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A Taste of Winter: 1 (Red Masks)

Page 5

by Gia Dawn

  Would she go? Could she go?

  He’d hinted at what he wanted to do with her…things she’d never contemplated with another man. Now that her sexual side had been reawakened, however, she admitted she was willing to expand her repertoire—not that she was in any way certain how far she was prepared to go.

  But she did have her safeword and he had promised to stop at once if she ever uttered it. The question she had to ask herself was did she trust him? And if she didn’t trust him she had no business keeping either the gifts he had sent or the upcoming tryst set for the weekend.

  Unable to decide, Alaina shoved the box in a corner of her closet, refusing to look at it until she’d made up her mind. Still, she had to force herself not to open it a dozen or more times the rest of the day—and night—and the next day after that.

  By Friday Alaina was going out of her mind with boredom. She’d already sent Zayne her preliminary designs—which he’d approved without a single change—and there was little else she could do before the building inspections were finished and she was allowed inside to examine it more closely.

  Unable to stand herself any longer, she yanked the bright-red box from the closet, took out the delicate bracelet and clasped it around her wrist. The jewels caught and refracted the light as she held it up and admired it from all angles, loving the way it looked against her skin.

  She also removed the leather dress and accessories, hanging them up in her closet after burying her face in the supple material and breathing in its elegant scent. Looking in the mirror she held the collar to her throat, imagining how it would feel to wear it—how he would look when she stepped into the room.

  When her body began its all-too-familiar ache of longing, Alaina hurriedly slipped the collar around the hanger, shoving the entire ensemble back out of sight.

  Picking up her cell phone for the millionth time in less than an hour, she cursed Ryan to several different hells. How was it he managed to creep under her skin by doing the one thing she’d wanted him to do for months? Leave her completely alone.

  While she’d railed and spit and refused to answer when he was making constant contact, his complete and sudden absence was nearly more than she could stand. She’d found herself dialing his number more than once, ostensibly to ask if the LaRue House had met with his final approval or if he’d hired a different contractor to make any last-minute changes. In an agony of curiosity she decided to go for a walk down Merchant Street. If she happened to pass the LaRue House, it would be purely coincidental.

  An hour later she returned to her apartment still not knowing if she was satisfied or not. While the building remained as she’d finished it, she hadn’t seen a peek of Ryan, not even the shadow of his sleek black sedan. Disappointment weighed her down as she checked her phone once more, only to toss it on the counter in disgust when she didn’t see his number.

  Did she actually miss the bastard?

  Not a chance in hell, she assured herself as she went to her closet to make certain the red leather dress was just where she had left it. Bad enough to go crazy over one man—she had to go and make herself crazy over two!

  * * * * *

  Yes he was obsessive and yes he had picked up his phone to call her more times than he cared to admit. As Ryan continued to wear a rut across office floor he imagined what sinful things he would do to Miss Alaina Winter when Saturday night finally arrived.

  She would be late, very late, but his hand would not be swayed. No matter how she begged or pleaded with those magnificent eyes of hers, he would turn her across his lap and spank her until he was satisfied. Then he would have her on her knees between his legs with her amazing mouth wrapped around his cock. Just the thought of the night to come made him surly with need.

  So surly he’d already fired two potential contractors this week, neither of whom had an inkling of architectural design.

  Or an ass to die for.

  The utter inappropriateness of his hiring criteria did nothing to elevate his mood and by four o’clock Saturday afternoon he’d already quit work for the day, something he’d never even contemplated before.

  Turning the water all the way to cold in his shower, he stayed under the spray for a full twenty minutes. Only then did his dickshrink back to normal so he could stuff himself into his jeans without doing major damage.

  * * * * *

  Alaina’s car pulled up to the curb at 8:03 p.m. by her cell phone. After an entire day spent in a state of indecision and raging desire she’d made a desperate last-minute decision that still had her stomach tied in knots.

  Surely three minutes wasn’t late.

  At least not late enough to warrant anything severe.

  Spotting him the instant she entered the ballroom Alaina watched as his head shot around in her direction, his expression unreadable as the crowd milled between them.

  He didn’t raise a hand in greeting or motion her toward him as she hesitated on the stairs but she could feel his gaze rake over her, calculating, possessing, as if he’d already planned every stroke of his hand or flick of his fingers.

  He remained motionless as she gathered up her courage and crossed the room, a figure carved from stone, so stern and aloof she had to fight to keep from turning on her heel and fleeing for her safety.

  But this was a public place, right? And she had a safeword. And really, how displeased could he possibly be?

  More than she’d bargained for his expression said when she was near enough to see it. “You are late,” he said, his mouth compressed into a forbidding line. “Did I not make my expectation clear?”

  Deciding honesty was her best defense, she raised her chin and looked him straight in the eye. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t sure if I would come. It wasn’t an easy decision to make,” she added when he gave no sign of softening.

  “No,” he relented at last as his voice returned to its usual purr. “I do not believe it was. Take off the scarf and let me see you.”

  With hands suddenly grown clumsy, Alaina tugged off the scarf, letting it fall to the floor at her feet. She tried her best to brave his assessment, shoulders back and chin held high as his gaze roamed like a caress across her flesh before he knelt and grabbed the scarf, his face so close to the juncture of her thighs, she swore she could feel the heat of his breath.

  With a predatory grace he rose to his feet, moving close to whisper in her ear, “I can smell your need. I remember the taste of you on my tongue—a taste I plan to enjoy again. After you have paid for your disobedience.” His voice was so cold it brought prickles to her skin.

  Alaina could barely breathe as he draped the scarf over his shoulder and handed her a glass of champagne. But she noted his hand was not as steady as before and she reveled in the power she had to arouse him.

  Gathering her courage, she stepped closer until her breasts brushed against his jacket and her hips grazed his already impressive erection.

  “Bold tonight are we, little one?” His voice held both amusement and displeasure, the combination heady in its contradiction. He shook his head and grabbed the leash to her collar, pulling her face to his. “Do you really want to test my resolve?” His mouth was barely a breath away from hers and Alaina wanted to beg him to kiss her but he pulled back with a smile when she moved to put her lips to his.

  “Have you eaten? Good,” he said when she nodded in assent.

  She wanted to protest as they crossed the busy ballroom floor, to tell him in no uncertain terms she would not let him treat her this way but the flutter of excitement at the pit of her stomach and the growing slick of hunger between her legs kept her silent and submissive.

  “So you will go to the bathroom, take off your crystal mask—much as it does suit your beauty—and put on the leather one I gave you.”

  “But then I can’t see you.” Alaina couldn’t imagine passing the night without being able to watch his eyes or see the play of muscle beneath his skin. She wanted to see him in all his glorious maleness—wanted to stare in fascina
tion as she pleased him.

  The sudden jerk on her leash sent her tumbling into his chest, a flash of irritation rising at his action.

  “You will wear the mask.” He raised a hand in dismissal as she opened her mouth to argue. “You have already managed to accumulate four decent swats to that perky ass of yours. I doubt you wish to add another. Or do you?”

  His voice was a whisper as he moved to take off his jacket, leaving Alaina fighting for balance as he released her. “And it would be a shame to spend such a long portion of our time together in punishment when there are so many other joys to explore.”

  Huh. She got the feeling he would be more than happy to spank her until she begged him to stop but she most certainly wasn’t looking forward to spending the night splayed across his lap. Still, as she pictured the scenario in her mind, she rose to a brand-new level of want, every nerve and every muscle tingling in dark and dangerous glee. In that position he could do things to her she’d barely dreamed of and her body was more than willing to comply, even if her mind continued to object.

  “Should I undress as well?” she heard herself ask as he unbuttoned his shirt and rolled up the starched cuffs of his sleeves. A perfect male, some ancient part of her whispered, a man worthy enough to obey.

  “No. I reserve that pleasure for myself. You have two minutes,” he added darkly as he glanced at his watch. “I suggest you hurry.”

  Breathless with anxiety, Alaina fled to the bathroom to change masks, barely taking the time to notice the crimson towels stacked on the counter and a matching rug beneath her feet.

  After taking off the crystal mask she stared at her reflection, her cheeks flushed and her eyes aglow, her expression so different from normal she almost seemed a stranger to herself.

  Her legs began to tremble as she pulled the blindfold into place and she felt a moment’s panic that she could not see a thing—ready to change her mind and walk out. But her body had other plans, so she felt her way to the door, taking in a huge gulp of air as she pushed it open.

  “Follow my voice,” he said from across the room. “I am ready to administer your punishment.”

  * * * * *

  Ryan waited in a surge of anticipation as he watched her make her way toward him, seeing the furious rise and fall of her chest as she worked her way into a near panic.

  Good. This was very good.

  “Stop,” he ordered when she stood but a foot away, her breath so ragged he could practically feel it against his face.

  He had taken off his mask along with his clothing while she had been in the bathroom and it was exquisite to be so free in her presence. His erection had long passed the point of discomfort but it wouldn’t be long before he found the sharp bite of release. And in the meantime he had other delights to take his mind off the need.

  “Give me your hand.” He wrapped his fingers around hers when she obeyed, loving the way her hand shook against his palm. Her knees were shaking as well, he noted, dark desire taking hold of his thoughts.

  With an easy jerk, she fell against him, gasping in dismay as her other hand landed on the leather paddle he held. She tried to pull back, shaking her head in denial, but he wasn’t about to let her get away.

  “You know the safeword,” he reminded her, dragging her across his lap, groaning in an agony of want as she struggled, his cock poised to take her before he had even started the fun.

  Holding her firmly down with one hand, he slid the dress up over her bottom, her whimpers only adding fuel to his fire.

  “Please,” she begged when he pried her legs apart. “Please don’t hurt me.”

  Then he gripped the paddle and brought it down upon her flesh with a resounding thud. She jerked and tried to rise but he held her firmly as he brought the paddle down again, her skin growing hot and pink beneath his hands. He spanked her solidly two more times before she screamed and bit into his thigh.

  Gritting his teeth against the pain, he reached his hand between her legs to find her so slick and wet with desire, he wondered if she hadn’t already come. She squirmed as he fingered the tender opening of her sex but he refused to grant her the release she sought.

  Instead he opened his knees and let her fall between them, taking her head in his hands as he guided her mouth to his cock. “Take me with your mouth,” he ordered, spreading his legs as wide as he could manage.

  He grabbed handfuls of her hair as she obeyed, resisting the urge to thrust his hips and bury himself to the hilt down her throat. He needed to be in complete control so he wouldn’t inadvertently hurt her. But by all that was holy, she made it beyond difficult as she sucked him deep between her lips—her tongue swirling over his engorged and needful flesh, her hands reaching out to clamp so tight around him he felt his balls clench.

  Knowing he was ready to come and couldn’t stop himself, he slid farther into his chair, pulling her mouth away. “Finish me with your hands.” He closed his eyes against the pleasure as she slid them up and down his shaft, faster and harder. As his hips jerked, his legs spasmed and he bit his tongue to keep from calling out her name as he let himself go and came into her hands.

  “Thank you,” he said as she laid her head upon his thigh, the smell of her arousal dragging him back from the edge. The night was far from over. As his thoughts turned again to her pleasure, he felt his body willingly respond.

  Oh my dear Miss Winter, this time you will be the one to scream.

  “Now I plan to soothe that perfect ass of yours,” he promised as he pulled her to her feet, his voice so rough she could barely make out the words. “Give it a taste of penetration you have not felt before.”

  Alaina felt her head spin as he led her across the room, pushing her to her knees on a soft pile of rugs before folding her over the edge of the bed. She trembled when he knelt behind her and spread her knees apart, one hand pressing her forward against the sheets when she whimpered and tried to rise.

  “You know the safeword,” he reminded her in a patient voice, moving to tie her left hand to the bedpost before securing her right hand in the exact same manner. “Curse me, scream, beg me to stop—but unless you say the safeword I intend to stuff my fingers as far up your gorgeous ass as I possibly can.”

  He chuckled when she tried to pull her legs together, his own thighs forming an unmoving barrier between hers. “Relax, my beauty.” He ran his hands up her back as he folded his body over hers. “As always, your pleasure is foremost in my mind.”

  Before she could force her frozen mouth to work, he curled his arms around her, his hands molding over her breasts as he bit into her neck like a jungle cat capturing its mate.

  His lubed cock was a huge mass of heat where it settled between the cheeks of her bottom, hard, solid—ready to split her to the core.

  Despite a voice that shrieked danger in her mind, her body responded as it always did—jerking to dark and defiant arousal, her clit swelling and demanding to be touched, her cunt clenching in wet anticipation. Even the too-tight opening to her ass burning with a need to open, take him, let him tunnel deep inside no matter what the cost to her pride.

  As his fingers clamped around her nipples, Alaina bit her teeth against the urge to scream, beg him to stop, beg him to take her, beg him to do anything if he would soothe the want that threatened to drive her mad.

  Not that she would beg. Not tonight. Not this once.

  But oh God in heaven, the sting between her legs grew worse as he continued to roll her nipples between his fingers, the buds of flesh elongating into desperate knotted peaks.

  Again she tried to close her legs—do anything to ease the pressure building in her cunt—but his legs were strong as iron, his growl of displeasure a warning in her ear.

  “Not until you plead.” Alaina heard the catch in his voice and knew his need was a match for her own. “Beg me to touch you—make you come.” As she shook her head in stubborn refusal he moved one thigh to rub between her legs, skimming over her clit, his skin slicked wet with the proof of he
r desire.

  “Yes, yes—please touch me,” Alaina heard herself whimper, pressing her face into the sheets to hide the flush of embarrassment. “Please, oh God, p-p-please.” She choked on her words as he slid one arm down her stomach and between her legs, his fingers spreading, searching, coming at last to strum across her clit.

  Like an animal caught in the cage of its hunter Alaina bucked beneath him, not knowing if she was trying to evade the aching pleasure of his touch or to pull him in deeper to take her over the edge.

  But he was not a man to rush his seduction, she had learned from their previous encounter—despite the feel of his flesh along her bottom, now so erect and engorged with blood she thought he must be in pain from the pressure.

  “Do you want as much as I do?” Alaina wiggled beneath him, growing bold as she realized her power over him. “I know how much I please you, Master. I know how you need to make me come in your arms.”

  A groan escaped his throat, hurriedly muffled as he bit again into her neck. But he couldn’t mask the shudder that shook him or the way his body jerked in response.

  “Keep that up and I will take you with my cock,” he promised dangerously. Removing his other hand from her breast, he thrust his fingers between her legs from behind, drenching them in the slick of her cunt before he trailed the moisture back to her ass.

  “And it would be a shame to take you fully before you are ready. Unless you prefer more pain with your pleasure?” Without another warning he slid his finger into the puckered opening. The shock of it thrusting through the rigid ring of muscle was enough to make Alaina scream and jerk against her restraints, only the soothing of his other hand at her clit keeping her from struggling desperately against him.

  But already the pain had turned to pleasure, her need a wicked and brazen thing forcing her body to writhe against him—taking his finger deeper and deeper, needing more pleasure, craving more pain.


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