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The Eager Boy

Page 15

by Sean Michael

  “Yes, Master.” Robin leaned over the back of the sofa, pushing his ass back toward him.

  Groaning, Stack grabbed the waistband of Robin’s slacks. He flicked open the button with one finger, then tore both slacks and underwear off Robin’s ass and down his legs, letting them pool around Robin’s ankles.

  The sweet ass was pale and perfect, round and firm and waiting for him.

  He spread Robin’s asscheeks, groaning at the sight of the swollen flesh around the base of his plug. He tapped it, smiling as Robin bucked and gasped. Then he shifted his boy slightly so that whenever Robin rocked forward, his cock would rub against the back of the sofa.

  Then he grabbed the base of the plug and began to fuck Robin with it. His boy arched, bucking back into the plug.

  “Sweet, needy size queen. I know what you want, and I’ve got what you need.” He continued to shove the plug into Robin, loving how his boy moved for him.

  “Always. Always more.”

  “My needy, greedy boy.” He changed the angle, looking to get Robin’s gland, to make his boy cry out.

  Robin almost stood up, but he held position.

  Stack had found it. “Right here, then?” He poked Robin’s gland gently, then took longer strokes, hitting harder.

  “Right… oh God. Master.” Robin went up on tiptoe.

  He kept pegging that spot, watching Robin dance for him. God, that made him hard.

  “Beg me for more, boy.”

  “Please. Please, Master. I need your cock. I need more. I need everything.”

  He settled the plug back in. “Then I’ll give you everything.” He gave Robin a swat, using his whole hand, getting as much coverage as he could. There were only going to be twelve swats, after all.

  Robin spread, ass pushed back in a clear offer.

  “Count ’em for me, boy. I want a loud, clear number every time my hand lands on your pretty little ass.” He did love Robin’s pert bottom.

  “One, Master. That was one.”

  “Good job.” He rubbed Robin’s ass, then brought his hand down again.

  “Two.” Robin hummed softly.

  “You sound happy, boy.” He swatted again.

  “Yes, Master. This is the way to heaven.”

  “I like that. Now, I think you forgot something.” He tapped Robin’s ass a couple of times, his fingers bouncing off Robin’s skin.

  “Three, Master. That was three.” Robin smiled back at him.

  “That’s right.” He held Robin’s gaze. “You need to keep track, or I might double how many you get. Or I might stop altogether.”

  “I’ll keep track, Master. I swear.”

  “I know you will.” Robin wouldn’t risk not getting his ass warmed at all. He aimed this swat more on the left asscheek than the right, the bubble of Robin’s buttcheek fitting perfectly in his palm.

  “Oh. Four.” Robin spread a little wider.

  He used the next swat to bump the base of the plug with his fingers.

  “Master!” Robin humped the air.

  “Not a number, baby.”

  “Uh. Uh, five. Five.”

  “Now that is a number.” He offered another swat, smiling when Robin counted six and rocked back for yet another, begging him for more.

  Seven and eight were hard, but by nine, Robin was humping the air.

  “Just three more. We’d better enjoy them. Revel in them.” The color was coming up beautifully, that pale skin a pretty pink.

  “Only three?”

  “It depends on how well you beg me for more.” He liked the way Robin begged.

  “Yes, Master. Please. I need you. I need your attention.”

  “You don’t think you have my attention?” He landed the tenth blow.

  “That’s not what I mean, Master!”

  “Count. Then you can explain.”

  “Ten. That was ten. I just meant that I want more. I want to burn for you.”

  “Then you will. No more counting. I’m just going to spank you until you’re just the perfect color.” A nice red. Red enough he could feel the heat pouring off Robin’s skin.

  “Thank you.” Robin rested his head down on his arms, submitting to Stack’s will.

  “It’ll be my pleasure, boy. I promise.” He began spanking, hand landing on Robin’s ass time and again. He kept the blows steady, light, needing to turn the sweet skin bright red.

  He made sure to hit the base of the plug now and then, needing to make Robin cry out. Robin wiggled side to side, teasing him.

  “Brat!” He was laughing, though, and he moved the concentration of the swats to Robin’s upper thighs.

  “Master!” Robin stretched up and away, protecting his legs.

  “Right here.” He gentled his swat, but aimed it at the area behind Robin’s balls and the sweet balls themselves. That soft skin already quite warm beneath his fingers.

  Robin stiffened, stilled, but he didn’t move away. Excellent. His boy’s trust was paramount. He continued to aim at that spot, never hitting hard, but making sure Robin not only felt it, but would feel it tomorrow too.

  “Master. Master, please.”

  “Please what, boy?” He slid his free hand along Robin’s spine, moving it up and down, tracing that sensitive line.

  “I need you. Please.”

  “We’re almost there, boy. The color just needs a little oomph.” He laid down a dozen quick, sharp swats to the right and left sides of Robin’s ass.

  Robin groaned, muscles so tense, legs shaking.

  “Float over it. You know how to do this. Let the burn have you, take you out of yourself.” He slowed his pace, keeping the swats light and even now.

  Robin nodded, panting hard, sucking in air. His hips rocked, pushing back into the next swat, then the next, and the next.

  “Yes, like that.” He kept it up, letting Robin hang there for a few more moments.

  Robin tried to relax, tried to float. Stack could tell it wasn’t quite working for his boy, though. He stopped spanking and began rubbing instead.

  “What’s on your mind? What’s holding you back?”

  “I feel bad for my boss, I guess. It was easier to be mad.”

  He had to be doing something wrong if his boy was thinking about work at a time like this. “She doesn’t belong in this moment.”

  “God, I know. I’m sorry. Please, I was just… I was thinking about the plug and how mad I was that I couldn’t enjoy that first rush. I’m sorry.”

  He kept slowly rubbing Robin’s ass as he spoke. “She interrupted you putting it in?”

  “Yes. Well, right after. Like right. My pants weren’t even really up.”

  He winced. “That sucks, babe. I’ll definitely need to put the plug in tomorrow morning so you get that initial rush you’re missing today.”

  “I didn’t mean to let her in. You know how that happens sometimes? That weird thought?”

  “I know I shouldn’t have let it have room to come in.” He began to play with the plug, touching the base, tugging gently enough that it didn’t come out.

  Robin’s face went lax. Mmm. There.

  He turned the plug inside Robin, then pulled it partway out before pushing it back in again, playing and teasing, keeping Robin’s focus on his ass.

  “Need you.” Robin leaned harder.

  “I know.” He needed fucking lube, though. There was some in the little drawer in the coffee table. Great—the last thing his boy needed was an interruption. Bending, he kissed Robin’s ass, the heat of his boy’s skin making him moan. “Work the plug for me, boy.” Then he went for the lube.

  “Yes.” Robin rocked, moving lazily, steadily.

  He quickly grabbed the lube but then took his time walking back and getting undressed. The show Robin was putting on was beautiful, and it made his cock leak, his need strong.

  He hummed as Robin spread wider, the heavy balls swinging.

  “Do you know how lovely you are, boy?” He tugged off his T-shirt and began stripping away his le
athers. He didn’t bother folding, just tossed everything onto the couch to deal with later.

  “For you. Everything is for you, Master.”

  Humming, he rubbed Robin’s ass, the heat incredible. It was going to enhance their lovemaking—for both of them. Grabbing the lube, he worked it into his cock, groaning at his own touch. Coupled with the sight in front of him, it soon had him dripping with need.

  He stepped forward and tugged the plug out, loving the cry it drew from his boy.

  “Now you’re going to get what you’ve been waiting for.” He rubbed the head of his cock across Robin’s hole, getting Robin’s skin nice and slick.

  “Please. Please, Master.” Robin pressed back.

  “Love your need.” It made him feel necessary. He pressed closer, watching Robin’s hole spread open around his cockhead. Then he slid his thumbs in alongside, spreading Robin wider.

  Robin moaned, the sound echoing around the room. Humming, he pushed in deeper, leaving his thumbs holding Robin open. He knew the stretch was big, and he knew Robin wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “Yes….” Robin nodded, head hanging between his open arms.

  He knew. Stack knew what Robin needed. He kept pushing in until his cock could go no farther, his hips pressed up tight against Robin’s hotter-than-hell ass, his hands pressed between them.

  “Yes. Yes, Master. Please. You make me burn.” He begged so prettily.

  Stack tugged his thumbs from Robin’s ass, his boy closing around his cock like a vise. Grabbing hold of Robin’s hips, he pulled almost all the way out before thrusting back in again, using his hip hold to bring Robin back, adding strength to their joining. Robin’s cry filled the air, wild and needy. His own groans played counterpoint to Robin’s noises, the slap of their skin together a perfect accompaniment.

  He found a rhythm and stayed there, working Robin with every fiber of his being. He was made to do this. They were made to do this.

  Robin pushed back, eager for each and every thrust. Stack was just as ready, as wanton as his boy, and that suited him to the bone.

  Soon he and Robin were both covered in sweat, his boy glowing for him as they fucked. He slid in, over and over, cock dragging along Robin’s insides.

  “Would do this all night long, boy, if I could. Hell, I’d do it forever.” He’d never stop if he had a choice.

  “Yes, Master. I know. I do. Forever.”

  Of course they couldn’t do it forever, but he did do it for as long as he could. Finally, he couldn’t wait a moment longer. He tightened his hold on Robin’s ass, digging his fingers in. “Time to come, baby.”

  Robin went up on tiptoe, his entire body clenching. Reaching around, Stack grabbed hold of Robin’s cock and squeezed it just as tight, and they shot together, both of them crying out their pleasure.

  He filled Robin with his spunk before collapsing over his boy’s body and panting hard as he fought for breath. They rested, both of them sweating from their exertions.

  He nuzzled Robin’s neck, then peppered it with wet, sloppy kisses. God, he loved the smell of his boy when freshly fucked.

  “Best part of my day, Master.”

  “Me too, boy. Always.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  ROBIN DRAGGED his ass home from work, his head pounding. Stack had already warned him he was going to be late, so Robin intended to order pizza and damn the cost and calories.

  They were both working their collective asses off these days, and neither of them knew which way was up.

  The phone rang, and he answered. “’Lo?”

  “Boy? You okay?”

  “Just getting home, Master. How are you?”

  “Tired. I’m on my way home now, though.”

  “Good deal. I’ll order supper.”

  “Pizza again?” Stack did not sound too happy about that.

  “Yep. Pizza again.” He was tired and bitchy, and he didn’t want to cook or do anything but sit on his ass.

  “I’ll pick something up on my way home.”

  “You don’t have to. It’s just a pain in the ass with the bus and all.”

  “I said I’d pick something up.” Stack growled a little.

  “Fine. Do what you want to. I’m going to get in the shower.”

  “You don’t need to be snippy with me, boy. I’ll see you in a half hour. With food that’s not pizza.”

  “I’m just tired and sweaty and need a drink,” he teased.

  “And I just need my sweaty boy.” Now that growl had a sexy tone to it.

  “I love you too. So much.” He had to smile. Had to.

  “You too, baby.” The line went dead.

  Okay. A half hour ’til Stack was home.

  He took some Advil, jumped in the shower, got himself in comfy clothes, and turned on some music. By the time he expected Stack, he felt nearly human.

  He heard his master coming up the stairs; then the door opened and there was Stack, backpack on, vet bag in one hand, and a huge bag of takeout in the other. It smelled like Chinese.

  “Hey, love.” He went to get a kiss, a hug.

  Stack leaned in and gave him a kiss. “Let me put this stuff down, and I’ll give you a proper hello.”

  “What can I do?”

  “Take the food? I’ll put my stuff in the office.” Stack gave him another peck, then offered him the plastic bags and headed down the hall.

  Robin started putting things out on the table, making them both glasses of milk to go with dinner.

  Warm arms wrapped around him from behind, Stack dropping a kiss on his shoulder. “Hey, baby.”

  “Hey, stranger.” He turned into that perfect embrace.

  Stack tilted his head, bringing their mouths together. His master’s lips were warm and soft and sent tingles through him. He opened up, humming into Stack’s lips. Stack grabbed hold of his tongue and pulled gently, sucking him. He stroked Stack’s belly, his hip.

  Stack ended the kiss and leaned their foreheads together. “God, you smell good.”

  “I showered.” He had to smile at the familiar tease.

  “I would have loved the way you smelled even if you hadn’t.” Stack wasn’t teasing. Robin knew that. His master loved how he smelled, stinky or clean out of the shower.

  “I know. I had to wash off the bitchy-poos, you know? I was in a snit.”

  “My boy? In a snit? Never!” Stack chuckled and swatted his ass.

  “I know—stunning, but true.” He laughed for his lover, shook his head. “How about you? How’s it going?”

  Stack shrugged his shoulders and rolled his head. “It was a long day. There’s been a lot of them lately, it seems.”

  “Let me rub your shoulders a minute. That will help.” Poor man.

  “I’d like that. If you aren’t too hungry to wait.”

  “I bet I’m not going to starve.” He was lean, but not skinny. He could wait ten minutes to eat.

  “Where do you want me, then?” Stack rubbed his neck with one hand. Robin didn’t think he even realized he was doing it.

  “Come on. Sofa. I’ll bring the food out in a bit.” He went to find some warming lotion. “Take your shirt off, yeah?”

  “This seems very familiar to something that went on here a few weeks ago. Only then I was the one getting the oil.” Stack raised his voice to be heard as Robin went to the linen closet.

  “Uh-huh. We’re special.” Where did that stuff go?

  He found it in the bathroom cabinet after a good ten minutes of searching. He was surprised, actually, that Stack hadn’t called out any handy suggestions, asked if he was all right, or joined him in the hunt. Then Robin returned to the living room and realized why—Stack was lying on his belly on the sofa, sleeping away.

  He chuckled softly and put the lotion down, covered Stack with a light blanket. Poor tired lover.

  “Huh?” Stack raised his head and blinked. “Oh. Wow, sorry. Didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.”

  “Shh. Nap. I’ll wake you up in twenty
or so.”

  “No, you need to eat. I’m awake now—you can give me the massage. It’s not like I have to do anything but lie here for it, anyway.”

  “True. And if you crash, I won’t tell.”

  “If I crash, you can wake me up, and we’ll have supper.” Stack shifted some, settling with his head on his arms, which he’d folded in front of him. That left the strong body laid out for Robin, Stack’s ass looking like the perfect spot to sit as he worked.

  He eased himself down, slicked his hands, and went to work on Stack’s muscles. Stack groaned, shoulders tensing up for a moment before they eased beneath his ministrations.

  “God. Don’t stop, baby. That feels incredible.”

  “I won’t. I have this.” He found a tight spot and used his elbow to work it out.

  “Fuck!” Stack tightened up again, then all of a sudden groaned and melted into the sofa as the knot beneath Robin’s elbow finally gave way. There were other spots, and Robin worked on those too, but none were as bad as that first one.

  He wasn’t sure if Stack was awake or not, but he knew the man was feeling better with a little love.

  It was a bit longer before Stack groaned, sighed, then stretched, arching his ass to raise Robin up a little. “You feel just right there.” Then Stack twisted beneath him, and suddenly he was straddling his master’s hips, his ass pressed against Stack’s impressive erection. “We should eat, eh?”

  “We should. Feel better.” He leaned forward, stole a kiss.

  Stack’s hand landed on the back of his head, holding him in place as Stack deepened the kiss, tongue pushing in between his lips.

  He opened up, one hand sliding along Stack’s belly. Oh, so fine. So pretty. The muscles rolled beneath his touch—Stack performing for him, giving him a good show.

  He hummed, admiring the whole way. “Very nice.”

  “I do it for you.” Stack ran his own hands beneath Robin’s T-shirt, sliding them from hips up to his nipples where Stack stopped to rub his thumbs across them.

  “Mmm. Are you hungry, love? I can get the food.”

  “I could eat. And more importantly, I know you’re hungry.” Stack stretched. “Yeah, let’s bring it in here and be decadent. Maybe feed each other our favorites.”


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