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AMISH ROMANCE: Three Amish Sisters Box Set: PLUS NEW BONUS BOOK - Grace's Hope Renewed!

Page 13

by Rebekah Fisher

  “I have to run, but I’ll come by the store sometime. We have a lot of catching up to do,” he said as he went back to the group he was with.

  She went back to sit with Isaac. “Funny bumping into him here. I didn’t know he was back.”

  Isaac began feeling like he was suddenly going to take second place to Adam again. He felt as though he had received a great prize only to have it taken from him. He would have to pray that God would make Beth realize she was better off without Adam in her life.

  Whatever would happen, it was up to Beth to decide. He had told her how he felt, now the rest was up to Beth and God. If they were meant to be, God would guide her in the right direction.

  * * *

  Chapter 11

  Isaac came to work Monday morning feeling like he hadn’t slept at all. All night he seemed to toss and turn, pray to Gott and think about Beth. He knew that Beth had really liked Adam before he left the community. Would her feelings for him resurface despite everything that had happened between them?

  Beth arrived shortly after Isaac and he noticed she was humming as she walked behind the counter.

  Smiling, she said, “gut morning, Isaac. I really had a wonderful time on Saturday. Danke, again.”

  “You’re welcome, Beth. I also had a great time. It was a lot of fun.” Fun, except the part when Adam showed up.

  Taking the stuffed carrot he had won for her out of her bag, she turned and put it on a small shelf behind the cash register.

  “There. I think that is the perfect place for him. He can watch over us all day.”

  They spent the better part of the morning talking and laughing and serving customers. Isaac loved watching Beth as she worked in the store. He could tell she was the happiest doing what she loved. He was enjoying this time so much, he forgot all about Adam and the fact he was back in town.

  Just before lunch, Isaac said, “I think I’m going to go in the back and fix that shelf that gave way.”

  “Danke! Afterwards, I thought since it’s such a nice day, we could have a picnic. It wouldn’t hurt to close the store for an hour,” Beth said, smiling at him.

  Isaac looked at her in surprise. “I think that’s a wonderful idea. It shouldn’t take me very long.”

  Going into the back, Isaac couldn’t stop smiling as he took the measurements for the shelf. Gott was certainly answering his prayers. He had prayed every night that Beth would look to him as a friend and that they could get closer and it was actually happening. He heard the door chime then stopped when he heard Adam’s voice.

  “Hello there, Beth.”

  “Adam, what a surprise!”

  “It was great seeing you on Saturday. I’m sorry I couldn’t stay longer and talk.

  “That’s alright. I didn’t have a lot of time to talk either. How was your time away?”

  “It was good. Different, but I was ready to come back to the community. I guess my heart isn’t as wild as I thought it was. Can you go for lunch?”

  Isaac held his breath. He hoped Beth would say what he wanted to hear.

  “I’m sorry, Adam, but I’m going for lunch with Isaac. Perhaps another time?”

  “So are you courting him now? It certainly didn’t take you very long to forget about me.”

  “Adam, he’s a special friend. And I was not promised to you in anyway. You left in such a hurry; how was I to know you were coming back? I’m sorry, but I have moved on. If I was that important to your life you should have said something.”

  “Well, I am sorry, Beth. It was a very difficult time for me and I don’t think I really knew what I wanted, but I do now. I don’t want to interfere with your life but I hope we can still be friends.”

  “Of course, Adam, I will always be your friend. Why would I not remain friends with you?”

  After hearing the door chime as Adam left, Isaac came out of the back room and stood at the door. She turned and saw him. “Did you hear all that?”

  He nodded his head. “Jah, I did.”

  Beth blushed.“I just want to say that I truly do think of you as a special friend. I hope you don’t think I was being too forward with what I said to him.”

  He went over to her and took her hands in his. “Beth, what you said to Adam made me the happiest man in the world. I was hoping you would feel the same about me as I feel about you.”

  Her heart began to flutter. “I really do like you, Isaac. You make me laugh and you are such a caring person. I saw the way you took care of those animals when we had the fire and it really touched my heart.”

  “Beth, I know we are friends, but I feel like I know you very well because we have worked together for a while. I’d like to ask you a question.” He cleared his throat before he began to speak. Uh..would you do me the honor of courting me? I’d love for you to one day become my wife.”

  Looking at him in surprise she said, “Isaac, I don’t know what to say other than I would love to court you…and one day be your wife.”

  “You have just made me the luckiest man in the world. I know we have to spend some time to get to know each other a bit better but I can’t think of anyone else |I would want to spend the rest of my life with,” he said looking at her. “We will have a wonderful life, running the Quilt Cabin and hopefully have lots of kinner running around.”

  “Isaac, that would be the most perfect life and a life I always dreamed of.”

  Beth went running into the house that night anxious to give her parents the news. “Mamm, Daed, where are you?” she called out. Finding her parents in the living room she stopped at the doorway.

  Her mother looked up and said, “My Beth, your face is flushed. Is everything alright?”

  “Mamm, Daed, Isaac has asked me to court him and I have accepted,” she said hoping her parents would be happy for her.

  “Isaac? Is his last name Throyer?” her father asked.

  “Jah, do you know his family?” Beth asked, suddenly scared that maybe her Daed would have some reason she couldn’t marry him.

  “I know his family. Wonderful people. He would make a fine husband for my dochtah. When can we officially meet him?”

  Beth’s mother clapped in joy. “How about Saturday? I will get a message to Rebecca and have everyone over. We must celebrate this wonderful news.”

  Saturday, Beth hurried home after her quilting class so she could help her mother with the feast. One thing her mamm enjoyed was entertaining and anyone who came to their place left feeling very full.

  At 4:00 Beth looked out the window to see Isaac’s buggy come up the lane. Running out, she felt giddy with excitement. Her shveshtahs had all met wonderful men and now God had answered her prayers. She couldn’t wait to introduce Isaac to her family.

  * * *

  Sitting around the table, they all waited for Beth’s father to say the blessing. “I think on this wonderful occasion we should each give our thanks to Gott for all he has given us. I will start,” he said bowing his head, “I am thankful for Gott giving me back the use of my legs and that I can once again support my family. I am grateful that he gave me a wonderful wife and three of the best dochtahs who have married or met loving men who share a mutual love for our Gott. I am thankful for the food he has blessed us with tonight and that he has given us the wealth of love and happiness and that we may all share it together.”

  Rebecca smiled at her father and bowed her head. “I am thankful that Gott guided me to Caleb and that I can be the mamm to his wonderful kinner and that we have such an amazing life together. I am grateful for my family, that Gott gave my daed the use of his legs and that we are all truly happy again.” Looking up she smiled at Caleb who sat beaming at his wife. “I also want to thank Gott for the life that is growing inside of me and that soon we will be a family of seven.”

  Emma looked around the table, and bowed her head. “I thank Gott for giving me the opportunity to pursue my passion of teaching and for allowing me to meet Joseph and soon become the mamm of Adam and Hannah and to help provide
them with a loving home. I also thank Gott for my shveshtahs and for the love of my mamm and daed. I also thank Gott for giving Joseph lots of patience and understanding of how important teaching is to me.”

  Beth sat at the table smiling. Finally it was her turn. Bowing her head she said, “I thank Gott for all the tests he has put me through that has made me a stronger person. I thank him for having faith in me to take over for Kathryn Wilson when he called her home. I thank him from stopping me from making wrong decisions and I thank him for showing me exactly what blessings I had right in front of my eyes. I want to thank him for bringing Isaac into my life and I look forward to the many adventures we will have along the way. Mostly I am thankful for Gott’s love and for answering all my prayers and I also ask that Gott continues to watch over me.”

  Looking up, her father smiled. “Now, let’s enjoy this feast that my wife has so lovingly prepared.”

  Beth thought for a moment. Life was funny. She went from being a young girl who had no idea what she wanted to a woman running a very successful business and about to marry a wonderful man. She knew that with Isaac beside her, she could conquer anything that Gott put in her way and she also knew that Kathryn was smiling down and giving Beth two thumbs up.


  Grace’s Hope Renewed

  Chapter 1

  Winfield Falls was the type of town one visited and never wanted to leave. Every year tourists flocked to roam the streets lined with craft stores, souvenir shops, and visit the markets and eat at the unique restaurants. The main attraction, however, was the Winfield Falls Amish Living Museum. Bus loads would arrive daily during the summer to spend a day with the Amish so they could watch them work. The museum employed about one hundred Amish from the community along with a few Englisch students that worked during their summer vacation.

  Grace Yoder’s father, Samuel, ran the museum along with his wife, Barbara. Grace and her mother worked in the gift shop, and although Grace didn’t have a good head for business, she was amazed at how smart her mother was with keeping the books and managing the store. Grace also gave tours and was always available to answer the many questions the tourists had. She had two older brothers who wanted nothing to do with the museum, or with the Amish life for that matter and had both turned their backs on their faith and now lived among the Englisch. Her father oversaw the rest of the museum, making sure that repairs to the buildings were done on a regular basis and that everything in the museum ran smoothly.

  Today was a rather exciting day for everyone at the museum because it was the day of the barn raising. Another farm was being added to the museum, which would serve as the dairy farm, and the only thing left to build was the barn. The barn raising was treated like any other barn raising where the Amish all came together to build. The women prepared the food, made sure the men were fed and had plenty of water to drink and by the end of the day, the museum would have a new barn. Grace couldn’t understand why, but the Englisch loved watching them as they worked.

  There were three tour buses expected today to attend the raising. Grace loved the tourists and never tired of answering their questions. She pulled her buggy up to the front door of the gift shop and quickly jumped out. Already, she could feel the excitement in the air as men and women bustled about preparing for the day.

  “Morning, Grace,” David Troyer said as he ran to help her pull a box filled with pies out of the buggy.

  “Gut morning, David, danke,” Grace smiled shyly. Grace and David had known each other since the third grade and David had now been working at the Museum for almost six months. Although nothing was ever said, Grace knew that David was fond of her and she felt the same towards him. He had asked her out on a few outings, but it was always to the community center, and never alone for a ride or for a walk. “Looks like it’s going to be a busy day.”

  “Jah, I can’t wait. I’ve been looking forward to this. It’s been a long time since I’ve taken part in a barn raising,” David said, walking through the door of the gift shop that Grace was holding open. “Where do you want me to put these?”

  “Just set it on the counter, that would be fine,” Grace said, closing the door and turning on the lights. Although the Amish didn’t use electricity, the gift shop was the only building in the museum that had it, mostly for the benefit of the Englisch.

  “My mamm has been cooking for days so there should be plenty of food,” David said, peeking into the box of pies. “I see you and your mamm have been busy too.”

  David pretended to poke his finger into one of the pies. Grace went over and lightly slapped his hand. “You’ll just have to wait to taste those, David Troyer,” she said, laughing.

  David chuckled. “Ouch! Okay, okay, Grace. I’ll see you later. I have to go and make sure the lumber order has arrived. We can’t build a barn if there’s no wood.” Tipping his hat, David winked at Grace before walking out the door.

  Grace smiled and went back to polishing the glass on the counter display cases. Before too long, she was finished and looked around the shop. Everything was ready for the day. Hearing the jingle of the door, Grace looked up to see her mother come in carrying another box.

  “Is that more food?” Grace asked, running over to help.

  “Nee, Anna Miller made a box full of Amish dolls to sell.” Barbara set the box down. “For some reason, the Englisch love these dolls. I can’t keep them on the shelf very long, and I’m sure they will all sell today, especially with the number of buses we have coming.”

  “I’m going to walk over to the schoolhouse. I promised Becky that I would help her set up for the day,” Grace said, looking into the box. “She has a whole lesson planned for those that want to learn.”

  “Wonderful! Rachel should be arriving soon, and we’ll begin setting up the tables for the meal. The buses are supposed to be coming by ten o’clock, so we have to have everything ready by then.”

  “I’ll help when I get back,” Grace said, before closing the door.

  As she walked along the road, she waved to several people busy preparing for the day. She was always amazed that the English found the Amish life so fascinating and thanked God every day for making the museum so popular. Without the museum, she didn’t think that Winfield Falls would be nearly as popular as it was and lots of Amish families lived a good life thanks to the employment that the museum offered.

  “Gut morning to you, Grace,” Ruth King, who worked at the quilt shop said. “Is your mamm at the store?”

  “Jah, she is,” Grace called out. “Looks like a busy day.”

  “It sure will be. A barn raising is always such a big attraction,” Ruth answered. “I promised your mamm I’d help set up the food tables.”

  Grace finally reached the schoolhouse. Not seeing Becky, she called out, “Becky, it’s Grace. Where are you?”

  “Ah, Grace, I’m in the back. Can you come and give me a hand?”

  Grace walked through the door that led to the supply cupboard of the school and found Becky trying to juggle about ten books. “Let me grab some of those, Becky.”

  “Danke. I guess that’s what I get for trying to do too many things at once. I figured we would have lots of Englisch today, so I want to make sure I have enough books.”

  “My daed said it should be a very busy day. I’m really excited,” Grace said, arranging the chairs so that each chair had a desk.

  “Did you see David this morning? You know, I think he likes you.”

  Grace giggled. “Jah, and I like him too, but he hasn’t invited me to go for a ride or anything yet.”

  Becky smiled. “Well, I’m sure he’ll ask soon. His eyes always light up whenever you come near him. It’s only a matter of time.”

  Grace sighed. “I hope you’re right. If we are meant to be together, it will be up to Gott. Between you and me, I hope He gives a sign soon. I hope I marry by the time I’m twenty-five.”

  * * *

  Chapter 2

  Lord, we pray that you will give us a good
day and that our barn raising will be a success. We pray that the Englisch that come here to watch us work will go away as better people because of their new knowledge and understanding that they will get from this day. We pray that you will give us all good health and we thank you for your love and guidance throughout our journey here on earth. Amen

  “Amen,” everyone repeated together. Raising their heads, they all looked at Samuel.

  “Gut, now let us all go and have a great day,” Samuel said to everyone who worked at the museum. “May Gott bless each and every one of you.”

  It had been a custom that before the museum opened each day, everyone prayed the daily prayer. They needed God guiding them each day, and even more so today because it would be extremely busy.

  “Do you have any Englisch helping out with the barn raising?” Barbara asked her husband.

  “Jah, five people signed up, so we’ll need clothes for them once they arrive,” Samuel said, checking over the papers.

  One of the activities offered by the museum was to allow some Englisch to participate in some of the activities. They would have the opportunity to dress in authentic Amish clothes and be part of the Museum. Today, because there was a barn raising, some men had signed up to help out. The women also were able to work alongside the Amish in the preparation of the meals. It provided the Englisch with a real hands-on experience to see how the Amish all work together.

  “Jah, I have clothes ready in the back room of the gift shop. We also have five women who want to help out too,” Barbara said. “I better go and make sure everyone is ready at the ticket booth.”

  “Where are you working today?” David asked Grace as the group scattered.

  “I’m in the gift shop and helping at the ticket booth. I’ll also be helping out serving lunch and dinner.”


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