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Into Each Life

Page 12

by Shelia E. Bell

  “Good, I’m glad you have a plan,” Ruth stated. “I wish Teary would think things through before she runs off and does something crazy with that boy Sky, or whatever his name is.” Prodigal had been so upset when Skyler told him about his plans to marry Teary that he confided in his mother. Other than Teary, his mother was the only other person Prodigal trusted. That was one of the things he loved about his mother, whenever he had a problem, he could always come to her and she would listen without being judgmental or critical.

  “I wish she would too, Momma. But Teary is bull headed. Sometimes she just won’t listen. Who knows, maybe things will work out for her. I sure hope so. For her sake.” Yet, every time he thought about Teary and Skyler anger crept in.

  “I do too. But you and Faith are different, honey. You know what I told you. Love takes work and total commitment to each other. You can’t run away every time you find yourself facing troubles or problems. You hear what I’m telling you, Prodigal?”

  “I’m listening, Momma and don’t worry, things are going to work out for me and Faith. Just wait and see what I tell you,” he said and winked. “You finished talking, Momma? I want to call Faith before she leaves for work.”

  “For work? Where does Faith work? I didn’t even know she had a job.”

  “Yep, she started working at the Board of Education as an office assistant, right after we graduated.”

  “Good for her.” Ruth smiled and nodded her head in approval.

  “She’s going to work there part-time and go to school. She said working at the Board will help her with her career as a teacher or guidance counselor.”

  “Whatever she decides to do, teach or counsel, she’s going to make a good one.”

  “I agree. Well, gotta go. I’ll talk to you later, Momma.” Prodigal hurried up the stairs, climbing them two at a time.

  Seconds later, Ruth heard Prodigal’s bedroom door shut loudly behind him. She kicked off her furry blue slippers, swung her legs around and plopped them on the den sofa. She grabbed the remote from the sofa table behind her and flipped until she found Soap Network. Watching the actors and actresses flash across the screen pulled Ruth into her own private soap opera. The past years living without her soul mate had been tough. Not only had she suffered over Solumun’s death but the children suffered through their own private hell as well. Ruth was often worried about Fantasia and her lack of interest in the opposite sex. How could an ambitious, bright, beautiful young woman like Fantasia be so bitter about men and about God? If Solumun were still alive, Ruth believed that Fantasia’s opinions and beliefs would be totally different. Sometimes Ruth thought she understood the reason for Fantasia’s self imposed shell. Other times, Ruth blamed God for allowing such pain to be inflicted upon her family. Then there was Hope. Hope was the most unscathed of all the Runsome children. Being but a toddler at the time, Hope had escaped much of the trauma Solumun’s death had caused. Hope was content with her life and for that Ruth was grateful. At last, Prodigal. Prodigal, her beloved one and only son. Ruth watched him grow from a scrawny little boy to the handsome, strong young man he was today. She prayed every day that he would be the kind of man that would make some woman proud to have as a husband. She had hoped and prayed that someone would have been Teary. However, Teary had another agenda all of her own. Teary couldn’t see the forest for the trees, Ruth believed. Ruth felt like Teary in many ways had taken Prodigal for granted. But Faith would make up for all that Prodigal had hoped to have with Teary. Glancing at the screen again, Ruth meditated on life and its meaning. Into each person’s life, including her children, there would be many roads to travel. Ruth understood that now. Some of those roads would lead to happy times and some would take them down the path of pain and heartache. Her heart’s desire was for her children to be spared from being hit by many of the sharp arrows of life. At the same time, she prayed that they would love and find love like she and Solumun had found in each other. The deep, familiar voice booming from the TV snapped Ruth out of her daydream. She listened as Victor on The Young and the Restless told Nikki that he wanted out of their marriage for the third time. Ruth sighed heavily, “life is indeed a journey,” she said out loud. A journey indeed with there no way for any of them to get off.

  chapter 15


  Three months after graduating, and without her parents’ knowledge, Teary and Skyler signed the lease on a two-bedroom townhouse. She spent most of her free time getting things fixed up and ready for their impending marriage. She used babysitting money she’d saved and funds left over from her college Pell grant to pay the rent up for six months. They rented living room furniture, a pine veneer king-sized bedroom set, a dinette set and a computer. Skyler owned a stereo system along with some other items he had accumulated while living out on his own. His steel blue Ford pickup was still in tip top shape thanks to his friend, Johnny who was an excellent mechanic.

  Teary and Debra sat on the floor of Debra’s bedroom flipping the remote back and forth from MTV to BET. “Debra, it won’t be long before I’ll be Mrs. Skyler Jenkins. We almost have everything we need for our apartment.” Teary had relinquished and told Debra about her and Skyler’s marriage plans.

  “You still haven’t told your parents?” Debra questioned.

  “Nope. I told you that I’m going to tell them after everything is all over with.”

  Debra rubbed her forehead.” Are you sure that’s a good idea? Something tells me that you need to just be up front.”

  “I can’t be up front. I don’t want to go through all the hoopla.”

  “Well, have you at least told Prodigal that you have an apartment?”

  Teary popped her neck around, quickly focusing on Debra instead of the half dressed rapper on the tube. “Are you crazy or what? What planet have you been on? You know doggone well he already flipped out that night in Chili’s when Skyler told him about us getting married. I refuse to tell him anything else until it’s done.”

  Debra released a long sigh. “I guess you know what you’re doing. But I thought at least you would have told your boy. And I don’t know why the two of you couldn’t get together. The both of you got some real deep flavor for each other and you know it.”

  “Me and Prodigal? Girl, puhleeze. I do love him, but not like you’re insinuating. I love him like a brother. That’s the way it’s always been.” Teary refused to think about their shared kiss and the sensations it had stirred inside of her.

  Debra flicked the channel to Comedy Central and said. “Suit yourself. All I can say is I’m here for you.”

  “Thanks, now let’s get something to snack on. I’m starving.”


  Teary was at the townhouse unpacking toiletries when Skyler walked in and grabbed her around the waist. Nibbling lightly on her neck he asked her, “Hey, baby, when are you going to tell your mom and dad that we’re getting married? I don’t understand what you’re waiting for.”

  “You do know what I’m waiting for. I have to find the right time. You said so yourself.” Teary reminded him.

  Skyler turned her loose and moved around to face her. “Right time? Are you ashamed of me or what? You’re a grown woman now. What’s the big deal?”

  “The big deal is that I want to handle this in the right way,” Teary said raising her voice. “And you know I’m not ashamed of you.”

  Skyler paced back and forth around their cramped kitchen. “I’m tired of sneaking around and having to be careful of what I say around them.”

  “I know it, baby. But when my sister got knocked up, everything became uneasy on the home front. My parents were really upset when they found that out. Every since then, they’ve been uptight about me. Now you want me to spring this on them? I don’t think so.” Teary brushed up against him and rubbed the back of her hand against his chiseled cheek.

  “That’s precisely why I think you should tell them. We’re getting married and you’re not pregnant, so what’s the big deal? You’re going to college
so they can’t say anything about that, so just tell ‘em.” Becoming irritated, he pulled away from her.

  “Let’s just stick to the plan. When they leave to go visit Sara and my nephew, we’ll get married. We’ll tell them after they get back home.”

  He grabbed a set of pots and shoved them in the bottom cabinet and responded, “Whatever, Teary.”


  Sara was thrilled when her mother called and told her they were coming to visit her and Andrew. They invited Teary to come along but she managed to convince them that she had too much going. She was scheduled to start college in a couple of weeks so her parents didn’t put up much of a fuss when she turned down their invitation.

  Aunt Vashti had kept her word and helped Sara land a job at the University of Seattle in Student Affairs. Her job as a transcription records clerk enabled Sara to adequately support herself and little Andrew. Anthony made certain child support payments were taken directly from his paycheck for his son, who he adored. He also sent Sara extra money for her and Andrew whenever he could. He never gave her any flack when it came to their son. Whenever he could get time off from his job at FedEx, he’d take a jump seat flight to Seattle. His love for Sara was still strong and he hoped one day she would finally agree to marry him.

  Sara and Andrew lived in a two-bedroom bungalow in the back of her Aunt Vashti’s house. It was small, cozy and just the right size for Sara and her son.

  Whenever Anthony came to visit he spent the weekend at a nearby hotel. Sara arranged her schedule to take Andrew to see him, not admitting that she wanted to see him just as bad. The three of them often went to the zoo, out to eat, or strolling in a nearby park. Discussing the future of their relationship, marriage, or anything real serious was taboo for Sara. Whenever Anthony tried to approach the subject, Sara would shut down like a shell, so he tried to feign contentment in the way things were.

  The three of them often lay in the hard, double bed at the hotel. Anthony and Sara would snuggle until little Andrew drifted off to sleep. Sara was careful this time. She took her birth control pills without fail and made sure Anthony used protection. On the weekends that he visited, she laid aside her Christian values and chose rather to succumb to her emotions and carnal desires. She knew she was doing wrong, but she found it impossible to say no to Anthony’s touch. This particular Saturday evening, after Anthony’s departure, Sara sat in her bungalow and day dreamed about the wonderful time they had while he was there. She smiled as she recalled his gentle love making. Then, unexpectedly, she felt convicted within her spirit for continuing to fornicate with Anthony. The following Sunday when she went to church, she felt even worse after she listened to the preacher’s message regarding temptation.

  “We waltz around here, my people, talking about the devil made me do it,” the fiery preacher said. “But I’m here to tell you that if you’re a child of the most high king, praise the Lord, then his word tells us that ‘greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world.’ Hallelujah. Oh, I know the story you tell. Talking about the flesh is weak. But God tells us there is nothing too hard for Him. Praise the Lord. First Corinthians Chapter ten and verse thirteen states, ‘No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”

  Sara replayed the sermon over and over in her head until it was like a scratched record. A way out? Lord, why can’t I take you up on your word? Why do I allow my flesh to control me?” No matter how bad she felt, whenever Anthony came to town, she’d follow the same routine. After kissing Anthony goodbye, she would climb into her Tercel and head back to her own private world, a world that included only her and little Andrew. Once she arrived at home, Sara would bathe Andrew, put him to bed, then get down on her knees and pray to God for his forgiveness, vowing never to fornicate again. She faithfully attended church every Sunday, except when Anthony was in town. No one had any inkling of an idea that Andrew’s father was a part of his life or Sara’s for that matter. They looked at Sara as a quiet, sweet young girl who had been taken advantage of. They accepted her and little Andrew without judgment or condemnation. That was one of the things that had drawn her to this particular church. The members were genuinely loving and warm. If they only knew that in the midst of her serving the Lord she was fornicating, what would they think of her then? But she refused to focus on what if. All she knew was that Anthony was a part of her and Andrew’s life. She was thankful that he was always there for the child they had conceived in love. She had even thought about inviting him to church when he came into town, and maybe she would – one day.


  Sara’s parents would be arriving at the airport in a couple of hours. Sara carefully cleaned her bungalow, bathed and fed Andrew, then put him down for a short nap until it was time to pick them up. She took a steaming hot bath herself while he was napping.

  Before she knew it, it was time to go and get her parents. She treaded through the ice and snow until she reached her Aunt Vashti’s back porch.

  “Aunt Vashti,” Sara yelled through the back door. “You ready?”

  “Yes, here I come,” Aunt Vashti answered, grabbing her navy cashmere overcoat and purse. “Let’s go. Did you remember to put Andrew’s car seat in my car?”

  “Sure did,” Sara answered.

  They drove the eleven miles to the airport in full chatter. Aunt Vashti loved the fact that Sara and Andrew were part of her life. She, herself, had chosen to be on her own when she was a young girl about Sara’s age. She opted out of the married with children thing and chose, instead, to invest her life in establishing a career for herself, and she had done just that. She graduated summa cum laude from the prestigious Xavier University with a master’s degree in Communications. She was one of the top-notch professors in the North. Students adored her.

  Aunt Vashti wished Sara would allow her to do more for her and Andrew. She didn’t want to see them struggle for anything in life, not when she was able to help. She made a mental note to herself to check on getting Sara and little Andrew a larger place. It wasn't that she didn’t enjoy having them live in the guesthouse of her spacious home and grounds, she simply wanted more for her niece. She wanted the same for Teary as well. She wanted to see them prosper and succeed in life. If there was any way she could help them achieve success, she was willing to do it.

  They arrived at the airport and didn’t have to wait at all. As soon as they drove up to the passenger unloading area, there stood Mr. and Mrs. Fullalove.

  “Mom, Dad,” Sara screamed while hanging out the passenger side window of Aunt Vashti’s black on black Deville. Aunt Vashti expertly maneuvered the luxury car close to the curb, popped the trunk button and then jumped out of the car to greet her brother and sister-in-law.

  “Andrew, you’re so handsome and precious,” Sara’s mom said proudly, peeking inside the spacious Cadillac. “Grandma is glad to see her baby,” she said while Andrew turned away shyly.

  The week was chocked full of excitement as Sara’s parents exercised the role of loving grandparents. Shy at first, it didn’t take Andrew long before he started soaking in every bit of the extra love and affection. Sara was pleased that her parents had finally come to accept what they had once called, her awful mistake. She realized she had hurt them deeply when she became pregnant out of wedlock. They had raised her and Teary up in the church so they’d know right from wrong, just so this kind of incident wouldn’t happen to them. But having Andrew made Sara and her parents realize that people often make mistakes and life’s journey can be tough at times. In every person’s life, there are lessons to be learned. Sara had come to understand herself that sometimes the very things in life her parents wanted to protect her from had to be experienced nonetheless. She’d made some unwise choices in life, but they had been her choices. She would have to face God for herself. Sara understood that. As for Brian and Cynthia Full
alove, they adored their grandson. The joy little Andrew brought into their lives far outweighed their daughter’s sinful act. Andrew had closed the gap between Sara and her parents. Through him, they had learned how to forgive.


  Two days after her parents left for Seattle, Teary and Skyler arose early. Teary was especially excited because today was her wedding day. Now that her parents were away, things could go as planned. She gazed outside at the rain pounding fiercely against the window pane. The sun was hidden from view and the dark clouds hung heavy and low.

  “Dang, why did it have to rain, Skyler?” Teary asked.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. It’s not raining in my heart.” Skyler flirted between yawning.

  “I wanted it to be lovely outside for my wedding day, though,” Teary complained. Her voice was filled with dread. She had wanted things to be perfect. They were going to be married at the downtown courthouse, but she still wanted everything just right, including her wedding attire. Teary instructed Skyler to go to the other bathroom to get ready. She needed time to pamper herself.

  Teary and Debra had stalked the mall day after day for weeks, until Teary finally settled on a two-piece cream and gold linen outfit. She found the perfect gold pumps to set it off. Teary took her time preparing herself for her special day. After bathing, she rubbed scented lotion all over her body. The fragrance of Ellen Tracey cologne filled the bathroom. Her beautifully shaped legs and picture perfect body made her look striking. She was careful to pull her thick braids up in a seductive French braid that flowed down the middle of her spine. She put a dab of powder on her face to remove any signs of shine and a tint of caramel lipstick. Skyler almost drooled when he saw her in the living room waiting on him to finish getting dressed.

  “Don’t you look like an expensive piece of art,” he told her. He leaned over to kiss her but she stepped back.


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