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Bite & Release 3: Riley

Page 18


  “Mother, you’ll see me before you fly out?”

  Carrie hugged her daughter. “Of course. I wouldn’t sneak away in the night like you did,” she replied with a chuckle.

  Gabe’s cheeks turned pink at her mom’s slight.

  I semi hugged her. It felt contrived because I was consorting with the enemy. My dad’s expression spoke volumes. I was itching to leave, pulling on my collar, which seemed to be strangling me. My eyes searched my dad’s hands, looking for a voodoo doll.

  “We should get going, too. We have our first doctor appointment. Gotta find out stuff,” I chatted, hoping to calm down my mom who was on the verge of kneeing my dad’s manhood. If he valued having any future sex life, he’d better change his body language and quit acting as though he’d won the lottery. “Maybe you three can come by the house later this afternoon, and we can let you know what the doctor said. We might even have a due date.”

  “That sounds wonderful, Riley. I’ll be there,” Carrie said with exuberance.

  “Of course your dad and I will come. I can’t wait for all the details. Just call us when you want us to drive over,” Mom voiced. I could see the discomfort on my dad’s face as my mom’s nails dug into his arm. “Right, honey?” she asked joyfully.

  “Anything you say, baby,” Dad replied through his teeth.

  I guided Gabe toward the front door, then helped her into the passenger seat.

  “I can’t believe she’s just going to abandon me.”

  As I seated myself behind the wheel, I kissed my wife’s hand. “She’s not abandoning you. She’s allowing you to shape your own path. Start a life with me.”

  And if she stays, there’s a good chance my parents won’t be setting a good example, considering my dad hates your mom.

  “I love you, baby. We’re going to be fine. Everything will work out. You’ll see.” And with that hope, I drove us to our first prenatal appointment.


  Ryan & Shea

  “I ’m so pissed at you right now. You really are a prick.”

  I hadn’t seen my wife this mad since she found out while she was in a coma, in my fear, I’d planned to give our kids to my sister.

  “What the fuck did I do?” I asked innocently.

  “Don’t act as though you don’t know, Shea. You sat there and continued to stuff your face while Carrie announced her leaving. Our daughter-in-law was obviously upset, and you did nothing. You do get it, right? Pregnant women don’t need the extra stress.” Ryan rumbled.

  “And what was I supposed to do?” I asked with caution. My rage was boiling over as I slammed our hotel room door.

  “All you had to do was speak up. One word from Shea Michaels would have changed her mind. Carrie’s only leaving because she knows you dislike her.”

  Frustration reached my expression as I sat in a chair. “I don’t dislike Carrie. Ryan, I hate her. Big difference. And there is jack shit you can do to change my mind. You will never know the anguish I experienced when I found you bruised and beaten, praying that you hadn’t been raped. You still don’t get it. If he would have killed you, he would have taken my life, too. I could never exist without you. The loss would have made me suicidal.” I couldn’t breathe and felt myself begin to shake and my eyes begin to water. “Those nightmares leave me with this constant ache that I’ll lose you. It almost happened again when you were in a coma, and there are times I feel as though I’m waiting for an anvil to fall and take you away permanently. I wouldn’t survive.”

  “Oh, Shea, I’m healthy, and this life has made me so happy. It breaks my heart that you have this constant angst,” Ryan whispered as she put her hand through my hair.

  “You should have that angst, too. Our son has married the daughter of a mentally deranged woman. Instead of yelling at me, you should be reasoning with Riley.”

  “You’re joking, right? They’re already married. She’s going to give birth to our first grandchild. What would you like me to do? Force an annulment? Be serious. He’s your son and he’s in love, past listening.”

  Scoffing, I replied, “Bullshit. He only thinks he’s in love because he got his first taste of fucking. I am not leaving him to take on all this responsibility by himself. Seriously, I’m thrilled Carrie’s leaving. I don’t want her poison around my son. God only knows how Gabriella was raised. You forget she came here for some twisted revenge plan because of some scrapbook full of me. Jesus, I can’t believe we have that psycho back in our lives.”

  “You don’t think I remember everything she did? But, Shea, that was over twenty years ago. People change. You have to let it go, or you’ll cause a rift between Riley, Gabriella, and yourself. And I’m saying this because I love you. Do not make your son choose, because he truly loves her and you’ll lose. We set the bar high for everything he ever wanted. You would have always picked me, and he’ll do the same by keeping his wife by his side, along with his child. Riley takes after you more than he realizes.”

  I stood and began to pace. “So you agree with me about staying? I know we went to Florida to help pit bulls and start a new life, but I honestly feel we should come home to Alaska.”

  “Wherever you go, I go,” Ryan responded as she took my hand. “What about the sanctuary?”

  “While you were asleep this morning, I spoke to Mick. We both trust him, so he’d be the perfect choice to run the place. I’m not saying we have to stay here forever, but at least until the baby’s born. And I’m sure craziness isn’t part of Riley’s daily agenda. You know Carrie will be back before the birth.”

  “And you need to tolerate her nicely. She’s going to be part of us forever, which means you have to be cordial. Do it for Riley and his child. I think you’re just agitated that your new title will be grandpa.”

  “Please, I’m too young for all this,” I complained.

  “Well, what can I do to make you feel better? I’m sure there’s something,” Ryan noted as she toed off her shoes.

  My eyebrows darted upward immediately when my wife pulled off her shirt and I stared at her see-through sports bra. My arms circled around her as I playfully bit her neck.

  “Will you be nice?” she asked, cupping my cock.

  I groaned as she popped each button, and I found myself grinding into her crotch.

  “I expect our agreement to include Carrie.”

  What a way to deflate my erection. “I swear. Fuck me, woman,” I insisted as she pushed my pants to my ankles. Blood rushed to my dick, making it hard. I stepped out of my shoes, then kicked off my pants. My shirt followed as Ryan completely disrobed.

  She sashayed over to me and pushed me back on the bed.

  “I love it when you get all bossy,” I uttered as my hand went to Ryan’s sex. The narrow strip of hair displayed on her pussy made my shaft quiver with desire. I needed to touch her.

  She slapped away my hand, the sting bringing me back to reality. “You forget I know you. You’ll promise anything if I’m naked and stroking your cock.”

  “We’ll set the agreement in stone, but can we talk about it later? Because currently, all I can think about is poking you with my dick. Or you can blow me. I’m easy. I’ll take either.”

  My wife rolled her eyes at me. “It’s always a two-way street with you. If I give you a blowjob, that alone will lead to fucking. One leads to the other, and, Shea, you are anything but easy.” Her words quieted as she took me in her mouth.

  Life was good.



  G abe was fourteen weeks, which meant she probably got pregnant one of the first times we slept together. After a thorough physical, including blood and urine, the doctor thought an ultrasound was a good idea since she had been using an IUD and hadn’t known she was pregnant.

  The doctor she had seen before had done a clean extraction, but there still could be problems. My heart sank as Dr. Spence applied the jelly to my wife’s stomach. Gabe admitted she had few symptoms but had not experienced mor
ning sickness yet.

  I loved her, and although her having my child made me rush to marry her, it would have been something I would have considered in the future. Now this involved uprooting my parents and Gabe’s mom.

  As I stared at the monitor, I felt ill. My ears perked when I heard a hearty thumping.

  “Your baby has a strong heartbeat and appears healthy. I’ll be able to tell you the sex in another month or so. For now, I’m satisfied that your birth control method didn’t cause any injury to the fetus, according to the tests. So how many copies do you need?” the doctor asked as she documented what she’d found on a tablet.

  “Probably five,” I replied with a smile. Everything about this last two hours felt surreal.

  My hand quivered as I took the pictures of my baby. It became real as I stared at the black-and-white shape that was either my son or daughter. Warmth settled in my heart, knowing I’d love this woman and my baby for the rest of my life. Is this the way my dad reacted when he found out my mom was pregnant with Holly? I understood now how he went off the deep end because I had come into his life while the woman he loved was in a coma.

  We left the doctor’s office, sonograms in hand, with an estimated due date and a prescription for prenatal vitamins.

  “At least we’ll be able to give one to your mom before she leaves. I am sorry she isn’t staying.”

  Gabe shrugged one shoulder. “After finding out everything she’s done, I still love her, but I get it. It would take a miracle to get your dad to forgive her.”

  “I guess I expected him to be different. I mean, it happened so long ago.”

  “I don’t think you can ever forget the person who’s responsible for almost murdering the love of your life. Maybe after your dad has had some time to get used to the idea of my mother being around. Or possibly our child will be the catalyst to help mend all.”

  I grinned. “Have I told you lately, wife, how much I love you and how wise you are?”

  “Well, I am older,” she teased.

  “You were smart enough to choose me,” I boasted.

  “In all honesty, I did have ulterior motives,” she confessed.

  I placed my hand on Gabe’s stomach as we sat in the truck. “I don’t care how it happened. I’m just glad it did. I knew you were the one. That’s why I gave myself to you.”

  She chuckled. “As I recall, I kind of positioned myself so you couldn’t say no.”

  “Well, I could have denied you access. I mean, if I’d wanted to. You know all this sex talk is making me horny,” I announced, using my hand to situate my dick.

  “Something I can help you with?” she asked suggestively as she placed her hand between my legs.

  I removed Gabe’s hand, placing it back on her lap. “Not in the truck. Save it for our bed. I want you horizontal. I’m feeling hungry again.”

  She squirmed as I spoke details of my plans for her.

  I couldn’t get home fast enough. Just the thought of licking every inch of her pussy made me crazy.

  Gray jumped up and down as we walked in.

  I playfully slapped Gabe on the ass. “You get rid of those clothes while I feed the dog.”

  When it finally quit snowing, Gray began using the doggy door again. Once I took care of my wife, I would take him on a long walk before everyone got here. After I poured the dog food, I placed the sonogram picture on the fridge with a magnet. I patted Gray with the knowledge that this dog would protect my child no matter what.

  Kicking my shoes to the right, I pulled my sweater off. When I unzipped my jeans, my cock pressed against my briefs in protest. I swept a hand through my hair while I climbed the stairs. “You ready for me, baby?” I asked.



  My exhausted wife hugged a pillow, snoring softly.

  My dick screamed in defiance as I pulled back the quilts and let my eyes drift over her black thong and no bra. Gabe’s hair hung long enough to cover her nipples. I craved all of her, from her long ember eyelashes to her soft pink painted toenails. The tan she arrived with had long since faded, and I wondered if she missed that golden skin.

  I didn’t want to disturb her sleep. We had all of our lives to have sex. To love. To be one.

  Closing the bedroom door quietly, I strolled down the stairs. After I zipped up my pants, I grabbed all the paperwork the doctor had given us. Sitting on the bottom step with Gray leaning against my leg, I began reading.

  Gabe wasn’t going to like these restrictions. Many of the pages contained pros and cons of her working with animals in a clinic environment. There were too many negatives, and I knew she wouldn’t chance our baby’s well-being. But it would still be difficult for her to swallow.

  I would finish school and continue working. She would have to stay home or find other employment, a position that didn’t have the health restrictions that being a veterinarian did.

  It wasn’t forever, but I wasn’t sure that logic would be sufficient to ease the loss. She loved taking care of animals and saving the lives of beloved four-legged family members. I tried to put myself in her place, and everything about these papers felt as if I would be giving up my life for a new one. I supposed having a child meant giving up everything you deemed important. It probably hurt like hell until you held him or her. Then you knew you would give up anything for this little one.

  I sighed as I petted Gray. The rest of the paperwork was diet, babyproofing the house, and a ton of other stuff we didn’t need to worry about at fourteen weeks.

  I padded over to the sofa and stretched out. I was frazzled and decided to close my eyes. It wouldn’t be long until we had company. But I could catch a few Z’s.

  I’d never known that day I walked into the clinic that Dr. Tobin would become my wife and soon the mother of my child. I had wished for love so many times that I feared I hadn’t been heard. But evidently, Gabe was put in my path. I could have gone left or right, but I chose to go straight to her.

  I should have been overwhelmed, but the emotion I felt was the sensation of having the consummate family. I yearned for a relationship like my parents shared, and now it had finally come to fruition.



  F ive Months Later

  I’d heard it all.

  When one door closes, another one opens.

  God only gives us as much as we can handle.

  At least they are no longer in pain.

  They’re in a better place.

  Fate is cruel. It can take a life as well as create one.

  I’d never known pain as deep and unrelenting as when I lost Gray. His illness crept up on us. We were so busy prepping the baby’s room that two veterinarians didn’t see the signs. It wouldn’t have mattered. Progressive and terminal liver cancer, so they said. I couldn’t bear to put him down unless he was in pain.

  Even though Gabe was close to her due date, she took care of him at home around the clock. IVs of fluid, homemade food, and pain medication. She made sure he was groomed, fed, and loved.

  The time came when his pain could no longer be controlled, and the choice was no longer mine. I picked him up in my arms and took him to the back door of Protected Paws. Gabe had called ahead, and they had everything prepared. I held him as the pentobarbital was injected to make him sleep. Gray’s eyes glazed over as his breathing stopped. I touched my head to his and hugged him one last time. I felt totally out of control, sobbing, but I didn’t care who heard me as I howled.

  My dad showed up a few minutes later to console me. I knew my mom was a blubbery mess, too, which was why she wasn’t here. My dad couldn’t handle both of us.

  “Come on, son. Let’s go home. You need to be with Gabriella. She’s extremely upset, and your mom says it’s dangerous for the baby for her to be so hysterical.” His large, tattooed arms wrapped around me. “Let’s get you out of here. This isn’t the way I want you to remember him.”

  As I cried into my dad’s shirt, I could feel his stature c
ollapse into mine. He had been witness to thousands of pet deaths throughout the years, but Gray was a family member we shared as I grew up. His story convinced my parents to take over a sanctuary to protect this terribly abused breed.

  “You sure you don’t want me to come in?” my dad asked as he dropped me off at home.

  I shook my head. Any words I could physically muster were lodged in my throat.

  I dragged myself to the front door, and Gabe opened it. She hugged me as close as she could, considering her tummy kept us inches apart. “Oh, baby, I know it hurts,” she said as she caught one of my tears on her index finger.

  “I need to sleep. I’m so tired. I just want my brain to shut the fuck up.” I wept.

  She guided me to the downstairs bedroom and helped me get undressed before I climbed into bed. I felt a guilty shiver up my spine because Gabe was due anytime. I should be taking care of her, especially since she made Gray’s last few months comfortable.

  “Thank you,” I announced as I cradled a pillow beneath me.

  “For what?” she asked, rubbing her belly.

  “For taking care of Gray and me. I honestly don’t think I could have survived all of this if it weren’t for you. I love you so much.”

  Gabe came to my side of the bed. “I’d squat down, but truly, there would be no way to get up other than 9-1-1.” She smiled weakly. “Riley, you never have to thank me. I loved him, too. I will always be here for you, through the good and bad.” She pressed a kiss to my lips with two fingers. “Now get some rest.”

  I slept deeply, no dreams. When I finally awoke, I realized it had been over twenty-four hours. My muscles ached as I sat up, then threw open the door and moved slowly to the bathroom. I felt disoriented because we’d only been sleeping in Holly’s old room since Gabe couldn’t safely maneuver the stairs when she arrived at the six-month point.

  I reached for my toothbrush, realizing it was abnormally quiet in the house. Padding out in my briefs, the toothbrush dangling from my mouth, I went to find my wife.


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