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Page 2

by Jason Andrews

  “My drinks must have been spiked so that she was able to deliver a bit of trash being myself, fucked me senseless for everyone to view and got some pleasure out of it. Sniffing cocaine from a pussy anyway what the fuck’s that about?”

  “I don’t know what else to say,” said Amercia.

  She rolled her eyes up more wondering if Kerry earned more than she did in a night.

  “I did promise you a reduction on my fee; are you sure you don’t even want me to give you a hand job?”

  “Thanks for the discount. I don’t want a hand-job, blow-job or anything else. I called you just because I wanted to chat. I was lonely, and I know you prostitutes are non-judgemental.”

  “I’m an escort, Jake. Let’s get that straight from the onset. I’m happy to listen because you’re the client, and I’ll do whatever you want if you’re paying for it. I feel a bit bad not doing anything sexual. Not that I am complaining since my usual clients are not interested in the talking part. You are somewhat different.”

  Jake laughed, fucking cheaper than a shrink, he thought to himself.

  “I like it when you play the part of a therapist although I know I’m paying, I like having the option to fuck you. I wouldn’t have that with a real therapist. I know that if I wanted it, you’d be there.”

  “Well, I try to give good advice either way. If that’s all you need right now, from everything you’ve told me, and I know I don’t know you all that well. You should be a little more, fuck it. Fuck everything and do what’s right for you. When that bitch was groping you in the taxi, I bet it was just a test to see how you handled something sexual in front of others. That experience with Sordida is both hilarious and shocking. I’ve never been to a swinger’s club, but have you ever been back since?”

  “No, definitely no fucking chance. That was my first and only encounter that evening; I don’t want to go back and put on a live show for those wealthy freaks.”

  Amercia couldn’t help her curiosity. All she kept thinking about was a potential earning opportunity. It must be some escorts dream palace in a place like that. She couldn’t believe she had never heard nor seen it anywhere before.

  “I don’t think we earn enough to be on the guest list since from my vague encounter there I’d say that place was for the filthy rich. They hunt poor working-class people on the streets and in the clubs to make themselves feel even more high and mighty.”

  “They took the piss out of you,” she replied, “they watched you fuck, and I bet they all laughed at you from behind those mirrors all knowing that you couldn’t see them watching. Doesn’t that make you want to do something, smash the place up or at least have your say - all seems a bit of a power trip?”

  “I never want to see that place again. I’ll leave the rich people to play with their rich toys. Come on, snorting cocaine from pussy for fucks-sake, people watching from behind mirrors – it’s all too fucked up for me even to contemplate it. I can’t imagine what else goes on there. Freaks, the lot of them.”

  “I want to see what kind of people go because I reckon Jake that I could play a good game if I need to do so. I’m no fool, and I wouldn’t come out of there worse off. Do you know the address or a rough location?”

  “No idea because I was drunk. The journey felt like forever. All I know is that it was near an industrial estate, but that’s all I know and nothing else.”

  Amercia didn’t believe him; she felt that he was hiding something that would now have to wait for another time. At least she had a name to investigate further.

  “Sordida,” she said aloud, “I’ve got a name for the place at the very least though. I can start with that and look around for more information online.”

  “Be careful,” Jake responded, only this time sounding concerned, “you don’t know what surprises lurk in there. There’s other weird shit I saw on the way out. I’ll save it for our next session.”



  mercia felt on the onset of a caffeine deficiency headache brewing since the worry of constantly not being able to pay the rent on time was playing on her mind amongst some of the sexually awkward information her new client, Jake Parker, had informed her. Sexual curiosity is one thing, yet chasing the sexual adventures is another; at what point do you cross the boundaries, she wondered, is it a mass partaking of self-indulgence and narcissistic conducts or just outright strange?

  Surrounded by nothing more than a wardrobe of clothes, a coffee table and a wine-stained carpet in a bedsit apartment located in one of Plymouth’s most deprived area’s – council estate life was not what she had dreamed of for herself. Despite having spent three years studying accountancy and completing a short work trial in cost accounting for manufacturers in the past, life has never provided her with the greatest of opportunities. With the expectancy of becoming an accountant after successful completion of her studies, circumstance ensured she was a part-time shelf stacker for a local supermarket chain and a struggling escort clambering for work in the ever-growing online world of sex and shamelessness. Accountancy was more tedious than she had expected, yet commitment wasn’t one of her best-known life skills. Amercia had always wanted to strive for more out of life, but unfortunately, her traits failed her while her family disowned her. Amercia in the eyes of her parents could never live up to the success of her brother who followed in the footsteps of their mother and father in a legal profession. Having left the family home many years ago to fend for herself without much of a trace, she expected her current poverty status would have brought shame on the family. Nothing stays the same forever, and when you hit rock bottom, the only way is up, a thought that often gave her hope that her life would change in a more positive direction.

  Amercia slammed down her laptop with frustration at her internet connection; although she could barely afford to eat, she would gladly sacrifice food for the sake of having faster internet access. Not one for having much patience, she had given up on checking her escort profile on a seedy adult site she had signed up to a few weeks ago. Today had been a long day and a struggle at that, she was indeed not in the mood for searching out more clients online. However, she couldn’t stop thinking about Jake and his discovery of a swinger’s club. The more she wondered about it, the more it was unlike anything she had heard of or experienced before. She desperately wanted to scrutinise the place for herself to determine any money-making opportunities from the men in there if nothing else. Rich, horny old men sounded like a dream come true right now.

  With a headache now pounding her forehead like a constant slap, Amercia decided now was the perfect time to crack open a cold can of diet cola. Filled with all sorts of chemicals and a concoction of various acid’s, at least being laced with caffeine and sugar-free meant her teeth were intact while soothing away the pressure inflicted by the withdrawals of her addiction. She had never smoked a cigarette in her life, barely drank alcohol, yet all her smoking, fast-food binging friends and colleagues persistently gave her advice over the dangers of consuming so many sweeteners in sheer hypocrisy. Amercia always sipped the cola through a straw because it protected her teeth more and she felt the icy coldness of it tingle all the way down her throat, liquid silk, she thought to herself, pure damn heaven. Not only were the diet cola’s on offer this month at the supermarket chain she worked for since she was staff she would receive an additional ten per cent discount on all her purchases. Her life did have some small perks even if it did feel like she was giving most of her menial part-time wages back to her employer.

  Continuing to think about Jake now that her headache had started to ease off, he was one of her most unusual men she had met. He never wanted to engage in anything sexual although he had strict rules she had to abide by with roleplaying requests she could fulfil for the money. Her attire always had to resemble that of a secretary with all contact as formal as possible taking on the role of a mental health psychiatrist. Jake had found her online advertisement from the website she signed up to and s
ent her a few messages, aware that he had contacted other escorts from the online site, she wasn’t sure why he chose her. Amercia had assumed it was because the photo of herself that she sent in a tight black skirt and white button up blouse showing a little cleavage might have just been the winning factor.

  From the interaction with online messaging before their first meet, Amercia had assumed that Jake was a depressed loner and slightly socially awkward. Although you cannot portray a perfect representation of personality in emails and messages, she had preconceived the idea he might have been sexually dominant with her needing to be very submissive. Conjuring up images in her head of having his cock forced down her throat while he held on tightly to her neck in a face-fucking scenario. As much as she tried drawing conversations into a sexual nature, he shifted her back into his sexual history timelines of events without even so much as touching her. He paid the going rate of sixty pounds an hour with the other positive being that she didn’t have to pretend to want to fuck him either. To her satisfaction, all he got out of the situation between them was a dirty chat mostly about himself, so that was easy money in her pocket that she thought wasn’t much worth complaining over. Other ideas she had considered was that having met him when all his housemates weren’t around, the lack of sexual activity could be fear of them returning or not wanting to expose any embarrassment he was paying. Regardless of his reasons unbeknown to her fully to fuck, he wasn’t that displeasing on the eyes either which she considered a bonus – just a shame he didn’t have more muscle on him.

  From the corner of the room, Amercia could see the internet routers’ green light flickering away like crazy that signalled a connection to the line at long last. She opened her laptop, fired up the web browser and hit the home button for an online search engine.

  “Sordida, where are you?” She muttered under her breath, “why have I not heard of you before?”

  Nothing was coming up under any search results except for a few pages of Latin and Spanish references to the word. Why was no bastard talking about this exciting club of wealth and sex, she wondered, perhaps he was making the whole fucking thing up? She then thought more about her judgement and gut instinct, he did come across genuine and quickly dismissed the idea it was a fictional fantasy of his.

  Being more generic on the search engine she typed in Swingers Club Plymouth to return a mass of random forum pages. Scrolling through the curiosities of Plymothian locals who seemed to be requesting places of interest for dogging hotspots, social meets and gang-bangs, she spotted an online conversation about how a secret club on the outskirts of the city has wasted over an hour now of her time. Feeling a little bit excited by the prospect of gathering more information about Sordida as a swinger’s club, she clicked into the forums of an online golf site where two users seemed to refer to a swinging club trial. It could have easily been in a golfing sense of terminology, yet the online replies between the two users of the forum were too vague.

  In an underlying tone of evident without being directly apparent, all the clues to their online conversation were making sense to her. Reading further down the pages and in between the lines they referred to a kind of secret game that didn’t imply it was golf. The forum pages were a few months old, but it was a starting ground for her to investigate further. It was their references to a hunt that might give some implication of truth to the game Jake found himself humiliated by being oblivious. Her only hope of a starting ground to see some truth in the matter was this forum.

  Signing up to the online forums took just a few minutes; a handful of false details, site username, memorable password, confirming an email address and then her online presence was visible. Amercia had nothing to lose by messaging the forum users directly from the website to ask what they knew of Sordida, or if they were even referring to the club in their messaging history because all her data was false and unidentifiable. Amercia had been quite direct informing them that she was able to identify an indication of Sordida within the cryptic messages and she introduced herself as an escort who had once been taken there to watch a hunt. She was hoping to do a psychological trick of giving a little information to gain their trust eventually. All she had to do now was wait for their reply in due course. Both of them are active forum members with recent responses in various golfing topics; she had anticipated it would be within the next twenty-four hours at least before they get back to her.

  The next step in Amercia's plan to locate Sordida was from another clue that Jake had dropped in his wild ramblings from today. An industrial state filled with business units around twenty to thirty minutes away from the city could not be that hard to locate on a mapping application or browser add-on. She went back to the online search engine since her connection was still consistent to search the term industrial estates near Plymouth. The results showed that only three different locations were most likely relevant all being around twenty miles away in different directions. She had remembered that he implied the drive to the area included a wall of trees down a long road which couldn’t have been all that far from the business units if he was able to run back to call a taxi for the journey home.

  Looking at the locations on a map with a bird’s eye view combined with having to zoom in then out multiple times on each of the industrial estate locations, within fifteen minutes she was sure she had found it. Using the zoom function on the online map, she could see the trees, the industrial estate of business units and even the square white property at the end of a long winding road in what also appeared to have a good few acres of its grounds and woodland areas.

  The feeling of being sure of Sordida’s exact location gave Amercia a few butterflies in her stomach, the kind of nervousness that came from not knowing what to expect. It was progress that had taken just a couple of hours, Amercia considered it rare how for this business there did not seem to be any advertisements or website for the club. She kept a screenshot of the map including a record of the forum chat to save on her laptop for further investigating later. Everything seemed to be coming together nicely in a short space of time; a discussion with posts about a swinger’s club, the industrial estate location established – she was toying with the idea of booking a taxi for a look around from a distance later this evening.

  Although Amercia could drive, affording a car was another life luxury she had to do without, relying on taxi’s and public transport was cheaper in the long run. Going back out might mean dressing back up in something quite revealing, but as an escort just starting out, she had a few outfits that would be sure to show off her best assets. Amercia had been complimented on her breasts many times in her life, because of their perky, slightly above average size. She considered herself fortunate at thirty that they were still not falling to her stomach.

  Not one client had seen her real dark blonde hair due to the vast amount of red and brunette wigs she had collected for herself; she wasn’t in the escorting game half-hearted. Amercia knew that escorting was one of the worst paid acting jobs imaginable, but it was entertaining her, and the primary purpose was to better her lifestyle. A role in accountancy might appeal more to her to fall back on in her fifties if her vagina isn’t hanging down to the floor by then with the all the fucking it’s had, or should she ever be able to cope with conforming to social norms.

  Pleased that her headache had now disappeared thanks to a full can of diet cola which worked better than any painkillers every time, Amercia curiously checked the golfing forum one more time before planning to head to bed for the evening. There was one message waiting for her.

  Fucking hell, yes, a reply at last.

  Clicking the online link to open the message she had received, felt like the longest few seconds of her life, in that short space of time about fifty different what-ifs came to mind. Would it be an absolute denial of all knowledge of Sordida, she wondered, would he too have many questions, would he even believe her? To her disbelief, the message was just one line and contained nothing more than a mobile phone num
ber with a date and time. That’s tomorrow at 1 pm, she wondered, he must want me to call lunchtime tomorrow? With that, she picked up her mobile phone and dialled in the number.

  “This call cannot be completed right now as dialled, Please try again later.”

  No sooner had she ended the call from the automated response, her mobile phone rang back with caller displaying showing he was calling her back. She jumped up off the sofa with the phone to her ear, quite nervous – she answered.

  “Hello.” Amercia greeted the caller, “Thanks for calling me straight back, I don’t know your name.”

  “You do not need that information,” the middle-aged male voice replied cutting her off mid-sentence, “call me back tomorrow at one or just after. No sooner, nor later than that. I can only speak tomorrow. Goodbye.”

  The caller hung up immediately, leaving Amercia baffled. She sat back down on the sofa with her laptop convinced that the oddity of his response was confirmation he knew of Sordida. Otherwise, he could have just replied with complete denial of knowing anything about the place. She was desperate to call Jake, to make him aware of her knowledge that she is confident of Sordida’s location, but it was not good escorting practice to call clients unannounced. The discretion in this industry was of utmost importance, without trust there would never be repeat work, without work there would be no extra income – it was a vicious circle of deceit.

  In a moment of mind diversion to stop herself from calling Jake, using her laptop she browsed back to the forum topic where she had seen the original replies between the two members. It was no longer available to read. Amercia was stunned, why would you do that, she had thought, removing all trace or knowledge, why? Nothing was making much sense, although she had hoped that tomorrow afternoon after making the call as advised, it would all become clear. In her mind now, she had already begun pre-planning a conversation. She needed to remember how Jake had described his experience to her and then twist the scenario to suit her line of work.


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