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Page 5

by Melanie Codina

  “I know, I know. I guess we’ll have to see,” I said with a little hope.

  For whatever reason, this guy was under my skin. And the fact that he’d stumbled into my path after entrancing me at that game, I couldn’t help but wonder why. I guess we’d have to see if he was the type I was accustomed to … or if he would prove my assumptions wrong, making and ass out of me.

  After I completed my charting for the morning patients, I dropped the files on the front desk for them to do their part. “I’m gonna run across the street for a salad. You want anything?”

  Marla, who always looked cranky, grunted a no at me before answering the phone. I almost laughed out loud as I recalled what Jonathan had mumbled about her the other day, and how true it really was. Orgasms did wonderful things for people’s moods, and Marla looked like she could use a few. I slid on my sunglasses as I stepped out into the sun, glad the overcast from the morning had blown over. I made my way to the crosswalk, where I’d been standing for a few moments when a voice startled me from behind. It was a little closer than I would have liked.

  “Fancy meeting you here,” A male voice said.

  Whirling around, the motion threw him off balance. It was as he was trying to stabilize himself on his crutches that I realized who the voice belonged to.

  “Oh! Jonathan, be careful!” I screeched, grabbing hold of the crutches to help prevent him from falling backward. His tight grip on them matched mine, and he managed to right himself.

  His teeth were clenched, and his eyes were shut tightly. He was breathing slowly through his nose as I watched him. After a few moments, he opened his eyes, and I could the see the pain he was trying to get past. I immediately felt bad. Giving him a sheepish look, I asked, “Are you okay? I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was you.”

  When he released his jaw and took another deep breath, I could see the tension in his features lessen. “I guess I should be more careful when standing behind you on a crowded street corner. Especially after quietly sneaking up on you with my crutches.” His sarcasm made me smile.

  “Well, obviously you’re fine if you can be a smartass.” I let go of the crutches, before adding, “Really, I’m sorry. You just startled me. It was a reflex.”

  He nodded with a chuckle. “I should be happy you aren’t the one with crutches. I have a feeling I’d have an L-shaped dent in the side of my head right now.”

  Laughing at the image, I smirked, “No, nothing like that. I aim low.”

  He flinched and turned his hips to the side. “Ouch, brutal.”

  I just shook my head. Looking back to the crosswalk, I realized we’d missed the cycle so I pressed the button for it again. He moved up next to me, facing the crosswalk and said, “Maybe it’ll be safer for me up here in your periphery.”

  I nodded. “Maybe.”

  When the light changed, allowing us to cross, the crowd around us pushed forward and engulfed the space around Jonathan. Moving in front of people, I blocked them from bumping into him, “Move over to the edge of the crosswalk so you only have to worry about people on one side.”

  He did as he was told, and I made sure he wasn’t victim to the rush of people fleeing their offices in search of nourishment. When we made it safely to the other side, he smiled. “Thanks. That was almost a problem. I’m glad I’ll be using both legs when I go back to classes next month.”

  “I bet you are. It’ wouldn’t be much fun to venture across campus on those. Especially if your classes are as spread out as I recall mine being.”

  Jonathan nodded his agreement as we moved out of the direct path of the people crossing in the opposite direction. Once out of the way, I glanced at my watch and knew I needed to get going. The lines during lunch hour could take forever. I momentarily wished I’d called in my order. “Make sure when you head back, you stick to the outside of the crosswalk; it’s safer … even without crutches.”

  “Duly noted,” he said with a smirk. “Although I think it might be safer if you just walked me back.”

  I shook my head at his flirtatious smirk. “Well, if you’re here when I get back, then I got your back,” I said with my own flirty charm and turned to head toward the deli.

  Of course, the line was long. I should’ve known better than to come at a peak time. But I really wanted their Cobb salad. As I stood in line, my phone vibrated in my pocket. There was a text from a number I didn’t have saved, but when I opened it I realized it was from Jonathan. I don’t want to startle you, and have you knock me on my ass, but I’m standing behind you.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I laughed when he waved enthusiastically at me. Two people separated us, but I motioned for him to join me. I got a scowl from the dude behind me for letting Jonathan cut, so I scowled back. “I bet you’re the kind of guy who would let your wife stand two people behind you in line, wouldn’t you?”

  Grumpy-guy’s scowl deepened. “I don’t have a wife.”

  “Not surprised,” I grumbled as Jonathan maneuvered his way around Grumpy-guy.

  He shocked the shit out of me when he leaned in and kissed my cheek. “Thanks for saving me a spot, babe. It’s tough getting around people with these crutches.” Then he looked at Grumpy-guy and said, “Hey man, how’s it going?”

  Grumpy-guy ignored Jonathan, and we both turned back to the menu board. He leaned over and whispered in my ear, “I think he needs to get laid, too. Maybe we can introduce him to Cranky-middle-aged lady at your work.”

  I nodded my agreement, still speechless that he kissed my cheek. Then Jonathan started reading things off the menu board, out loud, while I tried to rein in my galloping heartbeat. The two people in front of us cleared out of the way, and Jonathan motioned for me to order. Once I did, he said, “Make that two, but can we have some extra dressing on the side? Great, thanks, keep the change.”

  He said it all in one long, flowing sentence, not pausing to let me pay for myself or let the lady behind the counter answer. He threw a twenty down then crowded into my space, saying, “I see a table over there, quick grab it for us.”

  “What?” I asked, feeling a little overwhelmed by him at that moment.

  “Quick, before Grumpy-guy pays and snags it,” Jonathan muttered urgently, tapping his crutch into the side of my leg, spurring me into action. Slipping between the other tables, I made it there just before another person made a play for it. When I dropped into the seat, I watched as Jonathan cautiously side-stepped his way through the crowded deli. His face was drawn up in concentration as he moved and tried to prevent people from bumping his leg.

  I smiled at his look of determination-turned-triumph when he reached the table. But when they called our number for the food, it fell quickly. I tried to stifle my giggle as he looked back to the pick-up counter. He sighed and once again looked determined. I stood quickly and blocked him. “Take a seat, tough guy. I’ll grab the food. I don’t want to watch you drop those yummy salads. I’m too hungry.”

  I could tell he didn’t like the restrictions his condition caused. He certainly didn’t strike me as the type of guy who liked being held back, which I admired. It was a good quality to have, I thought as I squeezed my way through the people, to get our lunches. Then I smiled when I realized I was having a meal with super-sexy-soccer-man and had no idea how that had happened.

  I found myself watching Leeann walk away. The phrase, I hate to see her go, but love to watch her leave, had never been truer. Did that make me a pig? Probably. But I could accept that. I kept my eyes on her as she made her way back to our table, and smiling, I said, “Thanks.”

  “Sure. It’s the least I could do. I mean I left work, set out on grabbing a salad and eating alone.” She paused to take her seat, handing me the extra dressings from the tray before continuing, “And now, here I am, having a lunch, that I didn’t buy, with my patient. Talk about turn of events.”

  “Kinda cool how things worked out, isn’t it,” I stated excitedly, before shoving a forkful of Cobb salad in my mouth. I wasn’t about
to explain that I’d shown up for my appointment early, in hopes of running into her. Imagine my delight to find her coming out of the building when I got there. I was relieved when she made her way to the crosswalk. It would’ve been a lot more difficult to crash her lunch hour if she’d have gotten in her car and drove away. Not that I wouldn’t have tried, but I didn’t want to be too pushy—it might’ve backfired. This worked out much better.

  Satisfied with my efforts, I smiled when she shook her head and began eating her salad. I knew how much time I had before my appointment, but I wasn’t sure when her lunch hour ended. “What time do you have to be back?”

  She smirked without looking up at me. “Well, my first appointment of the afternoon bought me lunch. So I really should make sure I’m on time for his session.”

  “Oh, I agree. You wouldn’t want to show up late to that appointment. Your patient might hold it against you or something.”

  “I have a feeling you might be right. He seems to be quite the determined guy, and I could definitely see him using it to his advantage,” Leeann stated with amusement, giving me a pointed look before her attention drifted back to her salad. We ate without speaking for a few minutes, the noises of the other deli patrons surrounding us. Silverware against plates, plastic bags shuffling, mumbles of conversations you couldn’t decipher clearly. Outside, cars sped by, horns honked, and more nine-to-fivers hurried about during their lunch hours.

  I figured, since we weren’t at her work, now would be a great time to ask her out. We were practically on a date as it was, so it shouldn’t be a stretch for her to say yes. I had no idea if she had a boyfriend, but given the way she responded to me I assumed she was single. There was only one way to find out.

  “So, Leeann. I was thinking of asking you out on a date, but figured I should make sure there wasn’t a Mr. Leeann in the picture,” I stated matter-of-factly, taking another bite of my salad. Rather than respond right away, she gave me an amused look. I really liked that I amused her. It did great things for my ego.

  “A Mr. Leeann?” she inquired.

  I nodded, liking my choice of words. “Yeah. You know, a member of the opposite sex who you’ve attached yourself to. Maybe even have Cobb salads with. Although I’m sure there would be other things you do with a Mr. Leeann, but we don’t need to bring those up. I prefer to just think of you eating Cobb salads with him.”

  She tried to conceal a snort by covering her mouth with a napkin, but I caught it. It was cute as hell. That unruly dick of mine began to make himself known again. I was actually surprised it had taken that long for him to realize she was within a five-foot radius. Maybe the temporary jolt of pain I got almost falling allowed for the delayed response. Fortunately, I’d taken Leeann’s advice from the other day and worn shorts that were a little more concealing.

  When she removed the napkin, she smiled broadly. “Well, there really isn’t anyone else I eat Cobb salads with. Except you, of course. But—”

  I interrupted her, “Perfect! That makes me your Mr. Leeann. I can totally be that for you. Except I could definitely see us doing more than eating Cobb salads together.”

  Now she was giggling, and I couldn’t help but watch her as that simple sound exploded in my ears. It swirled around me, making me want more. When she slowed down the giggling, she asked, “So you can see me doing more with you, huh?”

  My hands were clasped together, and I rested my elbows on the table, leaning forward a little. I lowered my voice and said, “Oh yeah.” The husky tone caught her attention, and she leaned forward in response. So I continued, “I could definitely see us doing more than eating Cobb salads. We could always try the Caesar, or even a Greek salad together. How do you feel about pizza?”

  Leeann burst out laughing, and I couldn’t control every part of my body that responded without delay. There I was, joking with this sexy woman, dick at full attention, and all I could do was stare … and plan.

  I needed to make a plan that involved making her laugh like that for me … every damn day.

  Together, Leeann and I walked back to her office. Well, she walked, I hobbled as she protected me from the craziness of people rushing around on their lunch breaks. Clearly a place to avoid while on crutches. We made light conversation, and she asked questions about my knee and how it felt. She was slipping back into physical therapist mode and still hadn’t told me if she would go out with me. Though I hadn’t technically asked yet, I had said I planned on it. The fact that she didn’t shoot me down before I even asked fueled my determination. She hit the button for the elevator, and I was glad we were the only ones who entered. As the doors closed behind us, I figured it was better to ask now, before arriving at her work.

  Turning my body so I could rest my butt against the side wall, I gave her my full attention. She remained facing forward, allowing me to take in her profile. Her thick, wavy hair was piled in a messy bun on top of her head. Her cheekbones were pronounced and enhanced with a tinge of color on them. I had no clue if it was from makeup or from the walk we just took. Thick, long, and dark lashes framed her eyes and fluttered as she began to squirm under my stare.

  I knew I was running out of time, so I went for it. “So, Leeann?”

  She kept her eyes forward. “Yeah?”

  “About that date.” I kept my tone level and confident. Her cheeks got a little pinker, and her eyelashes fluttered again as she looked up to see what floor we were on. She mumbled something I couldn’t understand, so I pushed off the wall and got closer. I heard her breath hitch as she registered my closeness, and it emboldened me.

  “Will you go out with me, Leeann?” I whispered next to her ear. Her breath stuttered before she slowly turned her head toward me. Our faces were inches apart, and her eyes traveled from my lips to my eyes before she responded, “We’ll see.”

  My eyebrows went up and a smirk hit my lips. The words were playful, but her breathlessness impaired my ability to fully assess what was going on. “We’ll see?” I asked.

  She nodded as the doors opened on our floor, and she stepped forward. For the second time in an hour I was put off balance again. When I recovered myself, I looked to see her holding the doors open for me, smirk firmly in place, as she said, “We’ll see if I’ll go out with you. I’m really not sure when I’ll want Cobb salad again. Or even Greek. But I’ll let you know.”

  And with that, she turned and headed into her office. I wasn’t sure that I’d been turned down, but I’d definitely been put off. Well, I wasn’t out of play yet; it was time to up my game, and with that thought, I quickly followed after her.

  After I fled the elevator, which seemed to be closing in on me, I made my way to the bathroom. What I really needed was a cold shower, but I’d have to settle for a splash of cold water to cool me down. When I’d felt Jonathan’s breath against my face, my skin began to hum with excitement. Just being close to him seemed to unsettle me, but throw in some form of physical contact, and it multiplied. Looking in the mirror, I wanted to yell at the girl who stared back at me, with her flushed cheeks and wide eyes. Luststruck for sure, I thought before shaking my head and wetting a towel.

  Pressing the cool, damp paper against the heated skin of my neck, I fanned my face, hoping my rosy cheeks would fade a little. It was bad enough he most likely knew the effect he had on me, but now I had to get out there and work on his knee for the next forty-five minutes. And all after I avoided answering his question. Well, I didn’t necessarily avoid it, but I answered vaguely, playing his game. We’ll see? What a stupid response, Lee.

  Glancing at the time, I pulled my head out of the clouds and tried focusing on the task at hand. I had a job to do, and despite all the innuendos we’d volleyed back and forth, I prayed he allowed me to keep things professional at work. Taking a deep breath, I left the sanctuary of the restroom so I could rub my hands on a seriously sexy set of quadriceps.

  There were only two minutes left of Jonathan’s session, and so far, so good. I’d counted on his desire to
get his knee rehabbed properly to get us through with minimal awkwardness. And he didn’t bring up the date again. When we were finished, he stood and readied himself to leave while I adjusted the settings on his brace. I handed it to him and was about to start making notes in his file when he made a pouty face. “I kinda like it better when you put it on. Let’s face it, you’re the professional here.”

  I found myself smirking again, knowing he was pushing us out of the patient/therapist role. Sliding my stool directly in front of him, I began fitting it to his knee. Without looking at him, I teased, “Does that pouty bit work on everyone?”

  Securing the velcro on one side, I glanced up at him, looking for his answer. “Works every time I use it on my baby sister. She likes to be stingy with her licorice, so I bust out the pout. Desperate times call for desperate measures.” He finished with a shrug, not the least bit ashamed at his act.

  “Oh really? So you’re saying you con little girls out of their candy?” I chided, leaning back and crossing my arms, waiting to see what he would say.

  “No. Girl, not girls. Only one girl. And there’s no need to worry about her. Not only does she have an endless supply of licorice at her disposal, Ella’s a master manipulator. She could con the cash right out of your wallet,” he said with a nod. “She says her superpower is cuteness, and she uses it very well.”

  The image of Jonathan handing all his cash over to a little girl made me laugh. “Okay, then I won’t hold it against you.”

  He smiled and moved his crutches in place. “Now, your instructions for the next two days: Put weight on the leg. Start doing it with the crutches. Don’t go for long walks on the beach or anything. Just light weight bearing, always with the brace on, and make sure you ice it several times a day. Listen to your body and don’t overdo it, got it?”


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