Book Read Free


Page 11

by Jason Andrews



  he last two days stacking shelves at the supermarket as part of her day job had been grueling for a couple of reasons. Having fallen out with her colleagues for not switching her shift hours to accommodate those with child care needs, Amercia believed that not having children discriminated in the workplace by the management team who focussed their attention to accommodate the demands of those with children. She could never get annual leave requests approved during the summer months, nor the school half-term holidays, and was expected to switch to later shifts or swap when others had issues around childcare.

  Not that she could afford to travel abroad in the summer when the prices were higher than usual, but due to her employer requiring a certain percentage of staff in over this period she never had the option. Leave requests were fulfilled for those with children first and foremost, she understood this, but still felt persecuted for not being in the child-care-issues club. Sometimes the expectancy was a piss-take in her opinion, but now her colleagues had expectations of her as if she could freely give up her plans to suit her workplace.

  Amercia had enough, the job itself was mind-numbing from one loaf of bread to another without any brain activity nor job satisfaction. Every day lately felt like a close encounter for a resignation, at least with the aim of trying to be an escort, her day was made more interesting by the thought of the process of wanting to succeed at something other than looking at bread most days. She knew she needed to be more selfish, or at least less accommodating to the needs of others. Weirdly, her and Jake Parker had a mutual connection because she felt he too was on a journey for self-improvement.

  Having walked from the bus stop at Plymouth city centre to meet Jake this afternoon, Amercia sipped from a can of diet cola as she walked towards Plymouth Barbican. The old historical harbour now lined with bars and cafés was a great meeting place for friends on a night out or a couple on a date, yet an escort and her client was not the typical setting, especially during a Wednesday afternoon. As she strolled down the cobbled streets, zipping up her coat as the chill in the air took a bite on her face, the small fishing boats came into sight. The view of Plymouth sound was picturesque as the afternoon sea was calm, having to distract herself from looking at the stylish clothing in the boutique’s and even the odd artwork that caught her attention from quaint little shops, Amercia sat down on a bench facing the harbourside rather than depress herself with wares she couldn’t really afford. The smell of fish was lingering in the air, seagulls flying around the sky like food-hunting drones, but still, Jake had not provided an exact location for the meet today. It’s almost fucking three, she thought, it’s fucking freezing, where is he? She grabbed her mobile phone and called him to confirm today’s appointment.

  “Hi Mr Parker,” she said as he answered, keeping to her promised role of a secretary, “are you ready for your appointment today, I’m on a bench by the waterfront at the Barbican, and I want you.”

  “I’m almost with you, Miss Preen. I’ve got a lot to discuss in this hour; I hope you can handle it.”

  “Where are you? Shall we meet at the Café Del Mar just on the corner of where the cobbled street begins as you head into the Barbican area?”

  “If they have some seating outside and it looks a bit quiet, then yeah, go for it. I don’t want an audience, and I need you to look like my professional employee. I know where it is, and I should be there in about five to ten minutes.”

  “Great, I’ll head on over and I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  Amercia hung up the phone, sighed as the coldness was going right up her skirt. She despised the secretary look with her tits pushed as far up her chest as she could manage and the coldness of autumn was more than a gentle wakeup call when you could tell the temperature with your labia. Making sure her wig was held in place, this time it was longer mousey brown hair she managed to find in a charity shop, Amercia proceeded to walk in heels with moderate difficulty over the cobbles in the direction of Café Del Mar.

  She could see the eyes of random couples staring at her, assuming it was due to her difficulty walking on the cobbles she moved onto the path that led straight to the café. Just a small handful of people were sat in chairs drinking their tea or coffee, eating paninis and pasties, so Amercia found a quiet spot not close to any other couple, she spotted Jake walking towards her direction as she unzipped her coat to reveal a beautiful cleavage.

  “Have you ordered anything?” Jake asked slightly out of breath as he had walked as fast as he could, “If not do you want a coffee, sorry my bad, I meant diet cola, I forgot you don’t drink tea or coffee.”

  “Diet Cola would be perfect. Hopefully, they bring a straw too, but you look smart, I must say.”

  “Well, I’ve been in court all morning, working in the legal profession ensures I always look good for any occasion.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know you worked as a – sorry,” Amercia replied as she saw the look on his face, then went along with the story remembering she was a secretary.

  “I didn’t bring any case papers with me today Mr Parker, but I have brought a pen and pad to take some important legal notes I can type up for you later.”

  “Here are the sixty pounds I owe you, Miss Preen. I’ll go order inside, do we have a table number?”

  “Thank you; there’s no number on the table, but they usually just bring whatever you order outside and shout it for you to acknowledge.”

  That’s another sixty for the biscuit tin, she thought, I’ll save that with the rest. Jake went inside, so as he went out of sight, Amercia checked her messages on her mobile phone because she was waiting for Tim Helman to contact her about working part-time for Sordida. No new text messages had come through on her phone, but she was tempted to send him a text although afraid she might upset him if her last call to him on Sunday was anything to remember. Amercia put the phone in her coat pocket, and a few minutes later Jake appeared with the diet cola and a cup of coffee.

  “I just waited for it inside. I didn’t forget the straw, and I went for a can instead of a small bottle, hope you don’t mind.”

  “That’s perfect, don’t worry Mr Parker, it’s just how I like it.”

  Looking directly at him in the eyes, for the first time noticing how he appeared more masculine than usual, assuming it was the suit bringing out his alpha-male dominance, but something about him was different.

  “What would you like to discuss today? It seems quite private here; nobody is really within earshot of our conversation. Is everything alright with you lately?”

  “I’m at the point now where if I see you I want to fuck you Amercia. Having wanked like fuck over your pussy last time, I know if I saw you again at mine I’d have to fuck you, and I don’t want to do that. I need to learn some restraint. I need to treat women better. It may seem strange to you, but you’re helping me in more ways than you can imagine.”

  “Is that why you chose an outdoor setting today because you know you can’t fuck me in public. Well, you could, but I’m sure we’d both be in trouble with the law.”

  “That’s exactly it, plus talking about my issues to someone else who isn’t going to judge me helps. A few meets ago, we covered my depression and anxiety. The way I was treated by Sordida, the hunt meeting. I feel better for having gotten a lot off my chest, but I realised that if I am to find a decent woman I need to stop thinking with my dick and look beyond what’s in her knickers. I have never really spent much time getting to know people; I tend to rush in there, shag like fuck and then bang – the relationship is a non-starter.”

  “I think you're too hard on yourself,” Amercia replied, “pardon the pun though. I can see a difference in you today. You are not as nervous or shaking, and you appear more confident in yourself. I like you in that suit; it does look good on you. I know I don’t know you personally, and that you keep your private life just that – private; however, you are looking pleased with yourself in a way if you
don’t mind me saying.”

  “I don’t mind at all. I feel like having unburdened myself on you when I meet a woman who wants me for who I am; I don’t have to talk through all my shit with her. On another note though, you told me you’ve been to Sordida, I’m sorry for over-reacting the other night, but I didn’t expect you to have pushed yourself in there so soon. My temper gets the better of me.”

  “I did tell you I would find it,” she insisted, “I’m an escort Jake, I need the extra money and the weird way you described all of Sordida’s games I had to see it for myself. Yes, I’ve been – it’s completely fucked up, but everyone seems to get what they want out of it. Escorts get paid, members get their sexual kicks, everyone knows where they stand.”

  “You accept that you know you are going down a perilous path don’t you, there’s something sinister about that club, you can’t trust their intentions. Look what happened to me, hunted and abused.”

  He’s so over the top, Amercia thought, I can do what the fuck I want.

  “Jake, you need to accept that my work is my work and it’s my business.”

  “I can’t argue with that, then why don’t you get the fuck on with it. Don’t say I haven’t warned you. I fucking called you here today to tell you that I want nothing more to do with you. You went behind my back, take something I told you and you ran off with it. I can’t trust you anymore, so for that reason as I have said, I am fucking done.”

  Amercia was speechless, his complete change of personality intimidated her. He was not acting how she expected, and the situation took her by surprise.

  “I’m the poor cunt having to hear about your shitty fucking life,” she snapped, “you don’t fucking control me. You’re the freaky bastard who can’t handle any form of relationships; you’re the messed-up twat who can’t fuck anyone. You are the fucking idiot who is losing at life mate. You are, you are fucking twisted.”

  Café Del Mar, came to a standstill, the staff inside the shop were looking out of the window as they argued. Others outside ground to a silent halt as the heated discussion continued.

  “You’re nothing but a fucking slag desperate for extra cash. Why don’t you fuck off out of my sight? I said I am fucking done, bitch. You don’t know the half of my life or the pressure I am under.”

  Amercia stood up, zipped up her coat, checked the phone, and the sixty pounds was in her pocket and walked away. Not looking back behind her, she walked at a fast pace to get out of view. Leaning against a stone wall in-between a small alleyway that led to a road of mini supermarkets and gift shops, she took a deep breath. Hold it together, she thought, keep it in, keep it in. Never fucking speak to him again. She was almost reduced to tears, and more upset about the embarrassment he brought to her with everyone around staring at them. Jake had severe temper issues, maybe revealing himself like that was more of a real awakening that she could have been subjected to violence if they maintained a long-term working relationship. Her phone was ringing.

  “Jake, what the fuck do you want. I don’t want you to contact me again. I mean it, so let’s leave it at that.”

  “We can’t leave it as this can we, Amercia. You’ll see me again soon I am sure of it.”

  Amercia hung up and placed the phone back in her pocket, it was now starting to get colder than before, and she felt a shivery tingle all the way up her legs. Afraid to leave the alleyway in the event he was nearby, she peered her head out, unable to see him, took off her heels to run faster through the cobbled streets. She couldn’t care less who was watching; she just needed to head straight home back to the safety net of her council estate bedsit. Too fucking right, we're done, she wondered, what the actual fuck was his problem?

  Amercia had made it home in a taxi, somewhat distraught over Jake’s actions; she was now sat on the sofa with the laptop beside her chilling out. Amercia checked her emails in case Tim Helman had messaged her online instead, but still, nothing was showing as received. Now with a lack of text message and any other communication, it was getting quite late in the day. Since he had promised to call her back mid-week and it was currently Wednesday heading into the early evening, she was in two minds whether to call him on her mobile or not. Her online escort profile had received a new potential meet messaged which distracted her thoughts from Tim. Roy, a late sixties guy with grey-balding hair, had sent a picture of himself with a short introduction message requiring a girlfriend experience for the theatre this coming Saturday. At fucking last, she thought, about time something decent came through and bet he can’t get it up anyway. Hitting the reply button, Amercia responded immediately to confirm her availability for Saturday evening at a rate of sixty-pounds per hour, or four-hundred pounds for the whole night, extra’s too if he guaranteed a tip for her extra time. To tempt Roy further, Amercia included a cheeky tit picture she had saved on her profile, showing him the goods if he took her up on her offer. Take the bait, she thought to herself; you look riddled with cash. She tapped her fingers impatiently hoping for an instant response, but within minutes she could see he had read her message, but not replied. Amercia’s mobile phone rang, she jumped in surprise and made a short yelp noise as it caught her off guard, the laptop nearly fell to the floor.

  “Hello, Tim.” She answered, “thanks for calling, I guess it’s safe for you to talk now.”

  “Hey, Amercia, some great news,” Tim replied, “I’ve had a lot of feedback from our members. They loved you. Some room for improvement, but you have potential. I can see something special in you and on that note, I’d like to offer you a casual contract of employment, but there are a few issues to iron out.”

  Amercia was shaking, the nerves and excitement all kicking in at the same time replicating the feeling of downing a few jaeger bombs on a good night out.

  “Thank you so much, but what issues?” she asked, “when do I start and what should I do next?”

  “We need to meet again to discuss more details; tonight I thought I’d call you with the news. You understand our strict discretion policy, but I have some ideas as said before I need to put forward, and regarding employment, I need to put you down on a casual contract.” Tim replied, “you would have to invoice me monthly for your agreed time and declare your income at the end of the tax year yourself. It’s like being self-employed, but you must put yourself down as an entertainer for the hotel. You shouldn’t have any problems. Can you meet me at the hotel tomorrow night for dinner?”

  “That’s not a problem,” Amercia responded, thrilled by his goodwill gesture, “dinner will be great, you know I’m open-minded, I’ll hopefully do well for you and your club. What time tomorrow?”

  “I have every confidence in you,” Tim replied, “we should meet around eight in the Helman House Hotel bar, and then I have a private room we can enjoy our meal together.”

  “Room two-three-two?” Amercia asked, “you’re not going to have me locked in that room again are you?”

  “No,” he responded, surprised by her question, “we’ve met, I trust you. I want you on board. Like most employment opportunities, there are some ground rules. I need you to understand an awful lot in a short amount of time. Your last visit was more of an introduction, but from now on, should you accept my offer I have expectancies from you. Unwritten rules you may or may not like.”

  “Great, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She replied, still nervous, “run everything past me then, but thank you again so much for this opportunity. I will not let you down. I appreciate you calling me. Thank you.”

  Tim hung up the phone, Amercia moved the laptop to the other side of the sofa and stood to contain her excitement.

  “I fucking did it,” she said aloud to herself, “I’ve fucking done it.”

  Her head filled with ideas of being drenched in wads of cash as wealthy Sordida members threw money at her to play their sexual games. Although it wasn’t your average job, she felt it deserved respect and importance. Who knew how much money she could make from this; she was
determined, competitive and edgy. Amercia felt a connection with Tim, as if he knew deep down she was a benefit to the club to entice more members to spend. He sees something in me, she thought, that fucking biscuit tin will be loaded to the brim within the month hopefully. New start, new me. Looking around at all the clutter on the floor, dirty dishes on the kitchenette side, Amercia made the firm decision to start to clean up the bedsit. The shouting from drunken teenagers outside was louder than the television that had been on the twenty-four-hour news channel most of the afternoon into early evening. Hopefully, don’t have to put up with living here much longer, she thought to herself turning up the volume with the tv remote, I’ve done my fucking time here. Further random screaming and shouting suggested a brawl was going on, not wanting to associate with it, Amercia switched off mentally and continued to do the dishes, singing to herself, nothing this evening was going to spoil her mood. Especially since Jake had already ruined her afternoon.



  mercia was sat on the bus still trying to breathe through the smell of the elderly with their putrid perfumes. As she looked out the window contemplating life watching the world whizz by at thirty miles per hour, at least stacking bread on shelves for the day was over. Managing to get through a shift without insulting or upsetting colleagues was a job in itself recently. Her manager Kevin had quietly taken her to one side earlier in the morning due to being concerned she was becoming withdrawn. He noticed she was not integrating or coming across her usual confident self, so he discussed moving her from the bakery section to dairy products as a change to her regular working day from next week.


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