smiled as I took a seat next to her. I didn’t tell her that I wished I could give her more, that she deserved so much more. I didn’t tell her that I wanted her to be my girlfriend. I didn’t even tell her that I was glad her bag
was so full and that she’d be staying the entire weekend with me on the ranch. Instead, I stared at her, took in her beauty, and daydreamed about one day telling her everything that was on my mind, in my heart.

  “So, what are we doing today?” she asked.

  I smirked, my thoughts immediately going to the gutter. She blushed as she took her first bite of the breakfast casserole. A moan of pleasure rolled from her throat and past her lips, a familiar sound that queued my dick to twitch.

  “We could just stay in bed all day,” I flirted.

  Evelyn giggled as she covered her mouth to chew. I watched her eyes narrow on mine, and then once her hand moved away, her lips curl into a smirk.

  “Don’t you have things to do here?” she asked.

  “They can wait,” I replied.

  I scarfed down a few bites of the casserole, dopamine drowning my brain as I remembered the first time old man Jasper made the meal for me. I wanted to moan like Evelyn had, but I refrained.

  “No. I want to know what you do all day,” she insisted.

  “Really?” I questioned.

  “Really,” she smiled.

  “Well, I already fed and watered the animals in the barn,” I explained.

  “So, that’s why you snuck out of bed. Why didn’t you wake me?” she asked.

  I laughed.

  “I couldn’t imagine that you’d want to smell manure first thing in the morning,” I replied.

  “Well, maybe I did,” she laughed.

  Evelyn Pierce, a high-powered attorney that could be handling some of the largest cases in the country, sat at my kitchen table, eating a casserole that I made, wearing sleep pants that tightened around her round ass, a t-shirt that was thin enough to let her braless tits perk up against it, and announcing that she wanted to work my ranch. I was in shock. I wanted to grab a piece of my arm and pinch just to check that I wasn’t dreaming.

  “Okay, well, there’s plenty to do,” I smirked, figuring she was in over her head.

  “Good. I want to learn everything,” she insisted.


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