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Stay (Men of Hidden Creek )

Page 16

by Avery Ford

  “Yeah. Lots of impromptu flights to Vegas.” Michael snorted. “I can’t believe how dumb I was.”

  “None of us are flawless. We’re all human. I made a huge mess of rescuing you, didn’t I?” Hale smiled at the ceiling. It had been a huge mess, but somehow, it had all turned out okay. He’d saved Michael, and Austin had saved him. “All of us have been dumb today. Well, all of us except for Austin, I’m guessing. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that he’s been cursing us under his breath the whole time.”

  Michael chuckled. “I think you’re right.”

  “So… um, thanks,” Hale said. “Thank you for being okay, and for letting me rescue you, even though it was a bad idea. Thank you for being honest with yourself and for recognizing that you need help. I’m going to be there for you all the way through, so you don’t have to worry about being alone. And thank you for taking care of me when I was sure that I was going to die. I know that I didn’t get to see you and Austin in action, but I imagine the teamwork between you guys was great.”

  “He did most of the work,” Michael said. “All I did was distract Kevin. It wasn’t a planned strategy, but I’m glad Austin read off my energy or came to his own conclusions or whatever it was he did to make sure that you were safe.

  “Me too.”

  The front door closed. There were footsteps down the hall. Hale sat up and peeped over the back of the couch to find Austin was on his way into the room. He looked ruffled, but otherwise unharmed.

  “The police are gone,” Austin said. “I told them what they needed to know and volunteered to come forward as a witness. It’s going to be one hell of an ordeal, isn’t it?”

  “There’s no way they’re getting away with it,” Michael said. “I’m pretty sure the police had Kevin, but he got away the first time. They’ll be able to match his physical description to the man they’d caught without issue. I don’t think the trial will last long. They collected some pretty damning evidence, and our testimonies will only sink them further.”

  “I hope so.” Austin met Hale’s gaze. “Are you feeling okay? Are you hurt?”

  “I’m fine. The paramedics said I was okay, and apart from still feeling like I’m in shock after everything that just happened, I’m doing okay. Are you okay? Michael said that you fought Kevin. Did he hurt you?”

  “He didn’t even had time to get a single punch in before he was too dazed to fight.” Austin grinned. “I wasn’t about to let him do whatever he pleased. That’s not the way this works. No one threatens the people who mean the world to me and gets away with it.”

  “I’m out,” Michael said. He stood up swiftly from the couch. “Good for you guys and everything, but there’s no way that I’m comfortable listening to you come onto my cousin. I’m going to go hide in my bedroom, and if you guys could find your way out before your clothes come off, I’d appreciate it.”

  “But Michael,” Hale said with mock innocence, grinning the whole time. “You haven’t even heard what Austin sounds like when he’s coming into me.”

  “Aaaaand I’m out.” Michael sprinted the short distance to the bedroom and closed the door behind him. Hale laughed, letting go of all the fear and anxiety of the last few days. The worst was over, and although their nightmare hadn’t been long-lived, it felt like it had gone on forever.

  Everyone could be happy again. All of them were back on the road to happiness and success. It was a relief and a pleasure, and Hale didn’t think he’d ever take his boring life for granted again.

  “Did you really mean what you said?” Hale asked, turning his attention back to Austin. “Or is that what the hero always says when he swoops in to get some sugar from his love interest, AKA me.”

  “I’m being sincere,” Austin said. “I didn’t know what to expect when I started to feel for you, but… but after what I just felt, seeing Kevin threaten you like that? Hearing him treat you like a slut? My heart knew what it wanted, and it sent clear signals up to my brain that didn’t take any work at all to decode. I have feelings for you, Hale. They’re real, and they’re the kind that make me want to tear anyone to shreds who treats you disrespectfully. If he’d hurt you at all, I would have killed him. If I didn’t have such good self-control, I might have done him in right now just for the names he called you and the psychological torment he put you through. I’m sorry that you had to be so afraid. I hope you know that no matter what, I’ll be there for you—whether that means facing danger or taking out the trash.”

  “Hold the phone—you want to take out my trash?” Hale laughed. “Marry me.”

  “Very funny.” Austin rolled his eyes. He set his hands on the top of the couch and leaned forward so that they were lip to lip. “I want you to know that it’s going to be hard for me, adjusting to… not being straight… but that I think you’re worth it, and I’m willing to give it my all. But I need to know that you’re in this, too. That you want me. I don’t think I could stand putting my heart on the line again only to lose it.”

  “I’m not going to let that happen,” Hale promised. He closed the space between them and kissed Austin sweetly. “I’ve been head over heels for you since high school. I haven’t felt for anyone since. I’ve had a few lovers, but… not anyone permanent, let’s say. My heart was never open, because you were busy filling it.”

  “It’s a damn good thing that I figured out I was only straight-ish,” Austin said with a chuckle. He returned Hale’s kiss, and Hale melted for him. “That would have been an awfully cruel life.”

  “Isn’t that what life is? Cruel?” Reluctantly, Hale pulled away. “But I guess, together, we can make it into something much more kind and beautiful. Do you want to go back to your apartment and get a head start on the whole ‘making life better’ thing? Because I can’t imagine anywhere else I’d rather be right now.”

  “I’d love that,” Austin said. He held out his hand. Hale hurried around the couch and took it, and they headed for the door together.

  It had been a strange and frightening few days, but with this as the end result, Hale wouldn’t have changed them for the world.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  There were no shadows to hide them this time, and Austin didn’t close his eyes to escape the reality of the situation. He hadn’t wanted to before, and he didn’t do it now. He kept his eyes on Hale as he lifted his shirt up and over his flat chest, took in the tufts of hair beneath his arms and the hint of stubble along his jaw, and let himself enjoy the masculine features of Hale’s body. Hale, in turn, stripped his shirt off and cast it to the bedroom floor—a bedroom that now smelled like them, Austin realized.

  Hale kept coming back to it again and again, and Austin didn’t think he’d ever be able to forget what they’d shared here. He was glad for it. He didn’t want to.

  “I was thinking,” Hale murmured as his fingers traced down Austin’s chest and found their way to the button of his jeans. “I’ve been staying over here a lot recently.”

  “Mm?” Austin grinned.

  “And it’s closer to Victory Boulevard. Like. Way closer than where I live.”

  “Go on.”

  “And there’s plenty of room in this bedroom for an overnight bag.” Hale batted his eyelashes and looked up at Austin. “I don’t think I’m ready to move in with you just yet, because it’s only been a few days, but I wouldn’t mind staying over some nights. I think we could get into a lot of trouble together.”

  “Trouble is about the last thing I’m interested in after what we just went through,” Austin teased. “You can stay home.”

  Hale rolled his eyes. He undid the button of Austin’s fly. “Bedroom trouble.”

  “Oh. Well, if we don’t have to leave the house…”

  “Are you kidding? If I’m here, I wouldn’t even want to leave the bed.” Hale snickered. “You might have got me hooked on your junk.”

  “Did you honestly just say that?”

  Hale laughed again. He rested his head against
Austin’s chest, and Austin stroked his hair. “I did. I mean, it’s not wrong. I’m pretty addicted to you. But… I don’t know. I guess I’m feeling goofy after the whole ‘being alive after almost dying’ thing.”

  “Adrenaline,” Austin said wisely. He kissed the top of Hale’s head as Hale undid his zip and slid his hand into the space it left. Hale’s hand found its way through the fly of his boxer-briefs and grasped Austin’s hardening cock. He stroked it slowly. “You’re going to be buzzed for a little while. Do you like the feeling?”

  “No. I feel strung out.” Hale paused. “Can you fuck it out of me?”

  “I could do that.”

  “All I want is to know that you’re here and that you’re going to keep me safe. It would help.”

  “Then that’s what I’ll do.” Austin had started to move his hips, pushing into Hale’s hand in search of friction. He bit back on a moan as he worked, knowing it wouldn’t be long before Hale had him rock hard. He didn’t know how Hale did it, but every time without fail, all it took was a little encouragement to get him ready for action, even after he’d already come. “You don’t have anywhere to be today, do you?”

  “No,” Hale said. “Or tomorrow, even, if it takes that long.”

  “It might,” Austin teased. He undid the fly of Hale’s pants and lowered them, then pulled his boxer-briefs down. Hale stepped out of them, casting them aside. “I make no promises. My dick can only do so much.”

  “It can do a hell of a lot, if the last few nights are any indication.” Hale’s eyes sparkled, and Austin felt limitless. He smiled back, enchanted, and captured Hale’s lips in a stunning kiss. His heart sang. After the divorce, he’d been so sure that he’d be alone that he’d given up hope that he could ever be happy, but now, he was happier than he’d ever been before.

  I’m starting to fall in love, aren’t I? This is different than with Eleanor, but… but it’s right. It feels like all the pieces have finally fallen in place, and I’ve found someone I can truly be myself around—someone I don’t have to perform for. Hale’s seen me at my worst, and he still wants me. He’s wanted me for all these years… and now I want him, too.

  Austin didn’t have words anymore—his heart was too full of joy, and it blocked off his throat and kept everything sealed inside of him. Instead, as they stripped out of the last of their clothes, he took Hale in his arms and held him close, kissing him gently. Hale kissed back and hummed into his mouth. His hand kept moving at a steady pace, readying Austin to enter him.

  Slowly, they made their way to the bedside, and only when they were both ready did they sink onto it together. Hale’s hand left Austin’s cock out of necessity, but it didn’t matter much. In the next few minutes, it had returned—this time with cool, smooth lotion Hale worked down his shaft. Austin groaned and pushed into his hand, knowing where this would go. When Hale had him slick, he’d invite Austin into his body and let him do whatever he wanted, just as it had always been since they’d started their happenstance relationship.

  A happenstance relationship that wasn’t so happenstance anymore.

  Hale was the one who took control in the end, rolling them over so that Austin was on his back. Hale straddled his hips and looked down at him, still working lotion down his cock.

  “I thought that I was going to fuck it out of you,” Austin commented, but he was too pleased to care. Hale made him feel empowered and confident, and any kind of contact between them was good enough.

  “You will… but I want to warm you up first. And, more importantly, warm me up first.” Hale lifted his hips, and Austin watched in amazement as he slid two lubricated fingers into himself, stretching his hole. Austin had never found men to be attractive before, but seeing Hale touch himself flipped a switch in his head, and he couldn’t look away. As Hale rode himself, preparing his passage for Austin, he closed his eyes and let out tiny, whimpered moans that drove Austin crazy. It was far too long before Hale was satisfied and removed his fingers, grabbing Austin’s cock instead so he could move it into position. “If you really get into it, and the spirit moves you, you can pin me to the bed and fuck it right out of me.” Hale grinned. “Or, you could just let me figure out when the best time to switch is. I honestly don’t care, as long as you’re inside me.”

  “I have no intention of not being inside you,” Austin said. His voice was almost hoarse with lust. Seeing Hale touch himself like that had turned him on like nothing else, and he knew that if he didn’t push himself into Hale soon, he’d go insane. The little twerp he’d known through Michael in their senior year in high school was all grown up, and he was hot as hell. Austin would never try to convince himself otherwise again.

  Holding Austin’s cock in place, Hale lowered himself down and joined them. Austin sucked in a needy breath and had to restrain himself from pushing in all the way—he wanted Hale to be the one to call the shots, and Hale seemed more than happy to take control. He sank down slowly, thighs trembling, until he was seated on Austin’s cock. Then he started to rock his hips.

  “Oh fuck,” Austin breathed. He grabbed onto Hale’s lips to give him stability, but didn’t hold him in place or otherwise direct his movement. “Bounce, baby. You want it?”

  “Mm, fuck yeah, I want it.” Hale picked up the pace. He worked himself harder, and Austin could barely hold himself back. He was already close to coming and Hale had only just started. “Tell me what makes you feel good. Wanna have your cum inside of me. Want it so fucking bad.”

  Austin’s heart skipped a beat, then proceeded to race in order to catch up. He pushed up into Hale as Hale fucked himself, white hot pleasure flooding his groin and spreading like fire through the rest of his body. While it was sexy to watch Hale pleasure himself like that, he wasn’t moving anywhere near as urgently as Austin needed him to move. After a while, he grabbed Hale by the hips, pulled him down so they’d stay locked together, and maneuvered them so that Hale was on his back and Austin was between his legs. Hale looked up at him with lust-drowned eyes and said two words that burned straight through Austin and set what was left of him aflame. “Fuck me.”

  All of the repressed fear over losing him, the anger upon seeing Kevin treat him like shit, and the adrenaline from the could-have-been-lethal situation unleashed. Austin barely felt himself move, but he slammed into Hale as Hale whimpered and moaned in total, unabashed ecstasy. The slap of their bodies echoed through the room, and the bed started to hit the wall, unable to stand its own against the way Austin was taking the man he was starting to fall for—the man who’d saved him, and in turn, the man he’d saved.

  “Oh fuck,” Hale panted. He wrapped his arms around Austin’s neck, and while Austin was fairly sure he was moving his hips in time, he couldn’t tell. They were going at it too hard for it to make a difference. “Oh holy fuck, Austin. Fuck yes. Fuck me, fuck me!”

  The real world began to melt away. All the was left was them and their need. Austin took Hale’s cock in hand and started to pump, matching the frantic rhythm of his hips. Sounds spilled from Hale’s lips, babbled noises of pleasure, and occasionally a squeak or a high-pitched cry. He buried his face against Austin’s shoulder to muffle the sound, but Austin still felt it vibrate against his skin.

  How could he have dismissed men his whole life? How could he have left a connection like this on the table, simply because Hale wasn’t born with a vagina? No woman he’d ever been with had felt like this. It was like saying he understood the difference between apples and oranges without ever having tasted an orange. Maybe he didn’t like all men, but he didn’t like all women, either. It had been foolish to shoot down his latent attraction all these years because of a principle.

  “I’m going to come,” Hale uttered, his lips brushing against Austin’s shoulder. “You’re gonna make me come, Austin. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck!”

  Hale’s cock twitched, then Austin felt his wet cum run down his hand. Hale’s body tightened, and suddenly, Austin found himself unable to stop his orgasm. He thrust into H
ale one final time, grunting as release gripped him and held him firm. He couldn’t stop.

  “Oh, fuck,” Hale panted. “No matter how many times you take me to bed and do naughty things with me, I don’t think I’m ever going to get tired of the way you feel when you come.”

  “Is that a matter of fact?”

  “Mmhm.” Hale grinned. “Well, I guess it’s technically an opinion, but until you prove me wrong, I’m going to say it’s fact.”

  “I guess we’ll have to keep going then. You know… for research.”

  “I like where this is going.” Hale kissed him, and it wasn’t long before they were at it again. Austin didn’t just fuck it out of Hale—he fucked it out of both of them.

  That night, exhausted, he had a dreamless sleep in the arms of the man who meant the world to him. It was the perfect moment of sweetness after a few nightmarish days.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Dr. Shimota sucked in her bottom lip, then smiled. “That’s certainly a week you’ve had. I couldn’t even imagine going through stress like that. What were you thinking at the time?”

  “I… I guess I wasn’t thinking anything at all.” Austin leaned back on the couch as the events of the last week struck him in full. It wasn’t until he’d relayed the events to Dr. Shimota that he’d realized how insane his life had been lately. The Hale Saga hadn’t just changed his point of view on his sexuality—it had totally changed his life. Just like the crash had reshaped his world, finding his life on the line yet again had made him see things in a different light. The world he lived in was a constantly shifting place, filled with people who would come in and out of his life, adding their own impact to his story. Some would stay longer than others, and the impressions they left on him would stick for different amounts of time, but the realization that his universe was an evolving place instead of a stagnant one was powerful. “When it got down to it, I wasn’t in my head at all. It was almost like I was watching myself from above, or behind… my body knew what it was doing, and it didn’t let me down, even under pressure.”


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