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Naughty but Nice: A Best Friend's Dad Christmas Romance

Page 64

by Rye Hart

  “Thank you, Carrie,” he said, reading my name tag. “That’s a beautiful name.” Though he was paying compliments, his eyes were narrowed, and I couldn’t tell if he was trying to be seductive, or sizing me up.

  I tucked my chin and fidgeted with my collar looking away. “Thank you.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, but I assumed a beautiful woman as yourself gets many compliments.” He sipped his coffee, and his friend turned his head to stare out the window. I wasn’t sure if he were genuine or not.

  “Most people just order their food, eat it, and go.” I gave him a pointed look to let him know it was a suggestion, and his friend chuckled.

  “Noted. Lucky for you I’ve never been like most people.” He returned a challenging stare along with a smile that lit his entire face. It made him appear much gentler than his previous look had.

  “Lucky for me?” I gave a little laugh and was about to come back at him when the bell rang and the cook hollered.

  “Order up!”

  I glanced over my shoulder to see Joe shaking his head. “I’ll be right back.”

  I turned and went to get their order. As I served it, a bus with about twenty blue-haired old ladies came in on their way to a convention, and things got so busy it was all I could do to keep his coffee filled.

  I brought them their check, and before I could say goodbye, one of the blue hairs called me over to tell me she needed extra napkins.

  The bells sounded over the door, and I looked up to see them leaving. When I went to clear their table, I found a crisp hundred-dollar bill and a message scrawled on a napkin.

  I’ll see you tomorrow.


  I stared out the window of my hotel suite and could see the top of Angelo’s sign. It was a tiny speck in the distance, and I couldn’t help staring. The girl at the diner had been the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen; and I’d seen a lot of beautiful women.

  Carrie had a wholesome beauty that was refreshing compared to most of the women I’d taken back home with me. I hoped that she wasn’t so pure that she wouldn’t go for my offer, but then, with the money attached, it would be hard for anyone to refuse.

  “Hey, when you’re down there, bring me back some of those waffles with the maple bacon.” Nate had appreciated the diner’s food after all and hadn’t stopped talking about it since we’d left.

  “I’ll try and remember.” I gave him a teasing grin.

  “You’re really going to choose her? She didn’t seem like the freaky type.”

  “Most of them aren’t.” I didn’t choose all my companions by how freaky they might be in the bedroom. I didn’t even choose them by their looks, though, admittedly, all of them were beautiful. It took something much more than that: a gut instinct.

  “I bet they are when you get through with them?” He grinned and looked up to give me a wink.

  Being my best friend, I’d shared with him the details of some of the trips and the women I’d share my time with, the same as he’d share with me about his. He was the only person aside from my intermediary that knew any details about my hobby.

  I didn’t dignify his remark with a response, and instead got the call that my car had arrived, so I went down after a casual goodbye and headed to the diner.

  The bells on the door announced my arrival as I walked in and spotted Carrie across the room.

  She wasn’t wearing her uniform, and instead had on casual jeans and a top which hung off her shoulders to reveal blue tank straps beneath it. Her hair was the only thing about her that was the same, and she wore it pulled up in a high ponytail.

  As I walked over, I could think of a few things to do with that hair of hers, and imagined myself holding those gorgeous locks from behind, and her panting beneath me.

  “Hey there, big tipper.” She gave me a warm smile, but I could tell she was leery of me as she took a step back when I approached.

  “Hello, Carrie. I was hoping I could talk to you on your break.”

  “Oh? I’m not working. I’m only here to get my check. But I guess I can make a minute for that hundred you dropped.” She waved me along with her to a booth, and as we situated, another waitress stepped up with a big smile.

  “Can I get you two anything?” She had a grin on her face, and a look in her eye that told me she knew about the tip, and I recognized her from the day before.

  “No, thanks, Lindy. I’m good.”

  Carrie glanced up at me, and I decided I better order something.

  “Coffee, please. Black.” Lindy hurried away, and Carrie propped her elbows on the table and folded her arms casually.

  “I would have introduced you, but since I don’t know your name—”

  “I’m Chance.” I wouldn’t tell her my last name, and I didn’t want to know hers.

  “I bet you are,” she quipped. She glanced over her shoulder as Lindy returned to the table and placed my coffee down in front of me and hurried away. “What do you want to talk about, Chance? I’ve got a busy day of catching up on life before I have to come back to this shithole.”

  “I have a proposition for you.” I figured we might as well get down to business.

  She stared at me for a moment, her eyes becoming suspicious. “A ‘proposition’? I think you have the wrong girl,” she said as she shook her head. She started to stand to go, but I reached out and touched her hand. “It’s not illegal, and it pays one hundred thousand dollars, so maybe you’d like to hear me out.” She stared at me like I’d lost my mind as I continued. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but you don’t make anywhere close to that, do you?”

  “Is this a joke? Did Lindy put you up to this?” She turned and stared at the other waitress who was busy waiting on another table.

  “I’m quite serious. Are you interested?”

  She shrugged. “I’ll hear you out.” She lifted her shoulder and held up her hand, waving Lindy over. “Bring me a root beer with a splash of vanilla and cherry, please. And put it on Chance’s ticket.”

  “Root beer? I haven’t had one of those since I was a kid.”

  “It’s a house specialty. You should try one sometime. So, about this proposition?” She made an impatient gesture, waving me on.

  “I’d like you to come stay with me for two weeks. Everything would be arranged through a contract, and I don’t need to know anything more about your personal life than your first name. I use a mediator, so they would ensure your safety and make sure the money is paid on time per the contract.”

  “Wait, you’re talking about sex?” I nodded, and she shook her head and laughed. “I’m not what you want. I’m not experienced for that kind of job, so maybe you should hire yourself a professional.” She pulled her lips into a tight line as Lindy dropped off her root beer and left.

  “You’re exactly what I want. I’m intrigued by you, and I think we’d have a good time. My estate is gorgeous, so you could consider it a paid vacation if you like, and I’m sure that kind of money could change your life.”

  “You have no idea.” She seemed as if she could cry, and I hated that she felt pressured. The fact that she hadn’t thrown the root beer in my face and slapped me, told me that she needed the money; badly. “Could I tell someone where I’m going?”

  “Yes, and they could know how to contact the mediator if there’s any type of emergency.”

  “Two weeks? Not a day longer?” She seemed to be really considering my offer, which made my dick twitch in my pants.

  “Not an hour longer.”

  She leaned in across the table. “I’ve got people who count on me, so if you’re dicking me around—”

  “I’m not dicking you around. I’m a wealthy man, and I like to have what I want, but I also know that means paying handsomely for it. The rules are in place to ensure you’ll be safe, but there are also rules that protect me.”

  “Protect you? From what?”

  “From breaking the agreement, from going to the press and
splashing my face and name all over the tabloids, etcetera.””

  “In other words, if I take this deal—”

  “I’m going to have you, anytime and anyway I want,” I finished.

  Her mouth popped open, and she bit her bottom lip and met my eyes.

  “It’s a lot to consider.” She wrung her hands on the table. “My father is sick, and I’m all he has.”

  I placed my hands over hers and stroked them with my thumb. “Then I assume you aren’t in any position to say no.”

  I gave her a moment to mull it over. “Should I have my man contact you?”

  “As you said; what choice do I have?” I hated that her misfortune worked in my favor, but it wasn’t the first time, and in the end, the other women had been pleased with their time. Most jumped at the opportunity, but there were a few who were timid.

  “It’s a yes or a no, Carrie. I can walk out that door and never see you again, but that would be a shame, don’t you think? Think of this as an adventure.” I gave her my warmest smile, and though she seemed reluctant, she gave me one in return.

  “Then my answer is yes, so what do I need to do?”

  I reached into my pocket and handed her a phone. It was the same one I used for all my women, and I had it wiped clean each time, and the number changed. “Take this, and a man named Rick Herring will contact you. He’ll make all the arrangements, and I’ll see you when you get there.”

  “That’s it? I won’t see or talk to you until then?”

  “No, but trust me, Carrie: we’re going to have a wonderful time.”


  I held Lindy’s hand, thankful that the agreement allowed me to have her with me as I waited to board the plane. My nerves were on edge knowing that once I landed at Chance’s private estate, not only would be at his whim, but I’d have to sleep with him.

  “You’ll be okay, Carrie. I promise. I’d take this deal in a heartbeat, virgin or not. It only hurts a little the first time, and then you’ll be so horned up you won’t care.”

  Her gung ho attitude was grating my last nerve, and it was easy for her to think this was a piece of cake; she’d lost her virginity when she was fifteen. “Is it strange that it’s the only part of the trip I’m worried about?”

  She shook her head. “No, it sounds like a freaking vacation of a lifetime. Ireland is one of the most beautiful places in the world, with magical castles, and from what I’ve seen in pictures, it’s like a fairytale.”

  “Magical? You do know there’s no such thing, as magic and fairy tales are bullshit, right?”

  She let out a huff. “I’m trying to comfort you. You’ve really had it bad, haven’t you? You can’t see that life can bring wonderful, amazing moments, can you?”

  “Um, have you met me?” I gave a half-hearted laugh. She knew me better than anyone on the planet, including my father, and that was only because I’d told her all the secrets I could never tell him. But she knew that life hadn’t dealt me a great hand, and it was no wonder why I thought magic and fantasies were a waste of time.

  “I’ll tell you what I know. Your luck is changing. Ireland is a great place for good luck.”

  “Did you read that on a postcard?”

  She was about to answer, but a man I assumed to be Rick Herring came out of the terminal to greet me.

  Rick wasn’t what I had expected from a mediator, which was a middle-aged man in all black with a briefcase. Instead, he wasn’t much older than me and seemed more like a hot IT geek, than someone working for a billionaire with eccentric needs.

  Lindy smiled when he approached, and he gave her a smile back and a look up and down before he turned his attention to me. “If you’re all set, you can board now. You’ll be the only one aboard beside the pilot and one attendant. If you need anything, her name is Ruby, and she’s a gem.” He gave me a wink, and I let out a long breath as I turned to hug Lindy.

  “I’ll have Rick check in and give you messages. Remember, my dad thinks we’re on a girl’s getaway, and the staff at home is aware that I’m not stopping by.”

  “Have a good time, and don’t worry about things at work. You saved enough time, and I’ll cover you the one day.” She gave me one last hug, and Rick walked me to the door and said his farewells.

  Twenty minutes later, I was on my way all alone to a different continent to meet a man I didn’t know so that I could give him my virginity. What can go wrong? I leaned over and watched out the window of the plane. It was the first time I’d flown, but the last thing I was afraid of.

  According to the contract I’d signed, Chance’s wants and need were on the kinky side. Though there was a promise of no injury, I had also seen the words, ‘light bondage’, ‘blindfolds’, and ‘sexual aides’, whatever in the hell that meant. I couldn’t help but feel like I’d be a bit worried, even if I wasn’t a virgin.

  I wished Rick could have come along and then I’d have someone to talk to, but I’d brought my contract and was prepared to read it again, though it was not very long, and to the point. Showing up meant I belonged to him for the two weeks and in that time, he had the right to do with me whatever he desired as long as it posed no threat to me. There would be no permanent markings allowed by either party, and I was to eat three meals a day, provided by his staff, and get at least eight hours of rest per twenty-four-hour period.

  I could understand and appreciate the no markings rule, but it scared me to think how rough he might be able to be without leaving a mark.

  I thought again about Chance and his strong, muscular frame. He could do some damage if he wanted to, or bring me to the brink of begging. There was no rule about pain, and Lindy had said it would hurt the first time. I wondered if he’d be gentle, as I had disclosed that I was a virgin. A man of his size must be large in other areas as well. A warm, tingling sensation spread through me thinking about him above me. He was so strong and handsome, and I still didn’t understand what he wanted with someone like me.

  I glanced down at the contract’s list of rules as my stomach growled. As if on cue, Ruby came out of the back.

  “Would you like something to eat?”

  Three meals a day, and I’d managed to skip two. “Sure.” I hadn’t been hungry from the nerves, but I supposed I should try and eat something. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had three meals in one day. And sleep? I’d gladly take eight hours a day. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had that either. Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad after all.

  Ruby prepared my dinner, and I ate a small portion of it and then decided to take a nap. I’d have to be rested, though I hoped that when I arrived, he wouldn’t want sex immediately.

  I had always hoped my first time might be special and with someone I loved. I’d dreamed of marrying a rich man when I was younger, one who would take care of me and treat me like a princess. I believed that marriage and love were that fairy tale type of romance up until my mother passed, and then my stepmother had taught me that love was not always unconditional and marriage was a choice.

  She’d chosen to leave my dad when the going got tough, though I suppose it was for the best. She’d always hated me. But Daddy loved her, and I was content to deal with as long as he was happy.

  I didn’t realize how much I cared about her until she was gone, or how much of a hole she’d filled until she’d decided to leave it empty again.

  What was I doing? I tried to put it all out of my mind and get some rest. I needed to be on my toes if nothing else.

  Ruby woke me as the pilot announced our landing and I held my breath. I was about to be taken to his castle, where I hoped to be treated like a human being, and not a piece of meat.

  I exited the plane and the night sky greeted me, as did Chance’s driver.

  The man gave me a polite nod as he opened the door and I slid inside. I’d freshened up a bit on the plane and was glad that Ruby had suggested it.

  Before I knew it, the car slowed and turned down a different roa
d. I peeked out the windows into the darkness and saw there was light ahead. I kept my eyes on it, hoping that soon I’d be able to tell where I was, and then I saw something that took my breath away.

  We were headed toward one of those magical castles that Lindy had told me about. It's pale stone walls were covered with ivy and moss, and glowed in the moonlight. I wished I had a camera to send a picture to Lindy because she would never believe it.

  A warm glow came from several of the windows and I began to feel more at ease.

  The driver stopped beside a smaller entrance to the side of the castle, and then got out and opened my door.

  “Thank you,” I said with a polite nod.

  He brought my bags to the doorstep and left them as a large shadow filled the doorway. My heart skipped a beat as Chance walked out to greet me. His perfect hair was mussed and was dressed casually in loose jeans and a fitted T-shirt that showed off all his muscles. Desire ached in my core as I trembled slightly.

  He smiled warmly at me as he reached out to take my hand. “Welcome to my home Carrie. I’m so glad you’re here.”


  I hurried out to greet Carrie, and my blood pumped like fire in my veins when I saw how amazing she looked. She was more beautiful than I remembered and it suddenly felt like it had been ages instead of a week since I’d seen her.

  I stepped out to meet her, and she smiled. “Finally, a familiar face.”

  “How was your trip?” I took her hand and headed into the house, but she turned and looked at her bags which were left by the door. “I’ll have an attendant gather those and bring them up to your room.”

  “Oh, thank you. It was fine—the trip. I’ve never flown before. Actually, I’ve never left Nebraska before.” She gave a little shrug and glanced around as we walked down a long hall and into the great room. Her eyes widened. “This place is so big. It’s a real castle.”

  I chuckled softly and nodded. “Yes, it’s a real castle, and while I’ll show you most of it, we’ll stay in this tower.”


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