First Login (The World Book 1)

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First Login (The World Book 1) Page 8

by Jason Cheek

  Warning, you have been playing for eighteen hours straight. It is recommended you log out to take care of your biological needs.

  Checking the date and time, April 20th 03:00 AM, I swore in surprise. It was already Sunday. If I was lucky, I could get six hours of sleep and make it in time for breakfast. Seeing Miya’s knowing look, I sheathed my short sword and gave her a half-bow of respect. The anger that had driven me through our fight had at some point turned into determination … even respect.

  “Thank you again for the lessons and keeping me on track. Once again it is time for me to go.”

  “It is just one of the many services that I offer.” Miya’s said with an amused smile at my raised eyebrow. “You have improved much today. I hope you will return once more so we can see just how far you’ve come since your first battle with the Goblin Raiders.” Eying my shredded, bloodstained rags that had been my beginner's clothing, she continued. “Also, maybe we can do something about those threads too.”

  “That would actually be nice of you for a change.” Before she could reply with one of her witty comebacks or spawn a psychotic horde of Goblin Raiders, I triggered the logout sequence. “Until next time, Miya.” Within a minute I was back to reality as the Egg’s door popped open and I was once again in my dark computer room.

  Reaching blindly for the supersized water glass I kept in the computer room, I down the entire flask before taking care of the rest of my bio needs. Finding some cold rotisserie chicken, potato salad, and German beer, I retired to my barstool to wolf down my sustenance. My body was the sorest it had ever been, so much so that I was having problems even feeding myself. It felt like someone had tied lead weights to my arms and beat me with a rubber hose.

  While I was thankful that V-MMORPG had made the pre-game virtual training modules available for Nightmare players, the fact that they were given us such intense training made me nervous as to what I would be faced with at the start of the game. There was so much riding on this for my friends and me, it made me feel like I was waiting for a job interview at my dream company, but instead of just failing myself if I flopped the interview, I would be failing all of my friends too. Resting the cold beer against my forehead, I closed my eyes as I swore a promise to myself. Whatever it took I would make this work.

  Nearly falling asleep, I jerked awake and threw my garbage away before making my way to the bedroom. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was fast asleep.

  Chapter Five

  (Sunday, April 20th/Pre-Game & Brunch)

  This time when my alarm went off I found myself instantly awake. The pre-game excitement had me wired. The extra sleep didn’t hurt either. While it wasn’t my preference to get six hours, I wasn’t going to complain about the additional rest. Hobbling to the bathroom like an old man, I took care of business and let the hot water beat on my aching muscles. By the time I climbed out of the shower I was almost feeling human again.

  Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I wondered if I was looking any different. Not that any physical changes would show from three days of intense workouts. It made me wonder if the forum’s claims about the Alpha testers becoming physically fitter from six months of playing were actually true or not. I found it hard to believe the company’s claim that the bodysuit gave a full body workout equal to what the player’s virtual character did in-game. Still, it was something to think about. Throwing on jeans, a Spitfire t-shirt and a pair of Pac-Sun flip-flops, I headed out driving my Ford Ranger this time.

  The motorcycle was out of the question since my arms still felt weak from yesterday’s intense training with Miya. A part of me wanted to be angry at her for the snarky comments during our sparring sessions, but the realization of just how much I’d learned over the last two days made it impossible for me to be mad.

  Rolling down the windows for the drive to the Gun Club Café, I enjoyed the nearly perfect Florida winter day, seventy-two degrees and not a cloud in the sky. Parking in my normal spot, I headed into the café seeing that our table was already set up with Domenic, Mike, and AJ in a heated discussion with Hefe. It must have been pretty serious because barely anyone said hi as I sat down at my normal place.

  “What do you mean you haven’t logged into the game yet to set up your character?” AJ yelled throwing his hands up in the air. “That’s even dumb for you, Hefe.”

  Hefe looked to the rest of us for support as Mike just held up his hand shaking his head as Domenic covered his eyes. “I have to back AJ up on this one, Hefe. That’s pretty boneheaded even for you.”

  Hefe’s last look was to me. See my sour expression; he gave me that ‘Et tu, Brute’ look. “Seriously Hefe, you do know what a Nightmare start means, right? Besides wasting your parents’ money, I expect you’re seriously running the risk of being repeatedly pummeled to death until you end up re-rolling your character or needing one of us to come out and save your ass. Not to mention, there might not be any available Nightmare slots left.”

  “You see that’s where you’re wrong. When I was finishing up my P&M exam, the technician told me there would be Nightmare starts for everyone who wanted one.” Hefe said confidently flexing his biceps like a weightlifter. “Seriously, do I need any more than this for a video game?”

  The rest of us groaned and shook our heads since we’d all been through our own individual version of virtual hell. Before we could beat on Hefe more, Jill and Krystal walked in breaking up our bitch session with a round of hugs. Seeing their careful movements as they sat down, AJ laughed out loud. “So how’s that virtual training module working out for you gals?”

  “God I hate that sadistic bitch so much!” Jill said sourly.

  “I’ve never hurt so much in my entire life,” Krystal said almost simultaneously with Jill.

  “I’ve had black belts that didn’t kick my ass as bad.” Domenic grumped as Mike joined in on the bitch session. The insanity of his training session was off the chart.

  Commiserating with my friends, I held up my sore arms. “What Miya did to me last night shouldn’t even be legal. I can barely move my arms.” As soon as the words left my lips, I knew I’d messed up somehow. Seeing everyone’s curious looks around the table, I frowned as the girls began to laugh together. “Seriously, what’s up?”

  “Please tell me you didn’t roll another female avatar,” Domenic said with a barely concealed grin.

  “I don’t know guys, I betcha he’d make a hot bitch.” AJ snickered as Jill and Krystal started howling in laughter.

  “Dude, you’re seriously playing a chick again?” Hefe asked incredulously. “I couldn’t even look you in the face last time, man.”

  “Yea, because you were too busy staring at his tits.” Jill howled in laughter.

  “Is there something you want to tell us, Jay?” Mike asked, joining in on the fun.

  “Really guys? I mean really? I played a female avatar one. I repeat, one time.” I said annoyed as everyone howled in laughter.

  “Well, you do have a female trainer,” Domenic said not even trying to hide the smirk on his face.

  “I hate you guys,” I said giving everyone dual birds. “So what, I have a female trainer. If I’m going to get my ass beat, I’d rather it be from a hot elf girl dressed in tight leather. “

  “Dude! That was your same argument when you leveled up that female avatar in World of Warcraft. Remember that one guy who kept following you around giving you stuff because he liked your avatar’s tits-“

  “Shut the fuck up, Domenic!”

  “It made me uncomfortable just being in the same team with you.” Domenic continued unconcerned. “I just figured you liked the attention.”

  “I seriously hate you, man. Isn’t it time we started talking about Hefe not bothering to set up his character or even train before his Nightmare start?” As Jill and Krystal jumped on Hefe for being a dumb ass, I breathed a sigh of relief. Nothing like friends to bring up old shit from the past.

  The banter finally settled down as everyone, but Hefe
, began sharing their in-game stories about their training and the areas they were starting out in. Only Mike, Jill and Krystal were starting out anywhere near each other, except for Hefe who was starting somewhere within the Kingdom of Larethien like me. Knowing Jeff, I couldn’t count on him for help. If anything, I’d probably have to go save his dumb ass.

  Sitting back watching my friends laugh and joke about the new game, I couldn’t help but smile. I’d met them all at one time or another either online or from my LAN partying days. In-game I’d always made it a point to get to know the people I was playing with and eventually was able to bring many of those online friendships into real life. It had been that vision and my friends’ support that had motivated our gaming guild to reach its current semi-professional status.

  Unfortunately, even though I was the guild leader or maybe it was because I was the guild leader of our little group, I ended up bearing the brunt of my friends’ jokes. It was payback, Domenic and Mike both liked to say, for all the times I virtually kicked their asses’ in-game. Still, it could get old at times.

  As we ate, Krystal had some interesting information to share about Chaos Online. Even though I could care less about the issues we’d had with The Syndicate now that we were no longer playing the game, I will say it was nice to hear that Funnco did end up coming down hard on the developers who were using their position to bully other players.

  The website reported that the ten developers responsible had been fired from their jobs and their avatars deleted. Funnco also went so far as to force The Syndicate to disband. It might sound harsh, but as far as I was concerned, they’d gotten what they deserved. I was just happy not to have to deal with their bullshit anymore.

  I had been bullied through most of my four years of High School by kids who thought that just because they were bigger and stronger or because their parents made more money than other families, that it gave them the license to beat on anyone they wanted to. Either you fitted within their social norms or you weren’t considered worthy of common decency and mutual respect. In many cases, the kid’s parents were proud that their boy or girl was a bully instead of a victim.

  Even more disturbing to me was the fact that many of the teachers and faculty members of my High School allowed the abuse to occur just because Johnny was on the football team or Sherry was on the cheerleading squad. No one seemed to want to stand up for the computer club dorks who were being pushed around.

  It was almost as if the physical abuse and psychological torture were an expected rite of passage. Like it occurred because that was just the way things were. Screw that shit! I’d taken it back then because I was young and didn’t know any better. But never again. After High School, I’d made sure I was strong enough mentally and physically never to have to take that kind of abuse again in my life. That one refusal had paid dividends since a good portion of our success on the gaming stream network was from taking on guilds like The Syndicate and winning.

  Shaking the angry thoughts away, I stood up as everyone started saying their goodbyes and clearing out. With a final farewell I headed out the door. Just as I reached my truck, a voice stopped me behind me.

  “Hey Jay, you planning on logging in when you get home?” Domenic asked hesitantly.

  “That was the plan. Why, what’s up, Dom?”

  “This Nightmare start has me freaking out,” Domenic said, uncomfortably crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Dude, then just choose an Advance start instead and don’t worry about it. No one said you had to take the hardest start in the game.” Leaning back against the hood of my truck, I tried to understand what had my best friend so upset. “What’s got you so freaked out anyway?”

  “You and Mike have been going on and on about how the bonuses from the Nightmare start will boost our rankings for the video streams of the game and net us more money so everyone in the guild can play full time and get paid for it, but how can I do that if I’m getting my ass kicked in the virtual training module?” My sudden bark of laughter made Domenic frown. “What the hell, man?”

  “Seriously is that what has you so worked up?” Seeing the anger on my friends face, I held my hands up to stop his outburst. “No matter what, this is just a game. A game, might I remind you, that we all want to play. Also, I don’t think all of our trainers are training each of us at the same level. Do you have any idea how bad I’ve been getting beat up by my virtual trainer? I’m so sore I can barely walk. After hearing about AJ, Jill’s and Krystal’s training, I know my training has been a hell of a lot tougher than theirs.”

  Seeing Domenic’s look of surprise, I continued. “Dom, it’s not only you. You heard Mike earlier, the three of us are all getting our virtual asses kicked by our trainers, but that’s just us. Maybe it’s because our natural combat abilities are higher than our friends and our virtual trainers are increasing the difficulty accordingly, or maybe it’s because our start is going to be that much tougher.”

  “Like I don’t know that. If the training is this tough then how hard is the game going to be? It’s not like taking Nightmare mode was recommended.” Domenic said, leaning back against the brick wall of the café.

  “I wouldn’t worry about it too much. We’re all good players. If you can’t figure out how to do your quest for Nightmare alone, then we’ll find a way to finish it together. Worst case scenario is we lose the special profession, but keep the individual character bonuses.”

  “I know that. It’s just that I don’t want to be the one that messes up our subscriptions and everyone’s chance to go pro.” Domenic said visibly upset.

  “Don’t worry; we have Hefe for that,” I said laughing at Domenic’s look of surprise. “Seriously though, are you having fun playing?”

  “Jay, this game is insane. Do you know how hard it was not to blow off breakfast this morning?” Domenic said talking excitedly with his hands. “What’s crazy is that we haven’t actually started playing the game yet.”

  “I know, right?” I clapped Domenic on the back encouragingly. “Seriously, then stop stressing about it. Even if most of us wipe on our Nightmare quest, we’ll still get subscriptions. People love to see a good wipe. Hell, I’ll be happy if just one of us gets a Nightmare quest completed, so stop freaking out and just enjoy the game. Either way that’s what I’m doing.” Seeing the conflict in his eyes at my words, I changed gears. “What was that meeting about that you went to on Tuesday?”

  “It was for a company that wanted me to do some web design for their site. I met up with their marking manager to show them my portfolio and get them to sign a contract for a year. You know how much I love getting that residual income. I’ll have to make sure I spend a couple of hours next week in-between playing to get the site setup and I should be able to get a nice monthly check for keeping their webpage up to date.” Domenic said already looking less tense.

  “That’s awesome man. See things are already working out.” Standing in front of Domenic grinning, I held my arms out. “Do you need a hug, big man?”

  “No, I don’t. I said no.” Domenic said nervously looking around. Ignoring his protests, I gave him a shoulder clapping hug laughing as he continued bitching. “Dude, I said don’t touch me.”

  “Stop doing me like that. I thought we were brothers, man.” I stepped back as Domenic shook his head in mock horror as we both laughed. “Anyhow, I don’t know what you’re planning on doing now, but I’m heading home to log in. Catch you later, my friend.”

  “I’m headed home too,” Domenic called out striding to his Rav4. It took me a half hour to get back to the house. Within ten minutes of walking through the door, I was suited up and logging into my virtual training module as the familiar loading screen greeted me.

  Running Pod Diagnostic – Complete

  Synchronizing controller units - Complete

  Neuro Synchronization - Complete

  Initializing virtual environment …

  Once again the snowy valley took shape around me. Quickly I se
t up a virtual alarm to flash me once the time hit 11:30 PM. I wanted to have time to grab a quick bite to eat and still get a good six hours of sleep before logging into the game. As soon as the login completed, I heard a familiar voice call out behind me.

  “It is good to see that my promise of combat did not keep you away. There is still much I would share with you yet before our time is over, Startum.”

  “It is good to see you again, Miya. As always I look forward to the knowledge that you are determined to beat into my skull.” I said the last part with a flourishing bow which I’m sure looked quite comical with my shredded rags hanging from my shoulders.

  For a long moment, Miya gave me a deadpan look, although it was somewhat ruined by the slightly upturned corners of her lips. “Let’s see what you have learned.” Turning away from me, she swept her arm out and disappeared as forty Goblin Raiders took her place.

  I’d immediately known what was coming. By the time Miya was turning away from me my first Frost Blast was already forming. The battle with the little green bastards went much different this time around. I again borrowed a wooden shield from the first Goblin within range, while managing to keep the melee Goblins blocking their archers’ line of fire for the majority of the fight before the first arrow pierced my skin.

  Spreading my Frost Blasts between multiple targets to slow down the advancing mobs, I’d stepped in close with my short sword. Instead of haphazardly hacking as I’d done on my first day, my precise strikes pierced the Goblins’ vulnerable necks and eyes while my slashes maimed as I focused on striking the little green bastards’ wrists and forearms. Critical hits and overpowering slashes with massive damage scrolled past on my damage window as I finished off the last raider.

  Keeping low, I sprung away from the archers, stopping each time to pepper the Goblins in front of me with Frost Blasts as black arrows struck the ground around me or stuck in my shield. As the last Frost Blast of my depleted mana pool smashed into the staggered line of archers, I charged in finishing the mobs off with precise blows as the first black arrows pierced my chest.


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