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Sunset Heat: Bandicoot Cove 2

Page 6

by Lexxie Couper

  Nothing to prevent her seeing all of him. All of him.

  When did he do that?

  Did she really care?

  He stood before her, not an ounce of shame at his nudity evident. Her heart beat harder, faster in her throat.

  She swallowed, wishing she could think of something witty and funny to say. Instead, all she could do was press herself back into Addison’s body, his erection nudging her ass telling her just how aroused he was by the situation, and stare at Luke.

  His eyes glinted with an emotion she recognized. Remembered. The same emotion that had made them shine when she’d drunkenly blurted out her threesome fantasy back in the New York bar.

  “You remember I’m a fireman, yes?”

  His question made her blink. It wasn’t at all what she’d expected him to say. Was he kidding? How could she forget? She’d had dreams of being rescued by him over and over again since she’d run out on him. She was always naked in those dreams. He was always wearing his firefighter’s helmet and nothing else.

  “Yes.” Her voice was shaky. Hell, her whole body was shaky. Thank God Addison still held her to his body or she’d be a horny, shaky puddle on the floor.

  The corners of his lips twitched a little, as if he fought a smile. “Do you know what Ado here does for a living?”

  Kennedy shook her head. A part of her was mortified. She was in the middle of what was turning out to be the most intense sexual experience of her life, and she knew sweet fuck-all about one of her partners. Another part of her was too damn aroused and excited to care.

  Luke’s lips curled a little more, as if sensing her ridiculous conflict. “Addison Lancaster is an award-winning wildlife cinematographer.”

  Behind her, Addison’s hands continued to explore her body, his fingers brushing her taut nipple, his palm keeping her ass firm against his rigid cock. “Personally, I think my career is sexier,” he noted in her ear, his lips tickling her skin.

  Luke chuckled. “Not the point, cousin. The point I’m making is that both of us, due to various requirements of our work, are used to dealing with out-of-control things, if needed.”

  Kennedy’s pussy constricted at the claim. Tight. Fast. Hot, demanding need flooded through her. If she hadn’t only just had an orgasm she’d believe she was starving for release, the way her sex, her body was behaving. But then that was the way Luke had made her feel four months ago. Why would it be any different now? And with Addison’s hands and cock doing all sorts of wicked things to her senses… She was starving. Oh God, she wanted to come. Badly.

  The smile that had been playing with Luke’s lips finally broke. He flicked his gaze over Kennedy’s shoulder and grinned at his cousin. “Ever see me use a fireman’s hold, Ado?”

  Kennedy felt Addison’s chuckle vibrate through his chest into her back. For reasons she couldn’t hope to fathom, it made her pussy constrict again. “I don’t think I—”

  He didn’t finish.

  Without a word of warning, Luke snaked his arms around Kennedy’s waist and threw her over his shoulder.

  Chapter Five

  Addison watched Luke stride through the suite toward the bedroom, his breath rapid, his blood roaring in his ears. He had to give it to the convict; the man was strong. There didn’t seem to be any effort on his behalf to carry Kennedy, a laughing Kennedy, Addison noted, across his shoulders. Just as there didn’t seem to be any effort on his behalf to take complete and total control of the situation. That didn’t surprise Addison. Luke may seem like a laid-back chap most of the time, but laid-back chaps were rarely in positions of leadership like captains of the fire brigade. And Luke had always been a man who went after something he wanted. It was a family trait. That Luke wanted Kennedy was a bloody given.

  The way you want her?

  The question whispered in Addison’s mind. He couldn’t answer it. For starters, he didn’t want to. Not yet. Later. Later was always good.

  He crossed the suite to Luke’s bedroom.

  He’d never played second fiddle to anyone during sex. He was always in charge. Rakes never relinquished control of the situation, another family trait, but with Luke taking charge of this situation, Addison couldn’t help but wonder how content he was to go with the flow. There had to be a deeper significance to that, but if there was, Addison wasn’t interested.

  He chuckled. Two things he should be pondering, and he was happy to ignore both. Perhaps he was more of a laid-back chap than he realized?

  Sod it, the whole day has thrown you for a loop. You have no bloody clue who the hell you are anymore, do you?

  Another chuckle slipped from him. He did. He was the man about to share with his cousin the most mesmerizing woman he’d ever met. For the moment, that was enough.

  He crossed the threshold of Luke’s room just in time to witness his cousin toss Kennedy onto the wide bed and strip her trousers from her body. The sight—utterly primitive as it was—stirred something equally primitive and instinctual in Addison. His cock, already a bloody rod of impatient need, throbbed. Lord love a duck, it wasn’t going to take much for him to blow his load at this point. All it would take was one touch from Kennedy’s fingers on his dick, one feathering caress of her breath, and he was likely a goner.

  “Your plan, convict?”

  His question made Kennedy gasp. She shuffled herself on the middle of the bed, her stare moving from Luke to Addison. Her breath was shallow, rapid. Her lips parted. A high flush painted her cheeks again, her nipples twin points of obvious desire, one revealed to the room by her disturbed bra, the other still straining against the lace.

  “I’ll let Kennedy decide,” Luke answered, and Addison didn’t miss the rough edge to his voice. He was as close to losing control of his lust as he could be.

  With a grin, Addison dipped a bow to the woman on the bed. “Well, my lady? We are at your command.”

  Kennedy let out a hitching whimper at his statement, a statement designed to make her hot with desire. Luke groaned from the side of the bed, his cock—thicker and stiffer than Addison thought possible—jerking.

  “Or,” Addison continued, slowly approaching the bed, “we could just turn you into our sexual slave. Which would you prefer? To command us, to command Luke? Or to be at his complete and utter mercy?”

  “His mercy,” Kennedy gasped. “I want to be his sexual slave. Your sexual slave. Please.”

  Luke’s swift intake of breath told Addison his cousin liked her answer. As did the sudden spasm claiming Luke’s engorged shaft. Seriously, how did the bloke stay standing on his feet with that much sodding blood loss to his head?

  He turned his attention back to Kennedy, reveling in the open need burning in her eyes. He’d created that. “Slave, it is.”

  As if Addison’s words were all he was waiting for, Luke bent at the waist and took her nipple, the one exposed to the room, in his mouth. Just like that. Without warning, without preamble. Kennedy hissed, her spine arching, thrusting her breasts upward. Her hands fisted the silk duvet beneath her, her eyes closing and her head falling backward.

  It was singularly the most exquisite scene Addison had ever witnessed. His cock pulsed, straining against the material of his shorts. The urge to release his fly and pump his shaft surged through him, the ache in his balls encouraging that line of action, but he held firm.

  Not until he heard her come.

  Approaching the bed, he watched his cousin suckle on her breast, the sounds of her throaty whimpers pushing him closer to the edge. “You have such perfect breasts, love.” He smoothed his hand over her shin as he watched Luke feast on her nipple. “Do you enjoy having them sucked?”

  “Oh yes,” she groaned.

  She let out a strangled moan, her back arching again, her fingers burying in Luke’s hair. But only for a second. Only for the time it took before Luke lifted his head and turned his inspection to her newly exposed folds. “Fuck me, Ado, she’s wet. I can see her juices on her pussy. So wet. So…” Whatever he was going to sa
y never formed on his lips. Instead, he bent his head to Kennedy’s sex and stroked his tongue over her flesh.

  Had Addison thought the earlier sight of his cousin sucking on her nipple exquisite? That was nothing compared to the sight of Luke fucking her with his tongue. Nothing.

  A thick spasm claimed Addison’s cock, and he ground his teeth. Who would have thought the family rake could be so…surprised?

  Kennedy couldn’t stop her ragged moan. Nor could she stop her hands seeking Luke’s head, his hair. She wanted him to stay there. How could she not? She knew how phenomenal he was at making her come with his tongue and mouth.

  Just thinking about it pushed her closer to the precipice.

  But this time, there was more: her body’s undeniable response to Addison’s charm and sexual confidence, her pounding heart, her constricting, throbbing sex, her shallow breath, her hot, greedy need gnawing at the pit of her belly.

  She closed her eyes again, surrendering to the pleasure the two men were awakening in her. She didn’t think it possible to be so aroused from being at someone else’s mercy. But there was no fear, no doubt. Just pure, elemental desire. This was everything she’d imagined a threesome to be and more. So much more.

  New lips closed over her nipple, the one still trapped behind the lace of her bra. She cried out, the unexpected sensation making her tremble. Luke’s tongue lapped at her clit with greater pressure, his moans vibrating through her sex into her very core. Addison suckled on her breast, his hands roaming her ribcage, her belly, her other breast.

  Oh my God. Oh my God, Kennedy, this is…this is…

  The lips left her nipple before the delirious thought could finish forming, sliding to her other breast. Luke’s mouth left her sodden pussy lips, replaced by his firm fingers. “So wet.”

  He brushed them over the seam of her sex. Brushing, slipping and wriggling and stroking…

  “Oh yes,” Kennedy cried. Or maybe she moaned. She wasn’t sure. Not when Luke’s talented fingers found the most delicious spot inside her.

  Not when the realization she was right there, on the bed, naked and at their mercy, crashed over her.

  Oh yes. It was really happening.

  Her pussy constricted, gripping Luke’s fingers. She sucked in a hitching breath, fighting the waves of pleasure rolling through her. How could she be so close to coming already?

  “Fuck, convict. This is… She is…” Addison’s hoarse murmur sounded on her right, and she lifted her stare to his face. His gaze was roaming over her body, his eyes ablaze with a desire she felt in the very core of her sex. Gone was the roguish, confident Brit who’d made her belly tremble with his sexy charm. In his place was a man reduced to sheer carnal need. It frightened her. And flooded her pussy with wet want even more.

  “She is,” Luke murmured back. Like his cousin, raw desire burned in Luke’s eyes. Eyes that promised Kennedy everything she remembered and more.

  Without another word, he climbed onto the bed, positioned himself between her spread thighs and claimed her pussy with his mouth. Just as Addison captured her nipple with his mouth.

  They worked her body that way; Luke fucking her with his tongue and teeth, Addison feasting on her breasts, first one and then the other. Bringing her so close to orgasm more than once. Every time she cried out, a tremble rolling through her, Luke would withdraw his tongue from her folds, and Addison would raise his mouth from her breasts. They teased her, tormented her, building her impending climax with such perfect synchronicity it was all she could do not to beg and plead for more. For release.

  “Oh yes,” she cried out when Luke’s tongue slid from her pussy once more, his teeth nipping at the sensitive skin of her inner thigh as Addison’s mouth charted a path from her breast down to her navel, “please, please, I can’t… I need to… Please make me come. I need to…to come.”

  “So do I, love,” Addison groaned. “But the convict is in charge here.”

  Kennedy jerked her stare to Luke, her heart skipping a beat when she found him studying her from between her legs. His expression was unreadable, his nostrils flaring. An emotion boiled in his eyes she couldn’t decipher. A question? A demand?

  She didn’t know.

  He stared at her, jaw bunching, and then murmured, “The Statue of Liberty wasn’t the same without you.”

  The words struck her, the lost time, the lost pleasure of their meaning hitting her hard. Four months of time, four months of pleasure, lost to them both because she’d run.

  She stared at him, her climax throbbing deep within her, the one threatening to detonate in her soul. She stared at him, ached for him, and bit back a sob of wanton relief when he lowered his head to the junction of her thighs and thrust his tongue inside her sex.

  Her orgasm didn’t just detonate. It destroyed her. Shattered her. Tore her apart and remade her. She bucked into Luke’s mouth, a distant part of her mind aware Addison suckled on her breasts again, aware he was fisting his newly freed erection. Aware Luke did the same between her spread legs. But for a moment of frozen time, nothing else mattered except the sheer carnal pleasure of her release. Nothing else mattered except the orgasm shuddering through her body, possessing her. An orgasm she’d denied over and over again by her own stupidity four months ago.

  Luke wanted to sink into Kennedy’s tight heat. He wanted to straighten from between her legs, yank her hips off the bed and slam into her pussy. He wanted to feel her exquisite, slick walls squeeze his dick.

  His cock was so engorged it burned with pain at the mere caress of air on its stretched flesh, let alone the punishing grip of his hand. His sac felt like it was about to rupture. Christ, was he in this state because of the situation? The threesome? Or because he’d been deprived of Kennedy’s body, her laughter, her smile for almost one hundred and twenty days?

  He wished he knew. If he knew he’d be able to know what came next. If he knew he’d be able to prepare for what happened after this moment. But he didn’t. All he knew was he was drowning in lust, burning with desire, and the woman whose cream coated his tongue and chin was responsible.

  He’d never wanted to be inside a woman like he wanted to be inside her. Never wanted to satisfy one like he wanted to satisfy Kennedy. Never wanted to surrender to one like he did her.

  “Going to get us some condoms.”

  It was Addison’s rasping statement that lifted his mouth from Kennedy’s still-wet sex. He stared down into her face, loving the unadulterated pleasure softening her features. Damn, he wanted to be responsible for that expression every time. The thought of anyone else…

  What about Addison?

  He turned his gaze to his cousin. Addison was studying him, hand white-knuckled as he gripped his swollen erection, his expression as turbulent as Luke felt.

  Oh, Beaso…what have you got yourself into here?

  As with so many of his mental questions since Kennedy had returned to his life, he had no answer. Just a need to sink into her heat and hold her forever.

  “Because you may have the control of a sodding monk, convict,” Addison went on, a choked chuckle in the words, “but I’m this close to shooting my load, and I’d rather do it with as much British panache and poise as possible.”

  A shaky laugh escaped Kennedy. “I have a solution.”

  Luke’s gut tightened. His balls throbbed. A burning need for release sizzled the base of his spine. A monk, he definitely was not.

  “If you sing the Star Spangled Banner,” Addison said, “I’m going to be very disappointed.” He gave her a grin. “And deflated.”

  Lips curling, she slid her gaze to Luke and back to Addison. “Trust me.”

  Luke’s cock pulsed in his fist, his fingers damp with the beads of precome leaking from its tip. Whatever Kennedy was going to do, his body was already anticipating it. The pit of his stomach churned. A deep, primitive thrill threaded through him.

  She repositioned herself on her knees before Addison, her hand reaching for his fist-choked dick. The se
cond her fingers touched Addison’s, he let out a groan. As did Luke. There was no denying what she was going to do to his cousin now. Which left him where?

  As if hearing his silent question, Kennedy shot him a quick look over her shoulder.

  Luke’s breath caught in his throat. Her request was plain in her eyes. He didn’t need to see her flick her gaze toward her hips and back to him again to know what she wanted him to do. Take her. Enter her.

  Fill her.

  “Where are those fucking condoms, Ado?” he ground out, fresh, brutal need surging through him.

  “In the…” Addison’s answer disintegrated into a drawn-out groan.

  Luke bit back his own groan, the sight of Kennedy’s lips sliding down his cousin’s length almost undoing him. Jealousy roared through him. Jealousy and lust and desire.

  “Oh my God, love.” Addison buried his hands in the tumbled waves of Kennedy’s hair, his head lolling back, his eyes closed. “You have the most exquisite mouth.”

  It was too much for Luke. Too much. He couldn’t wait for Addison to get the condoms from his luggage. He wanted to be inside her. Now.

  Spinning on his heel, he stormed into the other room for his discarded cargos. His wallet was in his back pocket. He needed it.

  The sounds of Addison’s groans, punctuated by Kennedy’s low moans, played over Luke’s senses as he snatched up his cargos. He yanked his wallet out of the back right pocket and flipped it open, his body thrumming. Every nerve ending was on fire, ready, impatient for what he was about to do. He withdrew the square condom packet with shaking fingers. Raised it to his teeth. Tore it open. Pulled out the prelubricated sheath.

  Walking back to Addison and Kennedy, he almost dropped the bloody condom in his haste to slide it down over his straining dick.

  Where’s the controlled firefighter now, Beaso? The man never unsettled by anything?

  Here. Right here. Watching the woman he was damn near in love with giving head to his cousin, a man he loved more like a brother.


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