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Naughty but Nice: A Best Friend's Dad Christmas Romance

Page 18

by Rye Hart

And while it took me a while, I finally managed to bring myself to orgasm, crying out “Carter... yes, Carter...” as I finally brought some relief to my body.

  I fell asleep, crying and wishing I could go back in time. Things had been so much simpler back then. Back when we were young and dumb and the most we had to worry about was whether or not we'd get caught fucking in the pool house.


  It was way too early for my phone to be ringing, and I almost didn't answer. I hated to be bothered so damn early in the morning, especially after the night I'd had. And when I picked up the phone and saw that it was my mom on the display screen, I wanted to put the phone back down and go back to sleep. But knowing her like I did, I knew she'd keep on calling until I picked up, so I decided to bite the bullet and answer just to get it over with.

  Except, of course, it wasn't that easy. Not that I thought it would be after last night. But, after talking to her I ended up getting out of bed, got dressed, and drove over to my mom and stepdad's mansion. All before nine in the morning, which I thought might have been a personal best for me. But, I was still half asleep when I walked into the house.

  Javier, my family's butler looked at me, when I stepped through the doorway, his face grim. It looked like he was about to tell me that somebody had died. I tried to give him a smile, but he wasn't having it.

  “They're in the family room,” was all he said.

  “Who's they?” I asked.

  I was under the impression I was meeting my mom for breakfast. She'd told me Mitch was out for the day, she was bored, and wanted some company. I should have known better, but I hadn't been thinking very clearly when I talked to her.

  “Your mom, Mr. Elliott, and Vanessa,” Javier said. “They've been waiting for you.”

  Wonderful. The last thing I wanted was to face all of them that early in the morning. I hadn't had time to get myself good and prepared to see them – meaning, I hadn't had the time to power down a few shots or smoke a joint. I knew exactly what this was and I was in no mood for it. I turned to leave, but Javier stopped me, stepping in my way to block my path to the door. Javier was a slight man compared to me, so I didn't know why he thought he'd be able to stop me if I wanted to leave. I could have easily picked him up and moved him to the side if I wanted to go and he wouldn't have been able to do a damn thing about it. “They told me not to let you leave,” he said.

  “Yeah, well, you can't force me to stay – ”

  My words died in my throat when one of my stepdad's security guards – a mountain of a man – walked into the foyer, putting himself between me and the door.

  “No, I can't,” Javier said, pointing to the giant brute of a man. “But he can.”

  “Shit,” I said, looking at Chuck, the bodyguard.

  I was trapped with nowhere to go. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

  “Right this way, Mr. Prescott. Your family is waiting,” Javier said, leading the way.

  Chuck stepped right behind us, following me closely, apparently just in case I got any ideas about escaping.

  “Carter, there you are!” my mom cried out as we entered the formal living room.

  She rushed over to me and kissed me on the cheek.

  My gaze fell on Vanessa who refused to meet my eyes. She wouldn't even look at me. She was the one behind this, she had to be. I knew that she'd told our parents what had happened last night and together, they'd arranged this little intervention. Damn her. I sighed. I wanted to be angry at her, but I couldn't stop staring at her cleavage in the sundress she was wearing. It was almost like she'd chosen that dress on purpose to either distract me or to entice me. Either one was wrong because I couldn't have her and she knew it. The doors to the room closed behind me with the sound of finality, letting me know that I was truly trapped now. I had no way to escape unless I hurled myself through a window, which I wasn't completely taking off the table. But Chuck was still in the room and I wasn't sure if I could get to the window before he got to me. “What's this about?” I asked.

  I motioned toward the three of them sitting together on the sofa like a picture perfect, All-American family. There was a lone chair for me in the room facing them, which seemed pretty fucking apt considering it really was them against me.

  “We wanted to talk to you, Carter. Your father and I are worried about you,” my mother said.

  “He's not my father,” I said, exasperated that I had to keep pointing this out. “He's never treated me like a son. He's not the sperm donor who knocked you up, Mom. In other words, he's not my dad, so let's just stop pretending that he is.”

  “Well, of course he's not your biological father, Carter, but your real father wanted nothing to do with you,” my mom reminded me as gently as possible. “And Mitch does care for you. Very much so.”

  “Yeah, whatever you say,” I muttered.

  “Have a seat,” my mom said, pointing to the lone chair.

  “No thanks, I'd rather stand while you guys berate me for everything I've ever done wrong,” I said. “And point out all of my failings, shortcomings, and list off the multitude of ways I've disappointed you.”

  “Carter, it's not – ”

  But Mitch stepped in this time, trying his best to keep a calm expression on his face. He stood up and put his arm around my mom, as if by holding on to her, he thought he could keep his temper in check.

  “Listen, Carter,” he said. “I'm trying to remain as patient as possible throughout all of this. I know you have problems, but we're here to help. We're here to get you whatever help you might need.”

  “Ah, great, so I get your political persona today,” I scoffed. “Until I piss you off, then we'll get to see the real you.”

  “Carter, you do know where your trust fund comes from, right? You know, the trust fund you use to live the lavish, drug, booze, and bimbo-fueled lifestyle you're so comfortable living?”

  That jab was from Vanessa. I looked past my mother and Mitch, staring at her, but she looked away, the expression on her face looking almost like she wished she hadn't said anything. I let the weight of my gaze fall upon her though as I soaked in her beauty and let myself revel in it for a moment.

  She was wearing a pretty floral sundress that brought out the blue in her eyes, while also showing off her amazing figure and still somehow, managing to remain modest. I thought back fondly to the girl who liked wearing shorts and crop tops. Still, it was a shame to hide such a gorgeous figure and I was practically salivating as I stared at her ample cleavage peeking out from the feminine dress.

  “Carter, are you listening to me?”

  It was Mitch. Truthfully, I wasn't. I was too busy picturing myself ripping that dress off his daughter, giving me a view of that gorgeously exquisite body underneath. But I couldn't let him know that. Not if I wanted to get the hell out of there at some point in the very near future. I had to play the part for now, apologize and promise to be better; even if I had no intention of changing my ways.

  “Oh, yes, sir,” I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. “I heard every word you said. And I really, really, really appreciate how much you care about me. It makes me feel all warm and tingly inside and I'm ever-so-grateful.”

  So much for playing my role – I'd never been very good at that, actually. Mitch's face was turning bright red and he looked on the verge of exploding. He didn't believe me, and I couldn't blame him. What I was saying was a crock of shit. He knew it. I knew it. Only my mother, who smiled blithely at me, seemed to buy it. I simply smiled back at him, just to piss him off even more.

  “Well just in case I wasn't clear,” Mitch said. “Since I am the one funding your lifestyle, if you continue to make a mockery of this family, you will be cut off. Completely. You will not get another dime from me. Do you understand what that means?”

  Now, he had my attention. At the mention of revoking my trust fund, I heard him loud and clear.

  “It's not all your money, Mitch,” I argued. “My mom had a career and h
er own money long before you came into the picture.”

  I turned to my mom, who looked away, refusing to meet my gaze.


  “I agree with Mitch, Carter,” she said softly. “If this is what we have to do for you to take this serious and get the help you need--”

  I stared at her with my eyes wide and my mouth hanging open. I couldn't fucking believe it. With my fists balled up at my sides, my head was pounding and a dark, abiding rage was welling up within me. I just wanted to punch someone. As if Chuck could see or maybe smell that my emotions were running high, he stepped closer to Mitch, protecting the person I'd most likely lash out against. I was so angry though, I felt like I could even take on a leviathan like Mitch – I might get a beat down, but I was going to get some licks in, that was for sure.

  Vanessa stood up and joined our family's side. “This is the best thing for you, Carter,” she said. “You're a danger to yourself, and we're worried about you.”

  “Fine,” I said through gritted teeth. “I promise to be better. Happy?”

  It was the same promise I'd made countless times, and one I could never keep. And judging by the looks on their faces, they weren't buying it this time either.

  “Just to keep you honest, we're going to have Vanessa keep an eye on you,” Mitch said. “We want to make sure that you hold up your end of the bargain this time, Carter.”

  Vanessa and I looked at one another, and the look of sheer panic crossed her face. I couldn't help but laugh at the delicious irony of the situation.

  “I already do enough,” she said. “What else could I possibly do? I can't babysit him all day, every day.”

  “Obviously you haven't done enough,” Mitch said. “Because he keeps getting into trouble. If it means you have to sleep in the same house every night, then you'll have to do just that. At least until after the election, and once that's over, we'll reassess the situation and figure things out from there.”

  “I have a life of my own,” she said. “I can't babysit my stepbrother.”

  “Yes, you can,” Mitch said. “And you will. Because if he ruins this election for me, both of you will be cut off, you got it?”

  Vanessa's jaw dropped as she stared incredulously at her father, a dark, angry look crossing her features. I had to admit, none of this was fair for Vanessa. If I were being completely honest, she'd done everything she could to keep me on the straight and narrow. But I wasn't one who liked to be controlled or managed. And besides, I was amused by the whole situation.

  “Ah, Vanessa,” I teased. “It won't be so bad. It'll be just like old times.”

  “Shut up, Carter,” she said.

  “Think of all the fun we'll have,” I said, rubbing my hands together in glee. “I can take you out to the clubs, you can – well, take me wherever uptight girls like you hang out. The library? Knitting club? Oh, I know, you can take me to your book club. C'mon, it'll be a blast.”

  Vanessa shot me the finger and a dirty look to go along with it.

  “Good,” Mitch said. “It's settled then. Vanessa, you are in charge of Carter until the election is over. He screws up – you screwed up.”

  Vanessa looked angry and like she wanted to protest, but in the end, she did what I knew she'd do – she backed down. Giving her a nod, Mitch and my mom left the room. A moment later, just long enough to shoot me another dirty glare, Vanessa followed behind. I heard her voice echoing back down through the foyer as she pleaded her case.

  I couldn't help but laugh. Poor Vanessa. She wanted to stay as far away from me as possible because the reality of the situation was that she had a hard time resisting me. But there she was, assigned to be my personal babysitter. Required to spend every waking minute with me.

  This could be a lot of fun.


  I argued until I was blue in the face, but my father refused to listen to me. He told me that he needed my help and that it was my duty to the family to keep my stepbrother in line. He laid the guilt trip on extra thick, telling me that his career literally depended upon me keeping Cater in check and out of trouble. And that if I couldn't do it, if Carter couldn't be controlled, that his political career was over.

  Having failed to convince my father that this wasn't my responsibility, I decided that I had only one other option: try to reason with Carter. He was still hanging out at our family's mansion, helping himself to the mini bar in the living room, when I found him. I took a deep breath and tried my best to remain calm when I walked in.

  “Why don't we grab some lunch and chat?” I said.

  I knew I couldn't be alone with him; that was just a recipe for disaster. Carter was a master at getting under people's skin. He knew all the ways to push people's buttons. And in my case, he knew what buttons to press that would get me riled up and horny. He knew what he was doing and worse than that, he didn't care. He thought it was fun to screw with me like that. I couldn't risk that happening underneath our parents’ roof.

  “Sure,” he said, finishing whatever liquor was in his glass. “We probably should figure out our living arrangements since we're going to be spending a lot of time together, after all. So, your place or mine?”

  I clenched my teeth and put on a fake smile. “We'll talk about all that,” I said. “I'm not sure it'll come to sharing a roof though. Not if we can come to an understanding.”

  “Ahh, of course,” Carter said. “You're going to try to reason with me. I already know your playbook inside and out, sweetie. And haven't you learned your lesson about trying to reason with me before, Vanessa? Didn't you once say that I'll never learn?”

  His cocky ass grin pissed me off to high heaven and the urge to smack him upside the head was overwhelming. But at the same time, I had to admit that he was so freaking sexy it killed me. That grin is what attracted me to him in the first place. I'd never met a man so confident and full of himself before.

  Back in the day, he'd walked around Elsinore Academy, our private school, like he owned the place. And in a lot of ways, I suppose he did. His swagger combined with his confident grin could persuade any girl to skip class and meet with him in the bathrooms. And yes, I'm ashamed to admit that I was one of many who'd been suckered in by that handsome, chiseled face, and had done some rather unsavory things in the bathroom with him.

  “Well, here's hoping I was wrong about you,” I said, trying to remain as composed and put together as I could manage. “I'm starving, so let's try that new place down the street.”

  Carter shrugged and followed me out the door. I could feel his eyes on my ass, watching my every movement. I cleared my throat and tried my best to ignore it, to keep a professional distance between us. But, it was so hard not to put a little extra swish my hips, just to give him a little show.

  I looked over my shoulder and caught him staring. With a smug, cocky grin on his face, he wasn't even trying to hide it. Nor was he trying to hide the very obvious erection in his jeans.

  “I'm assuming I'm driving since you've been drinking already,” I said. “The last thing we need is for you to get a DUI on top of your assault charge. Get in.”

  Carter surprisingly, didn't say a word. No arrogant quip or cocky comeback. He simply did as he was told, sliding into the passenger seat and buckling up without having to be told to do it. The ride over to the restaurant was mostly silent, something else that surprised me. Carter just sat there, looking almost thoughtfully at the street in front of the car. I suddenly wished I knew what was going through his mind.

  I wanted to slap myself, but as I drove, I couldn't keep myself from stealing glimpses at his crotch. He didn't even try to hide the hard-on he had for me. He was a well-endowed man, which made it nearly impossible to cover up, though, out of decency and respect, he could have at least tried to. But no, he wanted to drive me mad with lust and desire.. As we drove, I felt myself growing warmer and wetter between my thighs by the minute as I remembered how thick and long he was, and how great it felt to have him inside
of me.

  I licked my lips and cleared my throat, trying to banish those images and memories from my mind; and failing at it miserably.

  “You okay?” Carter asked.

  I looked over and felt my cheeks flare with heat when I saw the sly little grin on his face as though he were reading my mind It's why he sat there in the passenger seat with a very noticeable hard-on. He wanted me to see it. And he wanted me to crave it.

  “Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?” I was clearly flustered, but I hoped he didn't notice.

  “Because the cafe was back there a couple of blocks,” he said with a laugh. “Maybe I should have driven after all.”

  “Shit,” I hissed. “Dammit.”

  Blushing even harder than before, I turned the car around at the next opportunity without another word. I dropped my car off with the valet and we walked inside a cafe that obviously catered to the hipster crowd. We were seated almost immediately outside on the patio – one benefit of being fairly recognizable in these parts.

  I relished the feel of the sun on my skin and the cool breeze that blew by us. It helped to calm me down and take a little bit of the steam out of the fires burning inside of me. I ordered an iced tea, and Carter, of course, asked for a beer, even though it wasn't even noon.

  “I was really hoping we could have a serious, sober discussion, but I guess that's not entirely possible with you, is it?” I muttered, scanning the menu instead of looking over at him.

  “On second thought,” Carter said, catching the waitress before she stepped away, “I'll just have a Coke, if you don't mind.”

  I raised an eyebrow and glanced at him over my menu.

  “What? Don't act so surprised. I drink non-alcoholic beverages sometimes,” he said with a chuckle.

  “Usually only when they're mixed in with your liquor of choice,” I teased.

  “Yeah, maybe, but perhaps I should consider turning over a new leaf,” he said. “At least for a little bit.”

  “I was hoping you might say that, and actually mean it,” I said, closing the menu and staring at my stepbrother earnestly. “Because let's face it, neither one of us could survive without our parents’ money. If they yank our trust funds, we are screwed, Carter. You do get that, right?”


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