Wild Knight: a bad boy romance novel

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Wild Knight: a bad boy romance novel Page 6

by Jaxson Kidman

  We were in the truck, the Reap following me. I told the guys to go to the clubhouse but they refused. Goddamn, the sense of honor they showed me right out of the gate really meant something.

  “How far along are you?” I asked Priya.

  “You could figure it out,” she said. “You know when we…”

  “Right. Yeah. I’ve been looking for you, sweetie. For a long time.”

  “I know you have. I never meant to do that to you, Knight. I was trying to protect you.”

  “Protect me? You crushed me, sweetie. I missed all of this. I can’t get that time back.”

  Priya looked at me. “Did you pick me up just to lay into me?”

  I swallowed my pride. I reached for her hand. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I just hate the idea of you scared, alone, and in pain. You deserve more than that. You deserve better than that.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “Hey, we’re going to go to my place. But I’m sure you need some stuff. I have the guys following me. It’s going to be okay. We’ll stop at your place and then shoot to mine.”

  Priya nodded. “That’s fine.”

  She directed me to a little house. I didn’t realize the place was an apartment until she pointed to a set of steps that looked like they went for miles. Oh, that fucking pissed me off that she had been climbing those stairs on her own. Being that pregnant? Hell no.

  The guys were behind me in the driveway as I stood at the passenger door.

  “I’ll go up there,” I said. “You stay here. Knox and Slam will keep an eye on things. You all can catch up from your party days.”

  I felt a little fire of jealousy soar through me. I never knew what happened with Priya and anyone else. Not that it mattered now years later but it drove me nuts to think about.

  “You were the only one I ever kissed at one of those parties,” Priya said. She smiled at me.

  The same smile had the same effect on my heart.

  I grabbed her hand and kissed it. “I’m really sorry tonight is all fucked up. Let’s get through this together.”

  I took her keys and ran up the stairs. Christ, even for a guy built like me those stairs were a hike. It was no wonder her body went into false labor. All that did though was piss me off even more. To know that Damon put such a sense of fear into her that she pushed me away and tried to hide all these months. And now she was alone. I hadn’t even crossed the bridge about Damon yet.

  After I unlocked the door I hurried right for the bedroom. It was a small apartment and had the smell of soup cooking. Just this lingering odor that wouldn’t freaking go away.

  I found a large bag in her closet and I started grabbing clothes. Then I set my sights on the dresser. Pants, comfy pants, whatever I could get at. Then came the top drawer and her panties. I froze when I looked at them. These silky and sexy black panties. Red ones. Some boy short looking things. I pictured the curve of her ass and hips.

  “Shit,” I groaned as I put them all in the bag.

  All I could picture then was stripping all those panties off Priya’s body. Even pregnant, she was goddamn beautiful. I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off her though. I knew that. Coming back to my place… under my protection…

  We were going back in time to move forward… and shit was going to get deadly.

  I hugged Knox and squeezed at him. “Thank you, brother.”

  “No problem,” he said. “You need me, you call me. We’ll get in touch soon for a chapel meeting. Take care of her. She’s shook up.”

  “I got it,” I said. “I can’t believe I’m wearing a leather cut.”

  “Neither can I. Fuck me. I must be getting soft. I got a woman. I got a kid. And now I have some scumbag like you patched into my club.”

  We both laughed.

  I helped Priya out of the truck and had her bag slung over my shoulder. I held her arm as I led her into my house. The place had always been too big for me, but I figured it to be some kind of investment in my future. Fix it up and sell it for a profit.

  The reality?

  I wanted the house for me and my family.

  And the second Priya stepped through the doorway that’s exactly what I had.

  My family.

  “Tell you what,” I said, “let’s get you settled upstairs. Then I’ll get you anything you need. Okay?”

  Priya looked at me and nodded. “Okay.”

  “Are you in pain, sweetie?”

  “Just confused.”

  “Join the club.”

  I got her upstairs and to the master bedroom. I redid the damn thing, taking two bedrooms and putting them into one. The fucking room was massive. I hadn’t had a woman in the house since I bought it. The place was free and clear. I kept all my activity on the outside. So much shit like that I did for Priya and my unborn child.

  Priya looked around the bedroom, her face in awe. “This is like a hotel.”

  I stepped up behind her, gently placing my hands to her waist.

  Fuck, it was so right. It was always so right with her.

  “I did all of this for you, sweetie. The house. The bedroom. Everything. I even have a room for the baby.”

  “You have a nursery?” Priya asked.

  I swallowed hard. “It’s not done yet. I left it empty. I couldn’t bear the thought of going into that room and seeing a crib and smelling powder and diapers and having some other man raising my kid.”

  Priya looked back at me. “Knight…”

  “Not tonight,” I whispered. “It’s been a crazy fucking night. I want you to rest. You need it. You deserve it.”

  I walked by her and to the massive bed. I paid for top dollar sheets, covers, the mattress to go with it all. Pillows everywhere. Shit, if Knox or anyone in the Reap knew what I did with my money they’d take my cut back and put a dress on me.

  What can I say though… I grew up in a shithole of a place with my old man doing the best he could. I had one bed my entire life and outgrew it when I was thirteen. So when I found a way to earn some cash and do it legit, I went with it.

  “You know, if I have to admit something,” Priya said. “I’ve always wondered what your bedroom looked like.”

  “Yeah? What did you picture?”

  “Half naked women everywhere. A big mess. Not this.”

  I smiled. “Don’t tell anyone I have a room like this. It’s definitely not an outlaw looking room.”

  “The bed looks comfortable.”

  “It’s your bed now,” I said. “Get comfy.”

  I watched the way Priya climbed into the bed. She was not trying to be seductive but everything she did was seductive. Even with her big belly. There was a mix of sexiness and cuteness that collided together for her. It drove my head crazy. It drove my heart crazy. It drove my cock crazy, too.

  “I’ll leave your bag on the floor,” I said. “Do you need anything else? Something to eat? Something to drink?”

  Priya looked at me. Her eyes were capable of things that had the ability to scare me. And nothing scared me.

  “I just want you right now, Knight.”


  “I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. I know it’s mostly my fault. Well, it’s all my fault. I know that. I did this to us. I…”

  I leaned over the bed and couldn’t stop myself as I planted a kiss to her lips. A gentle kiss. Just enough to get her to shut up.

  “It’s okay,” I whispered, my lips hovering over hers. “I want the same thing too, sweetie.”

  I kicked off my boots and stripped off my socks. I took off my leather cut for the first time and held it out and stared at it. I tossed it over a chair. I hit the lights and set my sights on the bed.

  As soon as I got into bed Priya nestled right up next to me. The feeling of her head on my chest. Oh, goddamn, the memories that brought back. We never got our chance when we were younger because of that fucking fence and the stupid beef between the two rival towns. And when we did get our chance later, it was
all taboo.

  Not now though.

  It was just me and her.

  Priya put a hand to my shoulder. I grabbed her hand and kissed it. I turned my head and looked down at her. Damn, her eyes were perfect. This brown and amber color. Like they could change. Like little fires glowing back at me.

  I kissed her forehead. “Get some sleep. We have a lot to talk about tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, we do,” Priya said.

  That’s when we both went silent.

  I had somehow done it. I had found Priya and she was in my bed. She was comfortable and she was safe. She was also very pregnant with my baby. That was a whole other thing I had to tackle. Me, as a father.

  Goddamn if it didn’t make me smile though.

  I felt Priya fall asleep.

  All I could do was hold her.

  I had her… but I never knew for how long. She wasn’t some weak woman, trust me. She was beautiful and she was stronger than anyone I knew. The shit she had to deal with when it came to Damon did not imply she was a pushover. It meant she was strong enough and smart enough to fight through a shit situation for something better.

  “I’ve got you, sweetie,” I whispered.

  Having her body touching mine, however, was damn torture.

  She could get her rest now… because we had a lot of making up to do.



  * A YEAR AGO *

  Knight sat on the edge of the couch with his hands balled into fists, his chin resting on his hands. He was actually into the movie. It was probably the worst chick flick ever made. I didn’t even know the title. It was just something on some channel, produced by that channel. It was laced with cliches, crappy music, forced characters, but Knight was buying into it.

  Watching him watch the movie spoke to me. The small town bullshit really weighed on him. The way he watched the movie told me that was the life he wished he had. It was almost cute to see such a big and tough man show his heart a little, even if he didn’t mean to.

  “So what do you think?” I asked. “You seem to be really into this one. I can get you a copy if you’d like.”

  Knight looked back at me. “Stop that. I’m not watching. You are.”

  “You’re on the edge of your seat like it’s some thriller,” I teased.

  Knight moved off the couch and stood up. “Fine. I’m done watching it. I’ll put on something else.”

  I laughed.

  This was sort of our thing now. Watching cheesy chick flicks together when Damon was out of town. He had been gone a lot more lately. First was to a fight in Vegas. Then some business in New York. People told me they saw him with a lot of women and a lot of drugs. I had no clue if he was selling, moving, using, or maybe all three.

  One thing I did know… I was done with it all. I was secretly planning my escape from all this mess. The only thing that was keeping me steady?

  “Knight,” I whispered.

  He looked down at me. “What?”

  I reached for his hand. “Don’t get mad. I won’t tell anyone.”

  “Tell what?”

  “That under all that muscle is your I love Mom tattoo and your love for girly movies.”

  Knight pulled away from me.

  He started to walk away!

  I jumped up off the couch and around the table to block him. I put my hands out and touched his chest.

  His massive, muscular chest. Holy fuck…

  “Hey,” I said. “Did I say something wrong?”

  “My mother left when I was a kid,” Knight said. “Never wanted to be a mother. Never wanted to be pregnant. I heard she wanted an abortion and my father begged her to stop. So the second I came out she was done with me.”

  I gasped. “Oh, Knight…”

  “No,” he said. “No saying sorry. That’s not going to work.”

  “Then what is it right now?”

  Knight curled his lip. “All of this. Look around us. It’s all fake, Priya. I come here like it’s a date. You drink wine. I drink fucking soda. I can’t get drunk because I’m on the clock. Protecting you. Sometimes I lose myself in the moment though. Sitting here, waiting for…”

  Knight started to turn away.

  “No. Say it. Don’t be afraid.”


  “Don’t be a momma’s boy,” I teased.

  Now that got his full attention.

  Knight faced me, his eyes wide. “You really want to do that to me? You want to push at me?”

  “Maybe I do. Maybe I want to know what would happen right now.”

  Knight inched closer to me. He touched my lower back. “What would happen is that I’d throw you on that couch and have you. Finally taste your sweet fucking body and make you scream my name as you come all over my tongue.”

  I shuddered. I had been warm since the moment Knight showed up. Now I was officially wet.

  My mouth went dry. I licked my lips. I started to nod. “Yeah? Then do it. We’re alone. Who cares? I want it. You want it. Are you going to be a pussy?”

  Knight slammed his body against mine and lifted me up. “No, Priya. I’m not going to be a pussy. I’m going to enjoy some pussy.”


  I let out a cry as Knight took me to the couch. He dropped me down and hovered over me. My left foot was on the floor. My right foot was on the couch. With pent up aggression, Knight grabbed the bottom of my shirt and lifted it up. He quickly moved down and kissed just below my belly button. I groaned and thrust my hips at him, wanting more.

  Knight came back up to my mouth and was just a few inches away. I felt his strong fingers slide into my pants and panties. He cut right down, moving along my smooth skin, curling his fingers and touching me. Two fingers rubbed the wet folds of my slit. Knight wasted no time in thrusting his fingers into me. His fingers were thick and he sank them deep.

  I grabbed at Knight, whimpering.

  “Damn, Priya,” he said. “You’re so fucking wet.”

  “Yes,” I groaned. “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

  But Knight did stop.

  He took his fingers from me. But it was for good reason. Using both of his hands he grabbed my pants and panties and ripped them right down my body. He peeled them down to my ankles and left it to me to kick them both off to the floor.

  I was naked from the waist down in front of Knight.

  I felt my cheeks burning red. Between my legs I was burning just as hot. I had been waiting for this moment for such a long time. I clutched the cushion of the couch and watched as Knight reached for me. He grabbed my right leg and flung it up over the back of the couch. I was like a toy to him. I was so okay with that too.

  Between my legs I quivered. I could feel how wet I was.

  Knight dropped down to his knees before me. His rough hands touched the insides of my thighs and raced all the way up. His thumbs touched me for a split second. I lifted my ass off the couch and groaned.

  “Fuck,” I managed to say.

  “Fuck,” Knight said. “I want to hear how filthy you can talk to me, Priya.”

  Knight then came forward, between my legs.

  My jaw dropped as I saw his tongue a split second before I felt his tongue against my sex. He licked my pussy like I was an ice cream cone in hundred degree weather. These long and perfect strokes from bottom to top, curling his tongue at the top, grazing my clit just enough to make me jump and leaving me craving for more.

  All it took was a minute of his amazing tongue to unlock something deep and wild inside me.

  I reached for Knight’s head, wanting to jam him down there and make him lick me for days. It had been so long since I had been touched. Since I had been tasted. Since someone actually gave a damn about me to take their time. Or just fucking command my pussy and my pleasure.

  But that’s what Knight did.

  He slipped his hands under my ass and lifted me right where he wanted me. His tongue darted forward, entering me. I crunched forward and shuddered with
pleasure as Knight’s tongue dug deep into my pussy. He made big circles, stretching me with his strong tongue, leaving me tingling from the depths of my core and through the rest of my body.

  Knight closed his mouth against my tender wetness and pulled away with a wet kissing sound. He looked at me, then he showed me his teeth. There was something so fucking sexy about the way his eyes ravaged me. It was almost as hot as the way his tongue ravaged me a few seconds later.

  Gently turning his head to the side, Knight went back to work.

  This time the target was my clit.

  The tip of his tongue raced in all directions, making me rock and move and jump. Anything to try and chase down the pleasure.

  His hands came up and held my hips.

  I rocked my pussy against his willing tongue, losing myself completely to the moment and the pleasure. I reached back and grabbed the arm of the couch. My belly was twisting and turning, the pleasure so deep, collection like a giant wave in a hurricane.

  “Oh, fuck,” I groaned. “Knight, fuck. Right there.”

  His tongue went flat against my clit and pressed and twisted. It shot a bolt of pleasure through my body and I jumped at him.

  “Fuck!” I cried out.

  I was right there. I opened my mouth to warn him but nothing came out. I officially lost all my air. I couldn’t breathe. I liked it. No, I loved it.

  Knight moved faster and harder at me. He knew I was about to come.

  Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit…

  My toes curled so hard they started to hurt.

  My ass was like a mile off the couch.

  My body shook with fury.

  And Knight was right there with me. His tongue darting up. Then down. Then around. Cutting to the right. Slicing to the left. His lips closing over me. Sucking all my wetness.

  I started to come and managed to let out a scream.

  The first jolt of orgasm went through my body, head to toe. I then dropped down but Knight was there to catch me. He held me up off the couch and used his tongue to guide me through my orgasm. I had never felt anything like it in my life. I was forever changed in that moment. Forever connected to Knight. I wanted him to be my escape from everything.


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