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AMISH ROMANCE: Three Amish Sisters Box Set: PLUS NEW BONUS BOOK - Grace's Hope Renewed!

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by Rebekah Fisher

  “I am the nanny and housekeeper.”

  “Oh, you are the help. Are all these children his?”

  “Yes, they are.”

  “Great…er, I mean, wonderful. Children are such a delight,” she said as she turned to walk towards the barn.

  Rebecca wasn’t sure why, but she had an uneasy feeling about the woman. What did she mean by calling me the ‘help’? Rebecca thought to herself as she gathered the children to bring them in for lunch.

  * * *

  Rebecca was washing the dishes after she had fed the children their lunch and put the younger ones down for their afternoon nap, when she happened to glance out the window and see Caleb and Beverly coming out of the barn. She watched them, noticing how Beverly seemed to flirt with him and how Caleb definitely looked like he was enjoying the attention. After Beverly drove away, Caleb came into the house for his lunch.

  Smiling at him, she put his sandwich and glass of milk on the table and went about cutting a piece of cake for his dessert. He normally didn’t come in for lunch and Rebecca would sometimes bring it to him in the barn after the children were down for their nap.

  “How were the kinner this morning, Rebecca?” he asked after he had said his thanks to God.

  “Gut. We had an enjoyable time outside. We read books, and the older ones had fun playing ball.”

  “That’s wonderful!” he said, taking a bite of his sandwich. “I was wondering if you would be available to work for a little longer on Saturday? I will pay you extra of course.”

  Thinking for a moment, she said, “Jah, that should be okay. I don’t have much extra to do at home right now, so it should be fine.”

  “The lady that was here has invited me for supper. She wants to talk about ordering some furniture. I shouldn’t be too late,” Caleb said, getting up from the table. “Rebecca you sure are doing a great job around here. My house has not looked so clean in a long time. I thank Gott everyday for bringing you here.”

  Rebecca smiled at him, but deep inside she wanted to cry. Saturday evenings had become a special time with Caleb. When he came in from the barn, they would spend at least an hour talking while she cleaned the kitchen after supper. She looked forward to it every Saturday night.

  She was realizing that she was beginning to develop feelings for him, but she didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize her job. The money was good and it was helping her family. She worried that if Caleb sensed she was attracted to him, he would let her go.

  Driving home that evening, she didn’t know why, but once again, she began to feel very uneasy about Beverly. What would she do if Caleb fell in love with her? She was an Englischer, so they couldn’t marry unless she converted or Caleb left his faith. She knew that Caleb loved his God, but men had been known to do stranger things for love. Rebecca hoped that his love for God was stronger.

  * * *

  Chapter 4

  “Rebecca, please make me a cup of tea and bring it to me,” Beverly called out to Rebecca from the living room.

  Rebecca stood in the kitchen, closing her eyes to hold back her anger. This woman had become a thorn in her side. Since they had gone out for supper three weeks ago, Beverly had become a regular guest around the house. She would arrive each afternoon around 3:00 or 4:00 and wait for Caleb to finish his work. They would either have Rebecca stay late and watch the children while they went alone for supper, or Beverly would stay and have supper with them. Rebecca had noticed a change in Caleb also, since meeting Beverly. He was becoming more and more distant from his children, and hardly spent any quality time with them. Rebecca had grown quite fond of the children and it just broke her heart to see the disappointment on their little faces.

  She put the kettle on the stove and took a mug from the cupboard. She knew better than to say anything. The last time she voiced a soft objection about constantly catering to Beverly, Caleb had explained that Beverly was a guest and that God would frown on those who did not treat others with respect.

  Bringing the cup of tea into the living room, Beverly took it and then said, “will you please bring these kids into the kitchen with you? I am tiring of their constant chatter in here. I have had a terrible day and would like to relax while I am waiting for Caleb.” She then waved as if to dismiss her.

  Rebecca frowned. “Kinner, let’s go into the kitchen and read some books while I prepare supper.”

  “Rebecca, why is Beverly mean to us?” Elizabeth asked when they were in the kitchen.

  “What do you mean? Is she is mean to you, Elizabeth?” Rebecca asked, putting the twins and Kathryn into their highchairs.

  “We don’t like Eberly,” Timothy added.

  “She always tells us to go away and that we are bad kids,” Elizabeth said, starting to cry.

  “Ach! My sweet Elizabeth. You are not bad. You are a good girl, you are all good kinner.” Rebecca gave them a comforting smile. “Beverly isn’t used to kinner so it is hard on her. She doesn’t mean it.”

  She heard Caleb come in from the barn and instead of coming in to say hello to everyone as he normally did, he went straight to the living room to see Beverly. The children, excited about their daed being home, waited anxiously at the table for him.

  Rebecca went to stir the soup. She wished that Caleb would realize what he was doing to his family.

  “Rebecca, can you feed and put the children to bed tonight? Beverly and I are going out for supper to discuss some things,” Caleb called from the front door.

  “Oh and Rebecca, the living room needs to be tidied up,” Beverly added as they walked out the door.

  Rebecca stood there in disbelief. Who did Beverly think she was giving her orders? And Caleb hadn’t even said hello to his children. The look of disappointment on their little faces was more than she could handle. Elizabeth looked over at Rebecca and asked, “does our daed not love us anymore, Rebecca?”

  “Ach, dear Elizabeth, your daed loves you very much. He just has a lot on his mind.” She went over and hugged Elizabeth. She gave the kinner the cheeriest smile she could muster. “I am sure your daed will come home tonight and tuck you all into bed and give you lots of tickles and kisses.”

  * * *

  Caleb hadn’t come home in time to put the little ones to bed so she was forced to make up excuses again to answer their questions. The house was quiet as Rebecca sat alone in the kitchen. She had come to enjoy the sounds of laughter when the children were up and actually missed them when she left at night. Tonight though, she had other things on her mind. She was tired of making excuses for Caleb.

  Tonight when he arrives home, she would tell him exactly what his actions are doing. She didn’t care about herself, it was Caleb’s kinner she was worried about. What is happening to Caleb? Is he turning his back on Gott and his faith? A good Amish man would never ignore his kinner. And who is this Beverly woman and what is she doing to this family?

  Hearing the door open, she stood as Caleb walked into the kitchen.

  “Danke, Rebecca, for staying. I am sorry it is later than normal.”

  “Caleb, I need to speak to you about some things and I would appreciate it if you would sit down,” she said, taking a deep breath to give her courage.

  “Of course. Is something wrong with any of the kinner?” Caleb said, taking a seat.

  “Nee, they are fine but they’re lonely. They need their daed. You never even said hello to them tonight when you came in from work. You never spend time with them anymore.” She sat down across the table from him. “They are starting to notice and they’re questioning if you still love them.

  Caleb sighed. “I know I have been neglectful of my duties, but that is all going to change. Beverly wants to convert to the Amish faith and become my wife. That’s what we wanted to talk about tonight. The children will have a mamm once again.”

  She looked at him in shock. “You are going to marry Beverly?!”

  “Jah. I am going to speak with the Elders tomorrow to find out what needs to be done. I won�
��t leave my faith, so Beverly has agreed to convert so we can be together,” he said, beaming. “I was hoping also that you would be able to help her. She needs to learn how to be a good Amish wife. Would you help her?”

  Not knowing what to say, she just sat there staring at him. “Will I no longer be needed once you marry?”

  “Ach, nee. We have spoken about that. Don’t worry, you will still have your job. Beverly feels that taking care of all the kinner would be too much to handle so she would like you to stay on as you are now.” He stood from the table. “She will be spending a lot more time here, so please treat her with respect.”

  “I need to get home,” Rebecca said, feeling that if she didn’t leave now, Caleb would see her tears.

  Driving home, she let the tears flow. She had developed feelings for Caleb. Feelings that she had kept hidden and she hoped one day he would have the same. She dreamt of marrying him and living happily ever after, raising the kinner, giving them a wonderful home life. Maybe even have a bobli of their own. Now all her dreams were shattered.

  She was very concerned that the children would not be treated well. She didn’t trust Beverly and found it very hard to believe she would agree to convert to the lifestyle of the Amish. Something was amiss. It didn’t make any sense, but one thing Rebecca knew—somehow, and with God’s help, she would need to find out what Beverly Smith was really up to. She had to—for the children’s sake.

  * * *

  Chapter 5

  Sundays were Rebeccas’s day off from her nanny job. Although she missed the children, she was thankful for the time to be able to help out at home. After church, she usually did the shopping which required a drive into town. Her parents were coping better than she thought and the community was helping out with the plowing and planting which took some of the pressure off of Rebecca and her sisters. Her mamm loved having her daed around during the day and catered to his every whim; sometimes to the point where he would get annoyed with her.

  On her way into town she was hoping that her Englisher friend Kim was working at the market so she could speak to her for a few moments.

  After parking the buggy, she bumped into several acquaintances and neighbors while walking to the store. They all asked about her daed and offered their help. She felt blessed to live in such a wonderful town where so many people cared, even many who were not of the same faith.

  “Rebecca, how are you?” Kim called when she saw Rebecca in the store.

  “Good, thank you. I was hoping I could talk to you for a few moments.

  “Sure, I would love to,” Kim said. “I’m actually ready for a break now. Let me go punch out and I’ll be right back.”

  Sitting next door at the cafe, they both ordered an ice tea. “How is your father doing?” Kim asked.

  “He’s doing much better now. He’s still not able to walk yet, but his mood has improved quite a bit. And I have a job now which is helping with my family’s finances—I’m a nanny for a widower,” Rebecca said, taking a sip of her ice tea.

  “How many kids does he have?”

  “He has five of the sweetest children I have ever met. I have grown quite fond of them.”

  “It sound like the perfect job for you.”

  Rebecca nodded. “What I wanted to ask you is, do you know of a woman named Beverly Smith?”

  “Actually I do know of her. She comes into the store often. Why? How do you know her?”

  “She has agreed to convert to the Amish faith so she and Caleb can marry,” Rebecca said. “But there’s something about her that causes me to feel a little uneasy.”

  “He is going to marry her? Rebecca you can’t let him marry her.”

  “Yes, I’m concerned about the children. I don’t think she would make a very loving mother to them.”

  “I don’t know a lot about her but I have heard things. She’s a gold-digger. She is just looking for money,” Kim said. “I’ll ask around if you would like and see if I can find any more information.”

  Rebecca nodded. “She treats me as though I am her slave. She isn’t very friendly towards me and I have been told that after they marry, I am to stay on and continue being the nanny and the housekeeper. She feels it will be too much for her to take care of the house and children,” Rebecca said. “She keeps calling me the ‘help’.”

  Finishing their iced tea, they said goodbye and Rebecca bought her groceries and headed home. She worried about the children and how they were being take care of on Sundays when she wasn’t there. She knew that Beverly was not loving towards them and hoped that Caleb would see through her.

  * * *

  Monday morning, Rebecca walked into Caleb’s home and was greeted by the squeals and hugs of the children. Even Kathryn put her little arms out so Rebecca could pick her up. Looking around the house, she saw dirty dishes in the rooms, clothes on the floor and the kitchen was a mess. What on earth happened here? she thought to herself as she went around picking up the dishes and clothes.

  “Rebecca, read me a story. Rebecca, sit with me. Rebecca, look what I can do! Rebecca, I want to cuddle,” the children all cried out at once. They craved attention, which led her to believe they didn’t get very much on Sunday. When Caleb walked into the kitchen, she couldn’t help but show her annoyance. “What happened to this house, Caleb? It was spotless when I left on Saturday evening.”

  “Ach. Well, Beverly doesn’t really like housework so nothing much was done,” he said, nonchalantly. “She’s going to come by this afternoon to spend some time with you. I thought maybe you could show her how to bake bread. She is very eager to learn our ways.”

  “Caleb, I agreed to take care of your children and your house while you worked. I am not here to clean up after someone because they are too lazy to do it themselves,” Rebecca protested.

  “I know Rebecca, and I am sorry. Please be patient with her. She really wants to try. It’s just that she isn’t used to this lifestyle so it’s difficult for her. You need to understand that,” Caleb said before he walked out the door to start work.

  Rebecca stood in the kitchen trying to hide her annoyance from the children. She had been raised to see the good in everyone and be faithful to God and his word, but Beverly was making it very difficult for her to be kind. Looking at the little faces all sitting around the table smiling at her, her heart softened. She must not let her anger show for the sake of the children. She was going to do her best to protect them if it meant having to confront Caleb with what she had heard about Beverly. Tonight she would pray to God that He would open Caleb’s eyes to what this woman was doing to his family.

  * * *

  Chapter 6

  Rebecca had just put the children down for their nap when she heard Beverly’s car drive up.

  Please Gott, give me strength, Rebecca quickly prayed. Going to the door, she smiled when Beverly came in. “Hello Beverly, Caleb said you would be stopping by.”

  “First of all, you will refer to me as Miss Smith...and when I marry Caleb you will then call me Mrs. Troyer. Do I make myself clear? You will work for me and I will demand respect.”

  Shocked, Rebecca didn’t know how to respond.

  “And secondly, I understand you have been asking questions about me all around town...or at least someone has.”

  Rebecca stammered, “I spoke to a friend about my job and your name was mentioned, but I haven’t been asking questions all around town.”

  Beverly stepped directly in front of Rebecca and glared into her eyes. “I have asked around about you, too, and I know you need this job to pay bills for your family. I also know your father is a cripple and can’t work. If you stick your nose in my business again, I will make sure unpleasant things will happen to your family...and I will tell Caleb lies about you so he will fire you. You have no idea who you are dealing with.”

  Beverly stepped away and started to walk out of the room. “Now make me a cup of tea and bring it to me in the living room.”

  Rebecca stood there fighting bac
k the tears. Never in her life had anyone ever spoken to her in such a hurtful manner. What did this woman want? Beverly was correct though, she needed this job. Not only for the money but she also needed to make sure she was around to protect the children. She would hate for anything to happen to them. How did Caleb not see the evil in this woman?

  Hearing the children wake from their naps, she decided she would do whatever she needed to protect the children from this woman. If it meant that she needed to be as polite as possible to Beverly, then so be it.

  “Rebecca, where is my tea? I asked you to bring it to me 5 minutes ago,” Beverly shouted from the living room.

  “The water is heating and it should b ready by the time I get the children up from their nap, Miss Smith,” she answered, trying to sound as pleasant as possible.

  Rebecca brought the children downstairs and seated them at the table. She poured a cup of tea for Beverly and decided she would bring in some cookies too. She walked to the living room and didn’t see Beverly, but thought she heard a voice on the front porch. Walking over to the open window she realized Beverly was speaking on her cell phone. She quietly listened to her conversation.

  “Yeah, I am here now.”

  “I am telling you, this guy is loaded.”

  “No, he has no idea. He thinks I am madly in love with him.”

  “Yeah, I know he’s Amish. I told him I would convert so he would marry me.”

  “He has five brats, but he also has a maid to take care of them, so I don’t have to.”

  “Heck, I’ll convert just to get him to marry me, then I can divorce him and get half of everything. I’ll be set for a long, long time.”

  “I guess the Amish divorce, but if it’s a problem I will just claim he beat me. I should get a divorce instantly.”

  “Anyway, I better run. The bimbo maid should be bringing me my tea any minute.”


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