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Wild Knight: a bad boy romance novel

Page 10

by Jaxson Kidman

  I fucked her.

  I loved her.

  I fucking loved her.

  Crazy as it was… that was the last time I would fuck her while she was pregnant.




  I refused to hold his hand as he fake cried.

  The crowd was much smaller than I thought. I figured for his mother, considering all that she had done, there would be hundreds, if not thousands in attendance. But I guess Damon wanted to keep it simple and low key.

  I hated funerals and the whole death thing. It creeped me out bad. But I stood there and did as I needed to do. I knew that Knight, Slam, and Knox weren’t far away from me.

  Damon made it very clear that he wanted me to just stand there, look sad, be pregnant, and do nothing else.

  A priest read prayers, shared a few stories, and everyone looked saddened and humbled. Damon wore black sunglasses and kept dabbing his eyes under them. All he gave a damn about was collecting money and the company. I had no idea what it meant for Knight and his motorcycle club though. There had to be good reason why Knight went along with all of this.

  At the end, Damon had to step up to the casket and put a rose on it. I stood there alone, in all black, a hand on my stomach. I refused to look around, fearing I’d meet eyes with someone and blow my cover.

  Damon stood at the casket, put a flower on it, and then put his hand to it. He bowed his head, shook his head, and then threw his head back. He put his other hand into the air. He made a fist, shook it, and then lowered his head again. Slowly, he kissed his two fingers and touched the casket.

  Then he walked back to me.

  “Thank you for attending the service,” the priest said. “May you go in peace, with memories in your heart.”

  The crowd started to break apart but not before everyone came to see Damon. They all shook his hand, gave him a hug, said something encouraging to him. I took a step back and stayed out of the way.

  Almost done, Priya. Almost done.

  Once that was finished up, it was just Damon and the casket.

  “They’re going to put her in the ground,” Damon said. “I’m going to watch.”

  “But she’s not,” a voice said.

  It was Knight.

  He walked toward me, wearing his dirty jeans and his leather cut. He looked like an outlaw nightmare, but my goodness was it a sexy sight to see. He was beautifully rugged. Right behind him was Knox and Slam.

  “Right,” Damon said. “A deal is a deal.”

  I could feel the tension between Knight and Damon.

  Knight put a hand to my back and took me away from Damon.

  I had been waiting so long for that.

  “You know, you really fucking did me in,” Damon said. “I trusted you. Both of you.”

  “You shouldn’t have been fucking other women,” Knight said. “You should have been taking care of what you had.”

  “Oh, I did,” Damon said. “I guess it just wasn’t good enough.”

  “Not enough of a man,” Knight said. “Don’t worry, she gets that now.”

  Damon opened his suit jacket and grabbed for a gun.

  I gasped and pulled at Knight.

  Next thing I knew, everyone had a gun. Except me.

  “You want to do this at a funeral?” Knight asked. “Your mother’s funeral?”

  “Why not?” Damon asked. “The hole is already dug.”

  “Put it away,” Knox said. “Don’t think we’re afraid of you, Damon.”

  “She is,” Damon said and grinned at me. “She’ll forever be afraid of me. My gift to her.”

  Knight moved me behind him. He stepped forward and put his gun away. He walked and then grabbed Damon’s wrist and pointed the gun at his own chest.

  “Shoot me,” Knight said. “Right through the heart. Do it right, Damon.”

  Everyone was in silence. In the background there was a motor running. It was someone that worked for the cemetery bringing equipment to lower the casket in the ground and then fill it with dirt.

  A few seconds passed and Damon put the gun away. “Deal’s done.”

  “Deal’s done,” Knight said. “I’m sorry about your mother.”

  “I’m not,” Damon said. “I’ve been waiting that bitch out for years.”

  Knight turned and set his sights on me. He wrapped an arm around me and we walked away from Damon. Walking through the cemetery was weird. I looked forward and saw Knox and Slam. Their leather cuts. The back that read Reaper’s Bastards. My outlaw next to me, holding me tight. I put a hand to my stomach.

  This was my life… and I was going to bring a child into it?

  I was in the shower, rinsing away the day. I put my head forward into the water and pretended I was on an island somewhere. Just relaxing in the sun. The warm sand. The clear water. Just a break from life.

  That would be…

  I felt a thud in my belly.

  I thought the baby was kicking.

  Nope. Not that at all.

  I suddenly had a feeling between my legs like I was going pee.

  I looked down and stepped back from the water. I shuddered as I realized what had just happened. I grabbed for the walls and felt pressure in my lower back. I opened the door and yelled for Knight.

  He was in the bathroom a few seconds later.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “Knight… I’m having the baby.”




  The little cry came through the monitor. I opened one eye and saw the baby on the screen kicking and punching at the air. The clock next to the monitor said it was only three in the morning.

  Little Kyle Jr. was born after eight hours of labor for Priya. Yeah, Kyle Jr… because my name is Kyle. Always was. Matteo gave me the name Knight because I would also sneak around in the dark. Yeah, it started out as Night, but since my name was Kyle, putting the K on it just always seemed right.

  Enough about my history though.

  I threw the covers off but stopped when I saw Priya entering the nursery and coming into view.

  “Hey there, baby boy,” her sweet voice said. “Are you hungry?”

  Priya scooped up my son and disappeared out of view.

  Goddamn, she was a good mother. Such a good mother. Kyle had to make only a little whimper and she was up, ready to go. She breastfed the baby which meant she had to get up for everything. I didn’t like that so I tried to get up with her.

  I climbed out of bed and walked to the nursery.

  I slowly opened the door and took a few seconds to admire the sight before me.

  Priya sitting in a huge chair with her legs up. Her top undone and her right breast exposed to feed the baby. Kyle was quiet, enjoying his three in the morning snack.

  Priya looked up and saw me. She smiled. “I’ve got it.”

  “I know you do,” I said. “But I’m right here.”

  I went into the room and crouched down next to Priya. I kissed her cheek. I looked at Kyle as he ate.

  “He’s hungry,” I said.

  “Wonder where he gets that from,” Priya said with a smirk.

  When Kyle was done, I took the baby from her. I stood up and held the little life tight in my arms. I patted his back until he let out a loud burp.

  I turned and saw Priya was already asleep in the chair.

  I cradled Kyle in my arms and stared down at him. His eyes were so innocent yet that had a little of that wild outlaw in them.

  “Okay, little one,” I said. “You’ve got a long life ahead of you. So I need you to grab some z’s. We all need it in this house. I know you have that outlaw blood in you. Raise some hell all night and then sleep all day long. I get it. I’m the same. But we need sleep. Deal?”

  Kyle fell asleep a few seconds later. I gently placed him down in the crib.

  I walked to the chair and stared at Priya.

  Fuck, s
he was beautiful. Even post-pregnancy she had no idea how beautiful she was. She was still worried about her body, wanting to go back to normal… but I had no idea what that meant. There was no normal. There was just now. Right now. The moment in our hands.

  I reached down and brushed Priya’s cheek. “Sweetie, it’s time to get up.”

  Priya jumped and looked at me. “Where’s the baby?”


  “Oh… I…”

  “Come on,” I said.

  I helped Priya up and I walked her back to the bedroom. I tucked her in and suddenly I had a boost of energy. I went downstairs and wandered through the house. Everything I had wanted to create was there.

  But there was shit in the background. The Reap had its own issues. A lot of heat coming our way. Someone was trying to buy up land and nobody knew who it was. There were a few OD deaths just north of us. That brought the PD to us, wanting to pin us down for distributing smack all around. We didn’t fuck around with that stuff.

  We fixed up a car and sold it for enough cash to keep the club funded. The garage was steadily busy with work but not what we’d like it to be. It was a tough time. Little towns took their beatings before they folded up and died. That was just the way it was.

  We were fighting that as hard as we could.

  I finally said fuck it and decided to go to the garage. I left a note for Priya and put it on my pillow. She was safe. I’d only be gone for a little while.

  I got on my motorcycle and took off in the middle of the night.

  When I arrived at the garage I saw the glow of a TV from the upstairs apartment.

  I entered through the back door and went up the steps. I went into Al’s apartment to check on him. The smell was crazy. Cheese, weird meats, and the smell of him. I walked through the place, seeing empty milk containers next to empty beer bottles. There was food left on the counter, moldy, with flies on it.

  In the small living room I paused when I saw the TV screen.

  You think there’d be some late night informercial on the screen, right?

  Nope. Not with Al.

  It was a full blown threesome. Two guys and one girl. A guy on each end, two holes full. But don’t worry, her ass was being taken care of also by a toy that guy behind her was holding.

  “Jesus, old man,” I said.

  Al jumped up in his chair. He swung his arm and a beer bottle went flying.

  He looked back at me. “What are you doing here?”

  “Couldn’t sleep. Just checking on my garage. What are you doing here?”

  Al smacked his lips together. “Nothing. Resting.”

  “That’s some heavy porn.”

  “Got this cord that hooks the laptop up to the TV.”

  “The beauty of technology, huh? High definition, big screen porn.”

  I walked to the laptop and pressed the pause button. Right at a nice angle of the woman getting herself filled up with cocks and a toy.

  “Baby keeping you awake?” Al asked.

  “Yeah. We’re just on a fucked up schedule.”

  “They do that.”

  “You have kids, Al?”

  “Two. They’re all grown up and gone away.”

  “You ever talk to them?” I asked.

  “No. They don’t need to see me like this. Not even you. You should take this old dog out back and finish me off.”

  “That would be murder,” I said.

  “You’re an outlaw. Sack up, pussy.”

  I hit a button on the laptop and the porn started to play again. I walked to Al and gripped his shoulder. “Have a good one, Al.”

  “Knight. My two cents, which ain’t worth this. Protect your family at all costs. No matter what. The good days. The bad days. The days you want to fucking quit. Just go. Stay there. Love them.”

  “Thanks for that, old man,” I said.

  I left the apartment and went down to the garage area. I enjoyed a quick smoke. I promised Priya I would cut that shit out, which I would. One here and there was fine by me. I had a car in the bay to the right. It needed a new engine. A total rebuild project.

  “Fuck it,” I said.

  I dropped the smoke on the ground and stepped on it.

  Goddammit, I was uneasy. I left the garage and got on my ride. I looked around as though someone was watching me. There was something in the pit of my stomach that didn’t feel all that okay. Knox told me it was because I had a kid now. He said he felt the same. Your world changes. It’s not just about protecting a woman you love. It’s about protecting your blood. The life you created.

  I rode back home and checked on my son. He was out cold. I reached into the crib and touched his soft and warm head.

  “I love you, little one,” I whispered. “Fuck. I love you so much.”

  I was right about two things - the love for my son and the feeling in my stomach that something bad was on its way.




  Knight couldn’t sleep and wouldn’t tell me why. The only thing he’d say was that it was about the baby. Little Kyle was almost ten weeks old. We had ourselves in a little routine in life. I loved being a mother to him. I loved taking care of the house. I loved dealing with the guys in the Reap and making friends with the women in their lives. It was simple for me.

  Even if it didn’t feel so simple for Knight.

  I fed Kyle a little after three in the morning. When I got back into bed I could tell that Knight was fake sleeping. He’d let me crash again and then he’d walk around the house. Sometimes he’d go to the garage. He told me he was checking up on Al, making sure the old man didn’t burn the place down. That was an excuse.

  To me, Knight was checking for something. He was keeping an eye open on something.

  I put my hand to Knight’s chest. “I know you’re awake.”

  “You shake the bed like an earthquake when you come to bed,” he growled.

  “Bullshit. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “Go to sleep, sweetie.”

  “No,” I said.

  He turned his head and opened his eyes. “No?”

  “I’m hungry.”

  “You’re hungry,” he said.


  “Sweetie, your days of cravings are over.”

  I ran my hand down his chest. “No they’re not. This craving will never go away.”

  I moved my hand over the bulge of his jeans and squeezed.

  Knight smirked and sucked in a breath. “You’ve got my attention.”

  “And you’ve got what I’m hungry for,” I said.

  I popped up to my knees and moved right over Knight’s body. I kissed each and every muscle in his stomach. I flicked my tongue at the top of his jeans as my fingers hurried to fight with the button. I just wanted to take care of my man, my outlaw.

  I opened his jeans and grabbed the top, pulling. Knight lifted up and I slid his jeans down, watching the patch of his dark pubic hair appear, followed by the thick root of his cock. I grabbed for him, pulling his amazing shaft out of his jeans. One stroke up and he was standing like a flagpole. I slid my hand over the head of his cock to the bottom of his shaft. I gripped and pumped, watching as pre-cum leaked from the tip of his cock.

  “Christ, sweetie,” Knight groaned. “You’re killing me.”

  “Good. Then maybe you’ll get some fucking sleep.”

  I had no clue what had gotten into me. Talking like that. Acting like that. But I was horny. I wanted to suck him off. I wanted him to relax a little and enjoy life.

  I pressed my lips to the tip of his cock and kissed his pre-cum. I licked my lips and tasted its salty goodness. I instantly craved for more.

  I’d have to work for that though.

  Opening my mouth I came down on his cock, wasting no time in going for the kill. This wasn’t about seduction. This was about Knight coming in my mouth. There, I said. Simple and dirty. Nothing wrong with that.

  I took all I could handle in my mouth
and let my hand grip the rest of him. I jerked at his root as I sucked, sliding my lips up and down his shaft. My spit coated him, allowing me to move faster and faster.

  Knight grabbed the back of my head and let out a growling sound. I groaned, knowing the vibration on his shaft would get to him.

  “Goddamn, sweetie,” he said. “Right there…”

  He loved when my lips moved over the head of his cock. I stayed right there, making it sound wet and sloppy, my mouth popping off and going right back to work. Over and over, damn near bouncing on his beautifully created cock.

  I felt a fire deep inside me, spreading down to between my legs.

  I was sopping wet within seconds, but I was focused on the prize.

  His cum.

  I stroked him as fast as I sucked him. My tongue pressed against the bottom of his shaft as I moved up and down with speed. I tested him to the back of my throat, groaning when I hit my max, easing right back up. Oh, he tasted so good. That thick and hard shaft. The places on my body he had explored. And now he was exploring my lips, my tongue, all the way to the back of my throat. I tested myself with him over and over, wanting to see how much I could take.

  Knight let out a grunt and thrust up at me. In that exact second I felt his shaft thicken even more. His legs flexed super tight.

  That’s how I knew he was going to come.

  Oh, fuck, yes…

  My mouth eased down his shaft one more time. As I pulled back, Knight let out a hiss and thrust up again. I paused but kept my hand pumping at the root of his cock. I felt the first warm spurt of cum cling to the back of my tongue. I groaned and then swallowed, making room for more.

  “Ah, sweetie,” Knight growled as he continued to come.

  I started to taste him again, sliding my lips up and down his shaft as he came. Feeling him throbbing into my mouth. Feeling his delicious release as it filled my mouth. I would simply swallow and get right back for more.

  I then slowed down. My hand released its grip on his root and I touched his rippling stomach. It was just my mouth on him. So I inched down as slow as I could and pulled back even slower.


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