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SIX: A Men of the Strip Anthology

Page 3

by Marie Skye

  Laughing, I place my arm on the mirror behind her and lean in closer. This woman’s got a quick tongue to go with that fine body, always a bonus.

  “But then I’d take away your enjoyment at listening to me, or would you rather watch?” I tease.

  She stiffens and the blush spreads further across her golden skin. Up this close I notice a spattering of freckles dotted about her shoulders that move across her chest, I resist the urge to reach out and discover how much of her body is mapped out with these tiny marks.

  My lips brush against her earlobe as I taunt her, “Or are we not that brave?”

  It’s like something clicks and she remembers where she is— who she is— and placing her hands firmly on my chest and she pushes me away. It seems that my teacher has some moral code about her students, despite this only being a community centre.

  “There’s a big difference between bravery and stupidity Mr Beaumont. Remember that for next time,” she answers as she leaves without hesitation.

  Sofia was going to be a tough egg to crack, but that only made the prize all the more sweet and I was already hooked. I was determined to win her over, the instant chemistry between us was too strong to ignore. She’d brought me out of my haze and instead of feeling like a lost little boy it was like tunnel vision; suddenly I had a focal point. My mission was to get Miss Lopez naked and in my bed, well, her bed because mine is off limits, but naked all the same.


  It takes four more lessons twice a week, filled with banter, innuendos and inappropriate looks before I get fed up of the stalemate. I’ve had enough of eye fucking across the room, especially since I know that she wants me. I’m done waiting for her to throw herself at me like all the others did. It seemed like I was going to have to make the first move so I wait after the session, leaning against the crappy little Polo left in the car park. It was earning me creepy points if nothing else, as I waited, almost completely hidden by shadows.

  In the distance I hear locks turning as she closes up the community hall. Watching her walk towards me is one of the sexiest things I’ve seen— definitely earning me more creeper points as I’m hypnotized by the sway of her hips, the way her lips purse slightly as she tries to put the keys in her bag with one hand. Fuck, even the way she looks in her stupid brown coat is making me hard. This woman is like crack and I think I’m addicted. Her phone rings, she frowns before hitting busy and putting it back in her pocket. If I took four steps forward I’d be standing toe to toe with her, but I don’t.

  I call out, “Go out with me tonight.”

  She doesn’t jump but narrows her eyes at me suspiciously. She moves towards me cautiously, well, towards her car.

  “I don’t go out with my students,” she says calmly, like she’s well practiced at turning down men like me but that’s where she’s wrong, because baby she’s never had anyone like me. I’m one of a kind.

  “I’m not a student,” I say cockily. I am a twenty eight year old man, too fucking old to be taught.

  “You pay me to teach you to dance. What do you call that?” she asks slowly as she tilts her head.

  Chuckling I respond with “Foreplay.”

  She’s quick with her retort, “I feel very sorry for you Mr Beaumont if you have to pay for sex.”

  “No, no… No. Foreplay and sex are very different things. I’d be happy to educate you on the difference one night Miss Lopez. I can stick my dick anywhere I like for free but great foreplay is like a tango, and I’d gladly pay for a worthy dance partner,” I shrug as she stares at me, both horrified and intrigued by my honesty.

  She brushes some imaginary lint off her coat to hide her face, “In that case I’d say you are clearly not worthy of me. I need someone more experienced and you are only a beginner.”

  I snort. This woman has no clue about the things I can do with my body. But she will. Very soon. Sofia Lopez may be making me work for it, but she has no idea what it’s doing to me. It’s like a warmup before a show and trust me, it’s not one you’d want to miss.

  “Look I’m just saying there’s clearly some tension between us. And if you’d just let me into your panties, I could help with that.”

  We’re facing off, barely a finger length of space between us and I can see her thinking it over. Sofia has this amazingly open face when she’s not shutting me down and I can see the cogs turning as she wonders what it’d be like to have sex with me. Then there it is again, falling down like a curtain behind her hazel eyes— the teacher issue, the moral line she’s drawn in the sand.

  She crosses her arms, “Say what you like Sinclair, you're not getting into my 'panties' as you so eloquently put it.”

  “Why? What’re you afraid of?” I ask as I lean down closer. I can almost kiss her from here but she does nothing to move away. It’s the danger zone and Sofia may not like to admit it, but she’s trapped in my web and I’m seconds away from devouring her.

  “I’m not scared. You're just not my type. You're…”

  “What? Devilishly handsome? Alpha male? A fuckboy? I'll take any of above,” I reel off, as I brush her hair away from her neck, my fingertips grazing the soft skin there.

  “Well I don't need any of them,” she whispers as she moves into me. Her eyes glaze over slightly and I can feel her softening towards me as she succumbs to my charms.

  “Now now, no need to lie. We both know you need a good fuck, you're wound tighter than a chastity belt.”

  Flinching she moves away sputtering and blushing. Damn, there goes my charm offensive. I may have just ballsed that one up with my frankness. Women don’t like to be called frigid even though I technically never said it, only implied it.

  “What I need is none of your concern Mr Beaumont.” she asserts, her tone haughty now and I want to kick myself. Definitely ballsed that up.

  “I’m just offering to help you out. To help both of us out,” I say, hoping she’ll change her mind as she unlocks her car door.

  “I think I’ll pass on your generous proposition thanks.”

  With a gentle nudge of her hip she moves me out of her way and without a second look she gets in her car and drives off. This woman is fucking with me, who says no to someone like me? I ooze charm and yet it never seems to stick, rolling off her like water. It’s only in the rare moments I catch her flustered and interested. This hot and cold thing she has going on is only making me more determined to tear through that infallible hardass act.


  It proves impossible to get near her in the next week. Class has become the same thing every lesson— her dancing like some Spanish goddess, every sway of her hips making my mouth water and her doing her best to ignore me as I fuck her with my eyes. It’s part of the build up, I keep telling myself but I feel like some horny kid and to be honest I’m not sure how much longer I can stand the tension. Something's got to give, she can’t avoid me forever.

  “Okay, listen up! I’ve arranged a class trip of sorts,” she calls out, her honey sweet voice invading my scheming. We all watch her wordlessly, waiting to see what she’s got up her sleeve.

  “There’s a Cuban dance club on the outskirts of town. Meet me there tomorrow if you want to practice your techniques in the wild.”

  She hands us each a flyer with an address and a free entry voucher. When she stands before me Sofia begins to blush. This is outside her safe space, the comfort of the dance studio and she knows it. Sofia in the wild is an intoxicating thought and I know I’ll finally be able to crack that armor of hers. There’ll be nowhere for her to hide outside these walls.

  “I’m sure you’re too busy,” she says with a level voice and I know she’s trying to keep me away. She wants me but she doesn’t trust herself, I’ve seen that look so many times before.

  “I’ll be there,” I say bluntly, our fingertips brushing as she hands me the paper.

  Dance clubs are my home turf, I’m a stripper for Christ sake and I can’t think of a better place to seduce my teacher. Share a drink or four, show
her my moves and before midnight and I guarantee she’ll be moaning my name. I leave the class feeling determined; tomorrow Miss Lopez will be mine. I’m not a commitment type of guy, but I’m committed to this. Sofia is a challenge and I will win— I always do.

  I text the guys to see if any of them fancy changing things up at a different club, and to my surprise they all text me back. I’ve been a real shithead to them lately, and sometimes I forget that they have my back. They’ve all called round to my apartment, text me, tried to get me to come to the gym or even out for lunch, but I keep shutting them out. I’m good at that. But tomorrow will be different. Thankfully it was Monday and the club would be closed or else Betty would have my balls for luring away her moneymakers.

  We stride in looking like a macho, hot as fuck boyband. Heads turn and I can practically hear the panties sliding off. The women eye us up like we’re dessert, the most indulgent chocolate and cherry combination you can think of, but fat-free. Motherfucking dessert. As for the men, if looks could kill I’d never have gotten the tip of my dick through the door.

  I spot Sofia easily, it’s like she’s under my skin. I’m beginning to think my body could find her in a storm; even a natural disaster couldn’t hide her from me. There was no escaping her, no escape for her, not until we were both left broken and destroyed in the wreckage.

  She’s standing near the bar with some friends; a greasy looking guy with dark hair keeps leaning in too close every time she speaks. His eyes are glued to her lips, mesmerized by the movement and it makes my blood boil. I can tell she’s talking in Spanish by the way her hands move rapidly and the full bodied shapes her mouth makes as she rolls out the words. The slime ball places his hand around her waist and my fists clench.

  “Dude, let’s at least get one round in before you get us kicked out,” Jag says somewhere to my left.

  He’s got a point, I came here with a plan and I wasn’t about to blow my chance because of some dude with a slick back. I wasn’t after a relationship with the woman, I just wanted in her panties so I don’t know why the sleaze bothered me. We head to the bar and order drinks in. My gaze never leaves her as Sofia smiles up at greaseball and takes his hand, leading him onto the dance floor. Our eyes meet for the briefest moment and I see surprise there, she genuinely wasn’t expecting me to show.

  They take up a position on the dance floor as he snakes one hand around her waist, the other holds her hand, their fingers interlocked as they stand in an embrace. I hate that fucker for putting his hands on her. I down my beer. The lights dim creating this spotlight on them, caressing their entwined figures as they wait for the music to start. People begin to shuffle away from the dance floor, giving them space.

  A slow beat starts to thrum, vibrations coming up through the floor and I already know this is going to be bad. His body dips hers slightly as they face away from each other, their joined hands pointing skywards like they’re praying. He twirls her slowly, leisurely enjoying as he pulls her back into him, her body flush with his. I go to step forward without thinking but Dallas places his big beefy hand on my chest to stop me. The tempo changes slightly, speeding up like my racing heart and I can feel anger growing in the pit of my stomach. Their bodies become a blur as they move seamlessly with each other, the steps anticipated, well rehearsed. He spins her out but their fingertips still touch as she swivels and drops low, rocking her hips as she comes back up. He pulls her in tight again and Sofia kicks up, revealing just how big the split in her dress is as she wraps her leg around him and he dips her again, keeping a firm hold on her waist.

  My rage is barely containable as she drops between his legs, his arms hooked under her as she rises kicking her legs out. These Spanish slut drops were killing me and if that dickwad kept looking at Sofia like he was fucking her, well then he was about to lose his front teeth. The back ones too while I was at it. I exhale slowly, Dallas’ hand still on me as we’re all watching entranced by the way their bodies move together. I was watching their foreplay and I was torn between being horny as hell and mad as fuck. This is what she meant when she said I wasn’t on her level, but that was in her world. I had a few moves of my own and I’d dare her to call me an amateur afterwards.

  He twirls her again, dips her quickly and holds her close as the music fades. When neither of them moves away, they just stand gazing into each other's eyes in the middle of the floor I know it's over. No more Mister Nice Guy.

  I storm over to them. Dallas doesn’t stop me this time and Jag is silent, August shrugs as Darius and Gio just grin slyly at me. They know that I’m beyond words. I’m furious. I’m a man consumed. They’ve never seen me like this and they’re not sure what to do. This woman has refused me, has turned me down multiple times, but I see the looks she gives me. I see the way she bites down on that bottom lip as she imagines the things I can do to her. I can read her lies with each and every ‘no’. Then she invites me here, and flaunts some other guy in my face, practically humping him on the dance floor. I’m not going to take that lying down. Let her try to deny what she feels tonight, I fucking dare her. Sofia is mine, she just doesn’t realize it yet.

  She mumbles, her cheeks flushed from her dance, “Beaumont. I didn’t think you’d come.”

  “I told you I’d be here,” I say calmly, not breaking eye contact. “Who the fuck is this dick?”

  “Excuse me?” he sputters, leaning in towards her but she subtly shifts away from his slimy fingers.

  “Sinclair…” she says, looking guilty and confused.

  “I think you should leave,” he says dismissing me before turning to her, “Sofia, ¿Quién es?”

  “Shut it greaseball. I’m talking to her,” I say, pushing him from between us.

  He squares up to me, his chest almost touching mine. It’s laughable really; I’m almost half a foot taller and broader than him. I fucking dwarf him. We glare at each other and I can see him considering his moves but realistically, he doesn’t stand a chance.

  “Mateo it’s fine. He’s from my dance class. You can go now, I’ll see you later,” she says softly and he leaves, eyeing us up from by the bar. I’m more than just her student. She knows it, I know it. I can’t wait to get between her legs because I need this hold she has over me to be broken. I need to fuck her out of my mind. And she will not be seeing him later. I’ll make sure of that.

  “We need to talk.” I say firmly as people start to fill the dance floor, another song starting.

  “Not here, out the back,” she replies as she turns and weaves through the crowd. I follow her willingly as she ducks through a door and I turn to look back at the guys. They’re busy drinking and chatting up some pretty mamacita’s, but Gio gives me a thumbs up as I go outside. They must think I’ve lost it. Sinclair Beaumont does not get this hung up over pussy, but here I was.

  Standing with her hands on her hips in the alleyway, she glares at me like I’m the one in the wrong. The dim glow from a nearby street light is all we have, casting shadows across our standoff. I look at her, my arms crossed and I wait.

  “Joder! What was that?” She shouts, I have no idea what ‘joder’ is but I can guess.

  “Simple: jealousy.” I state calmly, I’m not going to lose my shit just yet.

  My answer clearly floors her as she stutters, “Wha―a―t?”

  “You are mine” I step towards her, “You’ve been keeping me at arms length, pushing me away but we both know you want me.”

  “I uh…”

  I take another step forward, she steps away. Suddenly she’s backed against the wall with nowhere to go and nowhere to hide what she feels for me.

  “You’ve wanted me since we first met. You like what I am, my brand of filth, sex and savagery and you try to deny what’s between us because you’re afraid.”

  “Sin, you’re my student,” she murmurs weakly.

  “We’ve been over this Sofia. I’m the big bad wolf and I’m about to blow your house down so there’ll be nowhere left to hide. You are mine.” />
  She gulps as I reach out and run a fingertip down the column of her neck. She shivers beneath my touch but I see her eyes widen and her breathing quicken. I know what desire is, recognize need when I see it. I’m an old pro when it comes to this, but with her it’s different, she isn’t the only one struggling. I’m fighting with myself to draw this out. I don’t want it to be pleasure for pleasure's sake. I want to enjoy every fucking moment. Every look, every soft sigh and every wave of ecstasy is going to be mine.

  Her mouth transfixes me; those perfect, bee-stung, irresistible lips that have been taunting me for weeks, I’m dying to taste but I wait. I lean in close, our bodies touching but barely and I whisper into her ear, keeping my voice low “Say no and I’ll leave.”

  She lets out a groan, obviously torn between her obligations and her own desire and I relish it. It’s like music to my ears as I nibble gently on her earlobe. My tongue flicks out, and I know she’s thinking about all the other things I can do with my mouth because it’s the same thing that’s been on my mind since we got here.

  I cup her breasts through her dress before finding her nipples and pinching hard. Another moan, this one deeper as she arches into me. Still she doesn’t deny me. My right hand skims down her body, over the curve of her hip and to the split in her dress. I look into her hazel eyes, but she says nothing, her mouth forming a soft ‘o’ as my hand glides under the fabric and onto her thigh.

  My fingers brush up against her panties before slipping inside. I slide two fingers inside her and the wetness I find makes me so hard I feel like my dick is going to burst out of my jeans. She’s so fucking tight as I move inside her, my thumb taunting her clit. My other hand is still on her tit, working her up into a frenzy through the flimsy material.


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