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Page 64

by Naomi West

  We’re both trembling as we move into the bedroom, our hands roaming each other. I slide my hand down his belly to the front of his jeans, rubbing his cock, feeling how hard it is, how hungry he is to be inside of me. When he picks me up and tosses me onto the bed, I’m reminded of the very first time we fucked, hard and wild and frantic, and as I lean back and look up at him, I want it again. I want to feel taken by him again. I want to feel ravished by him again. He stares down at me with that familiar animal look on his face, the look that tells me the time for love has passed. This is the time for lust.

  “Take off your clothes.”

  No three words have ever made me hornier. I kneel up and pull my shirt over my head, unclip my bra so quickly I fail at first, snapping it into my back like the annoying boys used to do at school. Then I lie back and wriggle out of my trousers, pussy so wet and hot I just want him inside of me, nothing else. No foreplay, no messing around. This is my man, and it’s been too long since we were together. I’ve been confused and unsure for too long. I’m not confused or unsure now. I’m as sure as I’ve ever been about anything. I want him and he wants me. There’s nothing to second-guess about that.

  “Come here,” I whisper, opening my legs, lifting them, bending them at the knee, tempting him to my pussy.

  He steps forward, naked. His cock is rock hard, a bead of pre-come at the tip, his abs tight with muscle, his chest taut, the skin pulled close across his massive pectoral muscles. Then he leans down, propping his hands beside my head, bringing his cock close to my pussy. I reach down and grab it, stroking it up and down, desperate to have it inside of me. This is the father of my child; this is my lover. This is the man I want to be with for as long as he’ll have me.

  “Wait,” he says, when I’ve almost guided him to my pussy.

  “What?” I’m panting, lust attacking my body. I don’t want to wait. I want to do.

  He grins at me, that sexy, dark grin, the grin that captivated me in the first place. “Marry me, Yazmin.”

  My answer is a kiss, a kiss that lasts a long time, a kiss that leads naturally to his cock sliding deep inside of me. “Yes, yes, yes,” I moan, both in answer to his proposal and the pleasure his cock brings.

  He slides it all the way to my hot spot, the tip pressing hard into me, and then holds it there, gazing down at my breasts, his face warped in pleasure. Then he can’t hold it anymore. We fuck. We don’t fuck like two sweet lovers out of a fairytale. We don’t fuck like the princess and her Prince Charming. We fuck like people who’ve been told they’ll die if they don’t fuck hard. We fuck like fucking is our only way of survival. We fuck like this is the last chance we’ll ever get to fuck. I push down hard with my hips, sliding my pussy up and down his cock as he slams into me. We find the perfect rhythm, me sliding away as he pulls out, and then both of us meeting in the middle for a perfect instant of pleasure.

  Over and over, we meet in the middle, until my body is screaming at me for release, until my pussy is going tight and my nipples are getting hard and the whole world could be a million miles away because none of it matters to us, not right now. I lean up and bite down on his shoulder, sinking my teeth in as my pussy gets tighter and tighter.

  “Come for me,” he growls. “Come for your future fucking husband. Be a good wife and fucking come.”

  I’ll never get used to how Spike’s words seem to be able to trigger the euphoria inside of me. I let my head fall back, releasing his shoulder as the pent-up pleasure in my pussy releases. The tightness loosens and I feel myself squirting on his cock, my body writhing, my fingernails clawing at the sheets. I bounce down, hard, finding his cock, bringing it deeper into my pussy, urging him into my sensitive spot. My body is alive with tingles, every inch of my skin buzzing, every inch of my brain fogged. I drive down over and over, bringing his rock-hard cock exactly where I need him. The orgasm hits me in waves, rolling over me with the power of the ocean, forcing me down into the blankets where I bounce and writhe and moan, lasting for what could be a minute or an hour. I squirt onto his cock until my entire body feels spent of energy, until just moving my head is an effort.

  But I summon enough energy for one last effort, lifting myself up and riding with him until he’s squeezing my tits together and gasping, until he lets out a growling, moaning sound and thrusts into me one last time.

  When we’re done, I lie in his arms, both of us staring up at the ceiling.

  “I’m annoyed with myself,” I tell him after a while.

  “Annoyed? Why?”

  “I waited a whole week to do this with you. That was silly.”

  “You had your own shit goin’ on.”

  “Since when did you get so understanding?” I prod him playfully in the side.

  He prods me in my breasts. “Since you told me I got a lifetime of these ahead of me.”

  Then he has his face buried in them, making boat noises as I giggle and try to slap him away.



  “Are you nervous?” G asks.

  “Three years of study all leading up to this moment . . .”

  The announcer calls somebody else’s name and they go onto the stage, accepting their diploma. The crowd cheers and claps. I hear parents calling out to their daughter and push down the urge to feel sorry for myself. Since giving birth and getting married, I’ve told myself I’ll never feel sorry for myself when it comes to parents. I am a parent now, and I won’t let how I feel affect little Toby.

  “Yeah,” I say. “You could say I’m a little nervous. And you?”

  I spin my wedding ring around and around, something I do when I’m feeling restless, like the time Toby was in the hospital with the chicken pox or when Spike went out on a ride to LA and didn’t come back for two weeks. I sat at the window for almost the entire time, twisting my wedding ring, wondering.

  “I’m nervous,” G says. “Don’t forget, I’m just a lowly cleaner.” She waves at her graduation robes. “I shouldn’t be here, not really.”

  I slap her on the arm. “Don’t be silly.”

  G and I decided to go into the nursing course together, going to the same college and going to the same classes. The years have made us close. What happened with Dad and the Scorpions and Mom and Justin has become one of those stories we talk about every now and then but doesn’t rule our lives.

  She smiles at me as another name is called. “It’ll be me soon. I’m C, remember. You have to wait for M.”

  “Pity Spike’s second name wasn’t Cane or something. That way it’d be before Castle.”

  She rolls her eyes. “This isn’t a race, you know. But I do think it’s going to make a huge difference when we start work. I’ll walk in there and say, ‘Look, did you know I got my certificate before Yazmin Macklin? I think that means you should hire me over her.’”

  “Ha, ha, ha.”

  We smile at each other as the line inches forward, and then somebody calls from the front, “Georgie, you’re up!”

  “Oh, this is me.” She adjusts her cap. “Wish me luck.”

  I wish her luck and then wait in line, cap in hand, listening as the names are called and thinking about the past. I think about the wedding at the clubhouse, Knuckles in his suit officiating. I think about the terror of the birth and how when they put Toby in my arms it didn’t matter. I think about the tears which slid down my face when he padded across the living room, smiling to me and mumbling, “Mommy! Mommy!” Most of all I think about having a family, a real family, and how even though I’ll always love Mom it isn’t so bad being an orphan if you can make something of your own.

  When my name is called, I walk onto the stage with a swelling in my chest.

  “We made it,” I whisper, when I see Spike and Toby in the crowd.


  “Broom, broom!” Toby calls, grabbing onto my hair and driving me outside, where Yazmin is waiting. “Broom, broom, Daddy!”

  “Broom, broom, little man,” I agree. “But I’ve gotta get
you down now.”

  “Why?” Toby demands.

  “Because otherwise that door will take your head off.”

  I nod to the door in question, which is too small for me to carry him through. He pouts when I lower him to the floor, but when I tickle him under the armpit he grins up at me with his gappy teeth. “Mommy looked nice,” he says. “Really, really, really nice.”

  “She did,” I agree. “She looked incredible.”

  “I love her lots.”

  “So do I.”

  In the courtyard outside the college’s function building, graduates and parents mingle, taking pictures on their phones or, for the fancier parents, big bulky photographer’s camera. I take out my camera from my pocket, a small digital, and join Georgia and Yazmin where they stand near the enclosed basketball court. Yazmin looks as gorgeous as the first day we met in her black graduation gear, her cap perched on her head. She looks flustered, too.

  “I was so nervous,” she says, kissing me on the cheek. “All those eyes . . .”

  “You did great,” I tell her. “Didn’t she, lad?”

  Toby lifts his arms up for Yazmin to pick him up. She bends down, scooping him up. “Did I do all right?” she asks.

  He kisses her on the nose. “Really, really good!” he cries. “Really, really good!”

  Yazmin giggles and gives him a kiss in return. I quickly snap the picture. Yesterday I may’ve been in the city working over a couple of guys who thought they’d try and swoop in and pick up where Snake left off all those years ago, trying to funnel drugs into Sunnyside. But today I’m just a proud husband and a dad. I capture Yazmin kissing Toby on the cheek, and her face as she turns at the professor’s voice, calling them over to throw up their caps.

  “I better go,” she says. “Wait for me?”

  “Nah.” I grin at her, winking. “I reckon I’ll take the little man here and head on home. You’ll be all right without me.”

  “You are so not funny.” She blows me a kiss and then disappears into the crowd, becoming one black robe in a sea of black robes.

  “Daddy, shoulders.”

  I lift him up and together we join the other onlookers. After searching the crowd for a couple of minutes we find Yazmin and Georgia near the back, smiling over at us.

  “Daddy, are we happy?” Toby says.

  “Why do you ask?”

  “Mikey from town says being happy is a really good thing to be.”

  “Okay, now, toss!”

  A hundred caps fly into the air. A hundred cameras, including mine, snap photographs. A hundred graduates smile a hundred smiles, but Yazmin’s is brightest of all. Yazmin’s is the only one I see, really.

  “Yeah, son,” I say. “We’re happy.”


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  Books by Naomi West

  Click any of the covers below to go straight to the book page!

  WILD CHILD: The Wylde Ones MC



  She’s the teacher, but I’m the one about to teach her a lesson:

  Never deny me what I want.

  So when I say I want her to bear my baby, there’s only one answer I want to hear:

  “Yes, Mr. Wylde.”

  I’m the president of the Wylde Ones MC, but it isn’t enough to have my name on the club.

  I won’t be president forever.

  And when I go, I want an heir to my throne.

  I could wait and let fate dictate who that heir will be.

  But I’ve never been one to leave things to chance.

  I’ve made up my mind.

  This is what’s going to happen:

  I’m going to have Lena.

  And Lena’s going to have my baby.

  No matter what denials come from those pretty pink lips.

  No matter how much she moans or protests.

  I’m going to show her she needs my body just as much as I need hers.

  But I can’t forget that she’s just a tool. A means to an end.

  I refuse to let myself get tangled up in the process.

  This is strictly a business transaction.

  And I intend to transact with Lena again, and again, and again…

  DIESEL DADDY: Skull Riders MC


  He was gasoline; I was a lit match.

  We never should have been within a country mile of each other.

  But I just couldn’t turn down the scoop of a lifetime, and look what it got me:

  The bad boy’s hand on my throat… and his baby in my womb.

  When I saw Diesel walk into that bar, I thought he’d be my ticket to the top.

  A bad boy biker with a rap sheet thicker than the dictionary?

  Sounded like the perfect juicy news lead.

  But what I found out was that Diesel had something else thick he wanted to share with me…

  And he knew it’d make me juicy, too.

  I should know better.

  But I just can’t say no.

  Not when he pulls me into his arms.

  Not when he bends me over his bed.

  And not when he whispers in my ear exactly what he wants to give me:

  His baby in my belly.

  THE DEVIL’S BABY: The Smoking Vipers MC


  She thinks I’m the devil, but that won’t stop me.

  When her father sees what I’ve done with his girl, he’ll beg for my mercy.

  But I won’t rest until she’s wearing my ring…

  And bearing my baby.

  I’m gonna end this war once and for all…

  By hurting Snake Lafayette in the most permanent way possible.

  His daughter already thought her life was hell…

  But then she met me.

  And I’ve got big plans for this little princess.

  She’s gonna bend where I tell her.

  Beg when I command her.

  And once I drag her to the altar, she’ll be mine forever.

  Whether she likes it or not.

  PAY FOR HER: The Warhawks MC


  The thug who stole my home wants me as his slave.

  The biker who bought my body wants me for something worse.

  I had no choice but to become his possession.

  I just never thought I’d like it so much.

  I used to be a good girl, once upon a time.

  I had a grandmother who loved me.

  A home to shelter me.

  But then these men came into my life and took it all away.

  Before I know it, I’m stripped bare under the spotlights while faceless men bid for my body.

  The night grows longer.

  The price goes higher.

  But one man won’t be outdone.

  I’ve never met him before.

  But by the time the nightmare is over, I have a feeling I’m going to know him very, very well.

  My new owner, Tank, is a monster.

  A killer.

  A thief.

  He terrifies me.

  And from now on, I belong to him.



  I knew it from the moment she hit me with her car:

  This girl would be the one to bear my child.

  The problem is, she doesn’t know that yet herself.

  Time to take her in my arms and show her how things are gonna be.

  Millie is a good girl.

  An innocent girl.

But not for long.

  She hit me with her car and now she’s going to pay the price.

  I don’t want money – not that she has the necessary funds, anyways.

  No, Little Miss Millie has something I want far, far more.

  A body to bear my baby.

  She can try to resist me all she wants.

  But when I come to collect what I’m owed, there will be nothing in the world that can stop me.

  I won’t rest until I have my little angel.

  PISTOL’S BABY: The Brethren MC


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