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AMISH ROMANCE: Three Amish Sisters Box Set: PLUS NEW BONUS BOOK - Grace's Hope Renewed!

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by Rebekah Fisher

  Emma nodded her head. “I think that’s a wonderful idea.”

  “I decided this morning that in order to do that, I would have to stay here. That doesn’t mean that I won’t sell the house one day, but if we are together, it will be a decision that WE make… together.” Joseph said. “So in the meantime, I will stay.”

  The children both yelled hurrah and jumped up and hugged both Joseph and Emma.

  “What are you going to do about your farm in the meantime?”

  “I have rented it out for now. My tenants will run the farm for me along with my hired hands until a decision is made.” Joseph smiled. “This is such glorious day, I think Gott would want us to go get some ice cream.”

  “I think that is a wonderful idea, Joseph! Gott would agree.”

  * * *

  The next two weeks flew by. Each morning, Emma would pick up Adam and Hannah and bring them to school then bring them home at night. Joseph spent the day making renovations to the house and Emma was amazed at what a skilled carpenter he was. Usually, Emma would stay for supper and leave after the children were tucked into bed.

  As they sat on the porch one evening before she left for home, Emma said, “My mamm and daed would like to meet you on Saturday. They’ve already met Adam and Hannah. My shveshtah, Rebecca will be there with her future husband and his kinner.”

  “I’d love to meet them,” Joseph said.“By the way, you were right, Emma.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You were right about me insisting the kinner move away from here. It definitely would have been hard on them,” Joseph said. “I see such a big difference in them now that they know we aren’t moving. I was a fool not to realize it before.”

  “Well, maybe not a fool…I would say more stubborn than anything else.”

  “I deserved that,” Joseph laughed as he walked Emma to her buggy. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Emma smiled up at Joseph.“Gut night, Joseph.”

  * * *

  Saturday arrived and Emma felt nervous about Joseph meeting her family. She hoped her parents would approve of him. She was helping her mother, Rebecca and Beth in the kitchen when she heard her father say that Joseph had arrived. Emma quickly wiped her hands and ran outside. After he and the children climbed out of the buggy Emma took his hand and brought him towards her parents. Mamm, Daed, I would like you to meet Joseph Rudder. Joseph, this is John and Marta. John held out his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Joseph.” Marta walked over to Joseph. You make my Emma so happy.” She glanced at the children, then hugged each of them. Rebecca and her husband Caleb came out of the house and shook hands with Joseph. Gathering their children, they introduced everyone.

  Marta clapped her hands. “I’ll get some lemonade. Everyone must be thirsty.”

  Emma, Rebecca, Caleb and Beth followed Marta inside.

  Joseph was hoping there would be an opportunity to be able to talk to John and ask his blessing to take his daughter’s hand in marriage. They had a long conversation, and finally Joseph asked the question burning in his heart. He breathed a deep sigh of relief when his question was met with John’s approval.

  Emma happened to glance out the window and saw her father clap Joseph on the back as they headed inside. She breathed a sigh of relief. Thank you, Gott, it looks like Daed approves of Joseph.

  Rebecca looked over at her sister. “Emma, you didn’t tell me he was quite so handsome. And his kinner, they are adorable.”

  “I only hope that I should meet a man one day,” Beth said dreamily, staring out the window.

  Emma smiled. “Jah, and we are getting to know each other very well, despite our rocky start. I adore Adam and Hannah. I really do hope that Joseph will ask me to marry him soon.”

  Emma’s mother looked over at her daughter. “Of course he is going to ask to marry you. I see the way he looks at you and I see that the kinner love you too.”

  The rest of the afternoon was spent enjoying the outdoors and each other’s company.

  The children were playing a very intense game of Dodge Ball and Emma smiled at the sight of Hannah laughing as she tried to hit the older children with the ball.

  “Those kinner have been through so much; it does my heart good to see them happy. I remember the night you brought them here before their mamm passed away. They were so dirty and dressed in rags,” Marta recalled, shaking her head.

  “So what are you going to do with your farm, Joseph?” John asked.

  “Well, I’ve thought about it and I’ve decided that I will sell it. My home is here now where Emma is and where Adam and Hannah will be happy,” Joseph said looking over at Emma. “In fact, the man who is renting it has expressed an interest in buying it.”

  “Will you start farming here?” Rebecca asked.

  “Eventually, but it will take quite a bit of work. The land hasn’t been touched in a long time, so in the meantime I will have to find work to help pay the bills.”

  “Emma has told me you are quite the handyman, Joseph. I could always use an extra pair of hands in my furniture business. The business keeps growing, and thanks to the internet and online shopping, I can’t keep up,” Caleb said.

  “You sell on the internet?” Emma asked.

  Smiling, Caleb said, “Jah, through Alex Wilson, the owner of the furniture store in town. He features my pieces in his online catalogue. Any orders go through him and when I complete them, he ships them out. My business has tripled in the last year.”

  “Caleb, I would be honored to join you and help,” Joseph said, getting up and shaking Caleb’s hand.

  “That would be wonderful,” Caleb said. “And if you need any help moving things when you sell your farm, just ask.”

  After supper, everyone sat around the table, too full to move. Emma finally stood up to clear off some dishes, when Hannah asked, “Emma will you still be our teacher when you’re our new mamm?”

  Emma stopped what she was doing and turned to look at the table. Everyone’s eyes were on her including Joseph’s.

  “Gut question, Emma,” Joseph chuckled. “So Emma will you continue teaching once you become Hannah’s new mamm?”

  At a loss for words, Emma looked at her father, and he smiled broadly. Then she looked over at Joseph. “I don’t, er…I mean, I haven’t,um....what I mean to say is, I haven’t been asked yet.”

  Joseph then stood up. “Well, Adam and Hannah, what do you say we find the answer to that question?” Taking Adam and Hannah by the hand, the three walked over to stand in front of Emma.

  Bowing slightly, Joseph said, “Emma Miller, will you do us the honor of becoming my wife and the mamm to Adam and Hannah?”

  As she looked around the table, Emma felt as if everyone was waiting, holding their breath. She looked over at Adam and Hannah who both had their fingers crossed. She scanned the smiling faces of her family then looked back at Joseph. Blushing, she lowered her eyes and said, “I would be honored to be your wife, Joseph, and I would love to be your mamm, Adam and Hannah.”

  The room exploded in laughter and congratulations. Adam and Hannah squealed and ran over to Emma.

  Hannah looked at Emma. “Will you still be our teacher?”

  She wasn’t quite sure how to answer. She loved teaching and didn’t know if she was ready to give it up. As if he had read her mind, Joseph said, “that will be a decision that only Emma can make. If she wants to continue teaching, at least until we have a bobli of our own, I won’t stand in her way.”

  Her father stood up and gave her a hug. “Emma, a daed wants only one thing for his dochtahs and that is for them to marry wonderful men and be happy.”

  “Thank you Daed, I am very happy.” She looked over and smiled at Joseph.

  Gott indeed works in mysterious ways. Because of two young children, He brought two people together who didn’t realize at first what was meant to be, and through His love and guidance, they learned how to respect and love one another.

  Emma smiled to herself. Her
life was perfect now and it would only get better through the love of Joseph and his kinner and of her God.


  Beth’s Journey

  Chapter 1

  Beth stood nervously tapping her fingers on the glass counter. She had brought in her latest quilt creation to see if Kathryn Wilson would consider selling it in her store. She had been working on it for months and had finally finished it last night. It was a baby quilt and Beth had spent hours and hours making it just perfect, incorporating all the tips that Kathryn has so carefully taught her.

  Kathryn looked at Beth and beamed with pride. “Beth, this is magnificent. Your stitches are all even, just like I showed you. You definitely have a talent.” She gave Beth two thumbs up which was something she did when she was very impressed.

  Beth smiled from ear to ear. She loved sewing and she loved making quilts. She had been coming to see Kathryn, an older English woman, for five years now at her store, “The Quilt Cabin”, and had learned so much from her visits. Kathryn, who had won many prizes and awards for her quilts, owned the store for as long as Beth could remember and she always marveled at the beautiful quilts that hung on the wall whenever she came in with her mamm. Beth had always wished that one day one of her quilts would be hanging on the wall.

  There weren’t many things that Beth felt she was good at but she absolutely excelled at quilting. She was amazed at how a person could take bits of fabric, lengths of thread, and put them together to make something so beautiful. Kathryn always said that quilting made her feel like part of her would always be alive in her work.

  “Really? How much do you think this one could sell for?” Beth asked eagerly.

  Kathryn walked over to a hanger on the far side of the wall and began to hang up the baby quilt so it could be seen by the customers when they walk into the store. “I would say around $300.00. You really put a lot of time and effort into it.”

  Tourist season always brought in good sales for the Quilt Cabin. Handmade items from the Amish were a big seller.

  Kathryn smiled. “I have no doubt your quilt will sell very quickly. I bet you already have another design in that sweet, creative head of yours, don’t you?”

  Beth smiled. “Jah, I have drawn up a few plans. I don’t have a lot of time to work on a new quilt, though, as my daed had an accident a few months ago and I’ve been busy helping with the crops while he’s recovering. He’s healing and starting to walk, but still it will be awhile before he can do the work himself. And I’ve also been looking for a job to help out as well.”

  “I sure wish I had an opening for you, but I just hired a lady to help for the summer. But if for some reason it doesn’t work out, I’ll certainly keep you in mind.” She gave Beth a sad smile. “Well, give your parents my love. I am sure your daed will heal quickly with the great care he is getting,” she said, as Beth walked out the door.

  Beth’s next stop was the small local grocery store. There had been a sign in the window that said they were hiring. Walking up to the counter, she was greeted by a clerk that looked frazzled.

  “I hope you’re here to look for a job,” she said, looking at Beth in desperation.

  Beth smiled. “Actually I am looking for a job. I noticed your sign.”

  “You’re hired.”

  “But I haven’t even applied. I don’t know what I would be doing,” Beth stammered.

  “I know this is really short notice, but three people called in sick today and I am absolutely desperate. Could you please, please, please help me out? Today? “the clerk begged.

  Beth looked around the store, then shrugged. “Jah, I guess I can work. Someone will have to show me what I need to do. This is my first job.”

  “Thank you so much. It’s easy. You just have to put together flowers that customers pick, wrap them up and remember to smile. By the way, what’s your name?”

  “Beth-Beth Miller.”

  “Well Beth Miller, welcome to the ByTown Market. My name is Jen. Do you think you can do the job?”

  Nervous but excited, Beth said, “Jah, I can do that.”

  “Great. I’ll send someone over with a couple of forms for you to fill out. Then she’ll show you how to use the cash register,” she said as she guided Beth to the florist section of the store.

  The day went by rather quickly and Beth had served several customers. Being artistic, she found she was able to offer suggestions for color combinations and put together some rather beautiful bouquets.

  “Someone has made quite an impression on their first day,” Jen said, approaching Beth just before closing.

  “What do you mean?” Beth asked.

  “I had several customers brag about your creativity,” Jen smiled. “You are definitely a perfect fit for the job.”

  * * *

  Beth woke up the next day excited to get to her new job. She felt so much better now that she could contribute to helping the family. When Rebecca had found her job as a nanny and then Emma was hired for the school teaching job, she worried that she would never be able to contribute to the family income. There wasn’t really anything she had experience with other than quilting, but that wouldn’t bring in enough money to help out.

  When she arrived at work, a new shipment of carnations was waiting for her. Beth got busy right away placing them in buckets of water to keep them fresh. She was so immersed in her task, she didn’t hear someone walk up behind her.

  “So you’re the new girl they hired.”

  Startled, Beth turned to see an Amish boy around her age standing there.

  “Jah. My name is Beth Miller.”

  “Adam Wittmer. I work in produce over there,” he said as he pointed towards the other side of the store.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Adam. How long have you worked here?”

  “About three years. But I won’t be working here for very much longer,” he said as he examined one of the little trinkets for sale on the counter. “What about you? How come you’re working here?”

  “My daed had an accident and is still recovering, so the money will help my parents out. I also love to quilt so the extra money will allow me to buy some supplies.”

  “Are you happy spending your life doing that?” Adam asked. “I mean, don’t you want more out of life than just working in a store and quilting?”

  “This is the path that Gott wants me to follow, at least for now. If He wants something else for me, He’ll show me,” she said. “I have Gott and the love of my family. That’s fine for me.”

  Hearing the bell announcing the opening of the store, Adam turned to start walking towards his department. He stopped and looked back at Beth. “Can we have lunch sometime? There aren’t any other people working here that I feel comfortable talking to. I think you and I are going to be great friends.”

  “Jah, I would like that Adam,” Beth said shyly. Beth had no real experience dealing with boys other than the silly ones at school. She had no particular interest in them until now. She couldn’t believe that one actually spoke to her and wanted to have lunch with her.

  Throughout the day, Adam would walk by Beth’s counter and give her a smile. If she didn’t know any better, she would say that Adam was purposely walking by her department just to see her. Could this possibly be the year that good things would happen to her? Both her shveshtahs had found jobs and shortly afterwards had found love. Hopefully, God would guide her so she could find her destiny as He had done with her shveshtahs.

  * * *

  Chapter 2

  It had been a couple weeks since Beth had started working at the market. She truly enjoyed her job and took great pleasure in being able to help her customers put together beautiful bouquets. When things were slow in the florist department, Beth would take out her pocket note book and draw different design ideas for her quilts. She became motivated by all the beautiful flowers in the shop and had drawn a floral design for her next quilt. She was very excited to get started on it, so she decided that during her lunch break she
would walk over to the Quilt Cabin and ask Kathryn for ideas on which material she should use and ask her for any tips.

  Walking down the street towards the Quilt Cabin, Beth found herself humming. She was so happy with the way her life was turning out. Just being able to help with the family income was a boost for her, but now there was a young man interested in her. She felt confident that there were great things ahead for her future. She and Adam had spent many lunch hours together talking about life. She enjoyed his company very much and actually missed him on her days off. Although Adam had made mention a few times about wanting to leave the community, she was praying he would change his mind and would want to settle down.

  As she walked up to the Quilt Cabin, she was surprised to find the door locked. Peering through the door, the place was in darkness. That’s strange, she thought. Kathryn is always open during store hours. She headed back to work, and kept thinking about the store being closed. I am just being silly. Perhaps Kathryn went to visit her shveshtah who lived out of town or maybe she just is sick. The next day, she wandered down again on her lunch hour only to find the store was still closed. Worried now that something was wrong, she went next door to the pet store.

  “Excuse me, but have you seen Kathryn from the Quilt Cabin?” she asked the woman at the counter.

  “No, she hasn’t been at her store since Friday, which is strange because she never misses a day.”

  “Thank you. I’m hoping nothing is wrong.”

  That afternoon, Adam and Beth had made arrangements to picnic for lunch. Grabbing their lunch boxes, they headed to the little park down the road. It was a beautiful day and it felt good to be outside after being in the store all morning.

  Sitting down on the bench, Adam took a bite of his sandwich and looked over at Beth. “How is your daed doing?”


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