Book Read Free


Page 13

by Jason Andrews

  “So, in short you mean if I get paid extra for fucking whoever, or someone throws money at me, I can keep all of it, and all you want in return is your twenty per cent cut? Where does the initial fee come from for my time?”

  “I charge all members of Sordida, monthly and yearly fees for being part of it. Together as a union, we are all one big Sordida family and money from these premium fees is used for escorts time. It’s putting back into the business, a reason to make members return. Everyone wants to have fun, and I create the right environment with all the right people. We did discuss this briefly before haven’t we, but after dinner, I’ll get all the forms if you want to sign them tonight?”

  Tim looked directly into Amercia’s eyes.

  “Are you committed enough to keep all the information and events you see in the strictest confidence?”

  “I’m confident I will know how to play the game.”

  A knock on the door signalled Matt had returned, Tim got up to open the door where Matt proceeded to push through a trolley with their food and drinks.

  “You know, I forgot to ask if you both wanted any starters, I assumed that since you both gave me mains, it was a no-go.”

  “I’m watching my figure, but I sure need that drink now.”

  Tim gave Matt a nod as he left the room shortly after placing the meals on the table, Amercia read more into it other than his call to go. He must work for Sordida too, she wondered, was it to give the heads up I had agreed to join the club?

  “Here’s to the start of something amazing, cheers.” Said, Tim, as he raised a glass in the direction of Amercia.

  “Cheers,” she replied sipping her rum and diet cola through a straw, “I will strip your members of whatever cash they can throw our way.”

  “I like you, Amercia. I like you. A lot.”

  Although with a few awkward minutes of silence, glancing looks with the occasional smile, both Amercia and Tim finished their meals.

  “I will need you to sign a contract of employment tonight for your services if you want to press ahead and join Sordida for Saturday’s big event?” Tim asked, revealing a few pages from a document he collected from a drawer behind his desk, “are you happy to start on a base rate of four-hundred-pounds for a whole evening a couple of times per month?”

  Amercia’s eyes bulged, if this is before any extra’s, she wondered, I’ll be fucking minted in no time at all, but I’m sure this should have been more five-hundred or so?

  “Where do I sign - is this paid in cash or bank transfer, I would prefer the money in my hands if possible?”

  “It’s all cash, if that is what you prefer, would you like time to read the contract?” One of the conditions lists not being able to provide services for anyone other than my business associated through Helman House Hotel.”

  “Also, this means?” Amercia asked shrugging her shoulders, “I don’t work for anyone else at all?”

  “That’s right Amercia, you will have to remove yourself from the escort sites you are advertised on and any other adult entertainment services you provide, if you want to work for Sordida, you need to allow us sole exclusivity to your services from the moment you sign. The club ethics include a focus on remaining secret to members who are current; the only way members become Sordida members is to be introduced in and approved by other members.”

  Amercia took the pen, hesitated for a moment, but the need for regular well-paid work in this industry was what she had worked hard for scouting for weeks. This contract would cement the end of crappy messaging on the escort site, no more meetings for a pittance from Jake Parker and other random weird men who seem unable to communicate appropriately with women.

  “I trust you, Tim, I don’t need to read it all, but I accept the terms of four-hundred a night minimum with your club basically as my boss, that’s fine with me. I need the money.”

  She signed on the dotted line enforcing her adult entertainment services exclusively to the Helman House Hotel, greed got the better of her, and she felt she was aware of where she was better off in the long term. For a brief few seconds, she fantasised of quitting her job stacking shelves at the supermarket while also leaving her current dire accommodation in such a vile location that it was.

  “Welcome to Sordida. In an official capacity, I know you’ll get on well with the rest of the team and make a success of it. Our members already love you, and you did a fantastic job on the prize night. This Saturday will be amazing; it’s going to be a real event. Fancy some bubbly to celebrate your start date?”

  Amercia stood up from the table, straightened her dress.

  “Just one more question, if you don’t mind. I would appreciate it if you allowed me to wear wigs on some occasions, I find it helps me get into character?”

  Tim shook his head, then rolled his eyes.

  “I shall allow it a few times with pre-warning. I know the members prefer everything as natural as possible and of the highest quality. If you want to wear wigs, you will need to get some that are top notch on looking as real as possible, none of that nylon style shit. Remember that your popularity and continuation of work is dependent upon your interaction with your audience. I know some are really into some seedy, sordid experiences, but we consider sex an art form. Sordida does not tolerate vanilla.”

  “Let’s get that bubbly then,” Amercia replied, “what’s happening Saturday?”

  “You ever heard of gang-bang roulette or steeple-cock, because we’re having an alternative fun and games evening with returning members loaded with cash. I want all our escorts at their best this weekend; you will be mildly involved considering you’re new to the scene. I want to continue to show you off to our members before they get to get their hands on you. You can consider your voyeurism this weekend a means of effective learning on Saturday?”

  “For four-hundred, they can do anything they want within reason, and I will be looking forward to it.”

  “No, there’s a price, a tip, a drink they can buy you from our bar at the very least, or a club gift; you work them hard. It’s not about what you accept; it’s about what you want. You will have a lot to learn in the art of manipulation Amercia. Your body on the outside is a luring gift at their pleasure, but on the inside, you must remain focused on the cost of such beauty. Our members cannot fulfil their sexual fantasies anywhere else, they know it comes at a price. Escorts, as you might have seen, are props in their playground.”

  Tim took the signed contract and placed it back in the drawer, he removed his mobile phone from his pocket, raised a finger to Amercia to signal her silence.

  “Hi, Matt, you’re not with any hotel guests, are you? Can you bring me a bottle of our house champagne on ice and two flutes?”

  Amercia leaned against his desk, pulled up her dress a little to reveal more of her thighs while trying to tease him seductively gazing into his eyes. He must be a fucking millionaire, she thought, how does it just happen to some people?

  “I’ll call you a taxi after our drinks,” Tim said after putting his phone away, “on Saturday I want you to be dressed to impress, but ready to go full nude at the drop of a hat, it’ll make the members hornier on the night. You’ll get your money at the end of the shift, runs into the early hours but it’ll be there ready and don’t forget to create an invoice for me, if you have a computer you can send something to my email address, here’s a business card.”

  Amercia took the card he produced from his pocket, already feeling nervous about Saturday and what is required, she knew it was the quickest way to earn more money and accepted this now was the path she had chosen for a better lifestyle. The door knocked twice before Matt entered with the champagne.

  “Congratulations,” Matt said while popping the cork, looking at Tim who was smiling while nodding, “welcome to the team.”

  Amercia couldn’t believe her luck.

  “So, you are part of Sordida all along?” she asked, laughing, “you’re in on it too?”
  “You’ll get to know us all at some point, but we all appreciate the extra work shall we say, pays my gym membership. You might see more of me than you bargained for this weekend.”

  “Call one of our taxis for Amercia to return to Plymouth, will you and ask for a pickup in about an hour. I’ll wrap things up here and brief Amercia about Saturday’s event. Since you seem to have met before and appear to get along so well, she’ll be in your capable hands this Saturday then Matt?”

  Matt nodded and left the room.

  “What the hell is steeple-cock? Gang-bang roulette seems obvious; I imagine it’s a load of people just fucking each other?”

  “Gang-bang roulette is like the roulette wheel at a casino; only we have had our own made especially for the event with numbers between one and twenty, like a dart board though. Where the ball lands will give the total of the number of guys who will participate in the sexual interaction with the paying couple or a single person. However, steeple-cock is something of a new game we’ve recently introduced that goes down well, and I don’t want to spoil the surprise. For now, enjoy your drink, and once again thank you for joining our team.”

  Amercia raised her glass, still intrigued by the steeple-cock idea, she smiled.

  “Here’s to a great night of steeple-cock,” she smirked, “and to our beautiful new business partnership. I will be an asset you can count on for sure. If that’s what you want.”

  “You continue to be you. I’ve got great things in mind; you’ll find out soon enough.”

  I will not forget those fucking invoices, she thought, you can count on that regardless of what shitty games you have in mind you weird fucking bastard. I just got to get out of here before I can celebrate and drop this little act.



  ake noticed the moonlight was shining down upon the stillness of the road; there was a chill in the air as he watched the condensation from his breath rise away from his face. Dressed in black clothing to disguise himself among the bushes, he hid behind a tree near the entrance to Amercia’s street to ensure he had a clear view of the main door to her bedsit apartment block. Jake took a glance at his watch; the time was now approaching two in the morning since a few hours had passed while relentlessly watching her neighbours come and go. She still hasn’t come home yet, he thought to himself, Amercia, where the fucking hell are you, you’ve been gone hours?

  Jake was fast losing patience with her, which was, in turn, changing his current mood. He’d been bored for hours, but since he had waited it out this long, there was no intention of giving up just yet. Having moved around various locations within the course of the evening without looking suspicious to her neighbours; he had pretended to have been drunk, sprawled out on the nearby grass verge, had covered his facial visibility whilst sitting in some corner laden with cigarette butts, and later begging passers-by for money as if he was homeless.

  Jake was sure she should have been home by now; the agonising wait for her return was grating on him. The volatile neighbourhood was making him uneasy. He didn’t want his nerves to trigger a panic attack.

  “I will still forgive you,” Jake muttered under his breath, “I know you didn’t mean to anger me or run away from me, but I fucking hell forgive you Amercia. I miss our sessions together. I miss hearing your calming voice of reason. I need you.”

  The glimmer of car lights reflected from a distance, he heard the vehicle coming closer to his location. Jake peered from behind the tree to witness a taxi pulling over to the curb, squinting slightly for a sharper view, Amercia stepped out into the road.

  “At last, you’re back home,” Jake whispered, “I don’t want them to get to you. Stay with me away from that group of conniving bastards.”

  He knelt to give the impression he was tying his shoelaces so that he could lower his head to conceal his face; his hoodie covered his hair, so he shouldn’t be recognisable from a distance between them both.

  “Thank you, driver,” he heard Amercia thank the taxi driver, albeit a bit slurred, “keep the change, will you. Cheers.”

  Amercia stumbled slightly almost tripping up on the curb, she fiddled with her dress and headed towards the door. She looked around while fumbling for her keys out of her small clutch bag, noticeably drunk and cold she wanted to head indoors as quickly as possible. She could hear some rumbling noises behind her, so she turned back to look who was behind, but saw no one.

  Jake looked at her, still maintaining the distance, aware he’d made a creeping sound, he now stood still and admired her figure as she rushed to let herself indoors. He felt saddened that their working relationship had broken down, although it was not emotional, his need for her for was stronger than it had ever been. No one else listened like she used to do so; the understanding between them was intense as Amercia never judged him nor ridiculed his role-playing needs. She was beautiful, and everything he could want in a woman just was never sure how to tell her. Deep down he was aware that Amercia’s desperation for extra money had kept her coming back every time, yet he knew Sordida could offer more money than he could if she chose to go down that twisted route. He was fully aware he should never have become so attached to her. That was not the plan, yet also aware his temper sometimes got the better of him he hoped she would forgive him. He walked closer towards the main door intent with having it out with her, telling her how he felt, but it could also ruin everything he had planned for her. In that split second of wanting to knock her door desperately, he pictured Amercia opening it, smiling at him apologetically while still tipsy, then continue to have a reasonable conversation where she would agree to meet him regularly to restrain the urges of his frustrations.

  I should ring her and let her know I am willing to talk again, Jake thought, shivering as the night air took its hold of him, we need to sort this mess between us out, I feel so guilty. He held the phone in his hand while also tempted to knock on her door; it was a choice he had to make and fast. He held the phone to his ear as Amercia answered.

  “Jake, why are you calling me at this hour, didn’t you stop speaking to me?”

  “I can’t forgive myself for my behaviour, it was out of character, I’m sorry, but I need to talk. I can’t cope without speaking to you. Please forgive me.”

  “It’s late, Jake, can’t we talk about this in the morning, I’ve had a heavy night. Lots on my mind right now, I feel ill, I’m a little drunk and need to get some sleep.”

  “It’s important. I can’t focus on anything in my life, Amercia, you’re the only person I’ve ever been able to talk to who doesn’t judge me. I know you’re not interested, but please can you hear me out. I need to see you face to face; I need to know we’re good.”

  “Jake don’t do this,” she replied, hesitating at first, “I will meet you tomorrow sometime because right now all I want to do is sleep. I’ll text you in the morning.”

  Amercia hung up the telephone, all Jake could hear was the silence. Slightly paranoid he thought about the aftermath of their last meeting, how she complimented his appearance in his suit. Have I lost her for good; would she call me in the morning? He wondered, was she even interested in him at all?

  A few self-pitiful tears rolled down his cheeks; he wiped them away with a moment of sadness as he burst into an emotional wreck. His back against the door or Amercia’s bedsit entrance, he sat down with his head in his lap squealing like a baby.

  “I’ve lost you haven’t I, Amercia?” Jake whispered into the night air, “they’ve won. You let them in, and you don’t even know what you’ve let yourself in for do you?”

  Jake felt enraged a little, the lack of time as well as consideration for his need to apologise soon set in to enable him to get back on his feet. Fuck you then, he thought, you fucking hard faced inconsiderate bitch! Taking the small can of paint out of his pocket, Jake sprayed SLAG across the door. Confident that no one could see him because it was too late in the early hours and that no one had even notic
ed the last time he came by in broad daylight, he knew he had gotten away with it once more. As Jake walked away, he knew she would only blame the neighbours.

  Jake still focussed on the door, Amercia hadn’t left her bedsit at all this morning. His eyes were heavy with tiredness, but he had to see her reaction to the sprayed SLAG he made across her entrance. Now at just after nine in the morning, Jake looked at his phone to notice she hadn’t phoned him yet but reassured himself it was because it was still too early in the day. Having spent all night in the bushes, he was starving; pushing away stray cats and his mind now in overdrive about losing her altogether, this tension he felt was Amercia’s fault. Jake blamed her because she knew how vital discussing his depression and anxiety issues were. She also knew about his temper problems, and she knew he didn’t like being made to look a fool. Her lack of empathy since getting closer to Sordida was disappointing, yet he knew she was the type of woman to let curiosity get the better of her.

  Intrigued by the absence of loyalty expected from her, Jake felt they had a connection together, but was sure Amercia was giving him all the right signals. He believed she wanted to see him as much as he did her, he tried to fight his urges, worked himself mentally so hard not to want to fuck her, but her kindness, sincerity and compassion in their meets were undoubtedly more than just sixty-pounds worth of time. I don’t like this confusion in my head; Jake thought to himself, mentally fixated on his phone, desperate now for some sleep, I fucking hate these uneasy feelings you bring on inside me.

  Mothers and their children walked past Amercia’s door; he could see a small gathering of people shaking their heads in disgust, some pointing at the SLAG he emblazed in disgust. Feeling a little guilty now for his actions, he looked at his watch once more knowing she would be leaving for work soon.


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