First Login (The World Book 1)

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First Login (The World Book 1) Page 9

by Jason Cheek

  Shrugging off the pain, I slung the wooden shield to my back before picking up one of the dead Goblins at my feet. Using the body as a makeshift shield, I rushed the group of archers in a short and brutal rush slaughtering them in record time.

  Looking around for more enemies as the last archer fell at my feet, I was shocked to see that I’d taken down all forty Goblin Raiders without my Hit Points dropping below 500. Tossing the away the Raider pincushion I’d been using as a shield, I sheathed my short sword and began removing the handful of black arrows from my hide. That’s how Miya found me when she appeared a moment later.

  “It looks like you might not be so pathetic after all,” Miya said with a grin.

  “I guess maybe that means my trainer might even know what she’s doing,” I replied back in the same tone with a matching grin.

  “Now that you know which end of a sword to use, how about we see if you know how to throw a punch?” Miya said stepping back with her hands at her side. My shit eating grin was all the answer she needed as she stepped back into a t-stance with her open hands held loosely before her. As I stepped up, Miya gave me the ‘come and get it’ wave. With that one motion, it was on.

  The Krav Maga I’d picked up wasn’t the typical self-defense classes that were taught to civilians. Domenic’s, Mike’s and my sensei was an ex-marine who taught a modified military grade version of Krav Maga that was the same classes taught to the Israeli Defense Force, aka the IDF with some Jujitsu mixed in. While Mike and Domenic were the best melee fighters of our group in real life, I could hold my own.

  The unarmed combat with Miya turned out to be surprisingly enjoyable. The game mechanics of endurance and healing allowed us to fight for hours straight without slowing down to heal or rest. It was the most fun I’d ever had at sparring. As my unarmed combat skill hit Level 5, Miya held up her hand for us to stop as she switched our training to archery. Seeing my raised eyebrow, she explained that because I’d done so well in all of the other training she could take time to teach me the bow.

  It seemed like the rest of the day was spent shooting targets and trying different techniques. I’d watched numerous videos on trick shooting, my favorite being Lars Andersen ‘A new level of archery’ video. Although my aim during fast shooting left something to be desired, surprisingly enough the quick shot technique seemed to work in-game. By holding three to five arrows in my arrow-holding hand while pulling the bow back with both arms doing the work, I’d effectively increase my shot speed by half, and, by the end of five straight hours of straight shooting, my speed had nearly tripled.

  While arrows weren’t anywhere near on par with the damage of my Frost Blast, it was nice to have options. Not to mention that if I wanted to recover the skin and meat from wild animals, then I needed something that didn’t turn my targets into chunks of slushy ice. Surprisingly enough, after finishing a truly grueling run of quick shooting, I saw a double pop-up appear in my character attribute window that surprised me.

  You have reached Archery Level 5.

  You have learned a new skill Quick-shot I.

  Quick Shot I - (Passive - Requires Bow) Increase shooting speed by 50%.

  Calling up my character sheet, I frowned pensively as soon as I saw the skills and abilities that were now listed.

  Startum Ironwolf – Level 0

  Novice (Nightmare)

  Half-Elf (House of Kayden)


  Hit Points: 825

  Mana: 750

  Endurance: 750


  Strength: 77

  Intelligence: 75

  Spirit: 75

  Agility: 75

  Stamina: 75

  Charisma: 76

  Racial Ability:

  Military Conditioning (Passive) – All defenses increased by 5% and total hit points are increased by 10%.

  Darkvision (Passive) - Grants ability to see in day-light conditions up to 100 feet in reduced lighting and the ability to see in dim light conditions up to 60 feet in natural darkness.

  Ambitious (Passive) - Receive 5% experience bonus when gaining experience.

  Racial Modifiers - +2 to two stats of choice per level.


  Frost Magic – Level 5: 5% Increase in affinity for Frost Magic.

  Unarmed Combat – Level 5: 5% Increase in hand-to-hand fighting ability.

  One-hand edge – Level 5: 5% Increase in knowledge of one-hand edge combat-related abilities.

  Two-hand edge – Level 5: 5% Increase in knowledge of two-hand edge combat-related abilities.

  Shield Block - Level 5: (Requires shield to be equipped) – 0.5% Increase in the chance to block incoming attack and 0.5% reduction to blocked damage.

  Shield Bash – Level 5: (Requires shield to be equipped and 15 Endurance) – 0.5% Increase in the chance to disrupt spells. Deals between 1 to 50 points of damage if successful.

  Riposte – Level 5: (Requires Edge Weapon and 5 Endurance) you return a quick thrust when attacked. Deals half weapon damage.

  Lung – Level 5: (Requires Edge Weapon and 10 Endurance) you thrust deeply into the target. Deals weapon damage +12.

  Parry – Level 5: Increase in the chance to block incoming attacks with one-edge and two-edge weapons.

  Archery – Level 5: 5% Increase in knowledge of ranged attacks and related abilities with a bow.


  Frost Blast (30 Mana) – 2 sec cast – Launches Blast of frost at the enemy. Damage is 200% of Spell Power. Slows target by 50% for 15 seconds. Range 60 yards.


  Concentration I - (Passive) 10% Decrease in the chance of having spells or ranged attacks disrupted when taking damage.

  Quick Shot I - (Passive - Requires Bow) Increase shooting speed by 50%.

  Dodge I - (Passive) 5% Increase in the chance to dodge incoming attacks.

  Crafting Skills:




  “What’s wrong?” Miya asked as she noticed my sour grimace.

  “It’s just frustrating. The training you’ve been giving me is incredible, and I’ve worked so hard to learn the skills and abilities that you’ve taught me. Only, once The World goes live, I’ll have to relearn everything all over again.” I said angrily staring at the semi-transparent window as my alarm went off warning me that it was time for to log out. “Fuck, it’s also time for me to go.”

  “Why do you think you’ll need to relearn your skills all over again?” Miya said coming up behind me and gently placing a callused hand on my shoulder. “This training is a part of who are from now on, and no one can take that knowledge away from you.” Seeing my stunned look, she smiled sadly. “And, since you have successfully completed your training, I have a parting gift for you before you go.” The air shimmered as a gray leather outfit suddenly appeared in her hands. “This is for you as a reward for successfully completing your training.”

  “Wow, thank you, Miya. I don’t know what to say.” Incredulously, I inspected the gray leather armor. It looked to be an exact match to the suit Miya was wearing.

  Gray Wolf Armor Set (5 Piece)

  Crafted by Miya Faelwen

  Defense: 212

  Sleeved Tunic

  Item Quality: Superior

  Item Type: Crafted

  Slot: Chest

  Defense: 52

  Armor Type: Light

  Durability: 200/200

  Weight: 5 kg

  Rugged pants

  Item Quality: Superior

  Item Type: Crafted

  Slot: Legs

  Defense: 50

  Armor Type: Light

  Durability: 200/200

  Weight: 4 kg

  Gear Belt

  Item Quality: Superior

  Item Type: Crafted

  Slot: Waist

  Defense: 38

  Armor Type: Light

  Durability: 200/200

  Weight: 1 kg

  Hide Gloves

  Item Quality: Superior

  Item Type: Crafted

  Slot: Hands

  Defense: 32

  Armor Type: Light

  Durability: 200/200

  Weight: .05 kg

  Harden Boots

  Item Quality: Superior

  Item Type: Crafted

  Slot: Feet

  Defense: 40

  Armor Type: Light

  Durability: 200/200

  Weight: 2.5 kg

  * Set bonus

  - Increases stealth while hidden 20%.

  - Increase stealth while moving 10%

  “How about just putting it on,” Miya said with a grin. “It’s not like we have much time left together.”

  I felt my cheeks instantly turn red as my voice cracked. “You want me to put this on right now, here in front of you?”

  “It’s not like those shredded rags are really covering much of anything at this point.” Miya pointed out, arching an eye at my holey canvas breeches.

  Looking down at my shredded starter clothing, I felt the heat in my cheeks grow as I realized that my Johnson and family were basically hanging out in the wind. I looked more like some welfare wannabe Chippendales Dancer than a newbie player in an MMORPG. Why I’d even bothered keeping the tunic top on was beyond me, since all that was left was a collar and two torn shoulders. The rest had been ripped to shreds during our multiple training sessions.

  “Could you at least turn around?”

  “Are you positive that you don’t need any help?” Miya asked grinning at my discomfort. Studying my reddening face, she shook her head in mock annoyance slowly turning around. “I’m waiting.”

  “Okay, but eyes front.” Hurriedly, I began shimming into the skin tight armor. Don’t laugh; it was the first time I’d ever worn leather pants. I ended up falling onto the snow three times before I finally got the rugged pants all the way up. Miya chortling wasn’t exactly making the process any easier. I had to tell her five different times that I didn’t need her help.

  Although, to be honest, the help I would’ve wanted wasn’t, I’m sure, what she was offering. Best not to embarrass either one of us, or get stabbed by her dagger for suggesting what she could help me with if she used both hands. Still, I will say that once I got the pieces on I felt like I was looking pretty snazzy. Around that time was when I notice she had turned around to watch.

  “Really? How long have you been looking?” Miya’s too quick response only made my frown deepen as I mentally repeated - I’m not going there … I’m not going there. “Not long at all. Really.” Keeping away from that dangerous topic, I quickly changed the subject. “Did you really make this? I wish I could have learned how you crafted this.”

  “Yes, I worked on the pieces during the times you were away. Learning crafting is, unfortunately, not something that is allowed during training sessions.” Miya said with a frown. “For me to be allowed to give a reward for your time in the training module, you had to have reached Level 5 on every ability that you picked up or learned during our time together. Since you did so well, I included a few additional weapon types that you either asked for directly or I thought would be beneficial for you to learn.”

  Ahh, so that was why she taught me two-hand edge and archery. It made sense in a way. “Shouldn’t leveling up to Level 5 also be an option available in the training module too?”

  “No. Learning here isn’t the same as living and leveling within the world. I’m sure you understand that. Either way, tomorrow begins your adventures in The World.” Miya said with that ’duh’ tone. “Isn’t it time for you to go?”

  “What will happen to you when The World goes live? Will you still be here if I ever need to come back for additional training?”

  Miya’s sad frown deepened as she turned away to look out over the deserted valley. “I will cease to exist as I am now, but at least a portion of me will be re-integrated into my character within The World.”

  I frowned as I realized this Elven woman I was talking to was only created for my pre-game virtual training module and then would be deleted once the game went live. Officially she was just a temporary AI, not even a full-fledged NPC. Even worse, in a way, was that she actually understood what she was.

  Looking at her lonely back, I wondered why it mattered. After all, this was only a just game, right? Maybe I was just being too sensitive about a piece of code but, to be honest, I felt a connection to Miya. There was nothing like fighting someone to get to know them. During these last three days, she’d never felt like just a random NPC to me or a thoughtless piece of code. No matter what, she was here and now. The least I could do was give her the common courtesy I’d give a complete stranger. I frowned at the sudden sour taste that formed in my mouth.

  “Why were you selected to be my trainer?”

  “What do you mean?” Miya asked, looking forlornly back at me over her shoulder. “Are you asking why wasn’t a male Elf chosen to be your trainer instead of a female like me?”


  “Is that what you would have preferred?” Miya asked, arching an eyebrow at me.

  “Not at all. I am more than happy with having you as my trainer. It’s just that my female friends had women trainers while all my male friends had male trainers.”

  “The system analyzed what would make you most receptive to learning and chose an appropriate personality to help you reach your full potential,” Miya explained in a monotone voice.

  Miya’s answer gave me pause. Was the P&M exam also some sort of psychological test? After dealing with so many testosterone-jacked, sports jocks in High School who enjoyed picking on the weak or different, I tended to be less than receptive to any kind of macho, overbearing attitudes. Also, being single and having a sexy, leather-clad beauty offering to train me definitely made me much more receptive.

  Still, the whole discussion was rather surreal. I think the worst part is that she knew of her imminent demise. Do you say goodbye to a software program or do you just log out and treat the personality like you would a toaster or a coffee maker, or better yet a beloved pet? Somehow I didn’t see Miya would take kindly to that comparison. Nope, she’d definitely stab me.

  To be honest, the entire conversation made me uncomfortable and yet I found myself unwilling to let it go. Stepping up behind Miya, I wordlessly put a hand on her shoulder trying to offer what little comfort I could. We stood like that for several minutes before I found my voice again.

  “Is there anything I can do-?” My voice trailed off. I was unable to put Miya’s impending deletion into words when a thought occurred to me. “Can I find you in The World?”

  “There is nothing you can do for what is to come. My fate is sealed.” Miya placed a callused hand over mine as she turned to face me. I was shocked to see a lone tear running down her cheek. Again I found myself wondering about the cruelty of making self-aware programs and then casually deleting them. It gave a whole new meaning to The Worlds’ NPCs.

  “If you wish you can find me within The World.” Miya’s hand momentarily tightened at her next words. “I will not be the same as I am now. I will have no memories of our time together here, nor will I have the knowledge about The World being a game. But, a small part of me will exist inside the woman you meet there.”

  “I would like that, Miya.”

  Miya’s sudden hard kiss caught me by surprise. The urgency of her lips ignited my own passion as I found myself lost in the moment as we held each other tightly. Pushing me away, her puffy, emerald-green eyes held me like a vise. “Thank you.” Standing up proudly, Miya wiped away the tears running down her face with the back of her hand.

  “Now go … please!”

  What was there to say? Taking a deep breath to steady my own beating heart, I brought up the HUD and selected log out. As the screen turned black and the Egg popped open, I stared off into the dark computer room deep in thought before my body forced me to get moving. Taking care of my biological needs, I went to the kitche
n and threw a Hungry Man portion of mac & cheese into the microwave before pulling out a cold beer. Popping the cap, I drained the bottle and pulled out a second one as I took the food to my barstool.

  It had been a long time since I’d last dated anyone seriously. I’d had a few women come home with me for an evening, but those one night stands had never turned into anything more than just sex. It wasn’t easy to meet someone who I liked, was sexy and could deal with my professional gaming career. To be perfectly honest I wasn’t interested in any half-assed relationship with just anyone. It had to be the right person, or I’d rather be alone.

  The cold beer didn’t take away the taste of Miya’s lips. I could clearly remember how her hard body felt in my arms. And, while I hadn’t loved my digital weapons master, I did feel a strong connection to her. One that would be worth renewing if at all possible.

  The conflicting emotions of being all worked up without having any way to release the sexual energy mixed with the feeling like I’d just lost someone close to me was somewhat confusing. Besides, the excitement of finding Miya in-game had me wound tighter than a drum as I was once again reminded just how much The World had already sucked me in on so many different levels.

  Reading about software AI’s were one thing. Meeting a distinct digital personality of a software AI and making out with them was another thing altogether. Had the Miya I met been a ghost in the shell or was that how she’d been programmed to be? Taking a deep breath, I downed my beer and began getting ready for bed.

  I’d always found myself getting sucked into the storylines of the MMORPGs I played in the past and empathizing with the NPCs I’d meet along the way while following various quest chains. I had a feeling The World was going to take that feeling to a whole new level. I’d have loved to talk to Domenic or Mike about what had happened, but the last thing I wanted was to have to deal with was their jokes. It was already past one in the morning. Turning out the lights, I made sure my alarm was set and jumped into bed.


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