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The Story of the Scrolls

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by The Story of the Scrolls- The Miraculous Discovery

Christianity 58–9, 61, 91, 221–7, 235, 237–8, 239, see also Jesus Christ

  Clermont-Ganneau, Charles 32, 39, 52

  Codex pseudepigraphus Veteris Testamenti (Fabricius) 13–14

  Codex Sinaiticus 111

  codicology 96–8

  Commentary on Psalm 37 Scroll 57, 60

  Community Rule Scroll

  discovery/early blunders 25–6, 29

  and the The école Biblique 43, 56

  weekly seminars 85

  fresh interpretation 97–8, 121–2, 127

  source of legislation 129–30, 133

  and celibacy 141–2

  and prayer 143, 146–7

  ceremony/festivals 149, 153–6

  identifying Qumran sect 185–6

  Damascus Document/Judaism 215

  and Christianity 225, 232

  Contenson, Henri de 40

  Copper Scroll 27, 51, 60, 64, 167–9

  Covenant, the 148–9, 152–3, 155, 187

  Cowley, Sir Arthur 15

  Cross, Frank Moore 65–6, 68, 73–5, 169

  Crown, Alan 174, 180–81

  Dajani, Awni 51

  Dalman, Gustaf 32

  Damascus Document

  description 16

  possible origin/links 42, 55

  sectarian composition 119–27, 130–32

  history 138–9, 142

  calendar 144

  the Exhortation 158–9, 203, 205–6

  obscure historical allusions 164–5

  the married group 183

  cultic matters 188

  and Judaism 215, 220

  midrashic lawmaking 218

  and Christianity 222–3, 225, 228

  de Saulcy, Louis-Félicien Caignart 31–2

  de Vaux, Roland

  early blunders 24–5, 27, 31–40

  future troubles 44–51, 56

  the Scrolls and Christianity 60–61

  politics 65–6, 74

  death of 67, 72

  closed-shop system 80

  conspiracy allegations 90–92

  and the Copper Scroll 167

  conduct of excavations 172–5

  religious community theory 180–81

  discovery of a hatchet 193

  historical references 207

  Dead Sea Scrolls Bible, The (Abegg and ors) 102, 113, 215

  Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, The (Baigent/Leigh) 89, 91

  Dead Sea Scrolls: Qumran in Perspective (Vermes) 69

  Dead Sea Scrolls scholarship 43

  Demetrius 205

  Deuteronomy Scroll of Shapira (fake) 52

  Dillmann, August 15

  Discoveries in the Judaean Desert

  vol I 46, 50–51

  vol II 63

  vol III 64, 167

  vol VI 66

  vol VII 67

  vol X 73, 88

  vol XL 73

  vol XVII 73

  vol XXXII 73

  vol XXXIV 73

  vol XXXVII 73

  vol XXVI 80

  vol XXXVI 80

  Discoveries in the Judaean Desert of Jordan, vol V 65, 73

  Discovery in the Judean Desert (Vermes) 210

  Divino Afflante Spiritu (Pope Pius XII) 18

  Documents from the Bar Kokhba Period (Lewis) 64

  Donceel, Robert 174–5

  Donceel-Voûte, Pauline 174–5

  Driver, Godfrey 52–3, 189

  Drori, Amir 81

  Dupont-Sommer, André 26–7, 54, 56, 58–60, 169, 173, 207

  Ecclesiasticus see Hebrew Wisdom of Jesus ben Sira

  école Biblique 44–6, 50, 53

  Eisenman, Robert H. 58, 86, 91, 135, 190–91, 222

  Elior, Rachel 200–202

  Engedi 197

  Enoch, Book of 102, 112–13, 138, 160

  Eshel, Esther 169, 181, 209

  Eshel, Hanan 209

  Essenes, the

  inhabitants of Qumran 30, 33, 37, 39, 56, 118

  different views 173, 175, 178

  history 192–201, 210

  and marriage 234–6

  Esther, book of 101–2, 215

  Ethiopia 15

  Eucharist, 151

  Eusebius 41–2

  Exodus 105

  Fabricius, J. A. 13–15

  Facsimile Edition of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Eisenman/Robinson) 86–7

  feast of oil 138

  Feast of the Renewal of the Covenant 142, 187

  Flavius Josephus

  and Vespasian 37

  informed historian 100–101

  and the Scripture narrative 109, 160, 164

  and the Temple 168

  and the Essenes 192–202, 211, 234

  miscalculations 205

  New Testament source 219

  Flint, Peter 102, 113

  Florilegium 164

  Fragments of a Zadokite Work see Damascus Document

  ‘furious young lion’ 164

  Geller, Mark 75

  Genesis Apocryphon 24, 26, 54, 97–8, 160–61, 216

  Giants, Book of the 113

  Gibson, Margaret Dunlop 14

  Golb, Norman 173–4, 177

  Golden Jubilee Congress 87

  Gomorrha 32

  Goodman, Martin 81, 199–200

  Greek Septuagint (LXX) 105

  Gregory XIII, Pope 146

  Groningen hypothesis 210

  Guardian, the (priest) 130–31, 186–7

  Habakkuk and Nahum Commentaries Scroll

  discovery 26

  publication 43

  evaluation of 55–6, 60

  description/fresh analysis 108–9, 121, 139, 162–4, 191, 205, 207

  and Christianity 223, 229

  halakhah 217–18

  Hammond, Norman 82

  Harding, Gerald Lankester 24, 32, 44

  Hebrew Ben Sira manuscript 42

  Hebrew Ecclesiasticus 110

  Hebrew Masoretic text (MT) 104–8

  Hebrew Wisdom of Jesus ben Sira 14, 100, 110

  Hidden Scrolls from the Judaean Desert 25

  Hirschfeld, Yizhar 175–7, 179, 197

  Humbert, Jean-Baptiste 34, 174–5

  Huntington Library 83–5

  Hunzinger, Claus Hunno 65, 73

  Interpreter of the Law 164

  Isaiah, book of 18, 20, 26

  Isaiah Scrolls 29, 43–4, 55

  Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) 78, 80–81, 83–8

  Jacob al-Qirqisani 41–2

  Jerome St. 101

  Jesus ben Sira 14, 30, 100, 110

  Jesus Christ 58–60, 100, 151, 190–91, 219–28, 231, 233–7, see also Christianity

  Jewish Antiquities (Flavius Josephus) 109, 160, 211

  John the Baptist 221–2, 235–6

  John (Essene) 37

  John Hyrcanus I 35

  John Paul II, Pope 19

  Jonathan Maccabaeus 208–9, 211

  Jordanian Department of Antiquities 47

  Jubilees, Book of 15, 30, 113, 138, 144, 215

  Judah Aristobulus I 34

  Judas 211

  Kahle, Paul 11, 53–4

  Kando 21, 23, 29

  Kautzsch, Emil 16

  Khalil Eskander Shahin see Kando

  Khirbet Qumran 24–5, 31, 33, 52

  Kittel, Rudolf 11

  Kittim-Romans 121, 134–5, 163–4, 190, 197, 206

  Kuhn, Karl Georg 28

  Lacoudre, Nöel 167

  Lagrange, Marie-Joseph 45

  Lash, Norman 24

  late Second Temple era 13

  Lawrence, Robert 15

  Layard, Austen Henry 13

  Leigh, Richard 89–90

  Leningrad Codex 11–12, 26

  Les devanciers d’Aquila 48

  Les manuscrits du désert de Juda (Vermes) 50

  Levi, tribe of 122–4, 128, 130

  Leviticus 216

  Lewis, Agnes Smith 14

  Lewis, N. 64

  Lim, Timothy H. 88

  Lippens, Philip 24

  Madaba (Jordan) 39

  Magen, Yitzhak 176, 180

  Magness, Jodi 180–81

  Manual of Discipline Scroll see Community Rule Scroll

  Margoliouth, G. 222

  Masada 30, 37–8, 110, 190, 197

  Masada Ecclesiasticus 111

  Mazar, Benjamin 197

  Meditation, Book of 123, 127

  Menahem 211

  Messiah 151–2

  Milik, Józef Tadeusz 46–51, 63–5, 68, 73, 75, 79, 113, 169

  Millar, Fergus 75

  Miqsat Ma’ase ha-Torah (Qumran document) 87

  Mishnah tractates 218–19

  Moffett, William A. 83–5

  Morgenstern, Matthew Moshe 98

  Moses Apocryphon 116, 116–17

  Muhammed edh-Dhib 21, 24, 42, 45

  Nestle, Eberhard 12

  Nestle, Erwin 12

  Novum Testamentum Graece (E & E Nestle) 12

  O’Callaghan, José 28, 68, 160, 224

  On the Contemplative Life (Philo) 191

  On Scrolls, Artefacts and Intellectual Property (Lim and ors) 88

  ostraca 169–70

  Oxford University Press 67–9

  Oxyrhynchus fragments 77

  Parables, Book of the, (Enoch) 113

  Patrich, J. 175

  Paul VI, Pope 19

  Peleg, Yuval 176, 180

  Pentateuch, the 17

  Period Ia level 34–5

  Period Ib level 35–6, 38, 181

  Period II level 36, 38

  Period III level 36

  pesher/pesharim 119, 162–4, 206, 217, 229, 237

  Pharisees 189, 193, 219

  Philo of Alexandria 191–6, 199, 201–2, 234

  Pius X, Pope 17

  Pliny the Elder 192–4, 196–8, 201–2

  Pontifical Biblical Commission 17–18, 90

  prayers 142–3, 146–7, 156

  Preliminary Edition of the Unpublished Dead Sea Scrolls 82

  Prince of the Congregation see Messiah

  Psalms Scroll 64, 102, 115

  Pseudepigrapha 14–16, 102, 112–14

  Puech, émile 73, 82, 167–8, 209, 224

  Qimron, Elisha 78, 87–8, 140, 209

  Qirqisani 42


  yielding its secrets 27–30, 31–3, 36–43

  and the école Biblique 45–6, 50

  controversy 52, 54–6

  and Christianity 58–9, 221–37

  and politics 63, 65

  aftermath 74

  legacy of 96–7

  techniques of 97–100

  equality of bibles 102

  categorisation of scriptural manuscripts 103–4

  existence of biblical books 103

  evidence of 104–113

  Jewish Literature 114–17

  sectarian documents 118–24, 133–41, 143, 146–8, 151, 156, 158–66, 169

  and the Copper Scroll 167

  interpretation of archaeological finds 171–82

  identifying sect 182–96

  and the Essene sect 196–202, 203–8, 211–13

  Maccabaean theory 208–210

  and Judaism 213–21

  Qumran in Context

  (Hirschfeld) 175

  Rabbi Akiba 216

  Ratzinger, Cardinal Joseph see Benedict XVI, Pope

  Reich, Ronny 179

  Roberts, C. H. 67–8, 224

  Robinson, James M. 86

  Roman Catholic Church 17–18

  Roth, Cecil 189

  Rowley, H. H. 204, 207

  Rule of the Congregation 126–9, 142, 150–51

  Rules, the 119–20

  Sadducees 189, 219

  Samaritan Torah 104–5, 108

  Sanders, James A. 64

  Sapiential Works 165–6

  Schechter, Solomon 14, 16, 221–2

  Scribal Practices and Approaches (Tov) 104

  Scroll of Hymns 43

  sectarian documents 118–42, 142–58

  Septuagint 105–8, 214

  Shanks, Hershel 78, 87

  Shapira, William Moses 52

  Simeon bar Kosiba 63

  Simon Maccabaeus 208–9, 211

  Sirach, Book of Sirach see Hebrew Wisdom of Jesus ben Sira

  Six Day War 66, 70

  Skehan, Patrick 48, 65, 68–9, 72

  ‘Some Observances of the Law’ manuscripts (MMT) 140–41, 209

  Song of Solomon 100

  Songs of the Holocaust of the Sabbath 147–8

  Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice Scroll 190

  Starcky, Jean 48, 65, 68, 72

  Steckoll, H. 39

  Strange, James F. 169

  Strugnell, John 48, 65–6, 68, 70, 73, 75–81, 140, 209

  Sukenik, Eleazar Lipa 21–2, 24–5, 44, 56, 173, 191

  symposium 75–8

  Talmon, Shemaryahu 109

  Taylor, Charles 14

  Teacher of Righteousness

  poems 156–7

  interpretation/identification 158–60, 163, 187, 209–210, 220, 222–3

  world view 226–7

  features of 229, 237

  Teicher, Jacob 190–91, 222

  Temple Scroll 29, 54, 90, 120, 125–6, 133–40, 145, 188

  TeNaK 100

  Testament of Levi manuscript 42

  Testimonia 164

  Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible (Tov) 104

  Thanksgiving Hymns Scroll 44, 56, 156

  The sacred Mushroom and the Cross (Allegro) 61–2

  Thiede, Carsten Peter 160, 224

  Thiering, Barbara 58, 190, 222

  Timotheus I 41–2

  Tobit, Book of 30, 110–112

  Tov, Emanuel 66, 74, 78–80, 86, 103–4

  Treasure of the Copper Scroll, The (Allegro) 51, 167

  Trever, John C. 22, 25

  Ugarit (Ras Shamra) 13

  Ulrich, Eugene 72, 102, 113

  Urtext, the 11, 104

  Vespasian, Emperor 37

  Victor, Pope 146

  Vincent, L. H. 9, 53

  Wacholder, Ben Zion 82

  Wadi Murabba‘at 63–4

  War, Book of 121, 135, 164, 206

  War Scroll 43–4, 73, 121, 127–8, 133–5, 164, 190, 201, 206

  Wicked Priest 163, 207–210, 220, 222

  Wisdom of Jesus ben Sira 14, 30

  Wise, Michael 91, 135

  Wolfson, Leonard (Lord Wolfson) 29

  Wright Baker, H. 27–8

  Wright, W. E. 23

  Yadin, Yigael 22, 26, 29, 44, 64, 66, 90, 111

  Yardeni, Ada 169–70, 209

  YHWH 217

  Zadokite priests 122–3, 127–8, 130–31, 141, 152–3, 183–8, 199, 209

  Zealot-Sicarii theory 189–90

  Zeitlin, Solomon 52–3

  Zias, Joseph 40, 182




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