Repair Me

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Repair Me Page 9

by Jennifer Foor

  I leaned up on my elbow. “Are you asking me out?” The idea of dating him was making me giddy. He was so hot and fantastic.

  “I am.” He grabbed my hand and kissed it. “I want to lay on that beach next to your fine ass in a bikini. Then I’m going to take you on the boardwalk and I might even hold your hand, like this.” He intertwined our fingers together in the air.

  “What are we waiting for?”

  Ford was so happy, he leaned over and kissed me, before getting up and pulling on a pair of swimming trunks. I ran into the bathroom and grabbed a quick shower before putting on my bathing suit. Ford met me in the bathroom as I was brushing my teeth again. He shared the sink with me and made a mess as he brushed his, just to be funny.

  Fifteen minutes later, we were walking on the beach with a bag of doughnuts and two waters. I couldn’t stop smiling, even though I knew at some point we’d have to say goodbye, even if it was temporary.

  We laid on the beach and played in the water for hours, soaking up the rays of the sun and basking in each other’s company. We talked, so much that I felt like I’d known him for years.

  Did I mention how beautiful he was without his shirt? His tattoos made him tough, but that smile of his made me melt.

  We left the beach and went back to the motel to get cleaned up. I felt excited about spending another night with Ford. We were having a blast together, even when nothing we were doing revolved around sex.

  After spending the day on the beach talking, we learned that we had a lot more in common than we ever thought. We’d even been at a couple concerts at the same time. Ford and I not only had the same taste in music, but we also liked the same genre of movies.

  He said he wanted to take me someplace nice for dinner, and since I had packed for a couple nights out with my friends, I had a few outfits to choose from. Ford wasn’t prepared when I pulled on the little black dress and asked him to fasten the back. He gave me a once over and I could tell he was wanting to undress me. “Stop doing that!”

  He laughed. “What?”

  “You know.”

  He grabbed me and pulled me into a kiss. “We could always stay here and eat in bed. In fact, we could eat each other.”

  I pushed him away. “Take me out, right now, or you don’t get any of this later.”

  He backed away, walked over and opened the door for me. “Lead the way!”

  I smirked as I walked by, making sure he saw me doing it. “That’s what I thought!”

  It was all just playing, but we were having so much fun doing it.

  Dinner was fantastic. Ford took us to a place that was on the roof, looking over towards the boardwalk. We watched the sun set, sitting in the sand, after we were done with our meal. Then we took a long walk on the beach, before ending up back on the boardwalk.

  That’s where all hell broke loose.

  We were walking along, holding hands and minding our own business. I think we were both too focused on each other to notice anything going on around us.

  Until I heard someone calling my name.

  “Sky, is that you?”

  I turned around to see my friend Lacey. Behind her, Mack stood with a couple of his friends. He pushed his way in front of her and stared from me to Ford. “What the fuck is this?” He motioned to our intertwined hands.

  Ford didn’t let go. “What does it look like?”

  I let go of his hand and got between them. “Don’t do this, Mack.”

  He looked confused and pissed off. “Why are you holding this asshole’s hand?”

  I held Ford back again. “Because I want to.”

  “I came all this way for you and this is how you repay me? You fuck around with some douche?”

  Ford moved me out of the way and pushed Mack to the ground. By the time I turned around, two of Mack’s friends were holding Ford by the shoulders. I rushed over to Mack. “Please don’t do this.”

  He pushed me away. “You did this, you whore.”

  Just when I thought they were going to jump Ford, I turned to watch him running toward Mack. “She’s not a whore!” He punched him in the face, sending him right back down to the ground. “So back the fuck off!”

  Mack surprisingly didn’t get up. He sat there, holding his jaw and looking at me like I’d crushed his soul. Then he shook his head and laughed. “You can have her ass. She ain’t nothing special anyway.”

  “You wouldn’t know special if it slapped you in the face,” I screamed.

  We heard the whistle of police officers that were approaching us on bikes. Mack and his friends started backing away. “The next time I see your punk ass, it’s so on!”

  Ford didn’t seem threatened at all. He spread his arms open. “Any time, any place!”

  Mack spit in my direction. “See you later, you slut ass cunt!”

  It hurt to hear him say that about me, after all the time I’d devoted to our relationship. Ford grabbed me by the waist and led me away from Mack and his friends. We passed the police, but they must have assumed we weren’t involved. “I’m sorry they ruined our date. You didn’t have to take up for me, you know.”

  “Don’t worry about it. You don’t deserve that shit.”

  “He didn’t always used to be like that. You probably think I have terrible taste in guys.” Mack had made a fool of himself.

  “How about we just forget about that asshole? The night is still young and he isn’t going to bother us.”

  I looked down at the ground as we walked. “Maybe we should head back to your apartment? I’ve caused enough drama.”

  He kissed me on the head. “Screw him! He isn’t goin’ to ruin this. Aren’t you havin’ fun with me?”

  I looked up at him and couldn’t help but smile. “Of course I am. I’ve never been with someone like you.”

  He laughed as he watched where we were going. “Can you understand why I haven’t wanted to get involved with anyone emotionally? People go all crazy when it comes to relationships. This thing between us works because we don’t expect anything. It is what it is.”

  Except, it wasn’t for me. Call me crazy, but I was seriously wanting more than just a couple days of hot sex with this guy. I wanted as much as I could get. “Yeah. I agree.” I swallowed the lump in my throat and lied through my teeth. Once again, I couldn’t embarrass myself and ask him for something that he wasn’t willing to give.

  As the moments passed, I realized that Ford wasn’t using me, we were using each other. It wasn’t love that we were feeling, but a desperate attempt to grasp lust at its best. I felt disappointed, but wasn’t willing to back off on what was happening. It felt too good to let go of. I think I deserved to be selfish.


  The longer I was with Sky, the more interested in her I became. I know that sex had taken up the majority of our time together, and when she met me I was a complete douche. Still, I couldn’t stop thinking about wanting to know more about the girl; it was distracting me so completely.

  Then there was the ex, who had conveniently ruined our date. Had it not been for him popping up, I wouldn’t have been able to defend her again. After that was over with, I found myself liking the fact that I’d been there for her. I wondered if she appreciated it and if she’d want a boyfriend that would do anything to keep her safe. It was irrational to be thinking that way considering that we’d only known each other for a short time. She’d think I was crazy if I asked her to keep something going with me when we lived so far away from each other. Besides, it wasn’t like I would ever have anything to offer her. My life was shit and my future wasn’t looking too good either. Thanks to my worthless parents, I’d be stuck in the shit-hole town, working at a rundown auto shop for the rest of my life. What kind of girl would want that kind of future?

  I had to stick to the truth, which was that no girl was going to want to be with me. Giving her false hope was just an asshole move. Before the night was over, I needed to make sure Sky knew that this was as far as we were going to go, no matter ho
w interested I was in getting to know her more.

  We’d managed to walk out onto the dark beach. We were still holding hands as our feet got to the water’s edge. “I like the quiet out here. The sound of the water blocks out everything else.”

  Sky looked out at the horizon. “Ford, thank you for canceling your plans and spending your time off with me. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t come back with my purse. I wanted to come here to get away from him. My friends are assholes for telling him that I was coming. I thought they had my back.”

  “Did you tell anyone else that you were going to the beach?”

  She shrugged. “I left my roommate a note. I guess she could have told him. It wasn’t like I said it was some secret. I just figured he didn’t care. Obviously, he had girls he could hook up with while I was gone. I mean, he did it while I was still around. The fact that he came all this way doesn’t change how I feel about him. Are all guys just meant to cheat?”

  I laughed and sat down in the sand, using her hand to pull her into my lap. Once she was seated between my legs, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her back into my chest. “Guys think with their dicks. It’s sad but true.” I paused for a second. “That doesn’t mean that we have to cheat to be happy.”

  “Did you cheat on your ex?” She traced my arms with her fingernails, giving me goose bumps.

  “Not exactly. I didn’t cheat on her when we were first together. We were good friends and I was happy bein’ with her. Even when we fought, it made us stronger. Our senior year things changed. We were partyin’ way too much and hangin’ out with the wrong people. You’ve seen Ash, so you know she’s beautiful. Everybody knew it. One night we were at a party at this guy’s trailer. Things were crazy. We were smoking some home grown shit and taking shots left and right. The next thing I know, Ash is taking off her clothes and letting people do body shots off of her while she’s in nothing but a pair of underwear. I was too fucked up to realize that it wasn’t cool, but aware enough to know that if guy’s were lickin’ all over her, I should be able to have the same thing. So I took this chick into the kitchen and we started makin’ out. Next thing I know, we’re in the laundry room fuckin’. Shit, I don’t even remember most of it and I sure as hell didn’t plan it.”

  Sky turned around and looked right at me. The moon was the only light that allowed me to see her concerned look. “What happened when she found out?”

  I shook my head knowing it was going to disappoint her. “She never did.”

  “Seriously? Nobody said anything?”

  “Nobody knew about it. The girl was just as upset as I was. We were all friends and didn’t want a mistake to mess that up. We weren’t even into each other that way. It just happened.”

  “Does Ashley know now?” Sky was still looking at me and I felt like I was being interviewed by the police or something.

  “No. I ain’t a complete dick. What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. I still care about the girl, but I’ll never want to be with her again. Too much has happened for that.”

  She finally sat back and leaned into me. I felt her grab my arms and wrap them tightly around her. “Maybe it’s better never knowing. I could have done without the visual proof that I got.”

  I kissed the top of her head. “Did you ever cheat?”

  She laughed. “No. I was innocent in all aspects until I agreed to have a one-night-stand with a complete stranger.”

  “It wasn’t a one-night-stand, Sky. We’re still hangin’ out and it’s been days.”

  She giggled. “And now you took me on a date. You’re terrible at one-night-stands.”

  “Exactly.” I ran my hands up to her breasts and started playing with them. “I didn’t hear you complain one time since I got you into my bed.”

  She reached up and ran her hands over my ears. “I tried not to want you. I kept telling myself that it was wrong and I wasn’t the type of person that hooked up with a stranger.”

  “But you couldn’t stop yourself?”

  She shook her head and rolled over to face me again. Her lips were close to mine and I could feel her breath on my skin. “You should have never kissed me.”

  I kissed her ear. “You’re probably right.”

  “Ford, would you come visit me at school sometime?”

  It was what I wanted to hear, but it meant that she wanted to continue seeing me. Doing that would only hold her back from meeting someone that could give her a real future. Sky was a good girl. I’d taken advantage of that. Still, I couldn’t see giving her false hope. “It’s probably not a good idea. I don’t keep promises very well.”

  I knew it hurt her feelings, but we were strangers and nothing else. Sure, I liked her and she liked me, but it wasn’t enough when I thought about everything it took to have a relationship with someone. Even hooking up with her was giving her false hope.

  She looked forward, out at the waves. “I get it. I guess I just don’t know how to act. We aren’t a couple, but we’re hanging out like we are. I think you’re great, by the way.”

  I ran my finger through hers. “I think your great too, Sky. I’m havin’ a real good time hangin’ out.”

  “So that’s it? We just fuck and then say goodbye when we’re done?” She turned and looked at me again with those sad eyes.

  I tried to think of the right thing to say, but nothing came to me. “What do you want me to say? I can’t make promises to you or anyone else. I ain’t the kind of guy that you want to be with. I’m too fucked up. I don’t do feelin’s and I sure as hell don’t do commitments. I can’t be that guy anymore.”

  “I thought we could be friends, at least. After what we’ve shared, I just thought you’d want that too.”

  “I don’t want anything,” I lied. She immediately withdrew from my arms and sat in front of me, saying nothing. She was pissed and probably regretted sleeping with me. At the end of the day it was what was best for her. I was too fucked up to give her what she needed.

  Chapter 10


  I guess I didn’t think he’d be so blunt about not wanting to be my friend. We’d connected like two people should when they were in a relationship. Ford made it clear that we were never going to be anything more than a shared sexual experience. Hearing that made me feel ill. Maybe it was just me feeling guilty for sleeping with a stranger. It definitely didn’t sit well when I thought about people finding out and being disappointed with me. I guess I was just regretting giving myself completely to a guy that didn’t give a damn about even himself.

  After a few moments of silence, I stood up and walked around by the water’s edge. It surprised me when Ford walked up and made me look at him. He put his arms around me and held me close. “Don’t be mad, Sky. I never lied to you about my intentions.”

  I shrugged. “I know. I just thought that…” I shook my head. “Never mind. I don’t even know why I would think otherwise. You’re right. You never made me any promises.”

  He ran his thumb over my lips. “Don’t ruin this. We’re both havin’ fun here. Can’t we just be together and not worry about tomorrow?”

  I shrugged again. “I guess.”

  “You guess?” Even though I couldn’t see his face clearly, I knew he was giving me a cocked eyebrow.

  “Sure. Let’s go back to the room and pretend tomorrow doesn’t exist. I mean, I don’t want to go home and think about Mack and what he did to me. Being with you allows me to not think about it. It feels good to not hurt so much. So, you can take me back to the motel and do whatever you want to me. I won’t ask anything from you again.”

  Ford placed his forehead against mine. “I ain’t tryin’ to hurt your feelin’s.”

  For someone that wasn’t trying to hurt me, he did a damn good job doing the exact opposite. Being with Ford felt so natural. The way my hands fit into his and how he touched me made me feel like I’d been with him for years. I hated knowing that it was all going to end. “I’m fine.”

  His ha
nds cupped my face as he pulled me in for a tender kiss that was loaded with more emotion than he was willing to reveal. When I opened my eyes again, I felt weak in the knees. “You want to head back to the room, or stay here for a while?”

  I shrugged. “You can choose.”

  He looked back to the boardwalk at the people walking around and mingling. “What if we get a drink and walk around for a bit. It’s still early and we do have all night to get naked.”

  After agreeing, we stopped at a local saloon on the boardwalk and had several drinks. I was feeling the alcohol when I stepped off my stool and stood for the first time. The drinks had been strong, not that I cared. I knew Ford would take care of me. We danced to the beat of the music and Ford showed me how good he was at doing two things at once. While his hips swayed to the music, his hands went up under my shirt and traced my bra line. I leaned my back against him, letting him do whatever he wanted to me, even though we were in a crowded place where everyone could see.

  He tugged down one of the padded sides of my bra and massaged my nipple under my shirt. I closed my eyes and lifted up my hands, wrapping them back around his neck. He kissed the inside of my sweaty neck and growled in my ear. “We need to get out of here.”

  I agreed. Ford paid for our tab and we left promptly.

  We’d been walking in the direction of our motel when I heard someone calling Ford’s name. We both turned around at the same time and saw Ashley standing there with a bunch of people.

  “Great!” Ford whispered under his breath.

  I pulled my hand out of his and he didn’t reach for it as she began to walk toward us. “I thought you weren’t comin’.” Ashley was ignoring the fact that I was standing there next to him.

  “I said I had other plans.” He was stern with his words. They felt cold and I wondered if she was going to react to them in a foul way.

  “Shayne’s here. I’m sure he’d like to hang out. You haven’t seen each other in a while. He said he needs to talk to you.”

  I had no idea who Shayne was, but Ford didn’t seem too happy. “How about you just tell him I said ‘hi’.”


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