Wild Knight: a bad boy romance novel

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Wild Knight: a bad boy romance novel Page 5

by Jaxson Kidman

  He came toward me. My heart raced. I felt sick to my stomach. I was shaking from the inside. I couldn’t show fear on the outside though. He’d play right into it. He’d love it.

  Damon reached for me and grabbed at the clips I put in my hair. He undid all my work within a few seconds.

  “I know what’s going on,” he whispered.

  “You do?”

  “You thought you were coming with me tonight,” he said. “You know what night it is. Tonight is not your night, Priya.”

  You’re going to fuck someone new, right? That’s what this is all about.

  I nodded. “Right. I’m sorry. I messed up my days of the week.”

  “Drinking too much of that expensive wine,” Damon said.

  His eyes locked to mine. They were evil. They were sickening. He started to come toward me again. I turned, my back to the wall.

  No, no, no, no, no…

  I saw the look in his eyes.

  He wanted to touch me. He wanted to fuck me.

  I couldn’t let that happen. I couldn’t be tarnished for my time with Knight.

  Damon put a hand to my waist and pushed.

  “You smell fucking delicious,” he whispered. “I feel like you did this for someone else.”

  “No,” I said. “I messed up…”

  “Don’t fucking talk to me, Priya. You just need to listen to me. Don’t piss me off…”

  Damon brought his other hand to my neck. He gripped my throat and started to press. I strained my neck, wincing in pain, trying to keep air in my lungs. He pressed harder. He licked his lips.

  Ohgod, he likes this.

  There had been times when Damon showed a little violent side.

  But now he was starting to choke me. My brain screamed to fight back. Swing my arms. Kick at him. Hit him in the balls. But my heart was like ice. I was frozen, fearing what he would do to me if I tried to fight back.

  Damon showed me his teeth as the rage soared across his face.

  He applied more pressure to my throat.

  “Just a little more,” he whispered. “You’ll understand…”

  “Hey! Let her go!”

  There was a third voice and I couldn’t turn my head to see who it was.

  A few seconds later I saw Damon disappear. I could suddenly breathe and I grabbed for my throat, tears in my eyes that I wasn’t going to die right then.

  I saw Knight as he charged after Damon.

  Damon was on the ground but kicked back to his feet and whipped out a gun.

  “It’s fucking me!” Damon growled.

  Knight stopped before doing any actual damage to Damon. But that didn't stop Damon from getting his two cents in on the situation. He swung his gun and cracked Knight in the face with it.

  I gasped and covered my mouth as Knight’s head spun.

  “Okay, hey,” Damon said. “Jesus Christ. Everyone take a breath.”

  Knight stood there, blocking me from Damon. He was wide, strong, a monster of a man. A true protector.

  “Fuck,” Knight said. “I came into the apartment. I heard noises. I didn’t know you were still here, Damon. I turned the fucking corner and saw someone choking Priya.”

  “We were just playing,” Damon said. “Now get the fuck out of my way, Knight. Before I put a bullet in your head.”

  Knight turned to the side and Damon walked right by him.

  Damon paused and looked at me. “To be continued, my love…”

  That’s when Damon finally left.

  I looked up at Knight and I saw the blood on his face. We both stood there in complete silence until I heard the door shut. I then grabbed Knight’s hand and pulled him into the bathroom.

  “Shit, Knight,” I said. “What were you thinking?”

  “I was doing my damn job,” Knight snapped at me. “I saw…” His nostril flared. “You’re into that shit?”

  “What shit?” I asked.

  “Him choking you? You like that?”

  “You think I’m that kind of woman?”

  “How the fuck do I know?” Knight yelled. “I knew he was here. And you. I saw him… Christ, Priya, tell me you’re not into that…”

  “So that was a pity help?” I asked.

  “No, next time I’ll let him choke you out first.”

  I gasped and swung my right hand. I slapped Knight right across the face, right where he had been cut by Damon’s gun.

  He grabbed his face and let out a growl sound.

  Then he turned and walked out of the bathroom.

  I stood there in complete shock. I looked at my right hand and saw the blood. Knight’s blood. I washed my hands and looked at myself in the mirror.

  My hair looked like crap. I looked like crap.

  I left the bathroom and found Knight in the kitchen. He was holding a wad of paper towel to the corner of his mouth.

  “I’m sorry I slapped you,” I said.

  “Don’t be,” he said. “I deserved it. I just…” He took the paper towel away from his mouth. “Fuck, Priya, I saw him touching you and I lost my mind. I didn’t realize what he was doing at first but I was already charging at him. I was jealous.”

  “Jealous?” I asked.

  I had to fight back the urge to smile.

  Knight was jealous? He did that because of his feelings for me?

  I stepped toward him, knowing lines were being crossed by the second. Just my thoughts, my body language, the way I felt on the inside, it was all terribly wrong.

  “I swear, Knight, I’m not into that stuff.”

  “I shouldn’t have asked,” Knight said. “My job here…”

  “He was hurting me,” I said. “And you saved me.”

  I reached for him. I touched his sides. Slowly, I started to hug Knight. I reached around him, my body touching his. I rested my head against his chest.

  “You really saved me,” I said again.

  “Does he hurt you a lot?” Knight asked.

  I nodded. I didn’t want to talk about it. I didn’t even want to think about it.

  But that’s when Knight hugged me. I felt protected in his strong arms.

  “Fuck, Priya, I’m so sorry,” he said.

  “Don’t be. You’re here now.”

  “That’s right. I’m here now.”

  I shut my eyes and lost myself in Knight.

  Then I blurted out something dangerous. But something I knew to be true in my heart.

  “I wish you could stay forever, Knight… just you and me…”




  I’m going to have a baby tonight. Right here. Right now. With Jeff standing next to me, white faced, terrified. I told him to go but he wouldn’t. He was being a good guy. A decent guy. I respected that. But I didn’t want him looking at me… down there… with a baby coming out of it. No. No way. Not a chance.

  Go home, Jeff.

  Everyone go home.

  Go away.

  I’m going to have a baby. Holy crap, I’m going to have a baby.

  Dr. Mary walked into the room. She smiled. “You’re not going to have a baby tonight.”

  “What?” I asked.

  “Not yet. Not time.”

  “Not time? I’m in pain.”

  “Are you in pain right now?” Dr. Mary asked.

  “Yes… wait… no. There’s no pain.”

  Dr. Mary touched my foot. “Exactly. You’re not going to want to hear this from me. But they’re fake contractions.”

  “Fake?” I yelled.

  “I know. They don’t feel fake. Your body is getting ready. That’s all I can tell you. Your vitals are great. The baby is healthy. He or she is almost there, but not quite. You still have some time.”

  I touched my belly. “If I had the baby right now…”

  “You would be fine,” Dr. Mary said. “So would be the baby. And you need to not worry about it.”

  “What happens now?” I asked.

  “You go home. Your… uh…�
�� Dr. Mary pointed to Jeff.

  “He’s a co-worker,” I said. “He’s the only person I could call.”

  “I’ll step out,” Jeff said. “Just let me know when we are leaving.”

  “Jeff, thank you,” I said. “You really saved me tonight.”

  “No worries. I told you to eat at work.”

  “At work,” Dr. Mary said. “You’re working?”

  I groaned. “I have to do what I have to do.”

  Dr. Mary closed the curtain behind Jeff and then came to the side of the bed. “Look. You’re in a tough spot. I know that. Every little ache and pain. You did the right thing though. The second you feel anything you’re unsure of, get to the hospital. The worst thing that could happen is you get sent home. Which is what I’m doing right now… sending you home. Get rest. If you have to work, I get that. But you need to take care of yourself and that baby.”

  “I will. Thank you.”

  Dr. Mary stayed in the room and helped me to get unhooked from all the machines. She helped me get changed back into my clothes. They smelled like the restaurant.

  As I stood there, alone, even with Dr. Mary there, I felt the emotion wave over me. I sucked in a breath and swallowed down the tears.

  “Come on, I’ll walk you out as far as I can go,” Dr. Mary said.

  We left the triage room and turned the corner. I thought I was coming to the hospital and leaving with a baby. My entire life changing. Instead, I was leaving the way I came in.


  “All the discharge paperwork is done,” Dr. Mary said. “Nothing else to do here. Go get rest. Lots of it. Try to stay relaxed. If anything changes or you feel anything, call me or come to the hospital.”

  I thanked her again and pushed at the double doors. I took three steps out, turned to the right, and froze.

  “Where the hell is she?” a voice boomed.

  “Sir, you need to step away,” the receptionist said.

  “Don’t tell me to step away…”

  My jaw dropped.

  The guy at the desk turned his head.

  His eyes locked to mine.

  The entire hospital started to spin.

  It was Knight… he was here.

  “Holy shit, she’s going down,” Knight yelled as he ran to me.

  Just like all those times before his strong arms scooped me up and he quickly walked me to a chair. I sat down and grabbed for the arms of the chair. Knight was crouched in front of me.

  “Slam, get her some water, man,” he called out.

  I looked and realized something crazy.

  Slam? Knox?

  The Reap.

  They were here.

  Wait a second…

  That’s when I realized Knight was wearing a leather cut. He was wearing a Reaper’s Bastards leather cut.

  “What,” I whispered. “How…”

  “Oh, shit, sweetie,” Knight said. He touched my face. He looked down to my super swollen belly. Then back up to me. “I thought you were having the baby.”

  “How did you…”

  “Later,” he said. “What’s going on with you?”

  Slam brought me a cup of water.

  I took a few sips.

  Knight took the cup from me and put it on the floor. “Talk to me, sweetie.”

  “I’m pregnant,” I said. “I thought I was having the baby. I was in pain.”

  “No baby yet?”

  “No. Just fake contractions.”

  “You trust your doctor?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Shocked to see me?”

  “I feel like I’m dreaming,” I said.

  “I know things didn’t go well the last time we talked…”

  “Oh, Knight.” The tears filled my eyes again.

  “Ah, damn, don’t cry,” he said. “I just need the truth. I know this isn’t the right time or the right place. But look at you, Priya. You’re going to have that baby any day now. And if I…” Knight rubbed his chin. “I just need to know what I’m doing here.”

  I looked at Knight.

  He was as sexy as ever. That chiseled face and jaw. The roughness of his posture. But he was a protector. A complete and total protector. That’s what he always did for me.

  And all I tried to do was protect him. By getting rid of him. But he came back, again.

  “Is this real?” I asked.

  “I’m here, sweetie.”

  “And you’re with…”

  “How did you get here?” he cut me off.

  “A co-worker.”

  “You’re working? This pregnant?”

  “I don’t have a choice.”

  “Where’s… Damon?”

  I could feel the contempt pouring off Knight as he spoke Damon’s name.

  “That didn’t work out,” I said. “He knows the truth. I think you do too, Knight.”

  “I want to hear the truth from you, sweetie. Your lips. My ears. Right now. I promise you, Priya, whatever you need, I’m here for it. I can keep you safe. I can keep you rested. I’ll take care of everything.”

  I looked around the hospital. I saw the guys all standing there. Knox, Slam, Matteo, and Ari. They were all part of the group that hung out years ago and caused trouble in town. They had parties, fires, drank that cheap beer, and did anything they could to fight Knight and his friends from his town.

  I felt like I stepped into a time machine.

  I looked down.

  Knight wasn’t having it.

  He touched my chin and lifted my gaze to his.

  Just his touch… it sent a warm shiver through my entire body.

  My heart pounded.

  Holy shit… it’s still there. It’s still so real.

  “I want to hear the truth,” Knight said.

  I nodded. I put a hand to my stomach. “Okay. Fine. Yes, Knight, it’s true. This is your baby…”




  I took the car out for a ride. There was still something off about it. Something in the engine. I wanted to keep everything as legit as possible. I didn’t like to rig up parts and then sell the cars off, you know? I’d have to peel apart the engine and double-check a few things before I officially listed it. This would clear me at least thirty grand. A nice little chunk of change.

  I pulled the car into a parking lot and put it in neutral. I floored it, listening to that old deep rumble of rubber burning, road eating thunder that people paid a shit ton of money for. To most people they would love that sound. For me, I felt like a doctor listening to a heartbeat for anything wrong.

  I could hear something wrong.

  I’d fix it.

  Not a big deal at all.

  I put the car into first and started to cruise but quickly stopped.

  I did a double take when I saw her leaving a store.

  “Priya,” I whispered.

  It had been months since I’d seen her. Last time I saw her she was kicking me out of the apartment. Throwing shit at me. Freaking out, calling me an asshole. Telling me that I was officially fired. If that wasn’t enough Damon had two of his guys there with guns to make sure I left.

  Priya changed her number and all but vanished.

  But there she was, carrying a big shopping bag.

  I climbed out of the car and started to walk, not even paying attention to the parking lot. Shit, I could have been hit by ten cars the way I was walking.

  Then things got crazier.

  Priya turned and moved the bag.

  She had a belly.

  A pregnant belly.

  “What the fuck?” I whispered as I started to jog.

  All I could think about was that night together. When things finally broke free for good. When I had Priya…

  In my mind the dates all made sense.

  Was she pregnant with my kid?

  By the time I got close enough to the car, Priya was already in the car, it was started, the brakes lights on.

I managed to get to the door before she took off.

  “Priya!” I yelled.

  She looked at me and let out a yell. She had the window open and I grabbed at the door as though I could keep her from leaving.

  “What are you… will you talk to me?” I asked.

  “Knight, don’t. Damon is everywhere. He’ll kill you.”

  “You’re pregnant,” I said. “Shit, Priya… Damon can’t have kids.”

  “Stop,” she said. “Just go. Please. Save yourself.”

  “Fuck no,” I said. “If you’re pregnant with my kid I need to know. Priya, don’t do this. Don’t leave.”

  “I’m sorry. I have to go. He’s waiting for me. He’ll come find me.”

  “How… if he knows he can’t have kids, then how?” I asked. “How does it work?”

  “It doesn’t,” Priya said. “Now move.”

  She started to reverse the car. I hung on with all my life and ran with her. She put the car in drive and wouldn’t look at me when she told me she was sorry. I ran with her as long as I could. But I had to let go.

  The car flew through the parking lot as I ran back to my car. I fired up the engine and knew damn well I could catch up to her. But I stopped myself. Why? Because she was fucking pregnant. I didn’t need her doing anything stupid in a car and hurting herself or the baby.

  The baby? My baby?

  I had heard the story a million times of how Damon got his nuts shot off or something. He loved to brag that he was throwing blanks and could fuck anyone he wanted without worry.

  So unless Priya was sleeping with more people it meant one thing.

  She was pregnant… with my baby…




  The second Matteo said something about the hospital I hurried back to my garage and got my pickup truck. Just in case I needed to have four wheels instead of two for the baby.

  It worked out though because even though the baby didn’t come I couldn’t have Priya pregnant sitting on the back of a motorcycle.

  I thanked the guy that brought her to the hospital and she reassured him that she was in good hands.

  I couldn’t believe how fucking fast life moved sometimes.

  In the same damn night I punched someone I didn’t know, got patched into the Reap, and now finally had found my girl. My very pregnant girl. And to top that shit off, she admitted what I already knew and that she was pregnant with my child.


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