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SIX: A Men of the Strip Anthology

Page 22

by Marie Skye

  “Don’t… please,” she whispered, looking back at me. Her big brown eyes met mine, as her hand gripped mine tighter. “We can do this. We can be quiet. Please. Darius,” she pleaded with me. I paused when she said Darius. Her other hand reached around and squeezed my cock, and I let out a groan.

  Before I had time to even tell myself that this was a bad idea, I was already unzipping my pants, turning her around and lining her hips up, exactly how I wanted her. I used one hand to cover her mouth and slid my cock through her wetness, each time teasing her clit. Each time I went over her entrance, she tried pushing back to get me to push in, and I slapped her hard on the ass, my grip around her mouth tightened to muffle her cry. I stilled to listen for any movement outside the door, before leaning in and biting the shell of her ear, and she shuddered. “Don’t fucking move, I won’t say it again.” I didn’t give her time to nod before I pushed forward, and I swear my eyes rolled in the back of my head. I had to bite my own bottom lip, to muffle my own groan. I snaked my other arm around her, pulling her closer to me. Each thrust brought her up on the tip of her toes, and she let out a tiny whimper with each force.

  “Right here?” I growled in her ear. “Is this where I belong? Tell me this is where I belong.” She softly moaned as she reached out to steady herself on one of the shelves. The palm of my hand rubbing roughly against that swollen clit I not only ached for, but I've been denying myself from, every fucking night, since I found out she was my fucking student. Her breathing became ragged, as she started to clench tighter around me. Even with both of us so wound up, our ears pricked at the voices just outside the door.

  I rubbed her clit faster. “Come,” I growled in her ear.

  She shook her head vigorously, as she grasped my hand from her mouth. “We need to stop, they’ll hear us,” she looked back at me frantic, before looking back at the door.

  “Then you better come quick,” I slammed into her harder, this time pinching her clit, and rubbing her greedy nub between my fingers. She softly moaned, and I turned her head toward mine and crushed my mouth to hers, as her pussy clamped around me. My balls tightened, and I barely made it in time as I pulled out, and stroked my release in the palm of my hand.

  My eyes were shut as I muttered a string of curses, when another warm hand closed over mine. I slowly opened my eyes, as Danielle’s hand worked with mine to finish me off. She gave me a small smile. Right when I was about to think how this shouldn’t have happened, she did the unthinkable. She opened my cum filled hand, lifted it to her mouth and licked it clean.

  I could’ve come all over again just seeing that. She had a wicked gleam in her eyes when she was done. Not only was that the hottest fucking thing I’d ever seen… but she just fucking ruined everything.

  “Yeah, I thought I did.”

  We both looked to the door at the voice that came from the other side. I quickly tucked myself in and straightened up. I pointed around the corner, and she ducked around the corner with barely a second before the door opened, and I had just stepped on the footstool. Smith peeked in, before looking up at me.

  “Oh, hey Mr. Knight. I didn’t know you were in here. I was looking for Danielle. Someone thought they saw her come in here.”

  I grabbed a few old dusty binders off the top shelf. “I don’t know why you wouldn’t know I was in here; I walked right past you to get in here.” I focused on dusting off one of the binders, and he gave an annoying awkward laugh. I finally turned to him. “Was there something else you needed, or were you going to help? I’m finally getting around to cleaning out this closet. Seems your other instructor was a bit of a hoarder.” I held up a broken globe. Some of it was pieced together with masking tape. He crinkled his nose.

  “Maybe another time, I have practice.”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Perhaps another time then.” I went back to pretending like I cared about the organization of this room. Although I probably should give it a run through at some point. After he left, I finally took a deep breath and peered around the corner. Not only was Danielle still crouched in the corner hiding, but she had dozed off. I couldn’t help but watch at how beautiful she looked. I sighed, as I once again told myself we shouldn’t be doing this. We can’t be doing this. It’s for the best. And then I made myself wake her up, and said those exact words out loud. Her eyes glistened, and chin quivered. I balled my hands into fists and stuffed them in my pockets to prevent myself from reaching out to touch her.

  The last sound was the door slamming after she left. A pocket of dust flying around me. I deserved her hate, and so much more.


  “Do you have a minute?”

  I paused and looked over my shoulder. “What’s up Sinnamon?” He rolled his eyes. He hated when I called him that, which was the very reason I did it, which made it even more fun. “We’re all chipping in for Betty’s birthday present, you know how she refuses to tell us exactly when it is, but we think it’s always been…” before he could even finish, I was already shoving three one-hundred-dollar bills into his hand.

  “Let me know if you need more. You know that woman is a mom to all of us. Whatever she needs, you never have to ask. Just tell me what you need and you know I’ll hand it over.” He nodded as I headed out. Betty was like a mom, especially since I didn’t have my own. No matter how many times she gave me shit and lectured me; I knew she always did it out of love. She’s who I went to, when I couldn’t get my shit together. She’s the one that encouraged me to finish school and pursue teaching. Without her sass and a few smacks upside my head to get her point across, who knows what I would be doing these days.

  I stopped by her office and peered in. She was at her desk, with her red-rimmed glasses, hair piled high, red lipstick, and hooker Barbie blue eyeshadow.

  “I can hear you breathing from here, what did you do now?”

  I smirked. She didn’t even have to look at me, to know it was me at the door. “I was just coming to say hi. It’s been a bit since I’ve seen you.” I casually strolled in, and she finally peered at me over her glasses, with one perfectly arched eyebrow raised.

  “And what shit hell have you gotten yourself into now?” She narrowed her eyes as she looked me up and down. “Don’t tell me it’s one of them girls out there. You know the rules.”

  I sat in the chair in front of her. “Yes ma’am, I know the rules, and no, it’s not. But, it is complicated.” I sighed, running my hand through my hair. “It’s more than complicated…it’s just, very dangerous.”

  She relaxed in her chair and stared at me a bit, before shaking her head. “Since when did anything being dangerous stand in your way?” She tilted that eyebrow again, before going back to whatever she was doing before I walked in here, which was her normal way of dismissing me. And yet, she had a point.


  I gathered the day’s lessons and went over the syllabus for the hundredth time. I stared at the empty seat that would soon be filled with the presence of Danielle. The doors to the main entrance were opened, and the students started to file in. I once again made sure my sleeves were down, and checked my cufflinks. As the students filed in, I pulled my professional demeanor back on. But, the moment Danielle walked in the room, all of that went to shit.

  Like the puppy dog he was, Smith came running after her. I tried so damn hard to act uninterested in two high schoolers talking about whatever high schoolers talked about. But that couldn’t have been further from the truth. Class started, and even with me lecturing, I couldn’t help but be distracted by Smith’s constant attention to Danielle. I even purposely fucked with him a few times, and the fucker had the audacity to answer each question correctly, which made me even more irate. Cocky fuck.

  I ended up dismissing class early, just to get him out of my face. I watched as he said a few more things to Danielle, and she nodded along. Then I caught the tail end of the conversation. “Great, I’ll pick you up Friday then.” That’s when I tensed. I watched the both of them leave the room together
. What the fuck was I supposed to do? Demand her to come back and tell me what the fuck he was talking about, oh, and also tell her that she shouldn’t be going anyfuckingwhere with him. Actually, yeah that’s exactly what I was going to do.

  Before I could reach the door, that annoying as fuck teacher that was practically in heat around me, met me instead. “Mr. Knight, good I caught you.” I tried to blatantly ignore how each time she was around, she made a point to talk using her tits.

  “Miss Barkley, I was just on my way out.” I made a show of grabbing my things, as a hint, but since that never made an impact on her; I might as well have been jerking myself off on my desk.

  “I just need a minute. The dance is this weekend; you’ll chaperone, right? I could really use you; we just need some extra eyes. Nothing too over the top.” She paused and looked me up and down. “Besides, I’m sure you’ll look amazing in a suit.”

  I thought for a second. “Is the dance Friday?”

  She laughed as if I just said the funniest fucking joke ever. “Of course, silly, everyone’s been talking about it.” She kept talking, and I tuned her out. So that’s where Smith is taking Danielle. To the fucking dance. But, I wasn’t jealous he was taking her to a fucking dance. I was jealous that he was able to be out with her, and no one would ask questions. No one would think twice. If I stepped out with her, not only would people talk, but I would lose my job, and who knows what would be said about Danielle. I didn’t give a fuck what they said or did about me. It was her I was worried about. It’s her I worried about, with what they would say, or hell even do to her.

  I sighed, cutting Miss Barkley off. “Yes, I’ll be there. Just email me the details.”

  I didn’t have time to talk with Danielle. I had to get to SIX for Betty’s birthday party. As per usual, I was the solo one there. Even Betty had a date… to the party she “supposedly” knew nothing about, because she was the one that planned this weird as fuck party. Everyone was having a great time, yet no one was questioning the fact that people were walking around wearing animal heads. I’ve seen some weird fucking shit, but this one was definitely in the top five.

  I watched from a table, as a friend of Betty’s got up on stage, dead set on showing us her special skills. We had a stripper pole set up for tonight’s special occasion. God help us all.

  “It’s a beer, not a tit.” I glanced up at Big D, as he limped over and took a seat next to me. “You’ve been nursing that beer all night. It’s gotta taste like warm piss by now.”

  I shrugged, putting my beer down. “Just a long week.”

  He eyed me, before taking a long sip. “See all the beautiful women we invited.” He waved around the room. “Where’s yours?”

  I cleared my throat, taking an equally long sip of my beer. “What makes you think I have someone?”

  He gave me a pointed stare. “You no longer fuck the clients, you immediately leave every night, and you’re constantly checking your phone and smiling at the fucking thing. I mean unless you’re texting Jag’s mom or some shit, because you know I heard she was fucking hot, in which yeah, I’d be fucking texting her too, plus rumor has it that you and her…”

  I cut him off, “I’m not texting Jagger’s mom!” I looked over at Jagger, to see if he was listening. Him, Gio, and August were taking body shots off of someone laying across the bar table, wearing a gigantic bunny head. What the fuck kind of party was this!? We are not doing this again! I waved around the room. “Any of this creeping you out? Or are we just pretending to ignore it?”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “Oh yeah, creepy as fuck. I always knew Betty was into some fucked up shit.”

  After that, I told Big D all about Danielle. It felt good to finally be able to tell someone. He listened and didn’t interrupt. When I was done, I took a deep breath, as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. He stared at me a moment, not saying anything. If I knew Big D, this was his moment right before he got all philosophical. He looked at me and opened his mouth, and burped. I rolled my eyes and started to get up, and he laughed, pushing me back down.

  “Age is just a number. She sounds beyond mature, and you practically grew up together, even if you barely uttered two words to her. If you love her, like you say you do, then…”

  I held up my hand. “I never said I loved her.”

  He slowly smiled before standing up. “Sure, you didn’t.” He hit me extra hard on the back, causing me to move forward. Fucking dick. He paused before looking back at me. “By the way, you didn’t deny fucking Jag’s mom.” He walked away laughing before I could offer any sort of defense.

  The rest of the night, I tried to act like I was having fun. Or at least, pretended to. I looked at the last message I sent to Danielle two hours ago. She still hasn’t responded. And with two percent battery left, I wouldn’t know tonight.

  I finally put my warm beer aside, made a final round, and took my sorry ass home, where I could sulk properly, and wish the girl that I really wanted was in bed next to me every night.


  I awoke the next morning, not feeling any different. I checked my phone, and saw there was a text message from Danielle. It held three words, and those three words said so fucking much.

  I was on robot mode the rest of the week. The closer the dance came, the worst I got. Smith was spending more and more time with Danielle. Where did that leave me? Letting it happen. They should be spending time together. Danielle should be around someone closer to her age, even if he is a stupid fuck that would never amount to anything in life. I should probably be around someone that was more fitting for my age. Like…that teacher whose name I could never remember. She’s nice, sweet, always bouncy and shit. Looks like she…flosses.

  Danielle was even doing a great job of avoiding me. The few times our eyes did meet, she would look away first. I found myself purposely staring. Just waiting for her to look at me, and when she did, I smiled, and she’d immediately blush, before looking away. Or when she’d see me walking down the hall, she’d turn the other way, or would suddenly pick up a conversation with whatever random student was nearby.

  And now, here it was Friday. The stupid school dance, and since I was part of the faculty, I was here early, and had the undaunted task of picture taking. It was going boringly well until Smith and Danielle arrived. For some reason, it didn’t cross my mind that I had to take their picture… together, until Smith walked over. I noticed how he didn’t even bother to hold her hand, but rather expected her to follow him, while he nodded to everyone, as if he was a big fucking deal, and she just a mere dog he picked up off the side of the road, and therefore should act grateful she was even in his presence. Fucking prick.

  “Yo! Mr. Knight. Pictures.” He snapped his fingers. He snapped his fucking fingers, and I was oh so happy to break each and every one of those fucking fingers. I also reminded myself I was on school grounds.

  I arched a brow. “Right. We need your signatures here.” I handed him the cards. He looked behind him - waving Danielle over - still treating her like she was a fucking mutt.

  My eyes slowly traveled up her body, while she waited her turn. Her dress was a dark blood red that flared at the bottom. It had a small V-neck, and the top fitted off the shoulders. With her dark hair and dark red lips to match the dress, it gave her an almost Goth look, yet she was pure elegance. When my eyes met hers, she didn’t waver them away this time. As soon as Smith turned and walked away, I gave her a small nod. “You’re exquisite.”

  She gasped, as she took the pen, and my fingers lightly touched her. “Thank you,” she whispered. She was shaking as she filled out her card, and then seemed to briefly hesitate before going to stand next to Smith. Her body language was all off. If there was any clear indication she didn’t want to be anywhere near him, her standing next to him said it all right there.

  He pulled her close, and at the same time her body tensed, my hands balled into fists. It was obvious not only did she not want to be anywhere near him, but
she sure as fuck didn’t want that maggot touching her. I didn’t want him touching her either. I took two calming deep breaths before taking a few pictures, making sure to purposely cut him out of it, due to a slight ‘camera malfunction’; and then watched him drag her into the dance room.

  Most of the night, I stood on the sideline and watched Smith ignore Danielle. In retrospect, that would’ve been fine by me, but that did nothing but piss me the fuck off. He didn’t deserve to have her by his side. She was miserable, and all I wanted to do was go to her. I didn’t think I would get the chance to be alone with her, when the opportunity finally presented itself when she snuck out a side entrance. I waited a moment to see if anyone would follow after her, before I too finally slipped out.

  I kept a distance back to not draw any type of attention. We were just two separate individuals, on two separate walks. When she reached the greenhouse, I took a small detour to still keep up the distraction. I stood by a tree, and had a small debate with myself. I could turn around and go back to this lame ass party and continue to sulk about my life, or I can go in and claim what I want. I could claim what’s mine.

  I went inside.


  “I don’t want you with anyone else.” She looked over her shoulder at me; eyes widened at seeing me. I stepped closer. “I mean it,” I clarified. “Not with anyone, and especially not with that son of a bitch out there.” I motioned behind me.

  She cleared her throat, before slowly licking her lips. She studied me carefully. Whether she knew it or not, no matter what I said a few seconds ago didn’t mean shit, and we both knew it. It was just talk, all talk. It’s what she says now, is all that matters. She knew I was giving her everything. I fucked up, not her, and I was willing to risk it.


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