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A Modern Love Story

Page 12

by Jolyn Palliata

She hung her head and stepped back. “This is your fault, you know. You shouldn’t have dared me.”

  He tipped her chin up. “Oh, no you don’t. You’re not pinning this shit on me. But, I’m glad to see I’m not the only one suffering. Serves you right.” He chuckled, releasing her. “And, since you’re the reason I’m short-handed tonight, you get to help pick up the slack.”

  She grimaced. “Fine. But no waitressing. Last time I got my ass pinched about twenty times. Even had the bruises to prove it.”

  He sobered immediately. “You’re goddamn right you’re not waitressing. I’ll put you behind the bar. Anyone gives you a hard time, crack their skull with a mug.”

  “Don’t you think that’s a little extreme?”

  He pulled her close again, ran his hands down her back to cup her ass, giving it a light squeeze. “No one puts their hands on you, except me.”

  His mouth took hers again, to sink her back into the inferno. She was being burned alive, and in the midst of all that heat she briefly wondered how she was ever going to survive him.


  “What can I get you?” Robbie asked.

  “A lite beer. Whatever you have on tap will be fine.” The nicely-put-together, leggy, platinum blond, who had commanded a demanding audience as she strode through the room to cozy up at the bar, and was now staring at her with crisp ice-blue eyes.

  Robbie eyed up the business woman as she filled a frosted mug. “I’ve seen you in here before, haven’t I?”

  “I believe so.” She held out her hand as Robbie set the beer in front of her. “Payten Carmichael.”

  “Robbie Byrne.” She took Payten’s hand, gave it a firm squeeze. “A pleasure.”

  “It’s all mine.” Payten glanced around the room. “It’s pretty slow tonight. Has it been all night?”

  “It got busy for awhile, but the majority has died off.” She tipped her chin at Payten as she tidied up behind the bar. “You a regular here?”

  “Quickly becoming one, it seems. I like it here. It has a nice atmosphere to wind down in after a long day of legally kicking some ass.”

  Robbie smiled. “And what is it you do for a living?”

  “Lawyer, of the blood-sucking type.” Payten winked at her before smirking into her beer.

  “At least you can admit it,” Robbie said with a laugh. “That can’t be easy work, especially for a woman.”

  Payten arched a brow. “I think we have more weapons than we give ourselves credit for. Women, that is.”

  Robbie ditched her housekeeping and leaned against the bar top. “How so?”

  “I saw you watching me when I came in, and the way you surveyed the room when I did.”


  “And I could tell you noticed how most people turned in my direction, their attention lingering possibly longer than it should have.”

  “I did.”

  “I learned long ago to carry my head high and not be afraid to showcase my assets. I exude confidence, and that puts most men on edge and makes most women guarded. They both tend to fear what they perceive as a domineering woman. In most situations, it gives me the advantage.”

  Robbie nodded, the corner of her mouth turning up. “I have to admit, I was briefly one of those women. But I think you’re onto something here.” She pushed off the bar and resumed her duties. “I’ll have to be more careful about how I carry myself, see if I can elicit my own quiet power.”

  “I have no doubt you can.” Payten tipped her glass in an accommodating toast before taking another drink. “So, Robbie, tell me how your interviews are going? Any leads?”

  Robbie was confused, then remembered Payten had been there the other day when she’d come back from her last disastrous meeting. And then, of course, her embarrassing panic attack. Ignoring the existence of the latter event, she responded, “I haven’t had any more since that one you heard about.”

  “No? That’s too bad. What did you go to school for?”

  “Anthropology. The interview was with the Burlington Science and Natural History Museum.” Robbie rolled her eyes. “Unbelievable.”

  “Was it really that terrible?”

  “I thought so. At the time, anyhow. But today I got a call from my professor about it.”

  “And?” Payten smiled, encouragingly.

  “Oh, it’s not what you think.”

  “What isn’t what you think?” Luc asked, coming in from the back room. He didn’t even spare Payten a glance, his focus solely on Robbie.

  “I was just telling Payten that Professor Drennen called me today.”

  Luc shifted his gaze to Payten, then back to Robbie. “You two know each other?”

  “We do now,” Payten said, flashing a bright smile. “Go on, Robbie. What did your professor say?”

  “Well, he confirmed I didn’t get the job—big shocker there. But he did say they were impressed enough with my background that if I’d had any experience, they would’ve offered me the position straight off, even if I’d slept through the interview. As it is, they agreed to follow-up second interview. Reluctantly. But they agreed.”

  “That’s fabulous, Robbie,” Payten beamed.

  “Yeah, babe.” Luc pulled her against his chest, giving her a quick squeeze. “You’ll knock ‘em dead.”

  “We’ll see what happens. I’m not too hopeful, though.” Robbie tipped her head up for a peck on the lips before he pulled away. As she shifted and glanced at Payten, she thought she saw a glint of something hard and calculating in the woman’s eyes. However, a double-take revealed nothing but kindness and genuine delight.

  “You just remember that quiet confidence you have inside you, and I have no doubt you will indeed knock ‘em dead, as our friend here suggests.” Payten emptied her glass in one final swallow.

  Luc’s brow creased as he looked at Payten. It smoothed out when he turned to Robbie. “When’s the interview?”


  He tugged on a lock of her hair. “Be sure to stop by afterwards so you can tell me how it went.”

  “You’ll be here?”

  “Closing down for inventory, just like every other Monday.”

  “Which is a real hardship for your customers, I might add,” Payten said, setting her mug down. She locked eyes with Luc and lifted a delicate shoulder. “Just saying, sweetness.”

  Robbie snickered at his scowl. “Don’t mind him, Payten. He scowls at everyone.”

  “I think I’ve already become immune to it.” Payten dug in her purse, pulled out a couple of bills to toss on the counter. “Are you working here now, Robbie?”

  “Oh, no. Uh uh. Just helping out for the night. Lucky for him”—she gestured to Luc—“I had the night off.”

  “Where do you work?”

  “Been slinging slices at Mario’s since college. I’m the night manager now, but it’s still just slinging slices.”

  “Mario’s. Yeah, I know the place. Best pizza joint in all of Vermont?”

  “That’s what they claim.”

  Payten eased gracefully off the bar stool. “Well, Robbie, it was a great pleasure chatting with you. I wish you the best of luck with your interview.” She flicked a glance at Luc. “Luc. Take care.”

  “Bye, Payten,” Robbie chirped when Luc only stared. “Have a great night.”

  Once Payten was out of sight, Robbie backhanded Luc’s chest. “You really have to work on your people skills, Stretch.”

  “I’m not wasting people skills on her,” he grumbled, grabbing Payten’s empty mug off the counter.

  “Grump.” She banged her hip against his. “Hey, I should really get going myself. I’ve got a staff meeting in the morning. Mandatory attendance.”

  “Okay.” He leaned down to kiss her. “Give me a call tomorrow.”

  “Sure thing, handsome.” She nipped at his lip and dodged his grasp. “No way. If I start with you now, I’ll never leave.”


  “You’ll survive.” She laughed at his gl
are and took a hold of his wrists, pinning them at his side as she brushed her lips against his. “I love you.”

  “Me too.”

  She saw the quick hesitation in his response, the flare of panic in the depth of his eyes, but she decided to keep it light. For now, she had no other choice than to do just that. And as she left the bar, she became absolutely certain that whatever they had going on between them was going to get complicated, and fast.


  Robbie had been on Luc’s mind all fucking morning. He just couldn’t shake her loose. Everything seemed different about her now—more real and alive. Little things he never really took note of before were suddenly fascinating to him. Like the way she bit down on that full bottom lip when she was measuring out a shot at the bar. Or the way her hip would sway out when she’d pivot around from the counter to the cash register. Or even the way her laugh lit up her eyes a moment before you heard it. Simple things like that seemed so important now, and as he noticed them, they’d pull his thoughts in other directions. Like how that full bottom lip felt when they’d kissed, or the grip he’d had on her hips when he’d thrust inside her heat, or the way her green eyes sparked with her orgasm, then clouded over after her release.

  He blew out a breath and adjusted himself. Shit. Maybe he’d invite her over to watch a movie later so he could have at her. He scanned his messy apartment from his position on the couch.

  Maybe her place was a better option.

  His smile came quick as the phone rang, and he snatched it off the end table. “Hey. What’s up?”

  “Now, didn’t I teach you better manners than to answer a phone that way?”

  “Leah?” He snickered and already felt appropriately put in his place. “Sorry. I thought you were Rob.”

  “No excuse. That’s no way to talk to a lady either. Even one you’ve known for half your life.” She laughed lightly. “How is my girl, anyway? I just called her, but she was running out for a bit so we didn’t get to talk much.”

  “Why didn’t she just call you back on her cell? Isn’t that what you females do? Talk on the phone and gossip all damn day?”

  “Shows what you know about women. So, fess up. What’s new in Rob’s life?”

  Luc sank back into the couch, kicked up his feet on the coffee table. “She’s good. Got a second interview on Monday at the museum.”

  “Is that so? And here I thought she bombed the first one.”

  “Apparently, the girl has some damn fine skills. Even with a crap interview and not enough experience, they’re interested in having another go at it.”

  “Well, good for her. It’s comforting to know that a museum isn’t run by a group of idiots. Someone over there sees her true potential.”

  “Seems so.”

  “So…” He heard the prim sound of a throat clearing. “What else is new in her life?”

  Luc waited a beat. “You got something specific you’re fishing for?”

  “Oh, I think you know. She mentioned there may be a—how do I put it?—developing situation between you two.”

  “You could say that.”

  “Luc, a relationship has to be more than just sex. You know that, right?”

  He jolted and sat upright. “She told you?!”

  “No, I just know her well enough to know.”

  He made a pfft sound as he settled back down, guarded in his response. “You don’t know anything.”

  “What am I, deaf? I could hear it in her voice.”

  Luc sighed. “Well, shit.”

  “Don’t hurt her now, Luc.”

  “What am I, stupid?”

  “Touche.” She laughed, then sobered. “I want you to think about this. You have each other’s hearts in your hands, like never before. Take care of each other. Do right by each other.”

  “I know. I will.” But he could feel the heat rising up his neck. Wasn’t that all he could think about? The sex? Everything came back around to that, and Robbie deserved better. Of course there was more to her than that, and he damn well knew it. But he had to make sure she was aware of that fact.

  “Don’t worry. This isn’t all on you. I told her the same thing.”

  “Yeah,” he muttered, absently, his thoughts racing around what he could do to show Robbie how he felt. Saying it wasn’t enough. On the other hand, saying it might be too much.

  “I always knew this day would come. You two are meant to be together. Always have been.”

  “You did?” He considered that. “Seems like everyone knew, except us.”

  “And the fact that you see it now only shows me all the more that you’re ready for this.”

  “Jesus, Leah. Talk about putting pressure on a guy.”

  “Sorry, Lucian. No pressure intended. All right, I better be off. Lawson sends his best, and we’re both looking forward to when you and Robbie can visit again.”

  “Yeah, we’ll have to plan something soon. Tell Lawson I said hey.”

  “You bet. Take care.”

  “Yup. Bye.”

  He held the phone in his hand, tapping the end of it against his chin. After a couple of minutes, he pushed of the couch and began to pace. Finally, he dialed Robbie’s cell.

  “Hey, handsome,” she answered. “How you doing?”

  “Good. Fine. Great.”

  She giggled. “You okay? You sound weirded out or something.”

  “I’m cool. I just wanted to ask you something.”


  He swallowed, listened to the background noises on her end—music turned low, the buzz of traffic, the sound of her directional clicking. “I was wondering if you’ve got plans for tomorrow night.”

  “Nope. Not really.”

  “I was thinking about taking you out to dinner, or something.”

  She paused. “Don’t you have to work?”

  “No,” he snapped. “Why?”

  She drew her words out. “Because it’s Saturday night and you own a bar.”

  “Conrad’s got it covered. So, do you want to, or not?”

  “Well, when you put it like that, who could resist?”

  “Sorry. This is… Maybe this is a bad idea.”

  “Now, wait a minute. I didn’t say that. The fact is, I’d love to have dinner with you. It’s you that doesn’t seem so sure.”

  He stopped pacing and focused. She was right. It was all coming out wrong. He just had to say it. “Robbie, would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow night? I would love it if you could.”


  He let out a breath a bit harder than he’d intended, earning a giggle from Robbie. A sound he ignored. “Great. I’ll pick you up at six. Sound good?”

  “Six works for me. Where are we going?”

  He froze. Shit. “Can’t it be a surprise?”

  “Sure, but you at least have to tell me how to dress.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “If you’re taking me for pizza, I’ll wear jeans. If you’re taking me someplace else, I’ll dress accordingly.”

  “Oh. Someplace nice.”

  “Perfect. I’ll see you at six then.”

  Luc fell back on the couch like a man that had just walked five miles through the desert. This dating crap shouldn’t be so fucking hard.


  Luc tugged impatiently at the knot in his tie as he walked into Robbie’s apartment building. Deciding he would never be comfortable wearing one, he gave up trying to adjust it and rapped his knuckles on her door. A minute later, the door swung open and Luc found himself fighting the urge to drool on his way-too-tight tie.

  Robbie was a vision—absolutely stunning and deliciously irresistible. Her hair was swept off her milky shoulders which were showcased in the dark green spaghetti strap dress. The cut exposed the top mounds of her luscious breasts, begging for his hands and mouth to honor and appreciate. The bodice hugged her slim frame, then streamed over her hips and thighs. When his gaze dragged up to her eyes, he saw the col
or of the dress complimented her eyes, making them appear limitless in their depth.

  He wanted to grab her, devour and ravage, but that would negate the whole purpose of the night; to show her she meant more to him than just a good lay. Of course, a little taste couldn’t hurt. Without saying a word, he hooked his hand around her neck and pulled her in.

  The chemistry between them ignited the moment their lips touched. He felt her hands on him, tempting him as they gripped his shoulders, ran down his back. His own hands roamed, skimming over the surface of her in a mad rush to feel every curve and dip all at once. She moaned as her fingers dived into his hair, her hips pressing against his.

  He broke away with a groan and squeezed his eyes shut, leaning his forehead against hers.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Just trying to get a handle on myself.” He opened his eyes to witness the concern in hers, and he gave her an easy smile. “We should go. We don’t want to miss our reservation.”

  “You don’t want to…” She stiffened, pulled away. “Oh. Okay.”

  How the hell could she look so rejected?! How could she not know how much he wanted her—in every way possible. “Babe, don’t you know how much I want to take you down right now? Jesus, the things you do to me…” He clenched his jaw, fisted his hands to keep them restrained.

  “Then…” Her brow creased as she gestured vaguely into the air.

  “We’ll be late.” He knew it was a lame excuse, but it was the better alternative to admitting why he wouldn’t just fucking take her right then and there.

  She studied him, then smirked playfully before moving in. “We can find another place to eat. If you could just feel how—”

  “Do not finish that sentence unless you want that sexy little dress shredded across your whole damn floor.” She arched her brow when he grabbed her wrists. “Taking you to dinner… This is important to me, Rob.”

  She softened in his grip and smiled. “All right.” Leaning forward, she lightly kissed his cheek. “Let’s go then.”

  Well, godammit. That was all he had to say to get his point across? He stared after her, dumbfounded, before jogging to catch up.

  It was a bit of a drive to The Wine Cellar, and all the while Luc had to force himself to concentrate on the road instead of the scent of Robbie’s perfume…her sinuous movements as she crossed her legs…the sound of her contented sigh as she watched the scenery go by. Small talk helped to distract him. Grinding his teeth helped even more. But the long tortuous journey was well worth seeing her face light up and eyes pop when he pulled into the parking lot.


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