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A Love For Lera (Haikon)

Page 14

by Burke, Aliyah

  ‘Who are you?’ She questioned, bringing her other hand up and delving it into the other side of his neck.

  ‘I am yours.’

  He nudged her with his head, and Lera shuddered before the flood gates opened. The anguish and emptiness she’d felt most of her life vanished. The links were finally complete. And now, so was she.

  ‘No reason to cry, vaj. I’m here now.’

  Face buried in the thick pelt, Lera sighed deeply. The scent of pine and freedom filled her, the pain and unfulfilled need for something she couldn’t ever seem to obtain gone.

  “It was you. All along. The black wolf in my head. Wasn’t it?”

  ‘Yes. Along with your mate, Cormac MacLochlainne.’

  Lera remembered if the figure in black was there the wolf seemed to remain farther back. ‘But how doesn’t he know about you? He remained in my mind.’ She returned to speaking in her mind so she could hold him tighter.

  ‘I sought out your mate and connected your minds. I’ve been around in your mind so I know how to remain hidden’.

  ‘What is your name?’

  ‘Adric.’ He nuzzled her. ‘I’ve waited so long for this moment, vaj.’

  Deep within her, she knew she had been, too. ‘What’s vaj mean? What is it?’

  ‘I’m your vaj as you are mine. Gifted by the gods. That’s what I am to you. And what you are to me.’

  Instead of frightening her, his words comforted. ‘Why did it take so long?’

  ‘As a baby, you were too weak to defend yourself Even if you shifted, you were still a pup. A pup is extremely vulnerable. You are unique, vaj. We had to keep you as safe as we possible.’

  Her heart stopped. Sitting back, she stared at him and wiped her eyes. With a hard swallow, she stuttered, “Sh…sh…shift?”

  If wolves could grin, then Adric did.

  ‘Yes, vaj. Shift.’

  In all her wildest dreams, she never imagined she could actually experience another shape.

  ‘Can we do it now?’


  She pushed to her feet and reached for the hem of her shirt.

  ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘Don’t I have to disrobe?’

  ‘You’re not a shifter in the same sense as your father or your mate. Our line is ancient even to them. You only need to think wolf.’

  Lera crouched back beside him and touched the coat. “How do I do that? I don’t know much about wolves. I grew up with tigers.”

  ‘Close your eyes, and I will guide you.’ She did. ‘Four feet instead of two. Sounds and scents amplified. Lean, powerful muscles to hunt and run. Razor sharp teeth. Smell the rich, fertile earth, the pungent grass.’

  Her body felt different. The world around her different. She stared at Adric who remained face level.

  ‘Come, let us run.’

  She took a few cautious steps before she moved faster. Soon, they streaked through the woods, weaving effortlessly amongst the trunks. The wind blew by her, and she understood perfectly now when Kori said it was freedom to be in wolf form. They jumped fallen trees with ease, and she stopped with Adric when he paused at the edge of a motionless lake. Slowly, she moved to stare into the mirror like surface. A large ruddy wolf stared back.

  ‘Is that me?’

  A black head appeared next to hers. ‘Well, it’s not me,’ he teased. ‘You are a beautiful wolf, vaj.’

  Yes, she was. Beside the large black wolf, she could tell she was smaller but not by much. As she stared, her own face shimmered into view, and she found herself on her hands and knees at the water’s edge.

  “What happened?” she cried.

  ‘It takes time to accustom your body to wolf shape. You’ll master it in no time.’

  Her sigh of relief was loud. Reaching out, she plummeted her hand into his coat. She tipped her head back and sent her thanks heavenward. Adric moved to lie behind her, and without thought, she reclined against him. The steady beat of his heart soothed her.

  ‘What happens now, Adric?’

  ‘I’m sure you have plenty of questions.’

  “I sure do.” Lera sat up and stared out over the lake. “Does this mean Kori’s not my mate? And you are?” She wasn’t too sure about how that made her feel. Somehow, she knew she needed Kori in her life, too. Although, he did mention Kori was her mate.

  ‘That man is your destiny. I am flesh and blood wolf, vaj. This my only shape. My sole purpose is to be your friend, counsel, and protector should you need it. Because of our bond, you can tap the earth’s magic and take the shape I wear. Our bond is totally different than the one you and Cormac MacLochlainne share. He is your mate.’

  “How come I’ve never heard of your kind…our kind…whatever we are?” She tipped her head to the side. “What are we?”

  ‘We’ve been hunted and persecuted nearly into extinction. There are very few remaining of the Haikon. Too few. Those who do survive don’t always find their vaj. Both animal and human. They are destined to a life of pain and loneliness.’ He got to his feet and moved so he could look in her eyes. ‘We hurt when we are separated. I’ve seen both animal and human go crazy from the emptiness. Seeking death even.’

  “Like I went through. The feeling that something was missing and only death could take it away. Why I felt like I was less.”

  ‘Yes, and I am so sorry. I had a hard time reaching you physically.’

  Up on her knees, Lera wrapped her arms around him again. ‘Not any reason to apologize. I’m just glad you found me.’

  ‘I would never give up my search for you, vaj. Never!’

  Biting her lower lip, she thought about Kori and how he would react to Adric. She knew they were both alpha males. And it wasn’t exactly like she could picture Kori accepting males around her. Black ears twitched, and Adric stood. He got free of her hold and faced the way they’d come, nose up in the air.


  ‘Your mate needs you.’

  “Kori?” She bolted to her feet. “What’s wrong?” ‘Kori?’

  ‘Where are you, mo ghrá?’

  Kori’s deep and smooth Irish brogue filled her mind. Yet she could pick up on the stress in it.

  ‘Not too far.’ Dropping her gaze to Adric, she said, “Let’s go.” Lera got a few steps away when she stopped and looked back at Adric. “Coming?”

  ‘Why two legs when four is much better?’

  She grinned and began to run. Soon, the ground flew by, and the world became much clearer. At the edge of the tree line which would lead her back to Kori, a familiar scent reached her. She shifted back to human and looked at Adric.

  ‘Wait here, Adric. Please.’

  ‘I’ll be right here, vaj.’

  She strode from the forest and stared in shock at the sight before her. “Daddy?” she gasped, hurrying toward the men.

  Dane had Kori up by the throat and appeared none too happy with the man he choked the air from. He looked at her and dropped his hold. Those intense tawny-green-gold eyes softened as he gazed at her.

  “Lera.” Dane opened his arms.

  She looked between the two men. Kori? ‘What’s going on?’

  ‘He knows we slept together.’

  ‘Are you okay?’

  ‘I’m fine, mo ghrá.’

  She took him at his word. Lera hugged her daddy and tears pricked her eyes. Tipping her head back, she asked, “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to check on you,” Dane said. His stare hardened when he looked at Kori. “Apparently, I should have come sooner.”

  “Daddy,” she whispered, bringing his eyes back to her. “You can’t hurt Kori.”

  “Watch me.” The tone was dagger sharp.

  Hands on her dad’s face, Lera shook her head. “He’s my mate, Daddy.”

  The silence became thick. Dane glanced between them, suspicion in his gaze. He fixated on Kori and ground out, “He told you you were his mate?”

  Lera turned her eyes to meet the gray ones waiting for her
. “Yes. But he is my mate as well.” She walked to Kori’s side and easily into his embrace, yet watched her dad.

  ‘I love you, mo anam.’ Kori’s thick accent danced in her mind.

  ‘Are you sure you’re okay?’

  ‘Sore. Your dad packs one hell of a punch, but I’m fine.’

  Indescribable emotions flashed along her dad’s face. Lera patted Kori’s forearm and moved back to her daddy’s arms. Wrapping hers around his neck, she hugged him tight.

  “I’ll always need you, Daddy. Always.”

  Arms which had saved her so many years ago hugged her back. “We need to talk, little one.”

  “I know. But first I have something to tell you.” She peered at Kori. “Both of you.” Holding her daddy’s hand, she pulled him to stand near Kori. She stepped forward. “Just watch.” Lera sent her desire across the link she’d never known she had but had always needed. And her wolf answered the call.

  Adric burst from the trees, running all out toward her. Ears back, coming for her. No one else but her. Lera dropped to her knees and opened her arms, sighing contentedly when his warm body rested against her.

  Kori’s jaw hurt from where Dane had delivered a right cross to it. His throat sore from the powerful hands he’d had wrapped around it. He knew he’d been in trouble when Dane’s hands closed about his neck but then Lera had appeared. He’d just begun to breathe easier when there came from the woods a black wolf. As large if not larger than him. The scent of the unknown wolf filled his nose.

  This is the one who’d been stalking her. His wolf raced to the surface, and he could feel the shift beginning. Beside him, he could hear the angry rumble of a tiger.

  ‘Don’t hurt him, Kori,’ Lera’s voice entered his mind. Her tone so much more confident.

  One arm shot out, and he grabbed Dane whose sound of displeasure grew louder at his contact.

  “She doesn’t want us to hurt him.”

  They watched this creature run right into her arms. The ease in which she hugged the wolf made Kori growl with jealousy. His fingers closed into fists.

  “Can it be true?” Dane’s question was hushed.

  He glanced at the man who’d raised his mate. “What are you talking about?”

  Lera met their gazes and he could see the tears in her eyes. “He’s mine.”

  Kori’s wolf snarled in challenge. The thought of another alpha male near his mate didn’t sit well with either of them.

  “What do you mean yours, Lera?” he asked, trying not to rip her away from the wolf.

  “He’s been searching for me.”

  Dane stepped up and dropped to his knees beside Lera and reached out as if to touch Adric’s coat but he hesitated before making actual connection. “I never believed…until now.”

  Kori was frustrated. “What’s going on, Lera?”

  She got to her feet and came to him. It didn’t escape his attention that the obsidian gaze of the wolf followed her every move. Kori calmed when she slid her arms around his waist.

  “This is Adric. He’s my vaj, and I am his.”

  Vaj. Kori frowned. All he’d heard in collaboration with them was from stories of the past. Stories dealing with a race of people called Haikon. Which meant “of the chosen race.” They were presumed to have been wiped out. It was more than a shock to meet one and have Lera’s name attached to it as well.

  Dane got to his feet and looked between the three of them. “Come back to Savoy, and we’ll discuss this more.” Then, he walked off with one final look to Adric.

  ‘You and I are far from being done, Cormac MacLochlainne.’ Dane’s voice wove into his mind, and he knew “Daddy Dane” had not been happy with the minor damage he’d inflicted. Kori didn’t respond; there was nothing he could say. He just rolled his shoulders and contained his wince from the sore muscles he’d already been given.

  When it was him, Lera, and the wolf she called Adric, he set her from him and stared in her eyes. “Lera?”

  It was as if a transformation took over, and he was faced with a woman who had suddenly come into her own. There surrounding her sat an aura of confidence she’d been missing before. It was a double-edged sword to him. He was glad and yet very jealous that it was because this wolf had given it to her.

  ‘I’m not a threat to you, mate to my vaj. She needs you more than she knows yet. Just as I suspect you need her.’

  The masculine voice in his mind even sounded wise. Removing his gaze from Lera, he looked at the wolf and stared. The animal lay on the ground, and watched him with obsidian eyes.

  ‘So you’re not claiming she is your mate?

  ‘I’m flesh and blood wolf. This is my shape. But, in order for either of us to be whole, we need one another. Our bond is different than the one you two share.’ Adric pushed to his feet and padded over to Lera and leaned against her. ‘I know my vaj has questions, and I’m sure you do as well. There are things the two of you need to know before we go and speak to her father.’

  With a nod, Kori reached out and cupped Lera’s face. “Let’s figure this out, mo anam.”

  “You’re okay with Adric, Kori? I can’t give him up.”

  His wolf growled but much softer. “I’ll learn. I know you can’t, mo ghrá, and I would never ask you to. You need him like I need you.”

  “I need you, too, Kori.”

  And just like that both he and his wolf were soothed. Stepping close, he brushed his lips along hers. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back with more passion. He rumbled deep in his chest and lowered his hands to cup her ass and lift her against him. She wrapped her legs around his waist and nipped at his tongue when he slipped it into her mouth.

  ‘I hate to interrupt but it would not be wise to keep Dane waiting,’ Adric’s voice wove into his mind.

  Kori reluctantly ended the kiss. Lera’s gaze swam with passion and need while she looked at him.

  “We need—”

  “I know, Kori. I heard him. And he’s right. Daddy’s not gonna be very patient.” She unhooked her legs and glanced at Adric. “I think we need to talk to Daddy first.”

  ‘Cavan. Bring back my vehicle. I need you to take Lera’s bike back to Savoy.’

  ‘Since when did she agree to not ride her bike?’

  ‘Don’t be a smartass. Dane’s waiting for us. If you like, I can mention you and Rissa to him.

  I’m coming, I’m coming.’

  He looked at his soul mate and her wolf. “Cavan will be here with my vehicle and he’ll take your bike back to Savoy.”

  Her fingers disappeared into the plush coat and she nodded. “Okay.”

  A slight grin turned up the corner of her mouth, and he knew she was communicating with her vaj. They all walked toward her bike and waited for Cavan who wasn’t long in arriving. He stood with his brother while Lera and Adric were a short ways off.

  “She’s Haikon?” Cavan’s asked in disbelief.

  “Apparently. Even Dane was blown away. I mean, as far as I know, they’re legendary. Only around in stories now.” He crossed his arms. “Hell, I don’t know if I ever truly believed they existed.”

  “This is amazing, brother. But you need to get going or Dane is really going to kill you.” Cavan clapped him on the shoulder. “I’ll be right behind you.”

  “Lera,” he called. “Let’s get going.”

  She rubbed Adric’s head before they both headed toward him. Her brown eyes sparkled, and she had a grin upon her face. Lera walked past him to his brother and handed him the key for her bike. He noticed she still didn’t allow physical contact with his sibling.

  “Take care of it.”

  Cavan sketched a bow. “Of course, little sister.” He climbed on the bike and started the engine.

  She didn’t move until he drove away. Kori led her to the Humvee and held the door. As Adric leaped effortlessly into the interior, he could feel the wolf’s displeasure at being in the vehicle. Slipping behind the wheel, he pointed them in the direction of Savoy and hur
ried along.

  It was dark when he stopped them at a hotel. While Lera and her vaj walked around near the edge of the woods, he secured two rooms. One for him and Lera and one for his brother.

  ‘Come get something to eat, mo anam.’

  He breathed a bit easier when she entered his line of sight by the door to their room and smiled softly at him. Slipping his hand along the curvature of her face, he pressed a kiss to her full lips and struggled to keep it simple. The urge to lock out the outside world and explore her body all over again doused him as if he stood under a waterfall.

  Lera ended the kiss. Pulling away slowly, she stared at him. “Let’s go eat.”


  “He’s hunting for his own meal.”

  She walked off, leaving Kori to follow. For a moment, he stood there and stared at the seductive sway of her leather clad derriere. When she reached the back of his Humvee, she paused and glanced at him over her shoulder.

  ‘Coming, Kori?’

  His heart pounded hard at the intimate tone to her voice. A few long strides and he was at her side. He slid his arm around her, loving the way she felt tucked against him. That was how they entered and left the diner.

  “Good night, Cavan,” he told his brother.

  “Night, Cormac.” A slight bow and he added, “Little sister.”

  Once inside their room, Kori gathered her closer yet and lowered his mouth to hers. His body hardened way past what it had been during dinner. He held her tightly against him and devoured her mouth until she sagged nigh boneless into him. Then, he carried her to the bed, all the while making love to her mouth.

  Setting her upon the queen-sized mattress, he pressed his body to hers, allowing her to feel his desire for her. Her soft cries stroked him to an even harder state. Hands braced on either side of her, he pushed up and stared in her swirling eyes. The amount of love and trust they contained would have knocked him off his feet had he been standing.

  “Valera Grace,” he murmured.


  “Yes, mo anam?”

  “What happens now?”

  “Well, I was thinking more of me buried deep inside you for starters. I want to be buried so deep I can feel your heartbeat.”


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