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by Diane Carey

  Chapter Twenty-one

  The Captain’s Ready Room


  The captain’s voice didn’t sound very inviting, and under other circumstances, Beverly Crusher might have considered meeting with him at another time, but today she wasn’t standing at his door as ship’s surgeon. She was standing here as captain pro tem, and it was incumbent upon her to officially hand command back.

  She’d waited for this. Oh, yes. To hand him back his starship, his crew of a thousand, his troubles, choices, and charges, and to run, not walk, back to sickbay.

  Maybe she could do it through the door.


  She leaned forward into the door’s sensory sweep, and it rolled open before her.

  There he was.

  Friendly as ever.

  Strange—she had always found him charming but never really needed him to be friendly. Not the way she needed it right now.

  “Reporting as requested, sir.”

  “As ordered, Doctor,” Captain Picard said roughly.

  “Yes,” Beverly sighed. “I understand.” She presented herself squarely before his desk and made sure not to even hint at a desire to sit down. “Sir, please, let me speak first.”

  Picard’s almond-shaped eyes took on a sudden sharpness at the corners as he looked up in surprise. He leaned back and folded his hands in a can’t-wait-to-hear-this posture. “Very well.”

  “When you gave me command,” she said, and had to stop to swallow, “I thought I understood what that meant. I believe all of us have an idea of command, but that idea never really fills out until we get a taste of it. We think we can do each other’s jobs at the drop of a hat. We’re trained to think that, but it’s not true. Even though we did find a way to destroy the Borg ship, I disobeyed orders.”

  She paused to see how she was doing. Pretty well—his expression had mellowed, and his shoulders were down an inch.

  “Yes,” he murmured. “That’s true. If you were a line officer, you’d probably receive a reprimand and a commendation for the same actions.” He settled deeper into his chair.

  She watched his face. The expressions were familiar, troubled.

  “Beverly,” he began, “I was quite . . . disenchanted when I learned that you had come back here. However, I must take the brunt of the blame. I chose to put you in command. Perhaps inwardly I was seeking your gentler instincts in a brutal situation. You did a very good job, but you were very lucky also. I’d prefer you hadn’t risked my ship, however.”

  “Perhaps I shouldn’t have,” she said. “But, sir . . . you weren’t there.”

  A smile pulled at his lips at the suddenly firm tone in her voice. “Yes . . . I wasn’t there. I should have been. Command is a learning experience for both of us, Doctor. Perhaps next time—”

  A woman who had been forced into the lion’s den and had come to taste the love-hate addiction of command abruptly put out a staying hand. “No,” she said. “No next time. I wouldn’t want to come to . . . enjoy it too much.”

  The captain’s smile flickered. All in an instant he understood.

  Then the smile came back. “Besides,” he said. “I would make a pitiful physician.”


  Geordi La Forge, steeped with appreciation, walked down the ship’s corridors.

  Lucky guy. Blind from the womb, yet born in an age where blindness could be reduced to an annoyance—even used to expand a man’s sensory capacity. Someday maybe a lot more people would be wearing these VISORS. After all the kinks got worked out . . . like some tyrannical nut being able to just walk up and take it.

  Lucky to have friends and not just colleagues. Lucky to have survived.

  Yeah, he was counting his blessings today. Eventually even the headache would be gone.

  Just one more loose end to tie up.

  “Lucky to be here to tie it up,” he muttered, and tapped the chimes to a doorway.


  The door parted and he strode into Data’s quarters.

  The cat meowed, and he turned in that direction.

  Data was looking up at him.

  “Hi, Data,” Geordi said. He gazed at the android’s face and saw the pulsing colors that showed him where every hot circuit was.

  He moved closer.

  Data was sitting at his desk, petting his cat and staring at a microchip on a glass slide.

  “I just wanted to let you know,” Geordi began, “that Dr. Crusher says I’ll be able to return to duty soon.”

  Data seemed to accept the little offering. Things could be made normal again. “I am glad that the injuries I inflicted on you are not permanent.”

  Geordi wanted to say something about that, about how those injuries were inflicted by somebody else. By Lore, by an aberration, by a bad dream—by somebody else.

  Instead, he gestured to the slide.

  “What’s that?”

  “This is the chip my father created for me so that I could experience emotions. I had it removed from Lore’s body before he was dismantled.”

  The words were pretty plain, but something in them made Geordi nervous. Why did Data want this thing? All they needed was Data playing with poison again.

  I don’t want you altered by that thing, the engineer thought. I just want you the way you are.

  But he couldn’t bring himself to say any of it.

  All he managed was “Does it still work?”

  “No,” Data told him passively. “I am pleased to say that it was damaged when I was forced to fire on Lore.”

  “Pleased?” George moved closer. Now he was really confused. “Data, you’ve wanted emotions all your life.”

  “Yes. But they were responsible for what I did to you.” Data looked at him. He got up and crossed to a table. “I would never risk letting something like that happen agin. My friendship with you is too important to me.”

  With feigned matter-of-factness, he put the chip in a box and snapped it closed.

  Geordi suddenly felt guilty. “I wouldn’t be much of a friend if I let you give up on a life-long dream. . . .”

  Data looked up at him curiously.

  “Who knows, maybe one day we can repair this,” Geordi told him with a smile, and he placed the box on Data’s shelf.

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