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Drink_The Intimate Relationship Between Women and Alcohol

Page 28

by Ann Dowsett Johnston

70 “alcohol could erase pain”: Jean Kilbourne, Can’t Buy My Love: How Advertising Changes the Way We Think and Feel (Simon & Schuster, 1999).

  71 “It took a very long time with tobacco”: Interview with Jean Kilbourne, January 2013.


  73 “The emptier we feel”: Jean Kilbourne, Can’t Buy My Love: How Advertising Changes the Way We Think and Feel (Simon & Schuster, 1999).

  74 seventeen-year-old Laura: Interviews with Laura, November 2010 and January 2011.

  76 Steubenville, Ohio, rape: CNN, March 13, 2013; New York Times, March 17, 2013.

  76 Audrie Pott: Associated Press, April 11, 2013.

  77 Rehtaeh Parsons:

  77 a young woman I will call Rebecca: Interview with Rebecca, February 2013.

  78 “If you drink before age fifteen”: Interview with David Jernigan, April 2011.

  78 “Kids who start early are just different”: Interview with Richard Grucza, September 2012.

  79 odds of a teenager getting drunk repeatedly are twice as great if they see their parent under the influence:;

  79 Ask Ali, twenty-two, why she started drinking: Interview with Ali, September 2012.

  79 allowing their third-grader children an alcoholic beverage:

  79 “Young teenagers do not drink with their families at the table the way we did”: Interview with Tiziana Codenotti, December 2010.

  80 “Guys drink for the buzz”: Interview with Andrew Galloway, September 2012.

  80 “It’s easy to capture the trends”: Interview with Elizabeth Saewyc, April 2011.

  81 “we know that genes play a strong role”: Interview with David Goldman, September 2012.

  82 “there’s a lot of sexual trauma”: Interview with Brenda Servais, May 2011.

  82 “If they’re college age, sexual assault is the norm”: Interview with Maggie Tipton, June 2011.

  82 “their use of alcohol is not to party”: Interview with Janice Styer, June 2011.

  83 Runaway Intervention Project: Interview with Elizabeth Saewyc, October 2012.

  84 Jenna Marbles: .html?pagewanted=all;;

  84 Jennifer Lawrence:

  85 Which makes it tough to be Melanie: Interview with Melanie, March 2013.


  87 Let me introduce you to Maggie: Interview with Maggie, August 2012.

  89 “University is the acceleration of drinking”: Interview with Kate Simmie, November 2010.

  90 “The amount of vodka we drank was overwhelming”: Interview with Sydne Martin, November 2012.

  90 “a handle of vodka for pregaming”: Interview with Dana Meyer, June 2012.

  91 “drinking efficiently”: Interview with Sharon Wilsnack, November 2010.

  91 “Their agenda is to get drunk fast”: Interview with Ann Kerr, June 2011.

  91 “Most girls drink to fit in”: Interview with Martha, November 2011.

  91 drunkorexia:;;

  92 “University is the age of risk for all psychiatric illnesses”: Interview with Kay Redfield Jamison, April 2011.

  92 one in four students who showed up at campus health clinics:

  92 students with diagnosed mental health illnesses are the fastest-growing group with disabilities: Interview with Mike Condra, November 2012.

  93 Zara Malone:

  93 Gavin Britton:

  93 Nicole Falkingham:

  93 “drinking to black out”: Interview with David Rotenberg, June 2011.

  93 “Girls will bargain their recovery”: Interview with Janice Styer, June 2011.

  94 “Vodka is very popular for girls”: Interviews with Rachel Shindman, October 2012 and February 2013.

  94 “People pre-drink because it’s cheaper to drink at home”: Interviews with Mike Condra, October 2011 and November 2012.

  95 the “grease pole”:

  96 “No Means Harder”:

  97 Aberdeen Street party:

  98 Habib Khan:

  98 “address its culture of drinking”:

  99 an estimated 1,825 Americans die:

  99 one in three college students meets the criteria: Toben F. Nelson and Ken C. Winters with Vincent L. Hyman, Preventing Binge Drinking on College Campuses: A Guide to Best Practices (Hazelden 2012).

  99 Hospitalizations for alcohol overdoses:

  99 “more young women are binge drinking”: Interview with Andrew Galloway, September 2012.

  99 “I am not sure they are going to ‘mature’ out of it”: Interview with Sharon Wilsnack, November 2010.

  100 “With flavored vodka, the drinking of female college students became much deadlier”: Interview with Thomas Workman, May 2013.

  100 Samantha Spady:

  101 how do you change a campus culture?: Interview with Rob Turrisi, October 2012.

  103 “a targeted motivational intervention for students”: Interview with Brian Borsari, October 2012.

  103 NCHIP: Interview with Lisa Johnson, May 2013;

  104 “I’d screen everybody for high-risk drinking”: Interview with Michael Fleming, 2012.


  107 “The central question isn’t ‘What’s wrong with this woman?’”: Interview with Nancy Poole, October 2010.

  107 childhood sexual abuse or adult abuse histories: Nancy Poole and Lorraine Greaves, eds., Becoming Trauma Informed (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 2012).

  107 majority of young people . . . in the Youth Addiction and Concurrent Disorder Service: Nancy Poole and Lorraine Greaves, eds., Becoming Trauma Informed (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 2012).

  108 “Women are more likely . . . to drink to get rid of negative feelings”: Interview with Pamela Stewart, May 2013.

  108 what we now call PTSD:

  110 “The unseen problems of high-functioning professional women are serious”: Interviews with Lisa Najavits, February 2011 and October 2012.

  118 “If someone steps in and protects you”: Interview with Pamela Stewart, May 2013.

  118 In Karin’s case, no one stepped in: Interview with Karin, July 2012.

  120 “You want to know about my drinking?”: Interviews with Beata Klimek, May 2011 and June 2012.


  125 “The breeze at dawn”: Coleman Barks, The Essential Rumi (HarperCollins, 1995).

  128 Women are 70 percent more likely to experience depression: http://www.nim

  128 a larger number of women have bipolar II:

  128 In the United States, a woman is almost 50 percent more likely to walk out of a doctor’s office with a prescription: Interview with Susan E. Foster, May 2013.

  129 “Couple pills with alcohol, and it’s a slippery slope”: Interview with Cheryl Knepper, May 2013.

  129 Alex was one who used alcohol to treat full-blown bipolar I: Interview with Alex, June 2012.

  134 Marion Kane’s story: Interview with Marion Kane, January 2013.

  137 “With me, it always comes back to anxiety”: Interview with Julie, July 2012.


  141 “There is some kiss”: Coleman Barks, The Book of Love: Poems of Ecstasy and Longing (HarperOne, 2003).

  143 “The spider, dropping down from twig”: “Natural History” by E. B. White, reprinted in Scott Elledge’s E. B. White: A Biography (W. W. Norton and Company, 1984).

  150 the founder of Women Who Whiskey: Interviews with Julia Ritz Toffoli, June 2012 and May 2013.

  152 Scout has been sober—this time—for two and a half years: Interview with Scout, November 2012.

  155 Alexandra is an actress: Interview with Alexandra, August 2012.


  159 “I can bring home”:

  162 a recent poll done by Netmums in Britain:

  162 Jungian analyst Jan Bauer: Interview with Jan Bauer, February 2013.

  162 “Perfectionism”: Interview with Leslie Buckley, March 2013.

  163 a benzodiazepine called Valium:;

  163 In 1978, it was estimated that a fifth of American women were taking “mother’s little helper”: National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, Women under the Influence (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006).

  166 “I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies”: Hillary Clinton quote at

  166 I performed the Christmas triathlon: Ann Dowsett Johnston, “The Christmas Triathlon,” Maclean’s, December 10, 2001.

  167 “It is my opinion that Norman Rockwell and his ilk”: Laurie Colwin, More Home Cooking: A Writer Returns to the Kitchen (HarperCollins Publishers, 1993).

  167 “I drink until I’m comfortably numb”: Interview with Danielle Perron, April 2013.

  168 “Partying was really a rite of passage”: Interview with Paige Cowan, January 2012.

  170 Signing up to be conscious: Interview with Lisa, December 2012.

  172 “Alcohol made me social”: Interview with Jennifer, September 2012.


  173 “This may be the most stigmatized area”: Interview with Janet Christie, March 2011.

  173 In 2010, a widely reported British study:

  174 “The U.K. study was unfortunate”: Interview with Sterling Clarren, November 2011.

  175 “the territory is gray”: Interview with Nancy Poole, November 2011.

  176 “drinking off the charts”: Interview with Gerald Thomas, April 2013.

  177 “There is no amount of alcohol that has been proven to be safe during pregnancy”: Interview with Svetlana Popova, April 2013.

  177 “He was the child who would not turn off”: Interview with Lynn Cunningham, May 2013.

  178 “If you’re white, you’re ADHD”: Interview with Jan Lutke, May 2013.

  178 the numbers out of the United Kingdom are high:

  179 one in thirteen American pregnant women said that they drank:

  179 a 2012 study in Australia:

  179 “How do you get over the middle-and upper-class arrogance around FASD?”: Interview with Phillip May, December 2012.

  181 “Alcohol consumed by the mother passes easily into her breast milk”: Interview with Svetlana Popova, April 2013.

  182 “We are looking for a marker”: Interview with Sarah Mattson, May 2013.

  182 “I binge drank through my pregnancy”: Interviews with Janet Christie, March 2011 and November 2012.

  186 Margaret Leslie and her team . . . at Breaking the Cycle: Interview with Margaret Leslie, July 2011.


  187 “Man hands on misery to man”: Philip Larkin, Collected Poems, Anthony Thwaite, ed. (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2004).

  187 “Serious drinkers are like serious eaters”: Marion Woodman, Addiction to Perfection: The Still Unravished Bride (Inner City Books, 1982).

  192 We’re all good daughters: Robert Ackerman, Perfect Daughters: Adult Daughters of Alcoholics (Health Communications, 1989).

  193 daughters raised by alcoholic mothers have different issues than those with alcoholic fathers: Interview with Robert Ackerman, March 2013.

  193 “I didn’t realize it wasn’t normal for a mother to sleep a lot in the day”: Interview with Peggy McGillicuddy, December 2012.

  195 “My mother didn’t want to be here”: Interview with Caroline, November 2012.

  197 “I refuse to be like my mom—crippled, a depressive”: Interview with Kate, December 2012.

  198 “She was not a functioning alcoholic”: Interviews with Vera Tarman, December 2012 and January 2013.


  205 “If you can kill the right thing”: Robert A. Johnson, She: Understanding Feminine Psychology (HarperPerennial, 1989).

  217 “I said to my soul, be still”: T. S. Eliot, Four Quartets (Harcourt, 1943).

  217 “One of the greatest difficulties in dealing with food addicts, as with alcoholics”: Marion Woodman, Addiction to Perfection: The Still Unravished Bride (Inner City Books, 1982).


  221 “The past is never dead”: William Faulkner, Requiem for a Nun (Random House, 1951).

  221 “Alcohol was my first experience of getting high”: Interviews with Annie Akavak, September 2011 and February 2013.

  222 “Braiding” is the approach used at Jean Tweed: Interviews with Nancy Bradley, October and November 2010; November 2011.

  223 “Trauma shuts down the frontal lobe”: Interview with Susan Raphael, September 2012.

  223 “We miss the biggest part of the story”: Interviews with Nancy Poole, October 2010 and January 2013.

  224 stresses the correlation between trauma and addiction: Interview with Johanna O’Flaherty, December 2013.

  224 Jean Tweed began offering child care: Interview with Nancy Bradley, November 2011.

  225 “I stopped relapsing”: Interview with Annie Akavak, November 2012.

  226 “The Children’s Program is about breaking the cycle”: Interviews with Jerry Moe, December 2012 and February 2013.

  228 “There’s not much denial with little kids”: Interview with Peggy McGillicuddy, December 2012.

  229 helping young children make sense of what they remember of your drinking past: Interview with Lesley, March 2011.

  230 “It’s really difficult for us to forgive ourselves”: Interview with Heather Amisson, July 2011.


  233 “Let’s say there’s a frog pond”: Interview with Dan Reist, October 2010.

  233 “This is a huge public health problem”: Interview with Robert Brewer, February 2013.

  234 “Lots of harms are co
ming from those who are not addicted”: Interview with Rob Strang, June 2011.

  234 “Alcohol is where tobacco was forty years ago”: Interview with Mike Daube, October 2012.

  235 “When you consider the science, alcohol is doing the most harm in our society”: Interview with Jürgen Rehm, May 2011.

  236 “Alcohol consumption creates more harm to others than secondhand smoke”: Interview with Jürgen Rehm, February 2013.

  236 Australian researchers estimated that the costs of harm to others matched the traditional costs of the drinker to society:

  236 “what we’re looking to do is to prevent the early uptake and heavy drinking of young women”: Interview with Sally Casswell, April 2013.

  237 “Women arguably have the most to gain from a strong policy environment”: Interview with Tim Naimi, April 2013.

  237 “We don’t have the power base to counter the strategic lobbying of the alcohol industry”: Interview with James Mosher, April 2013.

  238 a 10 percent rise in the price of alcohol is associated with a 9 percent drop in hospital admissions for acute alcohol-related issues: Interview with Tim Stockwell, April 2013.

  238 Scotland has indeed declared its intention to set a minimum price for a standard unit of alcohol:

  238 Minimum pricing:

  238 Prime Minister David Cameron seems to have reneged on his promise:

  239 more than a million alcohol-related hospital admissions each year:

  239 Federal alcohol taxes have not been raised since 1991: Email exchange with David Jernigan, April 2013.

  239 “Ultimately, cheap booze is not healthy for society”: Interview with Tim Naimi, April 2013.


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