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Presents for Sue Ellen

Page 3

by Azod, Shara

  Finally, he joined her, grasping her hips and pounding her like a man possessed. Every smack against her rump sent tremors straight to her pussy, keeping her poised right there on the edge.

  “Royce! Please, I need to…I need…”

  Damn it all, what did she need?

  It seemed he knew. Maneuvering ever so slightly, he changed angles so that he was hitting her spot on every down stroke. Her world literally began to spin. And all this time she thought the words written in romance novels pure bullshit. Nothing had prepared her for the shattering orgasm, washing over her entire body, making her gasp, then scream, then gasp again.

  “Och och aye loove come aw ower me!” His rasping growl sounded in her ears right before he bit down on her arching neck. “Buck och aye, jist like 'at!”

  She had no idea what that last part meant, but it sounded fantastic. Being crushed backward into his arms felt even better than he sounded, sending her over the edge all over again.

  “Fuck!” Royce yelled right before she felt his body quake and his own release rush into her.

  Even then he didn’t allow her to melt into the desk, but held her close, whispering in a language that was far beyond her. Whereas before he spoke English with a thick burr, this was something altogether different, unlike anything she had ever heard. It was beautiful.

  “We better get downstairs before Blaine comes back up looking for us.”

  The burr was gone, leaving a light lilt in its place.

  Unfortunately, so was the sensual haze she had been under.

  Sweet hell, what had she done? Her cheeks flamed as the reality of the situation slapped her in the face. She had just fucked one of her bosses on the desk, and loved every minute of it. There was no way the entire office hadn’t heard what just went on in here. There was no way in the world she could face her coworkers! Her face flamed as she tried to scoot off his still hard cock. How the hell was it possible the man was still hard?

  Just to be ornery, she was sure, he thrust into her again a few times before slipping out of her grasping passage.

  “Stay there, I will get something to clean you up.”

  The order was really unnecessary. She wasn’t so sure she could move. He disappeared into the private bathroom as she slumped, sprawled against her desk. Well this sealed it. She couldn’t come back here now. Looked like she was moving sooner than she thought. She would just walk out and call in tomorrow. As soon as she got to her apartment she would call Charity and get her to send a ticket or a plane or whatever. She needed to get the hell out of New York and fast!

  Royce returned in the middle of plotting, spreading her legs without so much of a by-your-leave and pressing a warm cloth against her sensitive flesh. She wasn’t surprised he cleaned her so diligently, but the tongue that snaked out to give her one last lingering kiss on her nether lips shocked the hell out of her.

  “Come on, baby. Blaine is waiting.”

  There was little point in arguing right now, not with everyone probably still listening in. She wouldn’t be surprised if a couple of the nosier secretaries weren’t right outside the office door. No, she would wait until they were downstairs, then just explain that she really had to go. She just had to think up a really good excuse.

  Just as she suspected, no less than three people jumped back when Royce opened the door. One of them being Lianna, the bitter fifty-something office manager. The woman was a bitter old spinster with never a kind word for anyone. Before the day was through everyone in the building would know Sue Ellen was boffing the boss. Shit! To make matters worse, Royce was right there, arm around her refusing to let her slide away.

  “Sue Ellen I need to see you in my office,” Lianna’s nasally voice grated on her ears. She looked like she had just sucked a lemon; nonetheless there was a wicked gleam in her eyes.

  Well the old bitch wasn’t going to get a chance to fire her, she was going to quit. That is, she was, until Royce opened his big mouth.

  “Sue Ellen is busy,” he cut the old battle ax off at the pass.

  “As the office manager, I must insist,” Lianna pressed, her mouth all twisted like she smelled something bad.

  Sue Ellen had to stifle a giggle that welled up at the pitiful sight she made. The smell of sex must be rolling off them in waves. She wondered if Lianna had ever experienced the smell on herself.

  Royce didn’t say a word, just stared at her in that silent, deadly way of his. As expected, Lianna backed off.

  “Well, Sue Ellen I need to see as soon as you are…unbusy!” she huffed. “And make sure it’s before the end of the day!”

  “Sue Ellen will be out of the office for the rest of the day,” Royce’s tone was deadly in its tone. Lianna blinked rapidly before huffing away. Sue Ellen could have sworn she heard him mutter, “Bitter bitch,” under his breath before turning to her. “Get your coat, love.”

  The other two secretaries gaped openly, but he ignored them. The blasted man actually took her overcoat from her and held it out for her to slip on before tucking her against his side and kissing her forehead. Just like that, in front of God and everybody. There was no way she could ever live this down. Even though she’d be long gone, this would be fodder for the rumor mill for weeks to come, an early Christmas gift to the easily scandalized.

  She was going to kill him. Him and Blaine. Just as soon as she got outside, she was going to gut them using nothing more than her tongue. Maybe after they took her home, and they would be taking her home, right now.

  Striding out of the office with too many curious eyes glued to the odd couple they must have made, Sue Ellen couldn’t help but melt just a little against his tall, hard body. He felt so good! She would pull away in the elevator, maybe. But she was still going to kill him. Eventually.

  Chapter 5

  "Love is a matter of chemistry, but sex is a matter of physics." ~Author Unknown

  Blaine almost went back upstairs to bring Royce and Sue Ellen down, but then thought the better of it. Seeing Royce giving the lovely Ms. Coleman the spanking she so richly deserved would be too much for him. There would be no way he could have kept his hands off of her, not after wanting her, craving her for so long. Hell, he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt Royce hadn’t been able to keep it at a simple spanking. He would bet his last dollar Royce had sank his cock so deep inside Sue Ellen, she would feel it in her throat.

  With a smothered groan, Blaine adjusted his hard on straining against his tailored slacks. He hoped like hell Royce had been able to keep it down to a dull roar for her sake. Had he been there, there wouldn’t be a doubt as to what was going on behind the locked office door. The very same thing that would be going on in the back seat of the limo. It was a four hour drive to the country estate, far enough away from curious prying eyes, plus incredibly difficult to get away should she get cold feet and tried to flee.

  Of course, Blaine intended on making damned sure there wasn’t cold spot left anywhere on her body. The conversation they had overheard shook him as much as it reinforced his absolute certainty, Sue Ellen Coleman was the perfect woman for him and Royce, and he would do everything in his power and beyond to make sure she knew that.

  Blaine had almost reached the edge of his patience when the two emerged from the Wall Street office building. Blowing out a pent up breath, he slid over to make room, his hands sweating in anticipation.

  Damn, he wanted her! His mouth watered at the thought of her taste. Would she be sweet or spicy, or perhaps a little bit of both? He chomping at the bit to find out. Tasting her would not only whet his growing appetite, it would also allow them to distract her until they made it out of the city. Blaine didn’t want to kidnap an unwilling woman. He had no stomach for force. He only needed enough time to get Sue Ellen to let loose that passion he had seen burning in her eyes when she thought no one was looking. Instead of her tongue wetting those delectable full lips of hers when she stared at either himself or Royce covertly, he wanted those lips wrapped around his cock, that tongue swi
rling the sensitive head.

  Perhaps thinking too hard about the ride ahead had been a bad idea because he damn near came on himself as soon as Sue Ellen slipped into the waiting vehicle. There was a faint flush on her dark cheeks, her eyes sparkled with some new inner fire. And she didn’t have a clue how fucking alluring she was.

  “Well, glad to see you two could make it,” he commented dryly, lifting a brow at Royce as he followed Sue Ellen into the car.

  “Can you really blame me?” Royce’s quick reply with was completely without sarcasm, which was unusual for his Scottish friend.

  As Royce leaned back in the seat across from where he sat, Blaine felt a twinge of envy. Lucky bastard. His large frame was free from the tension riding high on Blaine just now. He almost looked…stated. Almost.

  “Enjoy your spanking sweetheart?” Blaine teased as Sue Ellen blushed a dark plum.

  What a wet dream come to life; shy innocence with an innate sensuality that begged to be released. His cock jumped in agreement. She was all crammed in the corner, as if the paltry distance would keep him away from her.

  “Tell me sweetheart, did Royce explain to you why you had to be disciplined like that?” Blaine knew good and damned well Royce was too far gone to explain much of anything completely, which meant she would have to be disciplined again. This time, he would make sure she understood why she was being punished, while punishing her once again of course.

  “Something about calling myself fat?” Sue Ellen squeaked, trying like hell to become one with the leather seat.

  Blaine gave her a wolfish grin, fingering the heavy coat she clutched together. Like that would keep him out.

  “Is that all?” he pushed.

  Just as he thought. Even if Royce had managed to explain much, chances were she hadn’t been able to understand his friend’s thick Scottish burr. It tended to get thicker the more excited Royce got. Sue Ellen would learn to understand it time. As for now, Blaine intended to use her confusion for all it was worth.

  “I..uh, couldn’t really understand…I mean, I think that’s it. Oh! And comparing myself to hens?”

  She was so adorable when she was all bewildered like that. A man with less purpose would have qualms about what he was about to do, unlike Blaine who felt completely justified. This game was for keeps.

  “Hens? Did you compare yourself to a chicken sweetheart?”

  “What? No, I don’t think so. I mean,” a fierce frown marred her otherwise smooth face as the Sue Ellen Blaine knew and fell in love with resurfaced, replacing the scared, confused woman that had found herself splayed over a desk. “How the hell am I supposed to know? It isn’t like I speak…whatever the hell Mr. Hamilton was speaking!”

  “Mr. Hamilton?” Blaine quirked a brow, a sardonic smile playing at his lips. “Surely you two have gotten a little more, shall we say intimate? His name is Royce, sweetheart. And I am Blaine.”

  Sue Ellen’s reaction was exactly what he had planned. Releasing the death grip she had on her coat, she narrowed her eyes getting right up in his face.

  “What. Ever.” She poked her finger right in his chest as she said it. “I couldn’t understand a damn word he was saying, so how the hell am I supposed to know what ‘lesson’,” using finger quotes to enunciate her meaning she leaned forward, her eyes spitting fire, “I am supposed to freakin’ learn! And now that I think about it, where the hell does either of you get off trying to teach me a damn thing? I am a grown ass woman!”

  “Yeah, baby you are at that,” Blaine let his eyes sweep over the parts of her conservative outfit he could see poking out of the now gaping coat with purpose. He delighted in the hardening of her nipples as his tongue swept over his lips. He watched her pulse jump in base of her throat. Her reaction to him had him wanting to bay at the moon.

  “Take me home, now!” Sue Ellen raged without raising her voice. Her chest heaved with every indignant breath. “And if you think I am going back to that office, after…after…” waving her hand in Royce’s general direction, but refusing to look at him, Blaine could tell some of her embarrassment was back, but it didn’t get in the way of her righteous indignation. “After that man accosted me, you are sadly mistaken. Find yourself a new executive assistant, mister. I refused to be toyed with!”

  Blaine gasped in mock surprise. Oh, this was more fun than he could ever remember having. Thankfully, Royce stayed silent. He didn’t think her anger would last in the face of his friend’s deep burr. Especially considering whatever the hell had went on up in the office.

  “Not even a little?” Blaine purred. “And we don’t want a new assistant.”

  “I don’t give a damn what you want!” she exploded.

  “Are you sure about that, baby?”

  He was close enough to feel her body heat. In her anger, waves of warmth radiated from her body. She hadn’t noticed he was that close, yet. Too bad it was too late for retreat. Keeping his hands low so as not to startle her, he gently tugged the deplorably old fashioned shirt from her skirt with infinite slowness. His hands were working on the buttons before she was any the wiser.

  “Hell, yes, I’m sure…Oh!”

  Sweet success. Her shirt was fully open, his hands full of those luscious breasts. Either she was too shocked to try to pull away, or she decided she liked the way he rolled her nipples between his thumb and forefinger.

  “I just don’t think we can manage without you, Sue Ellen,” Blaine purred, sliding his body flush with hers.

  Her head fell back, exposing her lovely neck for exploration with his teeth and tongue. Tiny moans escaped her as he continued his gentle assault on her breasts, alternatively cupping their wonderfully heavy weight and manipulating her nipples. When he pinched down a little harder, she gasped, arching her back, pressing the mountains of joy more fully into his hands.

  Shit, she was magnificent! So perfectly responsive. His mouth moved down to suckle her breast through her bra as his other hand moved between her thighs, gently opening her legs for him. Her smooth mound made him groan in time with hers. Feeling the ring against her clit had his mind reeling. He had to taste the sweetness for himself!

  “You weren’t wearing panties today, were you sweetheart?” he growled, remembering no barrier when he and Royce first touched her.


  Heaven have mercy, that breathless little sigh of answer stroked a man right to his balls and back!

  “Why was that, sweetheart?”

  He heard Royce lean forward in the opposite seat, every bit as anxious to hear her reply as he was. He pulled gently at her piercing as he waited for her answer, wanting to hear her arousal in her voice, needing to hear that she wanted him as badly as he wanted her.

  “I…Oh, shit!” She gasped, gulping in air as she struggled to come up with the words. So fucking sexy! “Sometimes, I like to…to…masturbate in…in your office when you step away.”

  “Shit!” Royce gasped, the sound of his zipper being ripped down echoing in the car.

  Blaine felt like he was going to die. Surely his heart couldn’t take much more of this. Determined, he clinched his jaw and forged ahead.

  “Why would you do that, baby? Who are thinking about when you touch yourself?”

  It took a nothing short than a minor miracle to get his zipper down and free his openly weeping cock. So much for leisurely foreplay. There was no way he was going to make it without being buried inside her heat. He knew the answer, but needed to hear her say it.

  “You,” she opened her clear, deep brown eyes and stared right down to his very soul. “And Royce.”

  With quickness and dexterity Blaine never knew he possessed, he lifted her and seated her on his cock before she finished her answer. Thankfully she was wet and ready, sliding down his full length with minimum difficulty.

  She was so fantastically tight, Blaine had to stay completely still for fear of coming far, far too soon. Once he had her fully seated facing Royce, he busied himself divesting her of her coat and shirt.
To take off her skirt would mean leaving her blazing snugness, and there was no way in hell that was happening.

  “Please, Blaine,” Sue Ellen pleaded, squirming on his cock looking for relief.

  He tried to hold her still, knowing that if he didn’t manage to calm down somewhat, it would be a quick, hard ride. Royce dropping to his knees in front of her splayed legs wasn’t helping matters any. He saw Royce’s tongue snake out. He saw that same tongue snagging the clit ring, but nothing on earth could have prepared him for the way her pussy jumped, clamping down on his cock and chocking the crap out of it.

  “Aw, hell!”

  Blaine’s hips slammed upward despite his every effort to stay as still as possible until he could regain some semblance of control. When she moved, accepting all of him, he was lost. Seizing her hips and hanging on for dear life, he surged inside her welcoming vise over and over, watching in absolute fascination as Royce tortured her little nubbin, feeding off her increasing cries. Even with the privacy window up, there was no doubt the driver could hear them.

  All thoughts of punishment flew out the window as Blaine lost himself inside her. She was intoxicating, the way her hips rode his pounding cock was beyond any pleasure he had ever known. Knowing he was with the woman he and Royce would spend the rest of their lives pleasuring only added to the painful ecstasy. He had no idea what Royce was doing to her with his tongue, but suddenly the walls of her pussy clamped down on his cock in a death grip. Blaine could feel every spasm as her body seize, her lips open in a wordless scream. It was so fucking beautiful he damn near wanted to cry. He erupted with a force he had never known before, helpless against the insistent suckling of her demanding channel. His and Royce’s days as bachelors were over; he knew it in this second more than ever. He was addicted; he knew it -- felt it in his bones. This was it for him forever.

  Chapter 6

  Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. ~James A. Baldwin


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