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Bite & Release 3: Riley

Page 10


  I refilled his bowl, and Gray appeared content as he began to munch the kibble.

  “You spoil him,” she announced.

  “You bet. Gray has been with me since I was thirteen. Since his life was shit before I got him, I want him to have everything. So yeah, I do spoil him,” I confessed, sitting next to her. “This is really good. Thanks for throwing something together. Otherwise, I’d probably starve to death.”

  “It’s bread and soup, not a seven-course meal, which will be what I expect when the snow lifts,” she expressed with a grin.

  “You can ask me for anything as long as the request is accompanied by a blowjob.”

  She choked on a spoonful of soup. “Really, don’t say things like that while I’m eating. So glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. I mean the food and the oral.”

  My erection was in overdrive, and I was happy to be seated at the table. Being snowed in had left us with nothing to do but eat or have sex. Not that I was complaining, but something continued to nag me. I’d never been in a predicament like this. I was mesmerized by this woman, but I wondered what secrets she was holding back. Any other guy would ignore everything else and be happy with fooling around.

  I supposed my problem was I’d never had this with any other girl. Yeah, I’d had oral and shared meals with Megan, but with Gabe, it felt domestic, different. I wondered if she felt it, too, or was she too consumed with her parental woes? This was supposed to be impassive sex. Maybe I wasn’t built for the noncommittal. But it took two, and she had made it clear in the beginning. She was possibly a woman that enjoyed the chase more and was definitely happy to be the first to break me.

  I looked up as she cleared the table, recognizing the demeanor on her face. She too was contemplating things moving forward. But we had a business to run and animals to care for. Our relationship had to take a back seat to this situation. My dad didn’t hire her to have an affair, and if we didn’t get our emotions in check, it would be a very long and uncomfortable three years.

  “Jesus, Riley, I can hear your silence from here,” she exclaimed as she loaded the dishwasher.

  “Just thinking loudly, I guess. How about watching a movie?” I asked, quickly diverting the conversation.

  “Sounds good.”

  We settled in on the sofa, although watching a movie was the last thing on my mind. It was too hard to concentrate, and realistically, I couldn’t discuss anything with her. I had to get out of my own way. I’d agreed to the arrangement between us. But I hoped she was having second thoughts about us.

  “I’m sorry, Riley. I have too much on my mind to watch this. Is it all right if I soak and relax in your bathtub?”

  “Sure. You want to be alone?” I asked, remembering the first time we used that clawfoot tub when we showered.

  “If you don’t mind.”

  “Whatever you need. Grab some towels in the hall closet before you go upstairs. I’ll probably nap in your bed. Between the food and snow, I’m exhausted.” And all the sex. Who knew fucking could be so tiring?

  “Okay, see you in a few.”

  I stretched out on the couch and watched as she grabbed towels, then headed upstairs. After a few minutes, I forced myself up to take Gray outside before I got lazy and fell asleep. He cautiously tested the snow before finding a spot, then settled down. When he finished, I scooped up his mess, tossing it in the trash.

  “Come on, you crazy dog. It’s freezing out here. Let’s go take a nap.”

  He jumped a few times, then followed me into the house. I gave him fresh water, then settled back on the sofa, lying back and patting the spot beside me. It was a tight squeeze for us, but I made it work. I remembered when he was a pup. Almost eight years had passed, yet it felt not that long ago.

  Hearing my cell ring, I pushed Gray off and ran up the stairs to grab my phone. It was my Aunt Trina.

  “What’s up?” I asked after accepting the call.

  “I was just about to ask you. I got a call from your dad, and he said he’s called four times.”

  I scoffed. “Yeah, well, he kind of ticked me off. Did he mention the new doc he hired is a woman?”

  My aunt chuckled. “Big deal. You can’t ignore your father because he’s a douche. Eventually, he’ll hop a flight and check up on you personally. I know my brother. Do not test him. If you don’t want him to just show up, call him.” She paused. “You are okay? I know the weather’s bad. You have everything you need?”

  “I’m fine. I just don’t enjoy my dad’s sense of humor.” I huffed.

  “So you don’t like the new doctor?”

  Just the opposite. “She’s fine. I just feel caught off guard. I expected a man.”

  “Yeah, well, maybe your dad didn’t know. Remember, I got the smart gene.” She laughed.

  “Agreed.” I snorted.

  “Now answer your cell the next time he calls. You know how he worries… Well, I’m sure your mom is prodding him. Just answer the damn phone.”

  “I will. I promise.” I hung up and strolled down the stairs. Okay, so the next time my dad called, I’d better answer. Knowing my mom, she’d make such a fuss and they’d fly back here.

  I was glad we closed Protected Paws due to blizzard conditions because Kathy might mention the new hire was female. Of course, now my aunt knew because I’d opened my mouth. I personally thought my Dad knew, but on the off chance he didn’t, it might come as a shock.

  I sat on the bottom step, petting Gray. I was wrong. I needed a distraction. I wished I could go to school and work. If not for the storm, maybe Gabe and I wouldn’t have crossed that line. Being physical with her had brought emotions I’d never experienced to the surface. I couldn’t go back to the original agreement; it was too late. I wanted to be with her and not just sexually.

  It wasn’t clear how empty my life was until now. My parents had been right. Having only school and work did not make a fulfilled life. Hell, even Kai acknowledged I needed more. That old wish pierced my heart. I wanted to have what my mom and dad had, regardless of the hardship and pain. Being together hadn’t come easy. My dad had almost lost my mom twice, and she had threatened to divorce him at one time. They had to weather a ton of crap, the age difference being the lesser of the evils they’d endured. I wanted all of it. If my parents survived, so could I.

  I didn’t know how strong I was. The feeling of desire had never been intense enough to fight for. I didn’t even know if Gabe felt anything for me other than lust.

  Her soft steps went unheard as she approached. Her hands massaged my shoulders.

  “Who were you talking to?” she asked, sitting behind me, wearing a fluffy red robe.

  “My aunt. My parents are losing their shit because I haven’t been answering their calls.”

  “Why’s that?” she whispered as she nudged my right bicep.

  “Doesn’t matter why. I just need to make sure I pick up the next time they call, or they could just pop in unannounced.”

  “I’m gathering you’re not going to mention us.”

  I leaned back into her arms, tilting my face up until my eyes met hers. “Is there an us?” I asked, looking away. I didn’t want the truth and was hoping she’d lie.

  “Well, obviously, you should mention I’m not a man. Maybe not go into detail about our relationship. I—”

  I stood, interrupting her. “So is this honestly a relationship?” I questioned.

  “Why do we have to label it? It would be better if our sex life would stay between us. I do like you, Riley. More than I should. I never planned to have feelings for you. To be fair, I’m very vulnerable right now because of all my baggage. If we’d met under different circumstances, I’m afraid you would hate me.”

  I pulled her up and circled my arms around her waist. “Gabe, I could never hate you. I didn’t think I’d feel this way toward you either. I’ve never had emotions like this, and I’m finding it hard to navigate the waters. I’ll rein them in if it’s what you need, but if you say yes, then I’m w
arning you I’ll fall and do it hard,” I confessed.

  She appeared surprised. “I don’t want to hurt you, Riley,” she uttered. “I walked into our sexual affair with a particular mindset, and now I’m feeling different. If I was smart, I would walk away from you. I’m not the woman you want.” She pushed away, waving her hand in my face. “I have secrets, dark and poisonous.”

  “We all have secrets. I’m not asking you to expose your soul. I can’t do anything about our age difference, so I hope it’s not that. If it’s something else, just know that you can trust me with anything.”

  She chuckled sardonically. “Our age. I wish that was the only issue. When you find out—and eventually you will—please, don’t hate me,” she pleaded.

  I held her tightly. My heart was pounding so loudly I was sure she could hear it. “Hate is such a strong word. Please don’t use it. That’s the one emotion I could never feel toward you.” I swore.

  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep. You have no idea the things I have concealed.”

  “I told you before I would gladly shoulder any burden you care to share.”

  Gabe shook her head and padded past me. It was raining again, which meant more snow. Three days was my limit. I would have to venture out and attempt to open the clinic. “Tomorrow I’m going to try to drive to work. I need you to come with me in the event we need a surgeon. I doubt we’ll be busy because of the weather, but just in case.”

  “No problem. I’m ready to get out of here and breathe some fresh air,” she stated.

  “Listen. I’m tired, so I’m going to go lie down.”

  “Want some company?” she asked, pinching the front of my shirt.

  I grinned. “I was hoping you’d ask.” I faced her. “I don’t expect sex. I just want to hold you.”

  She clasped my hand, and we walked upstairs. Gabe brushed my lips with hers, then laid her head next to mine. I felt at peace and internally sighed, praying this moment stayed frozen in time.



  W e slept for hours. The constant darkness and harsh weather made it a perfect way to pass time.

  I tried to slip out of the bed quietly, but I woke Gabe.

  “What time is it?” She yawned.

  “Almost five. I should take a shower if I plan to go to work tomorrow,” I announced as I strolled to the bathroom.

  She sat swaying her legs off the edge of the mattress. “I suppose I could go search for the Crock-Pot for the chili for tomorrow night. Any requests for tonight?” she called out to me.

  Poking my head out of the bathroom, I arched my brows up and down, my lips smacking together.

  “As much as you’d like pussy, I need to eat, too.”

  I discarded my pants while standing in the doorway, my hand dangling on my cock.

  “That does look inviting, but maybe we can save that for later. Believe me. It’s a difficult decision between actual food and your dick,” she teased.

  I pretended a pout as I closed the door and then turned on the shower. The scent of her body soap assailed me as I pulled the curtain. Gargling water, I scrubbed myself and washed my hair. After twenty minutes under the hot spray, I dried myself, then wrapped the towel around my waist. My skin became chilled as I opened the door and let the steam follow me into my room.

  Dressed, I brushed my teeth and combed my clean hair, staring at the dark shadow of stubble on my face. I rather liked it, so I decided to waive the razor but patted some cologne on my neck.

  When I opened the bedroom door, I heard Gabe in the kitchen. I tiptoed downstairs and got clean sheets from the linen cabinet. Holding the heavy fleece in my arms, I quietly retreated to my room. After I hurriedly replaced the old sheets with the clean ones, I fluffed the pillows and placed them against the headboard. I nodded, acknowledging my work, then stuffed the dirty sheets into the hamper before going downstairs.

  “You look refreshed,” Gabe remarked.

  She had placed cans of red beans and Italian tomatoes on the far counter, and the ground beef was browning in a skillet on the stovetop. The Crock-Pot was plugged in, ready to go.

  “I see you found what you needed.”

  “It didn’t take as much of a search as I expected. Your mom was extremely organized. I’m having trouble deciding what to make for us right now, though. Any brilliant ideas?” she asked, leaning against the counter.

  “I’m craving pizza… among other things.” I smirked.

  Her eyes widened. “You’ve turned into a sex addict, Riley Michaels.”

  “Hey, I had help. Some wicked woman showed me what I was missing. Is it bad I want to make up for lost time?”

  “Okay, get out of the kitchen. There isn’t a chance in hell pizza is going to be delivered. I’ll figure out something,” Gabe declared as she swiveled me toward the living room. “Go do man stuff while I gather what I need.”

  I relented and stalked into the other room. With more logs tossed in the fireplace, I turned on the TV, channel surfing until I was called to the dining room.

  “I’m sure it won’t be as good as delivery, but maybe next weekend we can get the real thing.”

  I sat and grabbed a few napkins, inspecting my plate. “Looks good, but how did you make it?”

  “I found a couple cans of crescent rolls, so I used them for the crust. Hamburger meat, tomato sauce, cheese, onion, and sour cream. I think it’s more taco salad than pizza. You didn't have any pepperoni. But it’s a good thing I bought a few things at the grocery store when I did. I’d say it’s time to go again if we plan to eat at home.”

  I stared at her while chewing. “It’s pretty tasty. How about we do a quick shopping trip after work? You never know if another storm will lock us down.”

  “Aren’t you going to classes tomorrow?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “I don’t want you driving in this kind of snow. You’re not used to it. I’ll call the school when we get to work. My truck is prepared for this weather, so let’s just plan to take one car.”

  She grinned as she broke off a piece of darkened crust. “You care about my well-being?”

  “Of course. You’re a valued employee. Who would I get to replace you?” I teased. “Not to mention the little extras you provide.”

  She huffed as she reached under the table and encompassed one of my thighs with a squeeze. “I think I can do better than a little extra.” She dabbed the corners of her mouth with a napkin, then slid to her knees.

  I twisted toward her with widened legs. Just witnessing her on the floor made my shaft harden like steel, the engorged head peeking out from the waist of my sweats. My breathing became labored with anticipation. I shoved my pants down, kicking them off.

  Gabe’s tongue skimmed the crown, relishing the precum. Her hand slid down to my sack with skilled manipulation. I squirmed in the chair, holding her head in place. She cupped my balls, then proceeded to suck on each. I reveled in satisfaction as she licked each side of my veined length. She began to circle her tongue under the rim, and my body stiffened in response. I moaned, attempting to keep my body from relinquishing to the orgasm.

  “Take off your pajama pants and sit on my lap,” I mumbled.

  Her lips popped as she dropped my cock, and my head fell back. My dick pulsed with longing. I needed to come.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to finish you with my mouth?” she asked, both hands on my thighs.

  “No. Sit on my dick. I want us to come at the same time.”

  She positioned herself above my thickness, and I guided her down slowly. She hissed as she seated herself firmly. “Oh my God, you feel so good,” she squeaked, sliding up and down languidly.

  “If you keep doing that, I’ll come.”

  “Isn’t that the point?” she salaciously answered.

  “I want this to last. Quit crushing my cock with your muscles. Let me do the work,” I pleaded, kissing her forehead.

  She looked up, her cheeks flushed with heat. We h
ungrily kissed each other as my hands lifted her ass. Her eyes widened in awe then approval as I pushed her up and down on my shaft.

  “Oh fuck, that feels good. Don’t stop,” she ordered.

  I held Gabe in place as I continued to glide her along my length, clamping my teeth together in an attempt to bite back my release. My cock distended as she kept up the pace. Removing my hands from under her ass, I splayed my fingers across her back.

  “I love you,” I said softly. As much as I wanted to say it, I didn’t want her to hear. Kai had told me that men would always say those words when they came because a male climax scrambles your brain cells and makes you stupid. But when I confessed those three words, I meant it. I had released many times with oral sex and never had the urge to utter them. I was beginning to think I’d never be with anyone I truly cared about. I wasn’t able to be like my best friend and just fuck without feeling.

  Gabe’s warmth convulsed around me, prompting my orgasm to blend with hers. My thighs buckled from pumping, and I slowed my pace.

  Once I stopped, Gabe slid off and stretched like a cat. “Mmm… that was nice. I’ll sleep well tonight,” she purred, snagging her pants off the floor and heading to the bathroom.

  I rubbed my darkened chin and bent to get my pants. Once dressed, I cleared the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher.

  “I would have done that,” she remarked, leaning against the doorway.

  “I don’t mind,” I said, looking up. “If you weren’t here, I’d be doing it anyway.”

  She chuckled. “Riley, if I weren’t here, you’d be starving… in more than one way.” Gabe blew me a kiss.

  I nodded in agreement as I wiped down the counters, then turned off the light. “Stay with me tonight,” I offered, adding, “Just sleep. We need to have our head’s straight for tomorrow.”

  She pushed with her hands, maneuvering me up the stairs. “You really are perfect. Clean sheets?” she stated as she slipped under the quilts.

  “I thought a fresh bed would be more comfortable.”

  She turned toward me as I turned off the lamp. “Didn’t want to sleep in our spunk?”


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