Repair Me
Page 26
“For what it’s worth, when I hooked you guys up, I wanted you to be happy. The secret was killin’ me inside and I told her I wasn’t keepin’ it any longer.”
“He’s telling the truth, Ford. That’s what I heard him telling Ash at the hospital,” Sky added.
“It don’t matter. He lied. I’m done with him!”
Shayne sighed and walked out of the apartment without saying anything else. There was one thing I needed to know before he left. “Wait! Tell me somethin’, Shayne. That night, did I even sleep with Ash?”
“She said you couldn’t stay hard because you were too drunk. Since it was all an attempt to get you back, she made it seem like you had, going as far as to stage it to look like you’d been with her willingly. You’re off the hook, man. It’s my brother’s problem now.” Shayne waved goodbye and ran down the stairs.
Sky stood across the room looking at me. “Come here!” She walked toward me, but I could tell she was shaken up.
“I didn’t know, Ford. I swear.”
I wrapped my arms around her. “I know, darlin’. I can’t believe I’m sayin’ this, but I think we need to settle a few things with that little bitch, if you get my drift.”
She nodded.
I grabbed her by the hand and led her outside, where I dialed Ashley’s phone number.
“What do you want, Ford?”
“You lied. You hurt me and my family and you tortured my girlfriend. Then you came into my home and pissed on my bed like a fuckin’ dog would do. You want to know the worst part, Ash?”
“Screw you, Ford. You’re just pissed because you won’t know your own child.”
“That child ain’t mine and you know it.”
“Who told you that?” I could tell she was panicking.
“Who do you think? We didn’t even fuck that night I was drunk, did we? As soon as I realized you weren’t Sky I went limp, because even at my worst moments, you could never be her, you simple minded bitch!
I could hear her starting to cry. “You’re wrong! He’s lyin’!”
“Save the lies for someone who cares. I hope you rot in Hell and you surely don’t deserve to be a mother. Stay the fuck away from me and my family. That goes for Sky too. Do you hear me?”
“Yes but…”
“Shut the fuck up! So help me God, if you destroy Parker’s future, I will fuckin’ kill you myself! Do yourself a favor and have an abortion, since you can’t even stand kids. Oh, and just so you know, you’re nothin’ but a whore for sleepin’ with that kid.”
Her tears meant nothing to me. My dad should have paid his taxes, but he didn’t deserve to have to be thrown out the way her father was going to make us. When I hung up the phone, I felt like I was finally free.
I looked over at Sky. “I ain’t goin’ to yell at you. Get over here.” She walked over and wrapped her arms around me. “I’m sorry you had to hear that, but she deserved it. I could have lost you for no damn reason. That shit pisses me off.”
She pulled away and looked at me. “Are you going to be able to forgive Shayne? I think he was going to tell you, Ford. I heard him say it.”
“Right now, I don’t want to talk to him. I get why he did it, but it’s still messed up. Besides, he’s got enough problems to deal with.”
Her eyes looked sad. “I feel so sorry for that baby.”
I looked right into those beautiful blue eyes. “It ain’t our problem!” Sky got quiet again. “What’s wrong?” I thought she’d be thrilled that we were free.
“Nothing is standing in our way anymore, Ford. Do you have any idea what you’ve been through? You lost your sister, ended a relationship and buried your heart behind a brick wall. Everything’s changed now. The wall is down and your mother, who you thought didn’t love you, has come back into your life. I know you need time, but it’s evident she loves you. She knows the drugs made her a different person and wants to make up for it. Now that your dad has her back, he doesn’t need you take care of him.”
I let out an air filled laugh. “You fixed me, Sky.”
“You fixed me too, you know.”
I ran my hand through her hair and kissed her slowly. “Maybe we should go celebrate.”
She laughed and pointed to my bed that was now in a field. “We need to go shopping first.”
“Who needs a bed, when we have a shower, darlin’?”
Sky raised her brow and smiled. She reached for my hand and started pulling me up the stairs. “What are we waiting for then?”
Six months later
I looked through the bathroom door and saw Ford adjusting the same piece of hair that he’d been messing with for twenty minutes. This was a big night for him and I could tell that he was nervous. “You know, if you keep primping, we’re going to be late.”
He sprayed his head one more time and came out of the bathroom wearing a suit. “What do you think?”
I put my finger on my lips and tapped it as I walked all the way around him, taking extra time to check out his fine ass. “You clean up nice.”
He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into his arms. “Is that so?”
I giggled and pulled away. My dress was strapless and the strapless bra was held on by stickers. “Don’t mess with the dress. I may pop out of it.”
“You say that like it would be a bad thing.”
I looked at him with a disapproving grin. “Seriously, babe, in front of my dad and your co-workers?”
He put his hands up, motioning that he surrendered. “Fine! I won’t touch you until after dinner.” He smacked me on the ass. “Just so you know, I’ll be thinkin’ about it the whole time.”
I remember people saying that when two people moved in together, their sex life decreased. Well, I’m here to nix that theory. My boyfriend wanted to have sex at all hours. He wanted to have sex after we’d just finished having sex.
I never complained.
We’d moved in together five months ago and I’d never been happier. How I’d ended up with such a fine man was beyond belief considering I was just an easy lay that he’d rescued off the side of a road. Still, looking back, everything we went through made us stronger. It made us realize that we could get through anything.
After we finally made it to the car and he started driving, I caught him looking in the mirror. “You sure I don’t look like a penguin in this thing?”
“You can take it off in a couple hours and you look great. Pay attention to the road please.”
“Do my parents have the directions?”
“Yes, I talked to your mom this morning.” It had taken Ford a while, but he was coming around when it came to his mother. His parents went to therapy for the first three months of getting back together. His mother was still doing well and she was keeping the repair shop on track by working in the office. They seemed happy and Ford no longer had to worry about his dad. The man hadn’t picked up a single drink since the first week she came home. It was progress for both of them. “They’re goin’ to get lost. I just know it.”
“Would you stop worrying. Everything is going to be fine.”
Like I had promised, his parents were waiting for us in the parking lot. Thanks to me, his mom had highlighted her hair and wore a beautiful dress that my mom and I helped her pick out. This was a special night for all of us. Ford had not only been with my dad’s company for six months, but he was being promoted already, and it wasn’t because he was my boyfriend.
My father had given him a chance and Ford took it and ran with it. In six months he had turned the new division into something so profitable that my dad was on cloud nine. They worked great together and Ford’s leadership skills had not only impressed my father, but made him create a job specifically for him.
As for me, well, I was still tiddling with college. I’d cut my classes back and changed my major. Nothing seemed appealing to me and I was sure I didn’t want to work alongside of my dad or Ford.
we’d gotten our apartment when Ford wasn’t making much, he never pressed me to get a job. He made plenty now and banked almost half. He’d even talked about buying a house in a year or two.
As we entered into the fancy restaurant, I saw my father waving us over. My mom sat beside him and she was all smiles.
After we all sat down and admired the slew of people around us, my father stood up and tapped on his glass. “Can I have everyone’s attention please?” He held up his glass. “I’d like to make a toast to the new Vice President of the international division. Mr. Cooper has proven that his leadership skills and keen eye for business could take this company to new heights. Thanks for all of your hard work, Ford.”
Ford stood up and shook my dad’s hand while everyone started applauding. I was so proud of him and could tell he was overwhelmed. When he sat back down, all eyes were still on him. “This ain’t uncomfortable at all,” he said sarcastically.
I patted him on the leg. “Pretend it’s just us.”
He gave me a funny look and got close to my ear. “If I did that, I’d be sitting here with a hard dick, tellin’ you to bend over.”
I tried not to smile, but it was so inappropriate that I couldn’t help myself. Then all eyes were on both of us. I smiled and tried to play off my red face. “When we get home, you are so cut off!” I whispered.
He ran his hand up my thigh. “We’ll see about that, darlin’.”