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The Eager Boy

Page 19

by Sean Michael

  “Yes, Master.” There was something raw and wonderful about being bare, something blisteringly erotic. He stripped down, heading into a warm shower so he could relax and get ready.

  He felt Stack’s eyes on him as he showered, and he knew his master was taking him in, admiring him. It made him feel beautiful.

  The first time they’d done this, he’d sobbed and wailed, but he knew his master was fascinated by his bare skin, by his exposed body.

  Master Tide came in as he was finishing up. Tide handed a bag to Stack, then locked the door behind him. It was Master Tide who grabbed a stool and set it in the shower area. They had good access to water here, and it was still warm and steamy from his shower.

  “Good afternoon, Master Tide.”

  Tide grabbed a towel and, once he’d wrapped it around himself, gave Robin a tight hug. “Hey, Robin. Thank you both for including me in your scene. You look truly amazing in submission.”

  “You’ll help me shave him, Tide?” Stack was taking things out of the bag: scissors, disposable razors, shaving cream.

  “I will.” Tide grinned at Stack. “I love how Robin bares for you. It’s magical. One day I hope you’ll let Lance photograph the process.”

  “I’d love to have a visual record of it,” Stack admitted. “What do you think, boy?”

  Robin grinned at his master. “I’m not shy, Master, or ashamed.”

  “I know. You own your body and your sexuality. It’s one of my favorite things about you.”

  Stack’s words were a balm after the way his former boss had tried to make him feel ashamed. He banished her from his thoughts—there was no room here for her or the shame she’d tried to spread.

  He wanted to fly, to open up and not worry about his rushing thoughts.

  “Come sit.” Stack helped him to the stool. “Deep, slow breaths. I want you to concentrate on the sound of my voice. On the feeling of the air against your skin. On the way the scissors will make your head feel lighter, and then how the razor feels sliding on you.” His master’s voice was almost hypnotic, helping him to find his focus.

  “Yes, Master.” He sat on the towel, making himself comfortable, letting himself breathe deep, in and out. “I love you.”

  “I know.” Stack kissed him lightly, then began to cut his hair, shearing it away in swaths.

  He didn’t even watch it as it fell and Tide swept it away. His eyes were on his master. Stack’s face was a study in concentration, focus entirely on what he was doing. Entirely on Robin himself.

  “Such a beautiful slut. You were made to need.”

  He whimpered softly, his cock filling, pushing up, proud and hard.

  “You two were made for each other,” murmured Tide as he took the scissors from Stack and handed over the shaving cream and one of the razors.

  “We are.” Stack sprayed some of the shaving cream onto his hand and began to massage it into Robin’s scalp.

  “Shall I start on his legs, my friend?” Tide asked.

  Stack paused a moment, giving that consideration; then he nodded. “Please. His pubes are mine, though.”

  “Of course!” Tide chuckled softly. “I would never deprive either of you of sharing that with each other. Keep still, Robin. You’ll have to split your focus.”

  That was impossible; his world was Stack.

  His master stroked his cheek, like Stack knew. “Just don’t move, boy, and you’ll be fine.”

  Then the shaving began, Stack sliding the razor over his scalp, following it with his fingers. The tug was maddening, and he told himself to relax, to breathe through it. The good part came next.

  Once this first pass was done, then it would smooth out.

  “So good, boy.” Stack’s voice was quiet, his concentration a palpable thing. Robin watched him, taking his master in. In the end, it really didn’t matter what Stack did to him—it was his master’s will, and that was what mattered.

  The swipes on his legs made his toes curl, and he sighed at the sensation.

  “Keep breathing,” Stack reminded him. “In and out, in and out. It’s the perfect rhythm for a good, solid fuck that’s going to last a while.” Stack’s mouth twitched, his eyes dancing.

  “Are we having a good, solid fuck, my Master?” That sounded delicious.

  “Eventually. First, we finish baring you. Then there’s a plug bolted into the floor in the gym with your name on it, along with a crop. You’re going to be melted goo before we get to the fucking.”

  “Lucky Robin,” muttered Tide. “You have a devoted master.”

  “I have the best master ever. No offense, Master Tide.”

  Tide chuckled. “None taken, boy.”

  Stack hummed, the sound happy, and slid his fingers over Robin’s scalp. “I’m going to rinse, then make one more pass. Then I’ll do your chest while Tide does your arms. Your eyebrows, pubes, and ass will be last.”

  “Even the eyebrows?” That always looked so alien.

  “Yes. Every last hair.” Stack met his gaze. “You’ll be stunning, I promise.”

  He rolled his eyes, but smiled. “Everyone will stare.”

  Stack nodded. “Yes. Everyone will look at you and know that you are strong and beautiful and that someone loves you very much.”

  “I love you too, Master.” Stack was on a roll.

  Stack beamed at him, then ran a warm cloth over his head. Then, after grabbing a new razor, Stack quickly went back over his scalp. There were only a few places where he could hear the razor stealing away stubble, and he knew they were done when Stack ran his hands over Robin’s skull several times without stopping to shave anything else.

  “Mmm. I could touch you the rest of my life. Your eyes look so huge like this, so expressive.”

  “Just wait until you do my eyebrows,” Robin noted.

  “I know.” Stack smiled, and it reached his eyes. He hummed a little, then leaned in and kissed the top of Robin’s head. “My beautiful boy.”

  Tide looked up at them. “You’re lucky I would never share your secret, Stack, that you’re not the evil hardass you pretend to be.”

  “I’d have to work twice as hard to be perceived as an evil hardass if you did. Besides, Robin’s the only one who knows the real me. You done with his legs, Tide? He needs to go rinse off so we can start again.”

  “I am.” Tide was almost—almost—chuckling as he said it.

  “Okay, boy. Quick rinse off, then we’ll take care of the next step.”

  Robin knew his master was drawing this out, making him wait to feel the razor around his cock, balls, and hole.

  He rinsed off, letting the cool water splash down on his scalp, making him gasp. Stack touched him, fingers lingering on his belly, then on his side, like Stack couldn’t keep his hands off him.

  “Come on, boy. Let’s do phase two.”

  Robin sat back down, Stack and Tide working in tandem with quick efficiency to get his chest and arms done. He wasn’t that hairy above his hips, and it didn’t take long before Stack was rubbing his hands together. “Time for phase three.”

  “Listen to that glee,” he teased.

  “It’s unholy, Robin,” Tide added.

  Stack shrugged, clearly unperturbed. “I love what I do.”

  Robin was unceremoniously popped back into the shower. This time it was almost cold. “Master!”

  Stack looked entirely innocent as he leaned past Robin to turn the taps, the water warming considerably. Then Stack knelt in front of him, and that had to be the sexiest thing Robin had ever seen. “Pubes first.”

  “Yes, Master.” His balls drew up in response to the sight of Stack before him.

  Stack placed a soft kiss on the tip of his cock, making him moan. Then his master carefully shaved his pubes, concentration complete as he moved Robin’s cock from side to side to keep it out of the way of the razor. It was so intimate. So intense.

  So real. He watched, his cock hard and leaking, dripping clear drops from the tip.

  The feelin
g of Stack’s fingers on his cock was wonderful, the careful scrape of the razor against his flesh almost dangerous—definitely exciting. Best of all was Stack’s focus. All his master’s concentration was on him. Every bit of it.

  He moaned softly, his hole aching and empty, his balls throbbing. Stack hummed at the sound and leaned in to lick the precome from his slit. That touch was pure electricity, and the sensation made the breath catch in his chest.

  Smiling, Stack took hold of his balls, holding them carefully and stretching them down so he could shave away the little hairs. “I love baring you. I love your sensitivity. I love hearing your moans.”

  “I love you.”

  Tide hummed, angling the showerhead so the water sluiced over his crotch as Stack leaned away, clearly satisfied with the job he’d done. Once Robin was rinsed, Stack ran his fingers over the newly bared flesh.

  “Come behind him and pull his legs up and back, Tide? I want to clean his hole.”

  He gasped. “I could lean against the tile, Master.”

  Stack shot him a glare. “Who is the master here, boy?”

  “You are. You, Master.”

  “I am going to assure you don’t forget that again.”

  He swallowed but nodded, excitement flowing through him. “Yes, Master.”

  “Good boy.” Stack nodded to Tide, who turned off the water and came up behind Robin. His ass was cradled on Tide’s thighs as Tide wrapped big hands around his thighs and pulled his legs open, exposing his hole for Stack’s pleasure.

  “Look at this tiny hole. No marks, not red, not bare, not swollen—it’s a shame.”

  He moaned at Stack’s words, then moaned again when Stack blew against his usually hidden skin.

  “I’m going to have to do something about this. Oh right, that’s the next step.” Stack looked positively wicked. The shaving cream brushed his hole; then Stack glanced up. “Be still, boy.”

  “Yes. Yes, Master.”

  Stack got that look of concentration on his face again, and then Robin felt the scrape of the razor around, and on, his hole. His skin was carefully stretched and pulled, the sensation making him a little dizzy.

  “Breathe, Robin.” Tide’s voice was low and unobtrusive, but enough to help him draw in his next breath as his master concentrated on his hole. “Good boy. He looked a little pale there for a second.”

  “You’ve got him. He knows that.”

  “So do you,” Tide noted. “He’s in good hands all around.”

  Stack looked up at him and smiled. “He just needs to let absolutely everything go, hmm? Everything, boy.”

  “I’m trying.”

  “Just trust in us. We will give you what we need you to have.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Beaming at him, Stack went back to his hole, making a couple more swipes. Then he patted Robin’s belly. “Okay, you can let his legs down, Tide.”

  “You got it.” Tide eased him down, his legs shaky and trembling. Tide stayed behind him, giving him support.

  “I need you to look up at me now, boy. Let Tide keep supporting you while I do your eyebrows.” Stack stepped forward, body warm against him.

  “Do we have to, Master? People stare at me.”

  Stack growled at him.

  Tide chuckled. “Oops.”

  He sighed, letting himself be dramatic and silly. “Alien life form it is.”

  “Beautiful boy,” Stack corrected, rubbing shaving cream over his eyebrows and then kissing him.

  “Yours, Master.” He reached out and touched Stack’s belly.

  His master hummed for him. “That’s better. I told you that you have to trust me. No more questioning, boy.”

  “Yes, Master.” It had been worth a shot.

  Stack’s gaze moved to right above his eyeline, and then it was done. Two drags of the razor above his eyes and he was completely nude, from head to toe. Proving he’d given himself over to his master.

  The joy and pleasure in his master’s face was worth any stares.

  Stack took a step back, nodded. “There’s special soap with moisturizer in it for you.”

  Tide nodded. “Can you stand on your own now?”

  “I can. I think. Sure.” He was shaking a little bit. Just a little.

  Tide made sure he was standing before turning the water on again for him. Then Stack was there, naked now, soap in his hands. His master smiled warmly and began to soap him up. “You are beautiful. You’re mine.”

  “I am. I always have been, even when I wasn’t.”

  Stack nodded, bringing their mouths together. His master’s soapy hands didn’t leave an inch of him untouched, the soap especially soft.

  “That’s lovely.” He hated the rash that happened sometimes, but Stack had learned.

  “Almost as nice as your skin.”

  “Flattery is always welcome.”

  “So is the truth. Are you ready for part two? Because it’s ready for you.”

  “As you will, Master. You know that. I’m yours.”

  “I know. And you’re remembering now. I don’t mean up here.” Stack pressed against his head. “I mean here.” Stack touched his skin over his heart. “And here.” Stack pushed into his gut. “You’ll know it without even thinking it.”

  He nodded, because his breath was caught.

  Stack stepped away a half step, letting the hot water sluice over Robin and rinse off all the soap. Then his master turned off the water and dried him off—towel soft too.

  Tide dressed back in his sweats, eyes warm as he watched them both. Robin didn’t preen or acknowledge Tide—he knew he needed to impress Stack and Stack alone. He was here for his master.

  Once he was dry, Stack slowly walked around him. Smiling as he came to stand in front of Robin again, Stack whistled low. “Even more stunning than I’d imagined.”

  “Thank you. I’m glad you think so. It’s necessary.”

  Stack dried himself off quickly, then pulled on a pair of tight shorts. Ones that lovingly outlined the thick erection his master was sporting.

  Oh, that was pretty. He moaned softly, his cock throbbing.

  Stack posed a moment, flexing and unflexing those amazing muscles, putting on a show for him. Robin moaned again, and Stack took his hand, led him back to one of the private workout rooms of the third floor.

  There, in the middle of the floor, was the biggest fucking fake cock Robin had ever seen. It was huge, glistening with lube. He looked at Stack, surprised. That would be… challenging.

  “I have faith in you, boy. And you’ll be opened and whipped beforehand, to help you take it.”

  “So long as you’re here with me, I can take anything.” He said the words like they were a prayer.

  Stack cupped his cheek and gave him another soft kiss. “I want you to stand by the dildo, spread your legs, and bend over for us. Tide and I are going to open you, get you ready.”

  “Yes, Master.” His legs trembled, but he did as he was told, bending to grab his ankles.

  Stack’s hum let him follow his master’s movements, so he wasn’t surprised when Stack’s hands landed on his ass and squeezed.

  He rocked forward, then back, his toes curling.

  Dragging his fingers along Robin’s butt, Stack slid several along his crack, touching his hole. Then Stack pressed against it, fingers rocking back and forth. It warmed the skin around his hole, and then it warmed his insides, filling his belly with need. The touch wasn’t gentle but firm, sure, confident.

  Tide handed something to Stack, and then one of Stack’s fingers, slick and warm, pushed into him, insisting on gaining entrance.

  He moaned, opening to Stack’s will.

  That one finger pushed deep. So easy, so good. Like coming home. When Stack worked in a second finger, it was more of the same, and he wanted to rock back into it. He couldn’t, though. Not the way he was standing.

  “My will, boy. Mine.”

  He nodded, moaning softly.

  Stack fingerfucked him f
or several moments, then pulled his fingers away, leaving Robin wanting. Next, Stack spread his asscheeks, hands warm on his skin.

  “Tide is going to whip your hole with the crop now.”

  “Master!” No fair. No fair at all.

  “That’s right, boy. I’m your master.”

  The crop came down along his crack as Stack said “master.”

  He gasped and stumbled forward, almost fell.

  Two sets of hands were there to catch him, and he was clearly never in any danger of hitting the floor.

  “Easy, boy.” Stack’s hands stayed on him. “Spread your legs wider and put your hands on the floor in front of you instead of grabbing your ankles.”

  Stack helped him move, helped him spread wide and get more stable.

  “Better, boy?”

  “Yes, Master. Thank you.”

  “Good boy.” Stack patted his ass, the taps not quite spanks. Then his asscheeks were spread once again. “We’ll try this again. Tide, go ahead.”

  “You have him, Stack?”

  “I do.”

  The swat this time landed square, rocking him. Stack was right there, helping him stay upright. His master was there for the next swat too. And the one after that.

  There were four hits in all before Stack called a halt. “More stretching now.” With only that as warning, Stack eased three fingers into him.

  This time the touch burned, ached in his hole. Stack spread his fingers wide, stretching Robin well. He groaned, the sound increasing as Stack put his hand on the small of Robin’s back and once again fingerfucked his hole. “Beautiful slut. Such a hungry hole.”

  He whimpered, wanting more. Wanting everything Stack would give him.

  “Needy.” Stack swatted his hole, then pushed in again.

  He loved that, but he wanted more. He wanted Stack to fuck him hard with those warm fingers. Or to fuck him, period. He wanted more. But Stack was running the show, and he had to move at his master’s pace.

  One of the many things he understood was that his master would do what he would.

  Stack spread him open, fingers working him for quite a while. He felt every touch in his balls, Stack making him crazy.

  He was a bit dizzy, the blood rushing to his head.


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