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Lucky In Love (Harlequin Special Edition)

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by Sinclair, Tracy

  “One of these days, Michelle, you’re going to trust me, and we’re going to make glorious, fulfilling love....

  Letter to Reader

  Title Page

  Books by Tracy Sinclair

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven


  “One of these days, Michelle, you’re going to trust me, and we’re going to make glorious, fulfilling love....

  “But I won’t rush you.” Jonathan unlocked the door and kissed the top of her head. “Get a good night’s sleep, angel. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  As if Michelle could sleep when her entire body was clamoring for him! She was deeply troubled by Jonathan’s powerful hold over her. Was it more than just sexual attraction? Could she possibly be falling in love with him?

  Michelle rejected the idea! He was simply a very experienced man who knew how to get what he wanted. And yet... she admired everything about him. He was intelligent and thoughtful. He was warm and kind—when they weren’t arguing. He was every woman’s dream...and perhaps her ultimate undoing....

  Dear Reader,

  In the spirit of blossoming love, Special Edition delivers a glorious April lineup that will leave you breathless!

  This month’s THAT’S MY BABY! title launches Diana Whitney’s adorable new series duet, STORK EXPRESS. Surprise deliveries bring bachelors instant fatherhood...and sudden romance! The first installment, Baby on His Doorstep, is a heartwarming story about a take-charge CEO who suddenly finds himself at a loss when fatherhood—and love—come knocking on his door. Watch for the second exciting story in this series next month.

  Two of our veteran authors deliver enthralling stories this month. First, Wild Mustang Woman by Lindsay McKenna—book one of her rollicking COWBOYS OF THE SOUTHWEST series—is an emotional romance about a hard-luck heroine desperately trying to save her family ranch and reclaim her lost love. And Lucky in Love by Tracy Sinclair is a whimsical tale about a sparring duo who find their perfect match—in each other!

  Who can resist a wedding...even if it’s in-name-only? The Marriage Bargain by Jennifer Mikels is a marriage-of-convenience saga about a journalist who unexpectedly falls for his “temporary” bride. And With This Wedding Ring by Trisha Alexander will captivate your heart with a tale about a noble hero who marries the girl of his dreams to protect her unborn child.

  Finally, Stay.... by talented debut author Allison Leigh is a poignant, stirring reunion romance about an endearingly innocent heroine who passionately vows to break down the walls around her brooding mystery man’s heart.

  I hope you enjoy this book, and each and every story to come!


  Tara Gavin

  Senior Editor and Editorial Coordinator

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  Books by Tracy Sinclair

  Silhouette Special Edition

  Never Give Your Heart #12

  Mixed Blessing #34

  Designed for Love #52

  Castles in the Air #68

  Fair Exchange #105

  Winter of Love #140

  The Tangled Web #153

  The Harvest is Love #183

  Pride’s Folly #208

  Intrigue in Venice #232

  A Love So Tender #249

  Dream Girl #287

  Preview of Paradise #309

  Forgive and Forget #355

  Mandrego #386

  No Room for Doubt #421

  More Precious than Jewels #453

  Champagne for Breakfast #481

  Positive #493

  Sky High #512

  King of Hearts #531

  Miss Robinson Crusoe #565

  Willing Partners #584

  Golden Adventure #605

  The Girl Most Likely To #619

  A Change of Place #672

  The Man She Married #701

  If the Truth Be Told #725

  Dreamboat of the Western World #746

  The Cat That Lived on Park Avenue #791

  Romance on the Menu #821

  Grand Prize Winner! #847

  Marry Me Kate #868

  The Sulian’s Wives #943

  Does Anybody Know

  Who Allison Is? #957

  What She Did on Her

  Summer vacation #976

  For Love of Her Child #1018

  Thank Heaven for Little Girls #1058

  Mandy Meets a Millionaire #1072

  Please Take Care of Willie #1101

  †The Princess Gets Engaged #1133

  Lucky in Love #1167

  Silhouette Romance

  Paradise Island #39

  Holiday in Jamaica #123

  Flight to Romance #174

  Stars in Her Eyes #244

  Catch a Rising Star #345

  Love Is Forever #459

  Anything But Marriage #892

  The Best Is Yet To Be #1006

  Silhouette Books

  Silhouette Christmas Stories 1986

  “Under the Mistletoe”

  *Cupid’s Little Helpers

  †50th Book!


  began her career as a photojournalist for national magazines and newspapers. Extensive travel all over the world has provided this California resident with countless fascinating experiences, settings and acquaintances to draw on in plotting her romances. After writing fifty novels for Silhouette, she still has stories she can’t wait to tell.

  Chapter One

  Michelle Lacey had just turned on the eleven o’clock news when the telephone rang.

  “I hope this isn’t too late to call,” Evelyn Lacey said. “I know you don’t usually go to bed early.”

  “No, I was just watching television. Is everything all right, Mother?”

  “It couldn’t be better! I’m so glad you talked me into coming here. I’ve having a marvelous time.”

  That was good to hear. Evelyn had reacted negatively when Michelle suggested a trip to Florida. The way she reacted to everything since her husband died a year previously. Michelle had been concerned about her formerly vivacious and fun-loving mother, especially after a bout with the flu that winter left her wan and debilitated.

  “It’s a good thing you got out of New York when you did.” Michelle glanced out the window of her Manhattan apartment. “We’re having another snowstorm.”

  “I’m almost embarrassed to tell you it was eighty degrees here today,” Evelyn said.

  “I’m delighted for you. Is your cough improving?”

  “It’s all gone fortunately, because I don’t have time to be sick.” The older woman laughed. “There’s too much to do here. Lucky and I drove into town for lunch at a darling little café yesterday. The food is really excellent here at Shorehaven, but it’s nice to try other places for a change. Then last night we played bridge with the Mackenzies and won again, as usual. Lucky’s nickname really fits him.”

  Michelle knew that Lucky was Warren Richfield, a man her mother had met at the resort. She’d spoken of him often in the last couple of days. They seemed to be spending a lot of time together.

  “I just got back to my
room and I couldn’t wait to tell you about the fabulous party the hotel gave tonight,” Evelyn continued. “The theme was A Night In Las Vegas. They had dice tables and roulette wheels, every kind of gambling device. It was such fun. Lucky taught me how to play blackjack and shoot craps. He’s awfully good at both of them.”

  “He seems to be quite a gambler,” Michelle remarked neutrally.

  “Only as a hobby. Lucky is an inventor. But I guess I already told you that,” Evelyn said with a little laugh.

  “No, you only mentioned that he’s handsome and charming. What kind of work does he do?”

  “I just told you, he’s an inventor.”

  “Very few people make a living from that. Does he have some other kind of job?”

  “He doesn’t need one. Whatever he invented must have been quite lucrative. He’s very wealthy.”

  “How do you know that?” Michelle persisted. “Because he told you so?”

  Evelyn’s voice cooled perceptibly. “I don’t think I like your attitude, Michelle. Lucky is a friend of mine. I don’t talk about your friends in a derogatory manner.”

  “I wasn’t criticizing him, Mother. I merely wondered how much you knew about him. Sometimes people exaggerate to make a good impression. It doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy their company, but you have to take what they tell you with a grain of salt.”

  “Lucky isn’t like that. He’s quite modest about his accomplishments. Everybody here at Shorehaven likes him—especially the single women.” Evelyn gave a breathless little laugh. “A lot of them are green with envy because he seems attracted to me.”

  “He shows good taste,” Michelle replied noncommittally. “Has he ever been married?”

  “He’s a widower. His wife died more than five years ago.” Evelyn’s voice sobered. “Lucky understands how hard it’s been for me since your father died. He had trouble adjusting to his loss, too.”

  “You told him what a happy marriage you and Dad had?” Michelle asked casually.

  “Of course, and what a good husband he was. Lucky was impressed that Richard left me so financially secure.”

  Michelle stifled a groan. “It isn’t like you to discuss personal matters with a stranger. Was that really wise?”

  “Lucky isn’t a stranger, and he’s not some kind of confidence man, either, as you seem to be implying. The subject came up naturally when he was telling me about a new invention he’s been working on. Lucky expects it to be a real gold mine.”

  “What is it?”

  “I don’t know exactly. Some kind of safety device for airplanes. The aircraft companies are always looking for things like that, so I asked if I could invest in his. company. He wasn’t keen on it at first. He said I’d be better off in blue chip stocks. I had to convince him that I could afford to take a small risk.”

  “Good Lord, Mother, don’t you know when you’re being conned? It’s the classic gambit and you fell for it! He mentions a great opportunity, pretends to be reluctant to let you in on it and then allows himself to be persuaded. The man makes his living fleecing inexperienced women like you!”

  “That’s insulting! You’re saying the only reason Lucky is attracted to me is for my money.”

  “That wasn’t what I meant at all. I’m sure he enjoys being with you,” Michelle said carefully. “But if he’s as wealthy as you say, doesn’t it seem a little odd that he’d need your money to help finance his invention?”

  “He doesn’t need it, he was doing me a favor. I’m really disappointed in you, Michelle. Lucky is the first man who’s made me feel alive again since your father died. I would think you’d be happy about it, instead of trying to make me feel guilty about enjoying his company.”

  “That certainly wasn’t my intention. I’m delighted to see you taking an interest in life again. I’m just concerned that Lucky will take advantage of you. You’re not experienced at handling investments. Dad did all of that.”

  “You’re right, but I have to learn to make my own decisions now that he’s gone.”

  “With proper guidance,” Michelle insisted. “What you need is a good, reputable financial advisor.”

  “I might be inexperienced, but I’m neither stupid nor incompetent,” Evelyn said crisply. “I wish you’d stop treating me like a doddering old woman. I’m only fifty-three, which is by no means over the hill yet. That’s young enough to get married again, for heaven’s sake!”

  Now Michelle was definitely alarmed! After her father died, her mother had led an increasingly reclusive life. She wouldn’t even accept a dinner invitation from a widower she’d known for years. The thought of marriage was surely the farthest thing from her mind. Did Lucky plant the idea, thinking she was wealthier than she actually was?

  It was a situation that needed delicate handling. Michelle tried to warn her mother subtly, without seeming to criticize. It was no use. The discussion became heated. Finally Michelle was forced to back off before she did any more damage.

  “Well, I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, anyway” she said, changing the subject rather awkwardly. “I wouldn’t mind a little warm weather myself. This snow just won’t quit. Maybe I’ll fly down and join you for a few days if I can get some time off.”

  “I’m a little old to need a chaperone,” Evelyn said dryly. “Or a nursemaid. Don’t you think I know you want to check Lucky out?”

  “I’d be interested in meeting him, but the eighty-degree weather is more of an attraction,” Michelle lied. “If you don’t want me to come, just say so. Maybe you don’t want Lucky to know you have a twenty-six-year-old daughter.”

  “That’s nonsense! I’ve told him all about you. I’d be delighted to see you—as long as you promise to remember your manners.”

  “Don’t worry, I probably won’t be able to get away. I’ll talk to you soon, though.”

  Michelle’s blue eyes were stormy and her soft mouth was set in a grim line as she hung up the phone. Wild horses couldn’t keep her away.

  Michelle was a buyer at an exclusive women’s shop on Fifth Avenue in midtown Manhattan. It was an interesting job with a fair amount of responsibility. She couldn’t take off at a moment’s notice as she would have liked. But after explaining that it was a family emergency, she did arrange to leave the following day after work.

  That gave Lucky two more days and a night alone with her mother, but it couldn’t be helped. If he succeeded in getting his hands on Evelyn’s money, she would need this job to support both of them, Michelle thought somberly.

  She spent two tense days worrying about what Lucky was up to, but when the plane landed in Olaca on the west coast of Florida, Michelle’s spirits couldn’t help lifting. The tropical breeze that greeted her was such a delightful change from the frigid blasts in New York.

  The scenery added to her pleasure. Tall palm trees formed a lacy pattern against the indigo sky, and white sand beaches glimmered in the moonlight as her taxi drove along the waterfront.

  Michelle hadn’t told her mother she was coming. She’d left it as a vague possibility, wanting to catch Lucky off guard. As it turned out, a surprise was waiting for Michelle, as well.

  The desk clerk at Shorehaven told her that Evelyn was in the dining room. Since it was getting late and she didn’t want to miss seeing her mother, Michelle checked in, but didn’t waste time going to her room. She took her key and told the man to have her suitcase taken to her room.

  Most of the guests had finished eating. There were only a few groups of people still in the dining room. Evelyn was sitting at a table with two men. The older one was obviously Lucky, so Michelle didn’t bother with the younger one. She paused in the doorway to inspect Lucky and form her own judgment.

  He was a handsome man with a full head of silvery hair and a tanned face that had laughter lines around the eyes. He was wearing a sport jacket and a shirt open at the throat. A casual outfit, but Michelle knew clothes. Lucky’s were expensive, which was in keeping with his image as a wealthy businessman on vacation, she
thought cynically.

  Before she could come to any other conclusions, Evelyn spotted her in the doorway. “Michelle, darling!” She rushed over to kiss her. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? Lucky and I would have been there to meet your plane.”

  “I wasn’t sure until the last minute that I could get away,” Michelle explained.

  “You should have called from the airport before you left New York.” While she was talking, Evelyn led her over to the table where the two men rose politely. “This is Lucky,” she said proudly.

  The older man smiled and took Michelle’s hand in a grip that was firm, but not punishing. “I feel as if I already know you. Evie talks about you all the time.”

  “She told me about you, too,” Michelle answered, trying to sound pleasant.

  “And this is Lucky’s nephew, Jonathan Richfield.” Evelyn indicated the younger man.

  Michelle felt a shock of awareness. He was exactly the kind of man she’d always been attracted to—with unhappy results. He was in his early thirties, with the tall, lithe physique of an athlete. He was also the darkly handsome type she preferred, but this one wasn’t merely a plastic male centerfold. His strong face was full of character and his gaze was direct.

  Jonathan was treating her to the same thorough scrutiny, with the same underlying disapproval. She was a real beauty, he told himself. That long silky black hair and wide blue eyes could make a man want to believe anything she told him. And that slender yet curved body was an even more powerful incentive. The thought of holding her nude in his arms made Jonathan’s loins throb. A night of love with her could make him forget they were adversaries. None of these thoughts showed on his face. His expression was austere rather than admiring.


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