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Page 19

by Jason Andrews

  “Tim or Tonya,” she tried to scream, “I know it is you, Tim, Tonya.”

  Amercia kicked her bound legs up and down, but nobody restrained her; she shook the weight of her body both left and right, but nobody untied her. Then suddenly as she lay there silently giving up, the blindfold was removed.

  Amercia’s heartbeat for a split second felt as though it had stopped dead while her eyes adjusted to the beam of brightness shining from the gap in the curtains. Her eyes transfixed on the male figure stood in front of her, she was in shock, a sense of disbelief and mentally trying to understand how this had come to be as the reality of her kidnapper came to light. How? She asked herself, how had he been able to do this to her?

  “I’m so sorry about this, Amercia, I had to do it. I didn’t want to, but you wouldn’t listen to me.” Jake said, shaking his head, holding the blindfold in his hand, “It’s your fault. Now look what you’ve got us both into, and there’s no way out. I’m sorry it has now come to this for you. Your life is never going to be the same again, or mine. I did warn you to stay away from them.”

  Amercia stared at him, her eyes barely even blinking. Confused and unsure by what he meant, she kept trying to speak through the tape. As she looked around her, the familiarisation of her location hit her.

  The telephone, the bedside cabinet, the vanity desk with the mirror, it was daylight, she was now aware that they had handcuffed her to the bed in room two-three-two of the Helman Estate Hotel. Remembering also from her last visit that it was the only soundproofed room in the building where Tim Helman was able to both see and hear what was going on from his office. Sordida members regularly used this room; it was where she first met him, then known only as Mr X.

  Amercia felt she was in grave danger, unable to physically escape she needed to plea for help. Jake could not hear her muffled response due to the restriction in place around her mouth.

  “What do you fucking want with me Jake? What are you doing to me, are you going to hurt me, please don’t hurt me?”

  Amercia watched as Jake walked towards her ignoring her gargled pleas, she could see his nervousness, reminiscent from when they had first met. His confidence had dropped, his mood seemed low, she could see he had been crying, still with a ton of questions chasing around her mind, she couldn’t understand how he had managed to get her tied to a room in this hotel. His hair was a mess with his eyes darkened to give away that he hadn’t had any sleep, Jake stood over her; still appearing tearful he placed the blindfold back over her head, covering her eyes once more she was unable to see anything other than darkness. Shortly after Amercia heard the metal clunking of the door giving her the indication he had left the room. Fuck it; she thought to herself, fucking hell what is going on?

  As the silence combined with darkness seemed to be consistent for the last few minutes, Amercia calmed slightly to allow herself a tactical thinking session. Tim must have brought me here; Jake hasn’t saved me, he must have brought me here too. What could they possibly want, why is my mouth taped and my hands tied in a room I couldn’t possibly escape from and where no one could hear me scream anyway. Jake seemed sorry about something; my life isn’t going to be the same. I will not let them kill me; I am not going to die in this room.

  The room was cold, she could feel the goosebumps on her legs, and she needs to use the toilet badly. The metal sound of the door handle locking shut faintly in the background; she knew she was no longer alone. Jake must have come back, or perhaps this time it was Tim, she thought, what is going to happen to me now? She stayed there in silence, aware that they are watching her, but then other thoughts ran into her head. It’s daytime, I’ve been here all night, so how have I been transported here. I didn’t walk, was I drugged and carried, are more people in on this? Did anyone see me, has anyone raised the alarm? Surely, they must have a plan; Jake knows I am awake, he must have told Tim by now?

  Amercia felt the cotton wool removing slowly from her ears.

  “Morning, Amercia. I hope you slept well.”

  Amercia recognised that voice to be Tonya.

  “Fucking bitch. Fucking let me go, Tonya.”

  “I’m going to escort you to the bathroom Amercia, but if you fucking try anything on, I will inject you with a drug to knock you the fuck out. I have enough ketamine to fucking kill you. I’m going to leave you blindfolded, but I don’t want you to fight your way out from my grip. You are remaining handcuffed, but I appreciate you’ll need to use the bathroom by now. Your clients are on their way up; I want them to see you at your best.”

  Amercia breathed heavily; her heart was pounding in her chest as a mixture of anger and fear, the uncertainty of what to do. That split-second decision of whether to take notice or aim to escape. Unsure of what would await past the locked door, for this time, Amercia decided not to cause a scene.

  She heard Tonya unchain the cuffs, with the full weight of her body, Tonya held Amercia tightly by one wrist and stood her to ground. Amercia felt weak, unable to stand up properly due to her legs that are tied together and while still blindfolded, she felt Tonya push her into the direction of the bathroom. The room felt colder than the bedroom, Amercia could hear the air blowing through the vent. Having been in this room before a few weeks ago, she knew the layout. Tonya pushed her head down as Amercia sat on the toilet, then pulled her knickers to her knees.

  “Hurry up and piss will you, I haven’t got all day, but if you need to shit I am not fucking wiping your little ass, love.”

  Amercia peed, it was such a relief. As she sat there hearing her urine hit the water, could I escape now, what if I ran? She thought, what if I do it, it’s my only chance. Who are my clients, what is happening?

  Shaking with nervousness and fear, Amercia was dragged up off the toilet with her knickers promptly pulled up. As Tonya put a hand on Amercia’s knickers, Amercia pulled one of her arms free to tug down the blindfold in less than two seconds at the most. Tonya was unable to restrain both of Amercia’s arms at the same time as pulling up her knickers, the blindfold now hanging down by her chin. She wanted to fight, but too scared to run. In room 232, I remember there was no way out without the key.

  “Stupid fucking bitch,” Tonya shouted, and slapped her in the face hard enough to leave a red mark, “you’re getting back on that fucking bed.”

  Amercia was unable to entirely break free to escape Tonya’s clutches, not for the will of trying, but in the short space of time she had full visibility before the blindfold was pulled back over her eyes was enough to see her surroundings. There’s a cabinet on the wall, the shower curtain, the shower pull cord by the bath, no windows, a small fire detector on the ceiling, a sprinkler system, the shower itself, and nothing much else. As she slowly shuffled to the bed with Tonya forcing weight on her back, she was pushed onto the bed face first.

  “Roll over bitch. Turn around.”

  Tonya used force to restrict Amercia’s movement.

  “Wait until I am fucking out of this you cunt,” Amercia replied as a muffled sound, “you’re going to fucking pay for this. All of you will fucking pay for this.”

  The door opened wide, Amercia felt a rush of air enter the room then it is slammed shut behind whoever else had arrived. She could hear footsteps as Tonya made a quick grasp to chain her to the bed once again.

  “She’s going to need some water,” said Tim, “we need her hydrated and in the best shape for the client. He’s coming up in five to ten minutes.”

  “She can hear you. I took her wool out to instruct her to the bathroom. She fully cooperated, but managed to get the blindfold down, shall I block her hearing again and put the wool back in?”

  “No. Right now Amercia will probably have a lot on her mind. I can see she appears tense. Naturally, she will want answers. I’ll talk to her in a moment. Keep her chained, but can you go and ask Jake to come up with some water, you’re free to leave now. I’ll message you or come and get you if I need you. It’s time for the tal
k before the client arrives, thank you.”

  Tonya left the room, leaving Amercia chained to the bed. She was alone now with Tim who was deep breathing, was he nervous, was he angry, what is he going to do to me? She wondered, how do I get out of this fucking mess?

  “I know you must want answers, Amercia.” Tim explained, “this is a new life for you, a new beginning, a new chapter. I give women like you brand new lives that you all crave. You don’t realise your potential.”

  Amercia didn’t bother answering; her mouth still taped her vision darkened by the blindfold, she sobbed as he continued to explain why she was in this current situation.

  “Although everything right now must be a mystery to you, imagine a life with structure, routines, never having to worry again about the stress of bills, electric bill, gas bill, water bill, phone bill, rent, council tax. This dream is the life you crave isn’t it Amercia, a life of worry-free, luxury. Well, you can have that. I can make that happen, but you need to give up your old life first. You need to let go.”

  She shook her head in disbelief; his claims weren’t all that clear. Was he punishing her, was he going to kill her?

  “I have a client lined up for you who can take you and fly you to Egypt; you will live with them in their Hurghada Villa. It may be a lot to take in right now, but you will care for their children and work for their international business. I will ensure that you will never have to live the stressful mundane life you so desperately want to rid yourself Amercia. I need you to let go of the escorting; you’re better than that. You can have the life you want, but you must agree to leave with them tonight. Immerse yourself into a new existence, a new name, a new you.”

  Amercia couldn’t hold back her emotions; drained, tired, confused and fully understanding the message Tim portrayed. Trying hard to grasp the reality of her situation of having been kidnapped for use as a modern-day slave; tears were burning down her face. Dripping in mucus, she now had the realisation that Sordida was a severe criminal gang. There was no way out of this room without agreeing. He’s fucked up, she thought, he’s a fucking lunatic. He must have sold me; he trades people captured to live abroad. How can this be happening? Amercia nodded her head; she kept nodding and nodding vigorously in the hope he could see her agreeance.

  “There’s no escape from this Amercia. We will carry you out of this room at night to a new location; the client will take the lead from the airport. They have a private jet lined up for you and a whole new identity. You will have your private room in their villa, and initially, you will be chained until you see that you can trust them until you have learnt that your life must now revolve around them to get everything you wanted. Imagine, no more money worries, no more struggles. There is no going back. Hurghada has some beautiful sights too.”

  Amercia switched off; his continued cult-like spiel was wearing thin on her ears. The reality hit her hard of being exported to a whole new country where life was chained up in a house tending to the needs of a millionaire and his family. She had heard about modern-day slaves on the news but never considered that this would happen to her. Time was running out fast.



  here were two taps on the door while Amercia remained chained to the bed, stiff rigid, but not as fearful, she was already trying to conduct an escape plan in her head. Every second at this minute in time was precious to her, aware she could be drugged back to sleep at any moment. Desperate to get a clear mind she was aware her life wasn’t in immediate grave danger, no longer considering she had been drug raped either.

  Think, think, think, she thought, never mind how I got here, how do I get the fuck out. The clients are coming, I’m chained up, and somehow, they must get me out of here. Somehow Jake has helped Tim get me here, and I can figure that out later. They want me to go to Egypt; they’re going to have me living and working for fuck all in some bastard’s house in Egypt. I’ve been kidnapped to become a fucking slave for some rich bastard who wants me to look after his family in their Egyptian mansion. How has Jake, Tim, Tonya managed to achieve this and how many other women have experienced this nightmare before me?

  “They’ve come to see you, Amercia,” Tim said, in a manner like he was talking to a naughty child, “make sure you’ll be a good girl for your new owners. Wherever you end up, I will never forget your temper. The first time I saw you in this room was a beautiful moment. I could have captured you right then and there, but I needed to show you off at the club, find my buyer.”

  The sweat was dripping down her neck, her tears now dried into her face, Amercia decided that this was the moment she had to play the game. Resisting wouldn’t get her anywhere, but her mind was wandering off in the direction of how long had Sordida been shipping women out to wealthy people in business as slaves. She imagined a horde of men and women around the world, chained to their bedrooms begging to see daylight to feel the real fresh air. Amercia started to well up again as she thought of her life imprisoned in a villa in Egypt, unable to escape. Chained and working for free night and day to support entrepreneurs. Suddenly, living at home in a tiny bedsit for one working part-time hours stacking bread in a supermarket had been put into perspective. This living hell was also the longest she had been without a diet cola, her addiction to a concoction of aspartame, carbonated water and cola were odd to those who knew, but the comfort it gave for her concentration was priceless.

  “She’s beautiful.” A male voice explained, “I’ve managed to win my wife over, and we’re ready to take her. I can fly her out of the country tonight. My wife is in Hurghada waiting, she didn’t fly over with me, but she will collect us both from the airport in the morning. Egypt is two hours ahead, but the flight should be about five hours at most. I want to thank you for making this transaction seamless; you’ve provided a grand service.”

  Amercia listened carefully, the male voice talking about her like property sounded that of a man in his thirties. There was a gruffness to his tone, and she hadn’t recognised it in any way, sure they’d never met face to face to engage in conversation, and he wasn’t Egyptian.

  “I have blindfolded her, she cannot see you, but I must warn you that she can hear you. She’s not able to speak due to the tape over her mouth, but I’ve informed her that she will be starting a new life very soon. Just like the others, we will knock her out and transport her to one of our taxi’s where you can take her to your jet.”

  “She will be looked after very well, Tim; her room specially converted, and the computer adapted so she can do her admin duties. She’ll be unable to email or have any outside communication, but the processing she can do for my company will save my wife so much time. She can then do more with the children, and it will benefit all our lives. I had no idea it would be this easy; it took us longer to pick our dog. I know you said you only operate in cash, but I have twenty-five-thousand-pounds counted personally in this briefcase. You also said she has the potential to do my accounts?”

  “I’ll put that in the safe, and this is the safest room in the hotel. I had it converted especially a few years ago. Soundproof, highly secure, video monitoring, mobile phone blocker, you name it. Yes, Amercia is an accountant, I’m sure she’ll do wonders for your family and their tourism business. I know this one is a real gem, I hope you’ll be delighted with her.”

  Amercia heard the hinge of a cupboard before the weighty shunt of the safe closing; she now remembered its location in the wardrobe when she had been here before to collect her cash.

  All I fucking wanted was a better life for myself, she thought, all this time they had plans to kidnap me and sell me. She also remembered how the camera didn't monitor the bathroom but wondered if he had been recording this transaction. What was the safe code again, six something, or nine something?

  “Amercia, I know you haven’t met me yet,” the voice said, talking to her like she was hard of hearing, “but you will be a great addition to our family and business. I know you will find it difficult at f
irst, but Tim has created a great program for us to follow with your performance and behaviours to get the best out of you. I know you will have a life with us far better than what we hear you have now even if you don’t quite know it yourself yet. You will be fed and watered, you will have your room, but we will create new routines for you, there’s nothing to fear. There are expectations Amercia, because at times we may have to come down hard on you, and times you will have to accept that this is your life now. You will convert in time.”

  “I’ll get Jake to put her back to sleep later, let her mind get some rest before we transport her out of here tonight. A lesson was learned with the ruckus of Angie the other week, my god just as well you didn’t take that one in the end. Fucking nightmare.”

  Amercia felt her heart stop for just one beat; then it was beating harder than ever in her chest again. They kidnapped Angie; I knew it, oh my fucking god? She wondered, trying to breath slower through her nose to calm herself, what have they done with her?

  “I was there that night when you set her up to play Hide and Suck,” the voice said, “I’d never seen so many blindfolded men trying to hide in a such an elegant room, while the other half of blindfolded women could only find them with their mouths. You have some crazy shit sex going on in that club of yours, Angie was the one who won that night wasn’t she, desperate to win the money she put anything and everything in that foul mouth of hers.”

  “Always the most determined sell first,” Tim replied, “while they are so fixated on the money, they don’t see the bigger picture of everything. Makes it easier to work in the background, but these are people with no one in their lives. No purpose, no motivation to do anything commercially better, but want to sit around chasing other people’s wealth, people like us. At least with Angie now living with her client in Portugal, Amercia with you in Egypt, that’s two down this month, but I’ve got another client interested from New York.”


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