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Forgotten Fairytale

Page 11

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "He took away your memories. Of course, he did." Took my memories? Who took my memories?

  He raised his head and very slowly lifted his trembling hand. It moved a few strands of my pink hair from my face, placing it on the back of my ear.

  "Even with pink hair, you're still so beautiful, Firefly," he murmured.

  "Who...are you?" I asked. Just a name. Maybe that would help?

  "Elias...Elias Kingsley."

  My head pounded with pain, but I ignored it.

  "Well, Elias. I don't know who you are. I suggest you either find an Inn to stay in until the festival is over or leave now. These dead lands are filled with rogues, and they won't hesitate to kill you," I warned.

  He at least deserved a warning regarding these lands. I could tell he wasn't a rogue now, but if he was a traveler, he needed to leave before he got killed.

  "Thanks...will...will you be at the festival?" Elias hesitantly asked.

  I didn't want to say the truth, but it came out before I could stop it. "Yes."

  He nodded. "If...if I see you, can we talk? I won't hurt you or reveal who you are. Just...a simple talk."

  "If you do see me and I'm not with anyone, sure," I replied.

  I knew Nikolai was okay with the idea of sharing me, but I had no idea who this stranger was, and with Blaze's nature, I don't think it would end on a positive note. I disliked the fact I might be getting his hopes up, but it was all I could do.

  " least you’re safe, Firefly."

  I didn't respond as I turned around and lifted my hood. "The Inn is to the left path. You'll see string lights. Follow them and you'll be able to stay there for a few nights. Farewell, Elias."

  Not waiting for his reply, I dashed off, hopping into the nearest tree and moving from tree to tree as fast as I could. When I finally lost track of any scents, I stopped to breathe, falling to my knees as my body trembled.

  Elias...I know that name. I swear I do. Yet there's nothing. I don't remember anything? How did he know rogues took my memories? How? How? How?

  "Mako. Just breathe. Nick can help?" Midnight suggested. I could feel her own anxiety regarding the situation, but I was trying to stop myself from panicking.

  Nikolai. Yes. I'll just talk to Nick. He always helps me. He'll know. He always has the answers. He'll fix it...

  "Mako, breathe."

  I paced back and forth as I bit my lip in frustration. Who is he? How am I related to him? What if he's a friend? No, a lover? Oh Starlight, how about if he's my husband?! Why would someone travel from wherever he came from to find me? What do I do? Shit, shit, shit!


  I turned around and walked straight into Nikolai's hard chest. I tried to move out of his path, but his arms wrapped around me, holding me in his warm embrace.

  "Mako, breathe."

  "What if he's my husband, Nick? He'll take me away?! I won't be able to see you, or Ann, or Isa, or the children and...and...I..." I vented as my body shook with fear. Tears rolled down my flushed cheeks as my breath came out in fast pants like I'd been running for miles.

  "Mako, please. You're going to have a panic attack if this continues," Nick pleaded.

  In seconds he lifted me up, carrying me to the bed. Instead of laying me down he sat with me, holding me in his arms and continuing to coach me to breathe.

  I pressed my forehead against his bare chest and began to sob. "Nikolai. His eyes. They're like my dream. I know him, yet I don't remember him. He was crying, and it hurt so much. Just seeing his tears in those emerald eyes. They looked so heartbroken like I was responsible in shattering his entire world. I didn't want to hurt him. I didn't mean to," I cried.

  Nick let me cry and ramble, his hand rubbing my back soothingly as I sobbed. "How about if he's my lover, Nick? Fuck, what if I have more than one? I don't know what to do, but I'm so fucking scared. I don't want to lose you or my friends here, but if he's here for me, who did I leave behind? Are there more people waiting for me?"

  I wept, wishing I could snap my fingers and everything would be as it was before. I didn't understand how I was going to get out of this. How could I love someone when I didn't remember loving them?

  "Mako," Nikolai whispered. I lifted my head up to him and he gave me a sympathetic smile, using his free hand to wipe the tears from the left side of my face.

  "We'll figure it out together. You're not in this alone. After the festival, I'll talk to Ann and get her to make a promise not to tell Jeffrey. We'll do a search on this Elias guy, at the end of the festival when people are focused on the fireworks and figure out who he is."

  "And if he is someone who...who's my boyfriend or even husband?" I asked, fear leaking off my shaky voice.

  "Then we'll sit down and have a talk. I'm not leaving you, Mako. If I have to repeat that over and over again, I'll do it. You're stuck with me," Nikolai stressed.

  "How about if Elias doesn't like you? Or doesn't want to share me?"

  "I'll make him."

  "That doesn't sound peaceful," I mumbled, but his words helped me breathe a little slower.

  "It will be. Maybe? Who knows. Either way, you're stuck to me like glue. We will figure this out as a team. Everything will be fine. So please, don't cry anymore," Nikolai whispered the last part.

  He gave me a soothing kiss and placed another one on my forehead before he held me in his arms. "You're everything to me, Mako. All I want is for you to be happy," he murmured in my ear.

  "I'm happy here?" I suggested.

  "Yes and no," Nikolai said softly. "You’re happy when you're with us, but I know what your soul needs is freedom to do what you want to do with your life."

  "Free..dom." I remembered the word and knew it held great weight to them.

  "The freedom to come and go from this realm. The freedom to go across the realms and see what they all entail. The freedom of choice and chance to enjoy life at its fullest instead of lurking in the night to kill rogues. I want you to be free because my heart tells me that will be where you'll find happiness. That is when I'll see the true you," Nick declared.

  "After the festival, once you inform Ann and we go see Isa...can we go away? Anywhere but here? I don't care where just for me to be away from this place for a few days and not be afraid of being watched or having to wake up to kill shifters."

  "Yes. We'll go far away. Ann can come along. In fact, Isa can come too. We'll take a nice long break where no one will disturb us. We'll enjoy nature and go for nice long walks with Nighty. We'll listen to Ann babble on about true love and listen to Isa’s wonderful singing. We will enjoy a moment to live, and Mako," Nick whispered.

  "Yes, Nikolai," I replied quietly.

  "I'll officially make you mine. If you end up having a boyfriend, or husband, or even husbands, I won't back down. I'll share you. Even if I have to share you with the entire galaxy, I'll do it. Anything to remain by your side. I promise that to you and your spirits, and I know Bleu and Blaze feel the same way. You will always receive my love, no matter what side you're on. I might be an orphan and not remember my past, but I know where I belong. That's with you."

  "Nikolai...I'm so happy I met you," I admitted, lifting my arms up to wrap around his neck and pulling him into a hug. He held me tightly against his body and pressed his lips against my skin.

  "If only you knew how I desperately prayed for a woman like you to enter my life. Cycle after cycle, wishing someone with a heart of gold and a dream to make a change in our realm would show up. I didn't know how or when, but that's what I prayed for, and after many cycles, you showed up. I could never be more grateful, and I'm glad to be the one to love you," he whispered.

  I cried at his words, and he comforted me until I began to doze off. I was lowered to the bed, and warm sheets were laid upon me.

  Even in my half-conscious state, I wasn't as afraid as before. Was I scared of the unknown future that was approaching faster than I expected? Yes.

  But it came down to me realizing that Nikolai wasn't go
ing to leave. His loyalty was mine to the end, and all I needed to do was let go. I had to allow myself to lean on him for support when I needed it and try not to do everything alone.

  I was still scared of who I was, and I worried about the emerald eyed, blond male named Elias and if he got to the hotel okay. Whatever the case was, I realized I'd need to stop panicking about the future and let the course of life take whatever path it wanted to go.

  The thought of praying to the Starlight gods came to my mind as I heard the flick of the light switch. I listened to the squeak of the bed and felt Nikolai's arms pull me to rest against his body.

  "Mew." I could feel Nighty's paws as she made her way up my legs and felt her squeeze in between our chests. Nikolai chuckled.

  "Goodnight, Nighty. Rest up as well. I'll make sure to bring you down from any trees in the near future," Nick joked. Nighty's soft purrs filled the room in response, and his words tugged a smile on my lips.

  Nick's hands brushed a few strands of hair from my face before his soft lips pressed to my forehead and then tenderly on my lips. "Everything will be just fine, Mako. No matter what, I'll love and protect you."

  Please Starlight gods. If you're up there...if you'll listen to a sinner like me, grant me your ears.

  Let this workout.

  Whoever I am, please make a way for Nick to stay.

  Please protect Elias....even if I don't know who he is, guide him to safety.

  I hope to one day remember who I was, but until then, give me the strength to get through this.

  Please and thank you for listening.

  In Stars We Trust.


  I grinned and watched the kids in their best attire swarm around me.

  "You're so pretty, Mako," one of the girls exclaimed.

  "She looks like a princess!" another one declared.

  "Nick is so lucky! Nick, I want a pretty girlfriend like Mako," one of the guys declared.

  "When you're all older, the stars will lead you to your princes or princesses. Now off to the town you guys go. Don't want to lose out on the fireworks," Nick announced.

  "YEAH! Fireworks!" They all cheered, giving us both quick hugs before the dashed off to head towards the firework spot.

  I turned to face Nikolai who wore white pants and a pink dress shirt that matched the shade of my hair.

  "They're right. You look like a princess." I beamed at his compliment, slipping my hand in his as I leaned up to give him a kiss. He didn't let me struggle, lowering his head to meet me halfway.

  "It's the flower crown. I think it gives off the special effect of royalty. At least no one bowed yet," I proclaimed.

  I wore a beautiful pink dress, the bottom half decorated with pastel-colored flowers. My pink heels matched, and I didn't hide my markings on my legs. I'd be afraid of showing them at first, but once I gained confidence in this place, I didn't mind them.

  Isa had helped with some incidences of weakness here and there, but overall, I was healthy and looked bombing tonight. All I needed was a golden horn and I could call myself a unicorn princess.

  "You don't like when people bow?" Nick asked, sounding amused.

  I gave him a pout and nodded. "Don't like the idea of it. Who cares if you’re royalty? As long as you respect everyone, no need for such formalities. Now are we going to walk around?! I want a unicorn doll."

  "You've been eyeing that prize booth, haven't you?" Nick sighed, but he had a smile on his lips.

  "Maybe? Please? You have to win me one. It's magical," I stressed.

  This made him laugh. "Who told you that."


  "He's lying to you."

  "Then I'll kill him," I declared. Nick lost it with laughter, and he gave me a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.

  "Alright, to avoid murder, let's go win you a unicorn plushie," Nick declared. He gave me a tight squeeze and we began to make our way towards fairytale. The people of Wintalyn came far and wide for the event, so the place was packed. I looked to my left as we were about to enter the town, my eyes locking on a pair of emerald ones.

  Sadness. That's what I saw in those jeweled orbs of the male whose name was Elias. The only difference was they glowed, making me wonder if his spirit had taken over.

  I lifted my hand to rub my eyes, and when I looked again he was gone. Huh? I swear I saw him.

  "Saw who, Mako?" Nick asked.

  "Uh....nothing. Thought I saw Blake, so I could kill him for lying." I lied, not wanting to worry Nikolai if he wasn't necessary.

  "Poor Blake. I can already imagine Nighty ruining another jacket of his," Nick commented. I smiled, knowing Nighty was with Isa. She wanted to play with the kids tonight and keep them in high spirits.

  "Let's have fun?" I suggested to Nick. We stopped in the line and he looked down at me. "Yes, my Butterfly Princess. Let's enjoy this night like it's our last."

  I'm sorry Elias. Please forgive me.


  "Mako fell asleep," I announced. The festival had been amazing. I'd been watching behind the scenes, at the different food, games, and activities the people did before the first set of fireworks began.

  It was almost midnight and Mako was beginning to fall asleep while standing. Since the others were also asleep, I decided to take control and let her sleep. If she and Nick were planning to have their intimate time, I guess they would need all the energy they could get.

  Bleu chuckled as we stopped in the middle of the town square. "So did Nikolai."

  He turned to face me and lifted his hands to cradle my face.

  "Nick promised Ann and Ann Marie we'd meet her for the discussion about the person you guys saw. I'd take you home as a boyfriend should, but I think Ann Marie will kill me if I make her wait," Bleu admitted, giving me a sad look.

  "I'll be fine. I'll go back to your room. Mako will be awake by then I think," I replied with a smile. "I'm putting the unicorn on the bed too."

  Bleu laughed, and we looked down at the massive unicorn Nikolai had won for Mako. She wouldn't stop holding it, saying it would give her the strength to stay awake.

  "Your host is refreshing. Like a fresh breath of air," Bleu complimented.

  "I agree. I think people used to say that about her too," I confessed the phrase sounded familiar to me. Bleu gave me a sweet smile and lifted my head, so I looked into his dark blue eyes.

  "When Nick said he'd never leave, remember that includes you too. I'll stay by your side. No matter what happens," Bleu vowed.

  "I'm happy," I whispered, lowering my gaze to his lips. I went on my tiptoes and thanks to these lovely heels and Bleu lowering his head just slightly, I was able to press my lips against his.

  The loud sound of fireworks boomed above us, but we paid no mind; our lips seemed to have a mind of their own as we kissed and enjoyed each other's taste.

  We kissed as people buzzed around us, but it did nothing to distract as we continued the passionate embrace. We finally pulled away when our lungs burned for air, and he pressed his forehead against mine. I knew from the way his eyes were filled with intense desire and the way they lowered to my lips that he wanted to devour my lips again.

  "Meeting with Ann, remember?" I hummed with a smile.

  "I don't wanna go," he whined, and I giggled.

  "Go and get it done so we maybe we'll get a few minutes to kiss before our hosts wake up," I proposed with a mischievous grin.

  "I like that, especially when you say it with that seductive voice of yours."

  "Good," I whispered, giving him one more kiss.

  "Get going. I'll see you soon. you," I said softly, feeling a little shy voicing it in public. Bleu blushed but a broad smile that showed his white teeth formed on his lips.

  "I love you too, Midnight. See you soon," he murmured.

  I waved goodbye as I watched him disappear into the crowd. With my oversized unicorn, I turned around to leave and my eyes locked onto a pair of emerald ones.

  It wasn't
a boy who stood a few feet away, but a beautiful woman. Curly blonde locks moved with the gentle breeze that passed, and her beautiful face was flushed like she'd been running.

  Her lips were cloaked with pink gloss and her wide emerald eyes were glossy with tears. Her 5'9" height was clothed in a beautiful pink dress with hints of green and pinks, almost like nature itself had created the simple dress that clung to her curves.

  My heart told me I knew this woman, that we had some type of connection. Yet, nothing came to my mind, like turning to a blank page in a notebook.

  She began to walk toward me, and I didn't dare move, as if my body needed confirmation if she were real or an illusion. When she reached me, the tears that pooled in her eyes finally streamed down her face; the action reminded me of the boy Mako encountered.

  "Midnight..." the girl whispered, her high pitched voice filled with heartache as she stared into my dark blue eyes. I swallowed the lump in my throat, wishing I didn't need to admit that I had no idea who she was.

  I opened my mouth to speak, but instead, a tear rolled down my cheek. The girl's eyes widened even more as more tears rolled down my cheek, which left me even more confused. Why? Why am I crying? I don't know her.

  She gave me a sad smile and did something I didn't expect. She pulled me into a hug and let me cry into her shoulder. I cried and cried, unsure why I was even shedding tears, but my heart was sad.

  "It's okay, Midnight. It's fine," she whispered. I pulled back to look into her eyes and saw how she tried to look happy.

  "Who...I don't know who you are or why I'm crying," I confessed through sobs. She nodded in understanding and gave me the best smile she could muster.

  "I know. It's okay. Can you answer just one thing?" she asked.

  "Sure?" I replied, curious as to what she'd ask.

  "That man. Does he make you happy?" she whispered. I blinked a few times and I lowered my head a moment to think about it. I raised my head again and nodded.

  "He does. He makes me happy. Even though I'm weird and quiet, he loves me. He makes it better here," I admitted with 100% honesty.

  The woman nodded. "Then love him with all your heart." She used her hands to wipe my tears. "Thank you for your honesty."


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