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Three Classic SF Novels: Plague Ship; Operation Terror; The Lani People

Page 11

by Andre Norton, Murray Leinster, J. F. Bone

  There was a sudden silence in the cabin-the demand had stopped. The agents below must now have realized that the ship with the distress signals blazing on her nose was not going to reply. Dane found he could not watch the visa plate now, Rip's hands about their task filled his whole range of sight.

  He knew that Shannon was using every bit of his skill and knowledge to jockey them into the position where they could ride their tail rockets down to the scorched rock of the E-Stat field. Perhaps it wasn't as smooth a landing as Jellico could have made. But they did it. Rip's hands were quiet, again that patch of darkness showed on the back of his tunic. He made no move from his seat.

  “Secure—” Ali's voice floated up to them.

  Dane unbuckled his safety webbing and got up, looking to Shannon for orders. This was Rip's plan they were to carry through. Then something moved him to give honor where it was due. He touched that bowed shoulder before him.

  “Fin landing, brother! Four points and down!"

  Rip glanced up, a grin made him look his old self. “Ought to have a recording of that for the Board when I go up for my pass-through."

  Dane matched his smile. “Too bad we didn't have someone out there with a tri-dee machine."

  “More likely it'd be evidence at our trial for piracy—” their words must have reached Ali on the ship's inter-com, for his deflating reply came back, to remind them of why they had made that particular landing. “Do we move now?"

  “Check first,” Rip said into the mike.

  Dane looked at the visa-plate. Against a background of jagged rock teeth was the bubble of the E-Stat housing-more than three-quarters of it being in the hollowed out sections below the surface of the miniature world which supported it, as Dane knew. But a beam of light shown from the dome to center on the grounded Queen. They had not caught the Stat agents napping.

  They made the rounds of the spacer, checking on each of the semi-conscious men. Ali had ready the artificial oxgy tanks-they must move fast once they began the actual task of clearing and restocking the hydro.

  “Hope you have a good story ready,” he commented as the other three joined him by the hatch to don the suits which would enable them to cross the airless, heatless surface of the asteroid.

  “We have a poisoned hydro,” Dane said.

  “One look at the plants we dump will give you the lie. They won't accept our story without investigation."

  Dane was aroused. Did Ali think he was a stupid as all that? “If you'd take a look in there now you'd believe me,” he snapped.

  “What did you do?” Ali sounded genuinely interested.

  “Chucked a heated can of lacoil over a good section. It's wilting down fast in big patches."

  Rip snorted. “Good old lacoil. You drink it, you wash in it, and now you kill off the Hydro with it. Maybe we can give the company an extra testimonial for the official jabber and collect when we hit Terra. All right-Weeks,” he spoke to the little man, “you listen in on the com-it's tuned to our helmet units. We'll climb into these pipe suits and see how many tears we can wring out of the Eysies with our sad, sad tale."

  They got into the awkward, bulky suits and squeezed into the hatch while Weeks slammed the lock door at their backs and operated the outer opening. Then they were looking out across the ground, still showing signs of the heat of their landing, and lighted by the dome beam.

  “Nobody hurrying out with an aid and comfort kit,” Rip's voice sounded in Dane's earphones. “A little slack aren't they?"

  Slack-or was it that the Eysies had recognized the Queen and was preparing the sort of welcome the remnant of her crew could not withstand? Dane, wanting very much in his heart to be elsewhere, climbed down the ladder in Rip's wake, both of them spotlighted by the immovable beam from the Stat dome.

  * * *


  Measured in distance and time that rough walk in the ponderous suits across the broken terrain of the asteroid was a short one, measured by the beating of his own heart, Dane thought it much too long. There was no sign of life by the air lock of the bubble-no move on the part of the men stationed there to come to their assistance.

  “D'you suppose we're invisible?” Ali's disembodied voice clicked in the helmet earphones.

  “Maybe we'll wish we were,” Dane could not forego that return.

  Rip was almost to the air lock door now. His massively suited arm was outstretched toward the control bar when the com-unit in all three helmets caught the same demand:

  “Identify!” The crisp order had enough snap to warn them that an answer was the best policy.

  “Shannon-A-A of the Polestar,” Rip gave the required information. “We claim E rights—"

  But would they get them? Dane wondered. There was a click loud in his ears. The metal door was yielding to Rip's hand. At least those on the inside had taken off the lock. Dane quickened pace to join his leader.

  Together the three from the Queen crowded through the lock door, saw that swing shut and seal behind them, as they stood waiting for the moment they could discard the suits and enter the dome. The odds against them could not be too high, this was a small Stat. It would not house more than four agents at the most. And they were familiar enough with the basic architecture of such stations to know just what move to make. Ali was to go to the com room where he could take over if they did meet with trouble. Dane and Rip would have to handle any dissenters in the main section. But they still hoped that luck might ride their fins and they could put over a story which would keep them out of active conflict with the Eysies.

  The gauge on the wall registered safety and they unfastened the protective clasps of the suits. Standing the cumbersome things against the wall as the inner door to the lock rolled back, they walked into Eysie territory.

  As Free Traders they had the advantage of being uniformly tunicked-with no Company badge to betray their ship or status. So that could well be the “Polestar” standing needle slim behind them-and not the notorious “Solar Queen.” But each, as he passed through the inner lock, gave a hitch to his belt which brought the butt of his sleep rod closer to hand. Innocuous as that weapon was, in close quarters its effects, if only temporary, was to some purpose. And since they were prepared for trouble, they might have a slight edge over the Eysies in attack.

  A Company man, his tunic shabby and open in a negligent fashion at his thick throat, stood waiting for them. His unhelmeted head was grizzled, his coarse, tanned face with heavy jowls bristly enough to suggest he had not bothered to use smooth-cream for some days. An under officer of some spacer, retired to finish out the few years before pension in this nominal duty-fast letting down the standards of personal regime he had had to maintain on ship board. But he wasn't all fat and soft living, the glance with which he measured them was shrewdly appraising.

  “What's your trouble?” he demanded without greeting. “You didn't I-dent coming in."

  “Coms are out,” Rip replied as shortly. “We need E-Hydro—"

  “First time I ever heard it that the coms were wired in with the grass,” the Eysies's hands were on his hips-in close proximity to something which made Dane's eyes narrow. The fellow was wearing a flare-blaster! That might be regulation equipment for an E-Stat agent on a lonely asteroid-but he didn't quite believe it. And probably the other was quick on the draw too.

  “The coms are something else,” Rip answered readily. “Our tech is working on them. But the hydro's bad all though. We'll have to dump and restock. Give you a voucher on Terra for the stuff."

  The Eysie agent continued to block the doorway into the station. “This is private-I-S property. You should hit the Patrol post-they cater to you F-Ts."

  “We hit the nearest E-Stat when we discovered that we were contaminated,” Rip spoke with an assumption of patience. “That's the law, and you know it. You have to supply us and take a voucher—"

  “How do I know that your voucher is worth the film it's recorded on?” asked the agent reasonably.<
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  “All right,” Rip shrugged. “If we have to do it the hard way, we'll cargo dump to cover your bill."

  “Not on this field.” The other shook his head. “I'll flash in your voucher first."

  He had them, Dane thought bitterly. Their luck had run out. Because what he was going to do was a move they dared not protest. It was one any canny agent would make in the present situation. And if they were what they said they were, they must readily agree to let him flash their voucher of payment to I-S headquarters, to be checked and okayed before they took the hydro stock.

  But Rip merely registered a mild resignation. “You the Com-tech? Where's your unit? I'll indit at once if you want it that way."

  Whether their readiness to co-operate allayed some of the agent's suspicion or not, he relaxed some, giving them one more stare all around before he turned on his heel. “This way."

  They followed him down the narrow hall, Rip on his heels, the others behind.

  “Lonely post,” Rip commented. “I'd think you boys'd get space-whirly out here."

  The other snorted. “We're not star lovers. And the pay's worth a three month stretch. They take us down for Terra leave before we start talking to the Whisperers."

  “How many of you here at a time?” Rip edged the question in casually.

  But the other might have been expecting it by the way he avoided giving a direct answer. “Enough to run the place-and not enough to help you clean out your wagon,” he was short about it. “Any dumping you do is strictly on your own. You've enough hands on a spacer that size to manage—"

  Rip laughed. “Far be it from me to ask an Eysie to do any real work,” was his counter. “We know all about you Company men—"

  But the agent did not take fire at that jib. Instead he pushed back a panel and they were looking into com-unit room where another man in the tunic of the I-S lounged on what was by law twenty-four hour duty, divided into three watches.

  “These F-Ts want to flash a voucher request through,” their guide informed the tech. The other, interested, gave them a searching once-over before he pushed a small scriber toward Rip.

  “It's all yours-clear ether,” he reported.

  Ali stood with his back to the wall and Dane still lingered in the portal. Both of them fixed their attention on Rip's left hand. If he gave the agreed upon signal! Their fingers were linked loosely in their belts only an inch or so from their sleep rods.

  With his right hand Rip scooped up the scribbler while the Com-tech half turned to make adjustments to the controls, picking up a speaker to call the I-S headquarters.

  Rip's left index finger snapped across his thumb to form a circle. Ali's rod did not even leave his belt, it tilted up and the invisible deadening stream from it centered upon the seated tech. At the same instant Dane shot at the agent who had guided them there. The latter had time for a surprised grunt and his hand was at his blaster as he sagged to his knees and then relaxed on the floor. The Tech slumped across the call board as if sleep had overtaken him at his post.

  Rip crossed the room and snapped off the switch which opened the wire for broadcasting. While Ali, with Dane's help, quietly and effectively immobilized the Eysies with their own belts.

  “There should be at least three men here,” Rip waited by the door. “We have to get them all under control before we start work."

  However, the interior of the bubble, extending as it did on levels beneath the outer crust of the asteroid, was not an easy place to search. An enemy, warned of the invasion, could easily keep ahead of the party from the Queen, spying on them at his leisure or preparing traps for them. In the end, afraid of wasting time, they contented themselves with locking the doors of the corridor leading to the lower levels, making ready to raid the storeroom they had discovered during their search.

  Emergency hydro supplies consisted mainly of algae which could be stored in tanks and hastily put to use-as the plants now in the Queen took much longer to grow even under forcing methods. Dane volunteered to remain inside the E-Stat and assemble the necessary containers at the air lock while the other two, having had more experience, went back to the spacer to strip the hydro and prepare to switch contents.

  But, when Rip and Ali left, the younger Cargo-apprentice began to find the bubble a haunted place. He took the sealed containers out of their storage racks, stood them on a small hand truck, and pushed them to the foot of the stairs, up which he then climbed carrying two of the cylinders at a time.

  The swish of the air current through the narrow corridors made a constant murmur of sound, but he found himself listening for something else, for a footfall other than his own, for the betraying rasp of clothing against a wall-for even a whisper of voice. And time and time again he paused suddenly to listen-sure that the faintest hint of such a sound had reached his ears. He had a dozen containers lined up when the welcome signal reached him by the com-unit of his field helmet. To transfer the cylinders to the lock, get out, and then open the outer door, did not take long. But as he waited he still listened for a sound which did not come-the notice, that someone besides himself was free to move about the Stat.

  Not knowing just how many of the supply tins were needed, he worked on transferring all there were in the storage racks to the upper corridor and the lock. But he still had half a dozen left to pass through when Rip sent a message that he was coming in.

  Out of his pressure suit, the Astrogator-apprentice stepped lightly into the corridor, looked at the array of containers and shook his head.

  “We don't need all those. No, leave them—” he added as Dane, with a sigh, started to pick up two for a return trip. “There's something more important just now—” He turned into the side hall which led to the com room.

  Both the I-S men had awakened. The Com-tech appeared to accept his bonds philosophically. He was quiet and flat on his back, staring pensively at the ceiling. But the other agent had made a worm's progress half across the room and Rip had to halt in haste to prevent stepping on him.

  Shannon stooped and, hooking his fingers in the other's tunic, heaved him back while the helpless man favored them with some of the ripest speech-and NOT Trade Lingo-Dane had ever heard. Rip waited until the man began to run down and then he broke in with his pleasant soft drawl.

  “Oh, sure, we're all that. But time runs on, Eysie, and I'd like a couple of answers which may mean something to you. First-when do you expect your relief?"

  That set the agent off again. And his remarks-edited-were that no something, something F-T was going to get any something, something information out of him!

  But it was his companion in misfortune-the Com-tech-who guessed the reason behind Rip's question.

  “Cut jets!” he advised the other. “They're just being soft-hearted. I take it,” he spoke over the other agent's sputtering to Rip, “that you're worried about leaving us fin down-That's it, isn't it?"

  Rip nodded. “In spite of what you think about us,” he replied, “We're not Patrol Posted outlaws—"

  “No, you're just from a plague ship,” the Com-tech remarked calmly. And his words struck his comrade dumb. “Solar Queen?"

  “You got the warn-off then?"

  “Who didn't? You really have plague on board?” The thought did not appear to alarm the Com-tech unduly. But his fellow suddenly heaved his bound body some distance away from the Free Traders and his face displayed mixed emotions-most of them fearful.

  “We have something-probably supplied,” Rip straightened. “Might pass along to your bosses that we know that. Now suppose you tell me about your relief. When is it due?"

  “Not until after we take off on the long orbit if you leave us like this. On the other hand,” the other added coolly, “I don't see how you can do otherwise. We've still got those—” with his chin he pointed to the com-unit.

  “After a few alterations,” Rip amended. The bulk of the com was in a tightly sealed case which they would need a flamer to open. But he could and did wreak havoc with the expose
d portions. The tech watching this destruction spouted at least two expressions his companion had not used. But when Rip finished he was his unruffled self again.

  “Now,” Rip drew his sleep rod. “A little rest and when you wake it will all be a bad dream.” He carefully beamed each man into slumber and helped Dane strip off their bonds. But before he left the room he placed on the recorder the voucher for the supplies they had taken. The Queen was not stealing-under the law she still had some shadow of rights.

  Suited they crossed the rough rock to the ship. And there about the fins, already frozen into brittle spikes was a tangle of plants-the rich result of years of collecting.

  “Did you find anything?” Dane asked as they rounded that mess on their way to the ladder.

  Rip's voice came back through the helmet com. “Nothing we know how to interpret. I wish Frank or Craig had had a chance to check. We took tri-dees of everything before we dumped. Maybe they can learn something from these when—"

  His voice trailed off leaving that “when” to ring in both their minds. It was such an important “when.” When would either the steward or the Medic recover enough to view those tri-dee shots? Or was that “when” really an ominous “if?"

  Back in the Queen, sealed once more for blast-off, they took their stations. Dane speculated as to the course Rip had set-were they just going to wander about the system hoping to escape notice until they had somehow solved their problem? Or did Shannon have some definite port in mind? He did not have time to ask before they lifted. But once they were space borne again he voiced his question.

  Rip's face was serious. “Frankly—” he began and then hesitated for a long moment before he added, “I don't know. If we can only get the Captain or Craig on their feet again—"

  “One thing,” Ali materialized to join them, “Sinbad's back in the hydro. And this morning you couldn't get him inside the door. It's not a very good piece of evidence—"


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